MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 398 new strength

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  Chapter 398 New Strength

   "Okay! Let's see how much effort I need from you to defeat me now..."

  Luke swung his gun, and the gunfire mixed with electric sparks splashed all over the place.

  After experiencing chaos and awakening, he no longer thinks about his past and present, and at the same time, he no longer has the distinction between clear sky and ☆clear sky in his heart.

  I am me, she is her.

  Clear sky will eventually become one and become the only one.

  ☆It's just the imprint left by her now, and it's a starry sky that I opened up for her in my spiritual universe.

  The clear sky, which is connected with each other, feels Luke's psychological transformation. Only a mature mind can control stronger power, and only a soul without gaps can fully exert its power.

  Qing Kong took out a few mysterious props and put them between his fingers to form an array with fingerprints.

   Secret Language: Advanced Training Ground

  The opening of the secret room technique transformed into an empty square with swaying light curtains on the walls.

"The advanced training ground can be maintained for ten minutes, and I will be your training partner with the strength of level 100." Qingkong pulled out the double knives in his lower back, and the whole training ground was filled with fighting spirit in an instant: "Get ready!" , let’s make the move first!”

  The rain brought ice and snow down, and a white layer of ice formed on the ground and spread towards Luke.

  The armor on Luke let out a dragon roar, and the mask of the dragon helmet fell. The fire whirlwind under his feet spread outward, pressing down on the ice rain and ice layer and unable to move forward.

  The sound of thunder was loud and deafening, and lightning flashed in the air one after another with sparks in between.

  The dragon's prestige is more prosperous, forming the image of a red dragon ascending!

  Luke chanted a spell, his legs were twined by lightning and boosted by rockets, and he rushed to the clear sky after an afterimage. The Greedy Red Dragon Spear exploded with dazzling highlights, and stabbed towards the clear sky with its dazzling gun flower.

  At the same time, a large fireball flew out from Luke's back, drawing a large arc in the air like a goddess scattering flowers, bombarding the position in the clear sky.

   Qingkong, who was determined to test Luke's real combat power, did not dodge. Her body was covered with ice-bound armor, and the layer-by-layer explosions on the armor surface reversed and impacted the fireball. The ice crystal eye opened, and Luke's gun path was seen through. One scimitar hooked the head of the Tan Chilong gun and swung it, and the other scimitar went forward along the handle of the gun to cut the front hand holding the gun.

  Short blade broken gun, as long as the gunner releases the front hand holding the gun, the flexibility of holding the gun in the back will be greatly reduced.

  Luke, who turned on the thunder-shrinking fire pupil, also saw clearly the number of clear sky, but the agility of clear sky is too high, seeing clearly does not mean that he can avoid it. Fortunately, his bloodline is characterized by high physical strength and high defense.

  Luke's front hand with the gun was already attached to the armor, and a dragon claw was attached to the hand again. Qingkong's scimitar cut a stream of sparks on the back of his hand, failing to achieve his goal of forcing him to let go.

   Then Luke, relying on his superior strength, pressed Qingkong's knife and forcibly turned the gun head, sweeping with one blow.

  The fire blade shoots out, and a thick bolt of lightning penetrates down.

  After one round, Clear Sky gave up the idea of ​​fighting against Luke for strength. It is obviously extremely unwise to compare strength with a dragon.

  Qing Kong used space techniques to teleport out of Luke's attack area, and then appeared behind him in a dodge. The body spun around and kicked out, hitting Luke's side face.

  Being hit so hard, Luke only staggered. He first used his carbine to stab the clear sky behind him, and released a wave of fire to attack his whole body indiscriminately.

  Luke's spear pierced the air, and the clear sky that appeared in the teleportation was also taken by the fire wave and did not attack accurately.

  The ice surface was born under Qingkong's feet, and she slid deftly following Luke's turning speed, preventing Luke from facing her head-on. Attack quickly at the first opportunity, then retreat quickly to keep your distance.

  Luke uses fire to chase the ice created by the clear sky to limit her movement space. Clear sky attack, he can block it if he can, and use the dragon armor's high defense and defensive spells to resist it. At the same time, the length advantage of the Red Dragon Spear allows him to keep a better distance from Qingkong, making it difficult for Qingkong to use her flexibility advantage in close combat.

   It’s just that Luke used all his abilities in the face of the clear sky. As the battle progressed, his familiarity with power made his combat effectiveness also increase. And no matter how Luke improves, Qingkong always looks like he has spare energy.

   At least Clear Sky didn't use her ability to control time.

   Ten minutes passed quickly.

   Luke, who was a little impatient, didn't hit Qingkong once, but was attacked again and again by Qingkong.

  Seeing that the time for maintaining the advanced training ground is coming to an end, Luke recites the ancient Shuojin language.

  The inlaid gold dragon armor is transformed into a golden armor, and the armor is thicker. The Greedy Red Dragon Spear also turned into a golden gun, and even the flames and lightning turned golden.

  Longwei turned into golden light, like an emperor over the world.

   Qingkong also recited the ancient Shuojin language.

  The slightly slender golden armor is attached to her body, showing her beautiful figure. Xingzhu Chenzhan retracted his scimitar, holding a golden sword in his hand.

   "Using the power of the dragon clan and the Shuojin people at the same time, you bully me. If I add the power of the angel, you shouldn't mind."

  The golden sword in Qingkong's hand was covered with a layer of holy flame.

   "It was me who was bullied by you for ten minutes. I will get back a round with this last blow."

   "Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

  Luke took the lead in the charge, and the heavy armor made him walk extremely heavy, and charged towards a heavy tank that was charging. But his speed was not affected by the heavy armor, and golden flames shot out behind him like rocket boosters.

   Then a pair of golden dragon wings stretched out from behind him. After flapping the wings, the man was pushed into the air.

  Holding the Tanchi Dragon Spear in both hands, he folded his dragon wings, and the rocket boost made him fall faster. The long spear swung up and then slashed down heavily, like a falling meteorite in the golden light.

  The momentum of the blow made Qing Kong feel the pressure like a mountain pressing down on the top.

   "Hey, you will smash this secret space, this is the basement of your house."

   It's just that the momentum of the heavy blow has already been achieved, and it can't be stopped.

  Qing Kong quickly pulled her strength to the highest level, she soared into the air, and swung the sword in both hands to meet Luke's spear.

   At the moment when the sword and the spear intersect, powerful energy collides and spreads. The secret technique training field that was originally prepared for this kind of high-intensity training was instantly shattered by the impact.

  The room returned to its original appearance, but Qingkong and Luke disappeared.

   Only a slight vibration shook the entire main building.

  On the top of a hill on the outskirts of St. Lun, Luke and Clear Sky appeared. The shock wave spread outwards with them as the center, cutting off all the grass and trees it passed like a sickle.

  Luke hit the top of the mountain heavily against the clear sky, and for a while there was a storm of gravel and smoke.

   "Does this count as my win?"

  In the deep pit that was smashed out, Qingkong was lying on the bottom of the pit, she was holding a sword in front of her chest, and Luke's round gun was pressing on her body.

   "If it is not necessary to allocate most of the energy to control the transformation of time and space, our position should be changed. Hey... can you get up first, do you know how heavy your double armor is!"

   "I'm sorry!" Luke stood up quickly, and his armor was lifted layer by layer. He jumped out and looked at the mountain in front of him and asked, "Where is this place?"

  Clear Sky lifted the armor and walked up. Seeing that Luke was shirtless, he took out a piece of clothing from the space backpack and gave it to him.

"We are in the western mountain area of ​​St. Lun City. Do you know how dangerous your attack with all your strength was just now! If I hadn't teleported us out in time, the villa you just got from Agatha would have been completely destroyed .”

  Luke was dressed, and said indifferently: "I don't know the power of my blow, but I know your strength.

  Although having you as a sparring partner made me adapt to strength quickly, but being beaten all the time made me very uncomfortable. "

  Luke's casual answer made Qingkong smile deeply and said: "It seems that you have completely lost your initial grudges against me, and you regard me as the person you trust the most."

"Again..." Luke was a little helpless to Qingkong who joked about himself from time to time: "This promotion of bloodline made me understand a lot of things, no matter how many secrets you have, you and I can't do without each other, and neither of us will harm who.

  Your secret, if you don’t want to tell it, don’t tell it. We have plenty of time to slowly make them a secret between the two of us. "

   Qing Kong looked at Luke, smiled and said, "You... no wonder so many girls like you.

   Who will you choose in the end? "

  The question of the clear sky reminded Luke of the vision he had seen in the confusion.

  The appearance of each girl emerged.

   "I don't know if the movement we just made caused confusion..." Luke summoned the Taotie to mount it, and then stretched out his hand to the clear sky: "Let's go back, before the incident becomes a big deal."

   Qing Kong, who didn't get an answer, didn't continue to ask, she grabbed Luke's hand and jumped onto Taotie's back.

   Taotie uttered a cry, jumped up and flapped its wings to take off.

  The vibration of the main building did cause quite a bit of confusion.

  This is the residence of the Marquis of Raging Waves City, where the most powerful people in the entire empire live. A shock here may be an earthquake in the empire.

   Fortunately, Luke came back in time and stopped the subordinates who were trying to blast into the secret room.

  Then is the summary of this lineage inheritance.

   Qingkong, who fought with Luke once, has the most say.

  The inheritance of the dragon bloodline is very high, and the dragon is worthy of being one of the most perfect and limited extraordinary creatures in this world.

  Strength, magic power, endurance, and defense are top-notch.

  The unexpected resonance with Taotie gained another strength boost.

   Qingkong rated Luke's strength at this time as five and a half stars, which was at the same level as Dean Willred.


  Luke still can't bring out his true strength.

   First of all, the adaptability to the newly acquired power is still very low, and he has brute force but does not know how to use it.

  " Clumsy, can only drop ten times with one force. This kind of fighting method is crushing downwards, but it is just a hard nut to crack when encountering opponents of the same level.

  You still need more training.

  Of course it is me as a training partner, I will train you well... just like you train me in the game. "

  Luke immediately corrected: "I'm not training, it should be training."

"Well, it's training." When facing Luke alone, Qingkong is completely genuine, she stretched out **** and shook: "Second, Qingkong's knowledge has given you a sufficient theoretical foundation, but you But I can't put theory into practice like I do.

  You have a huge database, and the use of magic and skills is not as good as an apprentice. "

  Luke said with approval: "Yes, when controlling the clear sky, everything is like instinct. When I release magic, although I know how to release it, there is always a little lag.

  When I was in Dongdu, I knew all the steam knowledge, but when I needed to use it, I had to ask Qingkong for help. "

   "Therefore, you need to make up lessons." Qing Kong took out a pair of glasses and put them on the bridge of his nose: "Turn what you think you can into what you really know."

  Luke rejected it when he heard the class: "Is it necessary to be so troublesome? Anyway, all this knowledge is in my head, and I can slowly experience it.

   You know I'm busy. "

   Qingkong, who is very interested in training Luke, said with a smirk: "I am Professor Qingkong of Oulu College, I am very experienced in how to teach students, and I can definitely teach you the most useful things in the least amount of time.

  One hour a day, half an hour to beat you, half an hour to teach you, you will soon become stronger. "

  Luke has not yet agreed, and someone outside the door announced: "Master Marquis, Princess Dai is visiting."

   "Let her in."

   Looking at the clear sky again, she has disappeared, and the glasses are placed on the table.

   Soon Princess Dai was brought in by the attendants.

  Looking a little depressed.

   "Your Highness, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "Luke..." Dai Er sat opposite Luke: "I came this time because I let you fulfill your promise to me."

  Luke poured a glass of low-alcohol honey fruit wine for Princess Dai, and asked, "Are you sure you want to leave?"

   Dai'er drank honey cider and said slowly: "I've been thinking about this these days. Sister Agatha is fine, Professor Qingkong is fine, and you are fine too. I am reluctant to leave you all.

  But what happened in the palace made me cranky every day and sad every night. You're all people who do big things, but I'm not... I can't bear it.

   Staying away from here is the only way I can think of. "

  Princess Dai'er lowered her head, tears dripping down the teacup.

  Luke knew that Del was very smart, and she would definitely guess that Fania was not the only one who died in the palace on the day of the coup.

  Now Emperor Augustine is not unable to show up due to illness, but has died in that coup.

  They are not just the eldest prince and emperor, but in the heart of kind Daier, they are brothers and fathers.

  Father and brother fight each other, I don't know how Dai'er got here these days.

   "We ignored you, I'm sorry!" Luke apologized to Daier: "If you want to leave here to change your mood, I can arrange it, and I can do it.

  Where do you want to go? "

   "Emerald Forest."

  Luke was a little surprised by Dier's choice: "Art Country, a country with forest elves as the main body. It is full of music, sculpture, painting, poetry... It is simply the dreamland of all intelligent life spirits.

  Are you sure you want to go to the Emerald Forest? "

  Daier replied affirmatively: "I want to study abroad at the Emerald Dream Academy in the Emerald Forest."

   Luke didn't dissuade Del, it was a good thing for her to be away for a while.

   "Okay, I will arrange an identity for you, and I will also explain the matter to Her Royal Highness the Queen and the Princess Princess. The Bureau of Secret Affairs will choose..."

  Princess Daier said: "I will go by myself."

   Luke paused, and changed his words: "Go yourself! No one will follow you, no one will know you."

   ☆It is to let readers have a transition in their understanding of the clear sky. I don’t know how the effect will be.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion