MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 9 Power rolling

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The captain of the team also saw his intention from Luo's action track. However, this man is very hesitant now. He really appreciates Luo's help, but who is the other party? That kind of weapon and super-precise killing ability, now running at the same speed as the night magic, this person is definitely an evolutionist!

Wilderness Code Article 2: Don't worry about nothing!

In the wilderness, an evolutionary suddenly helps a human fleet without any family. There is absolutely a deep intention in this. The quality of "the road is not flat and the help of the knife" has long gone with the collapse of the old times. Now is the era of individual beings.

"Captain, what do we do? Will this person be fascinated by our supply? Do we want to help him?" A soldier around the captain learned this and began to ask questions.

Just as the captain was meditating, there was a familiar sigh in his ear. He looked at the distance in amazement. The night devil leader who was shattered half of his shoulders stood up again, even though he was embarrassed. Spit blood, but still buzzing, continue to command the action of the night magic.

Under this snoring, the night demon who was chasing after Luo’s **** was suddenly divided into two teams. One team pursued the original road, and the other team walked around the road to the front of Luo’s attempt to kill him. It is the flank encirclement tactic commonly used in the pursuit of warfare. This simple detail reflects the extremely high biological wisdom of the night demon head.

"Mom, I can't manage that much! It's hard to come to an evolutionary. If he is dead, we can't live! Let's fight back the night!" The captain briefly judged the current situation and made a decisive order. "The three teams went to control the spotlights on the car and took care of the night demon leader! The four teams went to the machine gun tower, attacked the night devil head, and did not die, let it shut up! Others and me attacked the evolutionary, they are smart! If you can't do it, don't be stupid enough to sell for someone unknown!"

Luo worry here, he noticed that the survivors responded, and the command was not bad. The night demon leader was only able to escape after being hit by the spotlight and the machine gun. The night magic without command was quickly lost. After the formation of the team, and began to chase after the Luo worry.

Moreover, the survivors also organized a human hand to burst out. Although their earth-made weapons could not kill the night magic at a long distance, they could significantly reduce the speed of chasing, and the pressure of Luo worry suddenly faded.

Twenty seconds later, Luo worry and the human army are only ten meters away, and the night magic is only forty meters away from them. This distance, for humans to run is six or seven seconds, for the night magic. It's shorter, and it can be torn in the blink of an eye.

"Mom! Too close! Withdraw it!" The captain did not dare to take any more risks. He could do everything he did, and the rest would look at the evolutionary's own creation. He didn't want his subordinates and the nightmare to fight.

One second after the retreat order was issued, Luo Zhi finally met with them. He glanced at the desert eagle in his hand, but there was still a high temperature, but it did not affect the launch.

Luo worry suddenly fell forward, made an impeccable tactical roll, turned his face in the blink of an eye, locked the last three nights with a negligible time, and fired three shots again.

Three nights before the demon were still awkward, and the next hour, the head blossomed, and the bright blood fog appeared in the air, becoming three bodies.

After the three shots, the desert eagle once again overheated, can not continue to use, but there are three night magic, and has been veneered, and even can see the saliva on the fangs in the mouth of the blood.

The human captain turned his head in confusion and found that a night magic had already rushed to his front. The sword-like fangs had bitten quickly, and he could bite his head in less than half a second.

"Sorry, I didn't follow the agreement to come back..." The captain held the pendant with his family photo on his chest, and the other hand resolutely touched the grenade at the waist.

The captain’s hand touched the grenade’s pull ring, and there was a smack of sorrow in his eyes. Anyway, he was succumbed to death by the night demon. It’s better to pull a back cushion before he died. He almost broke his teeth and broke blood in his throat. Mania: "Don't underestimate humans! Monsters!!"

Just as the captain was about to open the ring, and when he was going to die with the night magic, he suddenly felt that his wrist was caught by something. When he was in a thousand years, he only had time to see a figure wearing a head hood and quietly came to the front, because the other With a bandage on his face, he couldn't see the face of the man. He could only see the deep red eyes behind the bandages, the gems that the gods blessed, but on this **** battlefield, they were more like wolverines. Fierce light.

Almost in an instant, the night magic attacked and bite down, but because of the blockage of Luo worry, the night demon did not bite the captain, but bite into Luo worry.

Although Luo Wiao tried to evade, did not let his head be bitten down, and the night magic did not bite his shoulder. In an instant, the flesh-and-blood stripping sound and the broken bones could not stop in the Demon The bite force is five times that of the male lion, that is, the iron can bite down, not to mention the human shoulder.

Just as Luo’s shoulder was about to leave him, the other hand holding the desert eagle suddenly lifted up. The overheated barrel burned like a soldering iron at this time. The temperature was extremely high. Luo worried directly to the barrel. Plugged into the eyes of the night demon.

Regardless of the creature, the eyes are fragile, and the eyes of the night demon are burned, and suddenly they scream and loose their mouths.

With Luo Xiao’s low voice, he lost the desert eagle and squeezed his fist. In the next second, his muscles suddenly began to inflate and expand. The high-speed flowing blood made the body look like a magma, destroying The power of **** condenses at one point and strikes the screaming night demon.

"Boom!" Under the horror of the captain, the head of the night demon burst like a watermelon, and the headless body fell to the ground after a convulsion.

The next two night devils attacked Luo worry at the same time, but they did not end up in a good end. One was kicked into two by the whip leg of Luo, and the other was opened by Luo Zhi, a **** The heart was hit and flew out a dozen meters away.

Since then, the nine night demons have been completely destroyed. Just as everyone is still in the shock of killing three night demons, the power of Luo Shouyi has not faded, and lightning has rushed to the night devil's collar.

Before the night demon leader was smashed by the magnetic sniper rifle and smashed half of the shoulders, and was hit by the spotlight and the machine gun. It was already fragile. It felt the fear of screaming and wanted to escape, but the stunned Luo Zhi directly hit It is divided like a lamb crushed by a tank.

"Successfully killed the night demon leader, the dynamic task is completed, and won the B-level reward point." The sound of the cube sounded in the mind of Luo worry, still mechanically cold, but at this time it was very sweet.

Read The Duke's Passion