MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1191 Time fireworks

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When Bai Mang shrouded his body, Luo You only felt that the sky was turning, everything in front of him lost its color, as if the body was floating on the sea, but the seawater was pouring into his nose but he didn't know it, and his senses gradually became numb. Hearing. Even though his eyes were closed, he saw black diffused into the field of vision, and the tide was higher than heavier, eventually drowning him all.

Darkness ... nothing ... chaos ... no temperature, no sound, no touch, all that remains is the fading consciousness.

When the darkness spread to the end, his sight became pale, countless noises like snow flakes swaying in the sight, and the seemingly soft and gentle singing in his ears urged him to sink into dreamland, where there is the only warmth in the world.

"Huh! Huh! ..." When Luo You finally opened his eyes, he found himself in an infinite space. Like the length, width, and height that human eyes can see, time has become some kind of observable vector here. One minute is 60 seconds, one second is 1000 milliseconds, one millisecond is 1000 microseconds, nanoseconds, picoseconds. , Femtoseconds, leap seconds, leap seconds ... in an instant, it is endless. In the true sense, infinite time faults spread endlessly.

Luo You is looking for the end in this infinite space. He wants to go back and continue to fight with Hoan Lisen, even if everything may be in vain.

"Ugh! Ugh! ..." Just as Luo You ran towards the non-existent exit, the baby's cry came suddenly. At this moment, the infinite space began to collapse, fold, and finally turned into horizontal mirrors. Luo You stood alone and looked up at the countless folded spaces. The number of them was 3.28 × 10 ^ 80.

3.28 × 10 ^ 80 horizontal mirrors are showing the same picture at this time: In the ordinary hospital delivery room, a baby is born.

"Mr. Luo, congratulations! It's a daughter ~"

"Daughter ... daughter is good! Hahaha! Little worry, you have a sister!"

In the delivery room, 3-year-old Xiao Luoyou was dragged in by his father and was in a daze in front of the baby in the middle. Outside of the screen, Luo You stood there blankly, just like the 3-year-old himself stood blankly in the picture. This is the scene of Luo Wei's birth. The reappearance of yesterday yesterday made him stop running, as if he really returned to the past and returned. Dream place.

Luo Youming was holding the mirror closest to him, he kept shouting, wanting his father to hear him, but he found that the infinite space and picture in which he was living were invisible and all the sounds would be blocked. He could only stand alone Here, silently staring at the picture in front of him, like a lone observer.

"Husband ... what's our baby's name?" On the bed, the mother was lying there weakly, her pale face could not conceal the joy of the newborn.

"Name ... I think ... name ... right!" Dad paced back and forth, he came to Xiao Luoyou with a baby and smiled happily, "Little worry, your sister is called How about Xiao Wei? "

Xiao Luoyou looked at the baby with her eyes wide open at this moment. She seemed to be a little unhappy. She shook her head and muttered, "No, I don't want my sister. With my sister, you don't love me anymore."

Outside the screen, Luo You laughed when she heard this sentence, but she cried with tears in her eyes, watching the scene with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, what do you say, why would n’t mom and dad love you! Come and hug your sister." Dad put Xiaoluo Wei in Xiaoluo's arms, and cautioned, "You can hold on. Ah! This is not your basketball, you can't throw it on the ground. "

Xiao Luoyou hugged Xiao Luowei, and her body shape was quite funny, just like the dwarf holding a carrot in a fairy tale, and she didn't know if she was uncomfortable. Xiao Luowei was crying louder and louder. Ward.

Looking at the overwhelmed self who was holding his younger sister at that time, Luo You's tears couldn't stop, sobbing and laughing sobbing, he looked at Xiao Luowei with deep affection and choked, "I love you."

Wonderful things happened, Xiao Luowei suddenly turned around, her eyes were on Luo You's eyes, her cry stopped, and she gave out a small, fluffy hand to Luo You, smiling babblely.

This year, Luo Wei was just born.


At home, Xiao Luowei is wearing a piece of children's clothing, crawling on the sponge board arranged by her parents, and occasionally picking up toys and stuffing her mouth.

The mother who was cooking saw this and hurriedly shouted, "Little worry, don't let your sister play with toys, it's dirty."

Xiao Luoyou took the toy from Xiao Luowei, Xiao Luowei crawled over and tried to **** the toy back.

But Xiao Luoyou listened to her mother and raised the toy up high. She also took a pinyin book and said, "Okay, okay, I ’ll play with the toy after I wash it, will your brother teach you how to read?"

Xiaoluo Weitong sat on the ground with his back to Xiaoluo, and his cheeks seemed to be angry.

Looking at Xiao Luowei's back, Luo You sobbed and said affectionately, "I love you."

Xiaoluo Wei turned around and looked at Luo You, his hands kept scoring in the air, his mouth snorted, and finally two syllables were issued: "Brother ~ Brother ~"

Xiao Luo froze, and the whole man jumped up from the ground and screamed, "Mom !!! Xiao Wei spoke !!!"

"Ah ?! What did you say ?!" Mom put down half the tomato and hurried over.

Xiao Luo worriedly said, "She just called my brother !!!"

Seeing Xiao Luo worriedly dancing, Xiao Luo Wei also waved his hand happily: "Brother ~ Brother ~"

"Oh! Great joy! ~" Mom took out her cell phone and called her father. "Husband! Our Xiaowei speaks! Right right right ~ Call your brother when you speak! Come back from work soon, today Let's have a hearty meal. "

Mother put down her mobile phone, and touched Xiao Luoyou's head and smiled: "Little worry, look, other people's children are called father or mother, Xiao Wei said brother, you see how much she loves you, you also Just love her ~ "

Xiao Luo worriedly hugged Xiao Luo Wei, kissed her on the face, and said sweetly, "I will protect her forever!"

This year, Luo was only half a year old.


Community kindergarten, this is where most civilian children first come into contact with society.

The bustling kindergarten entrance is the start of the school season again. Parents are sending their children here one after another. Some children are more outgoing and soon make new friends. Others hold their parents to cry and are afraid to go inside. At first glance they are all interesting beings.

My mother took Xiao Luowei's hand and said, "Xiao Wei, today is your first day of school. Listen to the teacher."

Xiao Luowei glanced at the bustling kindergarten, and flinched a little. She hugged her mother's waist as if for help, and said pitifully, "Mom, I want to go in with my brother."

"Stupid boy, my brother went to school this year, he has already gone to school to report." Mom touched Luo Wei's head and comforted, "Don't be afraid, my brother was also studying in this kindergarten before. The teachers in it are great and will teach you a lot. New knowledge, will lead you to meet many children ~ "

Xiao Luowei flattened her mouth and shrank into her mother's arms, looking like she was about to cry.

Luo You: "I love you."

Xiao Luowei looked at Luo You, ran out of her mother's arms, and jumped up happily: "Mom, the guardian spirit speaks to me again! With it to accompany me, I'm not afraid!"

The mother smiled angrily, pinching Xiao Luowei's face: "You girl, watch those silly cartoons all day long. Watch TV less in the future, read more books, hear?"

"Ah, you guys don't believe me, forget it." Xiaoluo Wei carried his schoolbag used by his brother and ran to the kindergarten happily. She smiled like an angel under the sun, "Mom, see you after school ~ "

"Well, I'll wait for you here after school."

This year, Luo Wei was five years old.


The psychological counseling room, the interior layout has been carefully designed, and the coordination and structure are very comfortable, making people unconsciously relax.

Accompanied by the whole family, Xiao Luowei sat on the bench facing the doctor, shaking his head from time to time.

The mother said anxiously, "Doctor, is there nothing wrong with Xiaowei in our family?"

The doctor looked at Xiao Luowei's psychological evaluation answer, touching her chin and said, "There is no problem in diagnosing the nervous system in the brain department. The psychological evaluation also shows that everything is normal. She is a very healthy child."

After hearing this, my mother was relieved, but she was still worried: "But Xiao Wei heard this ..."

The doctor comforted: "There are many aspects of auditory hallucinations, both physical and psychological, and even some unknown causes, which cannot be found in medical science today. In general, if harmless auditory hallucinations do not affect life, No special treatment is necessary. "

Mom sighed and said, "That's good ... our family has no money, and it's best without treatment ..."

At this time, Dad was a little upset: "What is no money? No matter how much money is, it is best to be sick, and to be cured if you are sick."

The mother countered, "I don't have any money. What kind of face do you want from a doctor?"

Dad frowned and stopped talking.

At this time, Xiao Luowei raised her hand, just like in the elementary school classroom, she said milkily: "Doctor, not hallucination, I can really hear the guardian spirit."

The doctor scratched his head and smiled helplessly: "Madam, I suggest you give your daughter psychological counseling at home, and tell her the difference between reality and cartoons without affecting the child's innocence."

Mother blushed and hurriedly rubbed Xiao Luowei's head and said, "Stupid girl, so stupid is not afraid of jokes, where is the guardian spirit in this world?"

"Really, trust me." Xiaoluo Wei looked around, beckoning, "Guardian spirit, are you there? Say a word."

Luo You: "I love you."

"You listen! It speaks ~" Xiao Luowei happily looked at Luo You, and the glory of the sun fell on her face, lighting up those crescent eyes.

This year, Luo Wei was eight years old.


Late night, winter home.

"Why is the rice cold ?!"

"You drink every day until you come back so late, how can I stay in the kitchen all day? Don't I have to sleep ?!"

"Do you think I'm willing to drink? Do you want me to drink when I'm socializing! Do you know how tired I am?"

"Oh, it makes me very easy, shopping all day, washing clothes, cleaning, and taking care of two babies, don't you think I'm tired ?!"

"I don't care if you are tired or not! I work hard outside and have no other requirements! I just want to have a bite of hot rice when I get home. Is it difficult ?! Ah ?!"

"Xiao Wei and Xiao You are both sleeping, don't make a noise!"

"What to sleep? Didn't you finish your homework assignments? Did you write the extra-curricular exercises ?! After a few minutes of exams, and playing games all day, this useless thing, Xiao Wei, will soon be bad for him!"

"How can you say that to him ?! Brothers and sisters have a good relationship. What about playing games together? You wo n’t be allowed to play as a kid, and you wo n’t have time to play when you grow up!"

"You called Luo You down."

"It's over 12 o'clock, what are you crazy about ?!"

"Call him down !!!"


The knocked-out furniture sounded, and there was still a thumping sound. Although the small room upstairs was heated, it seemed to be cold and bitter.

On the double bed, Xiao Luoyou and Xiao Luowei hugged and shivered.

Xiaoluo Wei buried her head in Xiaoluo's worries and weeping, "Did mom and dad fight ..."

Xiao Luo hugged Xiao Luowei tightly, endured the tears in her eyes, and said hoarsely: "Don't be afraid ... it will be fine ... it will be fine ..."

Not long after, the sound of a broken vase came downstairs, and at the same time there was a crying cry from the mother: "I want to divorce you!"

Dad shouted, "Leave away !!!!"

The urgent upstairs sounded, the door of the small room was opened, a drunk dad rushed in, opened the quilt without a word, grabbed Xiao Luoyou's collar, and dragged him out: "I killed you today Nothing good! "

"Wow! Don't ..." The two young children cried, holding each other unwilling to let go, and the mother with a shawl rushed in quickly, and motherhood broke out. She squinted her face tenderly and drew into her father's arm. Scratching and biting.

After all, Mom couldn't beat Dad and was kicked aside.

The young children couldn't hold each other either, and their clenched hands were pulled apart.

Before Xiao Luoyou was dragged out, Xiao Luo sits helplessly on the floor and whispered to his father, "Don't you love us anymore ..."

This sentence made Dad froze. His eyes, which had been ignited by Jiu Jin, went out instantly. He froze in place for a long time, unconsciously released his hand, leaned weakly against the wall, rubbing his red eyes, a word No hair.

Xiao Luowei and Xiao Luoyou hugged again. The choking sounds of four people echoed in the room at the same time. The warmth of the past had been quietly broken in the years, and the Quartet was about to be lost.

Luo You: "I love you."

Xiaoluo Weihua turned back with rain, looking at Luoyou, and nodded smartly.

This year, Luo Wei was eleven years old.


In KTV, candles were inserted on the birthday cake, lighting up the young faces.

Small ... no, I can't say it anymore.

Because of her outgoing and cheerful personality, Luo is the only “group pet” in her class. At this time, she wears a birthday hat on her head and smiles sweetly. She makes a wish in the birthday song sung by her classmates and blows out the candles. .

"Happy birthday to Luo Wei!" The students rushed over with laughter, holding Xiaoshouxing in their arms.

At this moment, the door opened, and Luo You, dressed in a school uniform, hurried in, grinning apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Luo Wei hurriedly ran over, dragging Luo You's ears and dragging back: "Okay! I haven't seen it for half a year, and there is something promising! Even my birthday is late!"

Luo You pretended to be in pain, and said with a smile: "Ah, I'm a junior in high school, and all the time I was asked by the teacher to do the papers, everyone was turning into a puppet."

Luo Wei snorted: "What happened to the senior year? Books can be read every day, homework can be written every day, and my sister's 14th birthday is only once."

"Regardless of your birthday, it's only once ..."

"Well ?! You dare to talk back to me!"

"Dare to dare, boss, I was wrong."

"Hum, just know what's wrong, I ask you ..."

"Love you and save you first."

"I haven't asked yet !!!" Luo Wei pinched Luo You's face angrily and said with a high toe, "Come on, what gifts have you prepared for me?"

Luo You was so pale that she was so scared that she had just finished her lesson after class. Where did you prepare the gifts? !! When he had a clever idea, he took out five or three from his schoolbag and smiled awkwardly: "I prepared a three-year simulation for the five-year college entrance examination."

"You you you!" Luo Wei almost died of anger, she sighed heavily, holding her arm and said, "Forget it, knowing that you are busy in high school, don't blame you if you don't prepare a gift. In this way, you give me a Ready-made gifts. "

Luo You asked tentatively, "What a gift."

Luo Wei smiled badly and raised his chin, saying, "I want you to tell everyone in front of me: I love you."

As soon as this word came out, the students at the scene immediately fry the pan.

"I'll wipe it !!! Explode !!!"

"Come on, talk! I'm ready to make a video!"

"Wei Mei is awesome! This time it's nothing!"

"Be loud! You must hear us all!"

"Gkd! Gkd!"

In a roar, everyone pulled out their phones and focused on Luo You and Luo Wei.

Before *, Luo You's face was red and white for a while, and she was speechless for a long time.

Does Luo You Love Luo Wei? Of course love, but love this kind of thing, many times do not need to say, it is difficult to say.

Luo You has loved Luo Wei since she was a child. Even after her parents divorced, Luo You would use her saved pocket money to buy tickets every holiday.

For a long time, Luo You loved Luo Wei with action. Now I want him to say that I love you, but in front of so many students, it is not a little awkward.

Luo You said awkwardly: "Changing ... Changing another, can't say ..."

Who knows, Luo Wei sat directly on the sofa after listening, began to wipe her tears, choked and said, "If you feel annoyed, just say ..."

As soon as Luo Wei cried, the atmosphere began to become silent. The classmates all shrank their heads. Luo You didn't expect Luo Wei to take a sentence so important.

"I love you," both Luo You said at the same time.

Luo Wei's face resembled that of a drama in Sichuan. She waved her hands to her classmates and smiled back and forth: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Did you record it or not? Send it to me! I will pass a circle of friends to execute publicly!"

Luo You's eyes were black and his face was as red as a monkey's ass. He smeared a cake and applied it to Luo Wei's face: "Dare to act !! See how I teach you !!!"

"Ah ha ha ha! Help! Brother killed !!!!"

This year, Luo Wei was fourteen years old.


In this infinite space, Luo You saw countless scenes.

Seeing the two going out on the weekend, they strolled deep into an alley, found a bookstore with rocking chairs, and drank tea while listening to the old man telling stories left in the past.

Seeing the sunset and the bell ringing, Luo Wei stood at the gate of the campus and waited for him to go home together. They ran out from the campus in a playful manner, gathered in front of the store with the sunset, and pinched the pocket money given at home to cheer. Snacks, her laughter echoed with the bell in the autumn evening wind

I also saw that when the two returned to the community together, the neighborhood was full of rice. My mother had already prepared dinner, stood in front of the window, and beckoned them, so that they hurried back to eat.

Time seems to change, and all growth and companionship seem to be flicked.

At the beginning, Luo You shouted desperately, but he found that there was an invisible gap between the infinite space and the picture, and the sound would be blocked, but there was a small probability that it could be transmitted.

Luo You has many words to say to Luo Wei, many and many, but in an infinitely small probability, it is destined to fail to pass the complete words, so he condenses thousands of words into three most common and ordinary words :I love you.

Keep repeating, keep repeating, no matter how remote this infinitely small probability is, the huge base can overcome everything, and the millions of sentences "I love you" can finally be heard by Luo Wei.

This infinite space is independent from the outside world. No matter how the time here passes, the outside world only passes a moment, but Luo You ’s physical sense time is normal. He has been watching Luo Wei from her birth and has been seeing 69 years. After the reunion, I looked at it for 69 years and said "I love you" for 69 years.

In the end, Luo You saw the scene of separation.

In the picture, Luo You trembled and said, "One year ... Will I wait for one year? One year later, today, and on your birthday, I will realize my wish to return."


Luo You rushed forward like crazy, however, the torrent of time turned into nature, blocking him with invisible barriers, he bumped with his head, bit his teeth, and shouted with a hissing noise: "Don't go! Don't go !!! Don't go !!! Don't go !!!!!!


"Don't ... go ..." Luo Wei said blankly, she clutched Luoyou's sleeves and wept loudly, "Don't go! The guardian spirit told you not to go! It told you to stay !!! It desperately asked you to stay! I heard it !!! Don't leave !!! "

Luo You closed her eyes and shook her head slightly, her voice blurring because of crying, "Xiao Wei, this is not the time to say this ..."


"Don't leave !!! Stay !!! Don't leave her !!!" Luo You shouted madly, because of excessive force, tearing of the vocal cords, and a slight **** smell in his throat, "Don't leave!" !!! "


Luo Wei reached out to Luo You, crying helplessly: "Guardian! Come out soon! I know you are there! Tell your brother ... tell him not to go ... please come out soon, OK? !!!!!! "


"Don't leave !!! Stay !!! Don't leave !!! You can't leave her !!! You can't go back !!!" Luo You's face was full of blood and tears, heartbreaking Crying, but he could only watch him leave, watching Luo only one person left, crying helplessly in the cold room.

Can not go back.

This is a heavenly situation of God.

Stay, still be companionable.

There is only one side to leave.

Can not go back...

At the next instant, 3.28 × 10 ^ 80 horizontal mirrors were broken, turned into fragments of sky-high fluorescence, and returned to nothingness.

In the darkness, Hoan Rison appeared. No, to be precise, there is no Hoan Rison now. After the seven sins are combined, the so-called "Hoan Rison" has disappeared. From a biological structure point of view, he is still Hoan Rison. ~ ~ But more accurately, it is the **** who inherits the power of extinction.

Hoan Lisen stood in front of Luo You, he put a finger on Luo You's brows, his voice sounded, ethereal and illusory, as if travelling through hundreds of millions of years, from here at the end of Xinghe: "tears?"

Luo You looked at Hoan Lisen, his eyes stained with blood.

Joan Leeson: "3.28 × 10 ^ 80 worlds, 3.28 × 10 ^ 80 you have been here, 3.28 × 10 ^ 80 you disappear with the wind."

Luo You: "What have they done?"

Joan Leeson: "Same as you."

Luo You: "My failure is long doomed, isn't it?"

"I told you that you might really be able to take her back and spend some short warm time, but all your efforts will be futile, and the world will eventually die." Then it burned turbulently around, as if open arms to Luo You, "But now, I can create a new world for you. I will pick up the dust of years for you and reverse the gloom of the long river, everything will belong to Your new world is endless, and the vast world will finally meet your wishes. "

Luo You: "A rosary?"

Hoan Rison: "Yes."

Luo You: "That's fake, really Luo Wei is in the world you want to erase."

Joan Leeson: "Choose resistance and you will lose everything."

Luo You: "I refuse." Hoan Lisen: "Then lose everything, just like 3.28 × 10 ^ 80 you."

The infinite space in front of Luo You's eyes shattered. The 69-year waiting turned into a flash, and he saw his own world again. At the end of the incarnation, Hoan Lisen penetrated his heart, Bai Mang covered his whole body, and wiped out everything. ..

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