MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1178 Dragon Blood Inheritance

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In the future sitting in her room, there was something on the table in front of her.

This is a faint overlay crown, made of thorny thorns. Although it looks ordinary, you can feel the gray color refracted as long as you are closer.

Crown of thorns.

Looking at the crown of thorns in the future, the eyes are not like looking at the dead, as if looking at some kind of life.

"What are you?" Asked the future.

The Crown of Thorns did not respond, as always.

"Why?" Asked the future.

The crown of thorns still had no response, as always.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and Mo Qian came in. He looked at the crown of thorns on the table and asked, "What is this?"

In the future, I took the crown of thorns and put it in my hands to play with, but my eyes were as deep as this boundless universe: "Do you think our universe is conscious?"

Mo Qian laughed angrily: "The universe is not a creature, why is there consciousness?"

"Really? What is a living thing? The so-called living thing is just a definition given by human beings based on the seven characteristics." In the future, he stopped, held the crown of thorns, and stared at it, saying, "Is there no biological characteristic in the universe? It It keeps expanding, just like the human body is growing. Countless lights are shining in space, just like our nervous system transmits signals. The birth and evolution of the astral body is like the division and dying of our cells. "

Listening to these words, Mo Qian unconsciously glanced at the sky outside the window, as if looking at the universe, but quickly hurriedly looked back: "What do you want to express?"

"I have tested it according to the latest instruments. The basic constituent elements of the crown of thorns are exactly the same as those in our universe. No, to be precise, they are completely covered." The crown of thorns will be handed to Mo Qian in the future, squinting, "said Bai Now, there is something in the universe, in the crown of thorns, you can think of it as an aggregation of the universe. "

Mo Qian took a step back and didn't dare to take the crown of thorns, and embarrassedly laughed: "It's impossible, it has gathered the entire universe, how heavy is it?"

"A parable." In the future, I did not forcefully pass the crown of thorns, but took it back into the space bag and put it in a hidden pocket, saying, "Anyway, this thing is better left. I am in Sanjiangyuan. I saw its power once. It was cracked and incomplete, but it could still swallow any basic definition. Now it has been repaired. If it is activated again, it will be really difficult to say. "

Mo Qian thought for a while and nodded and said, "Let's close it now. Now you need to think about the next war. According to you, just destroy all the cubes, right?"

"Theoretically this is the only thing that bothers me now." Putting a hand on the chin in the future, the voice also suppressed, "the means of erasing the universe."


"Yes. You think that since the particle statistics of the cube fragments are only 1, it means that our main universe has been exposed. In this case, why did n’t God do anything to us? Just erase us and turn the dimensional space into the original State, it can come. In this case, we should have died in the long run, there is no need to give us time to destroy the cube. "The eyes of the future fluctuated, tentatively," unless, not the last step, What other preconditions have not been met ... "

Mo Qian clenched his fist subconsciously: "Your suggestion?"

"Step by step, first destroy all the cubes under our control, then cross the sea, capture the island, kill Joan Allison, and destroy the last cube." Looking out the window and asking, "Is he back?"

Mo Qian followed the eyes of the future and looked at the past. When he saw the dust rising at the end of the horizon, and the military vehicle that had been separated for half a year, he felt a deep relief in his eyes and said, "Come back."


Half born, half dead. This is Luo You's first step into the command room.

Many of the deceased have left, and they can no longer be seen. But there are also a group of deceased people who stood in trouble and finally stood here, just looking at their faces, they can recall the past.

Mo Qian walked up, Yang Yang followed him, he came to Luo You, stretched out his hand slightly, and joked, "Can I hug you?"

Luo You froze and asked, "What?"

"I said, can I hug you?" Mo Qian grinned and said, "When I first joined the army, I touched you without permission and I was interrupted by two ribs. The nails are still in my body."

After the silence, Luo You showed a slight invisible arc on his lips. He reached out and embraced Mo Qian and Yang Yu at the same time.

It has been 42 years since the collapse of the three, and the three have not seen it for 42 years. The three old comrades-in-arms who have gone on different paths have finally met again in this changing age, just as when they were young.

After embracing each other, Ye Zixiao stepped forward and said, "Okay, now every second counts, you dumb duo do n’t stop here. Luo You, there is something for you."

The crowd came to the hibernation cabin, where they saw the cold hibernating kite, Luo You looked at her from the compartment, and said quietly, "Did she also grow old?"

In Chang'an, one person is under house arrest to the north and the other is in prison.

Luo You hasn't changed, but the peerless eagle of the year was already an old man who lost everything at this time.

After the double identity confirmation of Mo Qian and Ye Zixiao, the sealing device was opened, and Long Jing and Dragon Blood, which had been preserved for 5 years, were displayed in front of Luo You.

This is the power of the old man, and the last hope of ending the collapse.

Luo You stretched out her hand, put it on the sealing device, and spread the differentiated tissue of IPS stem cells. She took dragon blood, covered dragon crystal, and swallowed it.

Just for a moment ~ ~ The power of dragon blood began to flow in Luoyou's body, and dense skin spots appeared on the surface of the skin. Corner.

Looking at the hot spots on the skin, Luo You only felt the power that had never been before. He knew that he was now an outsider.

With a wave of his hand, Luo You set off a choking heat wave, and said to the sleeping Lone Kitty, "Go and end the collapse, with me."


Collapsed In May 55, the second outsider came, and the 107 remaining cubes in continental Europe and the 287 cubes of the federal land were all destroyed under the black dragon's breath.

Since then, there is only the last cube left in the world. It is located on an island on the other side of the ocean and on the final battlefield where the gods watch.

In June of the same year, the coalition forces rallied comprehensively, concentrating all the elite airborne forces on the coastline and launching the second round of island seizures.

Looking across the shore, the human sword points to the gods.