MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1174 Guardian spirit

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Upon hearing the words "Guardian Spirit", Luo You smiled helplessly: "You started again."

Guardian spirit, this is what Luo Wei imagined.

Luo Wei was not an ordinary child since she was a child. For example, she was born. At the time, family planning was still implemented in the country. Super birth was punishable. However, Luo You ’s parents wanted a daughter so much that they secretly gave birth to everyone He paid a huge fine.

At that time, Luo You, a 3-year-old, was able to remember. When the father took out Xiao Luowei from the baby, to be honest, Luo You was very unhappy. He felt that his parents would fall out of favor after having Xiao Luowei, so he Determined not to talk to Luo Wei in this life, and refused to admit that they were brothers and sisters. However, this "determination" disappeared after a minute.

When the father came to Luo You holding Xiao Luowei, Xiao Luowei, who was still crying, suddenly laughed and kept pinching Luo You's face with his fleshy little hand.

Luo You let his face be shaped into various shapes. When looking at Xiao Luowei's smiling face, he couldn't hold his face anymore and laughed with a stun. At that moment he finally understood that this is not just his sister. Still an angel in his life. Perhaps it is because of the unusual birth that Luo Wei is destined not to be an ordinary person. When she was still sensible at the age of one or two, her parents often found that Xiao Luowei would always stare at a certain place, as if there was something there, and sometimes she even waved inexplicably to the air and babbled.

At the beginning, parents didn't care. Little children, weird and strange behaviors.

But after Luo Wei grew up, this kind of thing continued. She always claimed that she could hear someone talking, but her parents couldn't hear it at all, and Luo You didn't hear it.

By the year of elementary school, Luo Wei ’s auditory hallucinations did not improve. His parents were a bit worried, so he took Luo Wei to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and even consulted a psychologist, but the test results were normal, and the psychiatrist also said that Luo Wei ’s cognitive ability Normal, cheerful and mentally sound.

Now that the doctor has said so, plus that Luo Wei has no weird performance other than occasional conversations with the air, her parents have not interfered too much, and think that she may have watched some weird movie, and shaped herself into a strange Existing friends. ——Well, children always like these mysterious things. In this way, Luo Wei grew up peacefully in the company of his family. The strange voice was also called "guardian spirit", and it became a part of Luo Wei's life.


At this time, Luo Wei raised the guardian spirit, and Luo You didn't talk about this topic for a long time, so he sat down holding Luo Wei, kissed her on the face, and then raised his head, as if guarding him. Ling challenged: "See, guardian spirit, can I 唧 Xiao Wei, can you? Uh huh? Can you?"

"Hahahaha, why are you so bad!" Luo Wei laughed and gave a kiss on Luo You's face. She waved at the air and said sweetly, "Guardian spirit, this is my brother. Don't be jealous." Oh."

Luo You followed Luo Wei's eyes to the sky, and asked tentatively, "Where is it?"

Luo Wei shook his head and said with regret: "I don't know, I can only hear its voice, I can't see it."

"Really?" Luo You felt more and more interesting. He closed his eyes and listened for a while, but only the sound of the wind blowing the wilderness. He opened his eyes and asked with interest, "So, what does it say to you now?"

"Wait a minute, I listen, I don't always hear it, it is very occasional, I don't know if I can hear it now." Luo Wei leaned on Luo Youshou, closed his eyes and listened.

The autumn wind is bleak, the setting sun sinks, the wind caresses the cheeks, is not as cold as the winter breeze, nor is it hot and lazy, and there is no tenderness and delicateness of the spring breeze, only with a trace of coolness and loneliness, gently infiltrating the heart .

"Ah !!! I heard it !!!" Luo Wei opened his eyes in delight and said happily, "It just said, I love you!"

Luo You's face was aggressive: "Really?"

"Really! I tell you, the thing I hear the most is" I love you ". Every time I hear the guardian spirit, it says I love you." Luo Wei leaned lazily on Luo Youhuai In the middle, he said with a smile, "I often hear it during class, while eating, and when sleeping, especially romantic ~"

Luo You asked dryly, "Why does it say so many times I love you, is it bad to say something else?"

"Well ... I'm thinking about this, too." Luo Wei shook his head, and suddenly hippie smiled and said, "Well, are you jealous?"

"What vinegar do I eat? It only needs to be jealous!" Luo You embraced Luo Wei, looked right into the air, and said arrogantly, "Hey, guardian spirit, I can hold Xiao Wei, you can ?"

"Hahaha, you're just jealous!" Luo Wei reached out to the air ~ ~ comforted, "Guardian spirit, don't be angry ~"

Luo You turned her eyes and deliberately made a difference: "Xiao Wei, ask you a question. Do you prefer brother or guardian spirit?"

This question got Luo Wei into thinking. Whoops, who should I choose? My elder brother and guardian spirit have grown up with us since childhood, one is visible and the other is invisible. One touched, one touched. Of course, my brother is my brother, but the guardian spirit said that I love you for decades, it is not easy.

Soon, Luo Wei responded to the idiom of a small kid, and she smiled badly and said, "If my brother asked me this question, I would say he prefers my brother. If the guardian asks me this question, I would say that I prefer to guard spirit."

"Okay! You scheming !!!! Eat me a tickle attack !!!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha !!!"

Luo Wei was really ticklish, he laughed and earned from Luo You's arms, and fled to the country trail that was reddened by the setting sun. He still remembered to turn his tongue and provoked Luo You: "Slightly, come after its me."

Luo You patted the grass on the trouser legs, raised her chin and said, "I'll let you run 39 meters first!"

Luo Wei bouncing and said, "No! No, I can't run you at 39 meters ... this way! You fish for a while, don't peek! I'll find a place to hide, and you will come to me after 5 minutes ! "

Luo You turned around and blindfolded: "Okay, you can hide."

Luo Wei drove away with a smile. This time, he must move his brother around. This is the best place to hide in the rural wilderness. Just find a haystack and drill. The brother can find the collapse!

Luo Wei ran on the country road and was looking for a suitable hide-and-seek location. Suddenly, a deep engine sound came, and in this paradise, cars are not common.

Is this a guest?

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