MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1145 My Homeland

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In principle, Mu Xi's idea is very simple. She has already collected a large amount of silver iodide-based catalysts early in her space bag. As long as these catalysts are densely injected into the cyclone, a large number of ice crystals are generated in the cloud and frozen drops are released and frozen. Latent heat, the energy inside the cyclone will be redistributed to achieve the purpose of turning.

Although the Keystone Institute has been abandoned, many large instruments have not been transported, including an aerial launch device that can be used to launch catalysts to promote cyclones.

After listening to Mu Xi's plan in the future, he said anxiously: "Are you sure we can manage this plan? This means of affecting cyclones has not been done by human beings, it has been done in history, but the end result is that cyclones are out of control. The ensuing typhoon caused thousands of casualties. "

It can make the future worry, indicating that this is a very risky thing.

"I can't guarantee ... because the internal energy structure of a cyclone is changing at any time, I can only make predictions through mathematical models. So, to succeed, part of us rely on man-made, and a large part of luck ... "Obviously, Mu Xi did not dare to pack tickets for such things, but her eyes were still firm." This is the last thing we can do. Try it regardless of danger or not, don't you? "

"Generally speaking, I don't want to place my hopes on Tianyun, let alone doing things with less than 50% power, unless I have enough money." Speaking here in the future, he paused and touched Muxi's backhand. He said with a big grin, "But who made you my student?"

Mu Xi smiled happily. She hugged the future and said, "You are my best teacher."

Soon, the two began to act.

The chip in the future head comes with super powerful computing power. She is responsible for connecting to the central computer and monitoring the mathematical model to analyze the real-time changes of the cyclone energy distribution.

Mu Xi is responsible for controlling the launching device to launch the catalyst to the designated position in the cyclone.

The launching device opened soon, Mu Xi poured all the catalyst in the space bag into it, and then sat down in front of the computer to open the real-time screen.

At this moment, the sky was exposed in front of Mu Xi.

There is always one sentence in textbooks: man and nature live in harmony.

This sentence sounded very elegant, but revealed the arrogance and self-righteousness of human beings.

Human beings regard nature as a friend and a mother, and want to return it, and also want it in return.

However, in the face of nature, the so-called human beings are just clouds and smoke. It has seen countless lives dominate the earth in billions of years, and human beings are just one of them.

Above the sky, a giant cyclone with a diameter of several thousand kilometers has already taken up every place of sight. The scorched and shattered clouds revolve like beasts, and the part where the land and the sky meet is separated by giant forces and separated by white snow. The covered continent and the haze of chaos have become two worlds.

Cyclones converged violently, and huge wind eyes formed in the center of the cyclone, as if tearing the entire universe, opening a giant eye like a black hole, overlooking this dreadful world.

As a meteorology student, Mu Xi had great awe of nature, and at this time, when she looked at the wind like a tiny ant, she realized that she still had too little awe.

It is a mistake for humans to have feelings for nature. The existence of nature transcends the gods. It is wind, rain, stars, earthly things, and the basic law of maintaining the existence of the universe. It is irresistible and not qualified to resist. .

Now, human beings stretch out their tiny fingers and challenge the vast nature.

Mu Xi opened a communication with the future: "Teacher, I'm ready here."

The communicator answered: "I will send you real-time data of the mathematical model and adjust the placement based on it."

"it is good!"

"Mu Xi ..."


"Be careful."

"I will."


Under the sky, the launching chamber of the Keystone Institute was opened, and the diameter of the launching muzzle was five meters, but it was so small compared to the vast sky. The catalyst stretched into a fine white line in the air, whistling to the designated location.

The voice of the future came through the communicator: "The catalyst hit the designated location, and the energy distribution inside the cyclone is changing."

Mu Xi hurriedly asked: "Is the data correct?"

Looking at the data from the weather monitoring software in the future, he said: "Roughly correct, the cyclone is moving in the direction we intended, it ... wait ..."

Suddenly, items of red data began to appear on the data interface, and they became more and more like a tidal wave. Seeing this in the future, he suddenly turned pale and said loudly, "Wait! Not quite right! The cyclone is moving in the right direction, but the height is decreasing!"

Needless to say in the future, Mu Xi has discovered this scene through the live screen.

Cyclones with a diameter of thousands of miles are being lowered by the catalyst. Black clouds gather in the strong wind, and a dark rain begins to fall. The air pressure at the eye of the wind is getting lower and lower, and even a ring-shaped strong thunderstorm appears. The temperature is falling at a speed that can be detected on the surface of the body, and the snowstorm is getting more and more intense.

Holding the communicator in the future, shouted: "Mu Xi! We have to stop! It is too dangerous! The structure of Keystone Institute will not support it!"

Mu Xi was still sitting in her seat and calmly controlled the launch device based on future data. She said: "Although the cyclone height is decreasing, the horizontal direction is correct. The altitude of the Keystone Institute is high. As long as the direction is correct, the cyclone can Reach the eastern empire! "

"It's not a question of being correct! It's too dangerous! Don't do it !!!" Just after I called in the future, I heard something suddenly, and my face turned pale. "Oops! The research institute is collapsing !!!"

"Boom !!!" The price of trying to control nature came. As the cyclone got lower and lower, the storm became more violent. A strong cold current rushed directly to the Keystone Institute, shaking the building structure and the howling rage. Crazyly stripped the building materials layer by layer and got involved in the sky. The Keystone Institute is like a lonely boat on the sea, caught in the stormy sea.

Not long after, the top of the Keystone Institute was lifted off, terrible low temperatures poured in with wild winds and snow, frost spreading at a rate visible to the naked eye, and everything was freezing.

The future almost shook his throat: "Mu Xi !!! The temperature in your room is dropping rapidly !!! Run away !!!"

"No! Teacher, I have detected that the drop device is affected by low temperature and the operating power is decreasing! If the control core cannot be heated up, it will soon go down!"

"Then what can you do ?! We can't help it anymore! This plan won't work, we can't fight this cyclone !!!"

On the other hand, Mu Xi, she was still sitting in front of the computer, her fingers became purple in a short time, and some of the epidermis even appeared to be necrotic, but she was still operating on the keyboard. She exhausted her last strength to put the delivery device into automatic mode, and immediately stood When I got up, I was confused and looked at the frost that was constantly spreading around. They were already attached to the surface of the dropping device, and soon they would spread and freeze the core. By then, everything would be all right.

Mu Xi shook her hand and picked up the communicator, and asked, "Teacher, can you increase the power of the appliances in the institute and overload all the heating devices here?"

"It can't be done! Many circuits have been damaged and can't be opened! There is nothing to heat up! The temperature there is already over 80 degrees below you !!!"

Needless to say in the future, Mu Xi also knew that she was in a frosty hell. She was looking for hope confusedly, but could not find anything. I can only helplessly cover my mouth with my hands and keep breathing for warmth.

When the remaining nerves on her hands felt the warmth, she stared blankly at her frosty hands ...

Heating ...

Hope, isn't it here?

"Teacher, I found a way to keep the core warm."


"There is one thing, as long as it is alive, its temperature will always be 37 degrees Celsius." Mu Xi took a dagger out of the space bag and cut her clothes directly from the middle. The warm body quickly emerged from the frost. The white heat filled her voice, "My body!"


When the future rushed into Mu Xi's room, she saw a very shocking scene.

Mu Xi used her body to stick to the core of the device, and her body temperature was continuously transmitted, slowing down the spread of low-temperature frost, even if it was insignificant, but it was slowing down. The price was that her skin was all stuck to the surface of the metal body, frozen in a large area and necrotic.

The future is broken: "Are you crazy ?!"

"Teacher ... Please help me ... Now that the cyclone has not broken through the critical point, the core must not be damaged ... Must let the cyclone continue to move ..." Mu Xi was now frozen all over her body, even turning her head. Unable to complete, only a weak and firm voice came, "The motherland ... needs this cyclone ..."

According to data estimates, it will take more than 30 seconds for the cyclone to reach the critical point of movement. However, according to the current temperature drop, if it cannot be maintained, it is likely that the core of the device will be frozen in less than 20 seconds.

"Abominable! No matter what! Come on !!!" In the future, they will be struck **** their own electrodes, forcing the body's operating efficiency to the highest, in order to stimulate the body temperature far beyond ordinary people, struggling to the other side of the core, Put your body up, "Nature, I fight with you !!!"

Future and Muxi are like large and small stoves, constantly transmitting temperature to the core with the body to maintain the normal operation of the delivery device.

However, the extreme cold intensified. When the ceiling was completely lifted off, the low temperature instantly enveloped the two people. Frost was like a magic claw trying to grasp the core of the drop device, but was blocked by Mu Xi and his future body. outside.

In the future, it can be felt that even if the operating efficiency of the internal system is full, her body temperature is still losing, and the whole person is as cold as ice, and she even loses consciousness for a while.

This is a tug-of-war with time, either the core is frozen first, or the cyclone reaches the critical point of movement first.

There is only one winner for man and nature.

"Hold on ..." The snow has covered everything, visibility has dropped below half a meter, and nothing can be seen. Only Mu Xi's voice still echoes in the howling wind, "Hold on ... my motherland ... . "




"Critical data has been reached and the automatic operation system is about to be shut down."

The passage of time is fast and slow. I don't know how long it has passed in the future. I just feel that my consciousness has been exiled into the darkness by the extremely cold low temperature. The darkness is raged until a weak system prompt sound comes through the snow.

Slowly, the consciousness of the future began to become clear. Although the surroundings were still cold, data had been transmitted from her life monitoring system, and the surrounding temperature was slowly recovering ~ ~ This means that the cyclone has begun to move away from Keystone Institute, moving towards the eastern empire!

It may take days or even weeks, but it will eventually get there!

"Successful ... Xiao Muxi, we succeeded !!!" When consciousness finally woke up, the future was paralyzed directly to the ground, her back was covered with frost, and the skin in front of her was torn off due to pulling The necrotic epidermis, the eyes were frozen and could not be opened, but still smirked like a lunatic, "Success !!!! Success!"

no respond.

In the future, he covered his eyes vigorously, and the remaining temperature of the palm of his hand opened the snow that froze the eyelids, looked forward, and called subconsciously: "Xiao Muxi?"

When the scene in front is clearly seen, the future is completely frozen.

The entire control room is already ice-cold, and the drop device is covered with thick ice cubes, but its core location has not been damaged because a body is attached to it, blocking it from all the cold.

In this beautiful frost and snow, Mu Xi has been frozen into an ice sculpture, as if integrated with it ...

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