MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1124 Leader arrest

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Collapsed In mid-April 50 years, the Noah's Ark fell into the northern snowy fields for unknown reasons, including Mr. Chen, Nara, Death Ophelia, and Asakura. The entire ship did not survive, and stood at the peak of the collapse era. The 50-year trial parliament was eventually crushed into dust.

For the shareholders and judges who rushed to the front line, this was undoubtedly the darkest blow in this life. Some of them were negotiating with the Jiangnan Army, and some were fighting with the church knights. Talking, talking, and finding their home base. Gone, everyone became homeless.

For a highly centralized organization such as the trial parliament, once the superstructure collapses, the lower structure basically collapses. In addition, most of the judges serve the trial parliament out of money. Now the Noah's Ark has fallen, With the demise of the trial council, the so-called cohesion naturally ceases to exist.

The fall of Noah's Ark is like a giant wave. The remaining shareholders and judges are like sand dunes. When the big waves are washed, nothing is left.

Someone fled, and has since returned to the mountains, regardless of world affairs.

Some people judge the situation and choose to join the church to help them.

Others still have loyalty and blood in their hearts, and they are on the empire's side.

However, no matter how they choose, everyone has been separated, fighting on their own, and there is no longer a trial parliament in the world.

The demise of the trial council is like a key that unlocks the magic box, making times change faster than ever.

Earlier, Yin Shuai Ou Chen had reached a preliminary consensus with the Cross Church, allowing the knights to enter and destroy the fleeing army headed by Mo Qian and Ye Zixiao.

The 200,000 church support troops set off from Changan under the leadership of Knights of the Round Table and rushed to Jiangnan.

However, the cross church ignored Ou Chen's unstable character. This guy was capricious and distorted. When he was in a good mood, he could say two sentences. When he was in a bad mood, he would mess up without rules. Don't speak any principles or truth.

Recently, during the torture of a dancer, a dancer resisted Ou Chen, detonating his inner violent factors. Ou Chen directly threw the dancer into a meat grinder and broke the treaty to deny entry to the Cross Church.

The 200,000 church support forces wouldn't want the other party to change their guts like this. When they traveled, they only took 7 days of supplies. They had already consumed them on the road, but they said they would not let them in at the Jiangnan border. The 200,000 soldiers could not enter the Jiangnan, and they could only go back hungry. Coupled with the previous policy of solidifying the wild walls, they could not add weight along the way. If it was not for Changan's timely dispatch of support, these 200,000 church knights would starve to death inexplicably. on the way.

Hoan Rison was obviously annoyed by this kind of thing, and issued three Pope orders in succession, preparing to send an army to suppress the situation.

Later, under the tremendous pressure of war and the kneeling petitions of the aides, the handsome Niu Ouchen finally agreed to restart the negotiation, but there was a condition that the Cross Church was required to send people to help annihilate the Linjiang fleeing army and clear the insurgents. , Can be reconciled.

Therefore, the Cross Church sent a special envoy into Jiangnan. This man had a clever idea and used soldiers like gods. Under his guidance, the Imperial Army took the lead, interspersed, surrounded, and intercepted. Every move of the river to flee the army was lost. Under control, the main force was defeated in a decisive battle, the remnants fled, and the core member Mo Qian was captured.

Collapsed On May 27, 50 years, Mo Qian was taken back to Linjiang and met the legendary "envoy".

Looking at the young man in front of him, Mo Qian smiled ironically, "Luo You really brought out a good lieutenant."

Yes, the special envoy sent by the Cross Church to assist Ou Chen's bandits is not others. It is the commander of the frontline of the Hundred Days Chang'an Undead Army, and his lieutenant General, Chu Fan.

Although Mo Qian has studied with the old Jiaohuazi for decades, the old Jiaohuazi taught him more about power and authority. Although the art of warfare is also a key professor, no matter how he teaches it, he never talks on the field. He ca n’t wipe out Mo Qian ’s first time. Lead a series of disadvantages.

And Mo Qian's opponent, Chu Fan?

A master's degree in a military school, 34 years of undead army deputy, 34 years of battlefield experience, and more than a hundred days of training in the Changan defense battle, commanding 600,000 troops against 35 million troops, and taking more than 8 million killings. Climb out of the front commander.

The two-player game is like a swordsman duel. Teacher Mo Qian is well-known, showing his sharp edge, and remembers all kinds of exercises. Swinging, hitting, chopping, and splitting into battles, sometimes frontal attack, sometimes swords go to the front, and dance in a windy style, but always a bit flashy.

Where is Chu Fan? The sword demon killed in the battlefield is as savage as a man, stained with blood for thousands of miles, and you can move in various ways. He doesn't move like a mountain and pierces the heart door.

Although there are many other unfair factors in the contest between the two, the end result is that one person is a guest and one person is imprisoned. The result of this world is supreme, and what is the process is not important.

Looking at the downcast Mo Qian, Chu Fan was expressionless and just made a "take away" gesture.

When Mo Qian was about to be detained, he turned his head and asked coldly, "Aren't you ashamed?"

Obviously, Mo Qian was saying that Chu Fan betrayed Luo You and caused Changan to fall.

"Ashamed, why should I be ashamed?" Chu Fan stopped and walked away, looking back, without the joy of the victor in his eyes, only death-like grayness, in fact, since Cecilia confessed before him, His eyes have always been like this, "I paid everything for the general. When he left, it was I who helped him to settle the army. ~ Where were you? When he was promoted, it was my help He made a plan, where are you? When he was in trouble, I will not give up, where are you? At the end of the Changan defense battle, we were left in Changan as deserters, everyone knew that this battle will be defeated, but I stood up without any hesitation. , And help him to run out of food, where are you? "

"I did everything I could, and I'm not sorry to anyone." Chu Fan turned around and left silently, leaving only a sad word, "I just didn't accompany him to the end."

Immediately, Mo Qian was put into death row.

Because there are still many remnants of the Linjiang bandit army, Yin Shuai Ou Chen did not give Mo Qian directly to death, but he was forced to show him, flogged all day, tortured, and forced the rest of the bandits to appear.

Three days later, on May 30, Chu Fangong retired and returned to Changan. Hoan Lisen also set off from the holy city in person, rushed to Changan and Chu Fan to reconcile, preparing to set up a celebratory banquet for him, and praised the break of the Linjiang bandits Army, captured Mo Qian.

Moreover, May 30 was a very memorable day, which happened to be Chu Fan's birthday.

It is both a celebration feast and a birthday feast. It is no wonder that Hoan Lisen will come in person.