MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1120 Cannibalism

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Seeing that Ophelia abused Asakura, Nara could do nothing. She was very clear that Ophelia's combat strength had broken through the apex of mortals. Even if she fell by more than half because of her age, she was still a death. With her own device, forcible shots only cause trouble for Asakura.

Do n’t ask for help, just do n’t ask for help, do n’t do anything, just look at it like this, this is the biggest help to Asakura.

At this time, Nerau suddenly felt that someone was coming to her, and her nerves could have pushed her chair away, and then the bottle was broken at the table and **** wine splashed.

When I saw Mr. Chen holding the broken wine bottle, he opened her hand and sneered at her: "They are so lively, how boring we are to watch here?"

Nai dropped his consciousness and glanced at Asakura. Ophelia was venting her anger at this moment, and bit her neck like a beast. All the blood was bitten. I wonder if Asakura can turn the war.

Nai Luo really wanted to "capture the thief first and capture the king." As long as Mr. Chen was under control, the crisis over Asakura would be lifted, but now they both have advanced defensive equipment.

"Nana, I always think you are a loser, do you know why? Because you have too few friends." Mr. Chen threw away the wine bottle in his hand and smiled handsomely, "Like me, where do I go? Have friends. "

Naraku sneered: "You are not friends, you just threaten them to listen to you."

"Same meaning. When a person listens to you and obeys you, he will not object to what you say, and he will do as you say. He is your best friend." Mr. Chen said, looking into his arms. , Took out a jewel shining blue.

This gem is as blue as the lake water, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a dreamy arc shining inside, which is obviously not an ordinary gem. The disturbing sense of crisis is hidden under the beautiful appearance.

"I have a good friend. I love him so much. Of course, unfortunately, he is dead." Mr. Chen played with the gem in his hand, revealing a mysterious color in his eyes, "When I control him , I used his ability to get a lot in the cube. "

"Seriously, Naraku, if it wasn't for his ability, I wouldn't even have imagined that there are so many amazing items in the cube. The reward points obtained by the judges are only exchanged for bad street goods, not to mention And some things are only available to extraordinary people. "

"Uniqueness, the stone of silence." Mr. Chen grasped the sapphire in his hand, a **** radian was drawn from the corner of his mouth, and his smile began to grow gloomy. "It can be destroyed regardless of quality, class, and distinction. Any cube item. "

Under the stare of Nara's amazement, Mr. Chen aimed the stone of extinguishment at Asakura, pretending to be concerned: "It's cold here, I hope she won't catch cold when she's out of clothes."

"Boom!" When the Stone of Silence was crushed, the energy contained in it was released at once, converging into a torrent of torrents, rushing directly towards Jin Yingfeng Yu's body.

Jin Yanfeng Yu is Asakura ’s clothes and her weapon. It is the source of Manten Phoenix. Once it is destroyed, she will no longer be able to compete with Ophelia, that is, she will announce the death penalty of Nara and Asakura at the same time.

At the very beginning, there was almost no thinking, and the subconscious directly drove Naluo to step forward, blocking the attack path of the Stone of Silence.

Fortunately, the Stone of Silence does not have the traditional lethality, and it does not hurt Nero.

But at the same time, it is also very unfortunate. Although the stone of silence did not destroy Asakura ’s Jinyu Fengyu, it directly hit the wall of Nara's body, and destroyed it along with the body of the defensive device.

"Actually, I want to focus on you from the beginning, but I want to test your feelings for Asakura." Mr. Chen applauded vigorously, looked at the stagnant Asakura, and smiled with relief, "It seems, Nairou Still love you. "

"Oh!" Mr. Chen took out the pistol without warning, and shot Nara's abdomen with a shot. After losing the defensive equipment, the bullet directly penetrated Nara's body and organs, leaving her weakly in a pool of blood.

Seeing Nairo injured, Asakura struggled like crazy, but in exchange for Ophelia's fierce suppression.

Ophelia pressed Asakura against the wall violently, almost sinking into the wall, many blood vessels on her body broke under heavy pressure, and Jin Fei Feng Yu was completely dyed red, and the scattered feathers became scarlet.

The next moment, Ophelia turned over Asakura, slamming her right hand against her chest, her fingers pierced through the gap made by the black sickle like a sharp blade, through the flesh, through the sternum, and finally **** grip As soon as Asakura's lungs came, a distorted voice came: "Dead, just suffocate and die, I will treat your body well."

Asakura tried to inhale the air, but because her lungs were held by Ophelia, once the inhalation expanded, she would squeeze the alveoli, causing internal rupture and causing her to vomit blood continuously.

Asakura started to suffocate, and her trembling body further stimulated Ophelia's fierceness. She stuck out her barbed tongue, licked a layer of skin on Asakura's bare neck, and held her lungs. The hands were tightened tighter, squeezing out only a small amount of oxygen along with the blood.

When she was about to lose consciousness, something amazing happened. I saw Asakura's right hand struggling and embroidered thousands of Fengyu's sleeve robes as if spreading her wings. She took a full breath and took a breath, at the cost of Large lung compression was damaged, but it was finally a chance to breathe.

"Oh !!!!" The next moment, with the whistling of the birds, the scorching golden light lit up from the sleeve gown, and the messy and scattered golden phoenix feathers began to roll and crisscross, crisscrossing, as it gathered together with the trend of homage For a moment, a flashing feather gun appeared in the air.

The phoenix phoenix is ​​rushing around this feather gun, constantly merging into it. Every time a piece of feather gathers, the golden flame flowing on the gun is rich. It turns the direction in the air and points directly at Ophelia. Back.

The next moment, the feather gun was like a meteor that cut through the sky, and stabbed Ophelia's back with the vast flying feathers!

Ophelia felt the oppression from behind, but she didn't panic, grabbed Asakura and turned her direction, and let Asakura stand in front of herself, smirking and said, "Let me see, your weapon recognizes Don't recognize the Lord! "

Weapons are dead, of course, they will not recognize the Lord, how to play weapons depends entirely on people.

Ophelia now uses Asakura as a shield ~ ~ According to her expectations, Asakura will definitely turn around and look for other offensive angles.

In fact, the feather gun stayed in the air for a few seconds, but it stabbed swiftly.

Ophelia originally thought that Asakura was bluffing, but the speed of the feather gun was getting faster and faster between the electric light and flint. At the last blink of an eye, she broke through the dangerous distance. At this time, even if Asakura wanted to stop it, she couldn't stop!

Ophelia froze, didn't she? ? !! !!

"You! ..." The terrible thoughts came to Ophelia's mind. She just wanted to pull her hand from Asakura, but she didn't expect Asakura to grab it by backhand and hold her hand tightly, then Turning his head silently, a **** sneer appeared.

"Yeah!" Feather pierced through Asakura's body, penetrating Ophelia, who was later than fleeing, and struck two people at the same time, nailed to the wall with a bang, their blood mixed together. A pool of blood was formed under him ...