MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 165 Wear back the one hundred and sixty-fifth day

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Zhangshan Prison.

At night, snoring was everywhere in the prison of Fourteen People. He Qianjian was not asleep, lying on the iron bed, his face under the moonlight was vigilant and gloomy.

He asked the prison guards for help many times before, and wanted him to help contact Jiang Zhuo and his wife, but someone found out, and it was rumored that he wanted to contact the He family. When Heige and his group heard the gossip, they immediately thought that He wanted to find outsiders to help solve the problems in the prison, so he was arrested and interrogated that night.

Naturally, He Qianjian couldn't admit it. To tell the truth, what he wanted to find were his biological parents, but Brother Hei and the others didn't believe it. After they taught him a lesson, they probably had some scruples and didn't bother him again for several days. Just when he was about to heave a sigh of relief and quietly wait for the news from Jiang Zhuo and his wife, rumors came out from nowhere, saying that he was planning to rely on the He family's relationship to buy things in the prison.

In such a large prison, there must be no shortage of people with backgrounds and sources of goods. Most of those people are ruthless and monopolize the supply of goods for the entire prison in order not to lose their own interests. Before that, I don’t know how many people have been dealt with. He Qianjian’s side As soon as the news came out, he was taken away for a good talk during the afternoon release.

Since then, He Qianjian's life has become more and more difficult. Brother Hei is only the boss of room 14, and the one who monopolizes the suspicious is the invisible boss of the entire prison. The wound on He Qianjian's body never broke again.

At the beginning, everyone still worried about his former status as the young master of the He family, even if they beat him, they didn't dare to be serious. After no one from the Jiang family came here to visit him, this scruple disappeared.

He Qianjian wanted to turn over, touched the wound on his leg, and couldn't help hissing.

In the room full of snorers, the whisper was not loud because he deliberately restrained himself, but Hei Ge, who was next to He Qianjian's bed, heard it—since He Qianjian offended the boss of the prison, Hei Ge asked people to call Hei Qianjian Qian Jian rushed to the bed next to his bed.

"Haven't slept yet?"

Without concealing its purpose, the voice moved closer to He Qianjian, and a sour smell followed the speaker's mouth to touch He Qianjian's surroundings. In the darkness, a hand slowly came up.

I don't know where he came across, He Qianjian couldn't help but let out a cry, and the man became even more energetic, turning over and laying hands on him.

He Qianjian closed his eyes and didn't move. After so long, he was used to Brother Hei doing something to him almost every night. Maybe he still had some scruples. Although he did everything he could do, he never did it. to the last step.

After staying in prison for so long, He Qianjian is also a normal man. As early as the third year of junior high school, he cheated on his family and had a girlfriend. Until he fell out with the He family, his girlfriend never broke his back , After so long, he has long been a little impatient.

Although at first he also felt that Brother Hei was disgusting, but after a long time, he got used to it, and it was not so difficult to accept even not looking at Brother Hei's face.

The rustling movement here caught the attention of a short man who was also awake not far away. He opened his eyes and looked this way, seeing a bed that was one body taller than others, and sneered inwardly. , his eyes were full of resentment, hatred and pleasure.

Brother Hei was happy himself, and immediately turned over and fell asleep. He Qianjian pulled off the quilt on his body, and was about to move himself, when he suddenly heard the familiar electronic sound in his head.

He Qianjian's expression changed instantly, he flicked it, and the snoring sounded next to him, and he realized where he was, so he pulled the quilt tightly and did not move.

He held his breath, listening to the long-lost voice in his mind:

【—The system is reconnecting... 13%, 24%. 49%...Data is missing, the system is severely damaged, and reconnection fails...]


He Qianjian opened his eyes, how could he fail?

He immediately shouted in his mind: 【System! system! are you there? ! 】

The system didn't answer, but the electronic sound appeared again: [—The system reconnected for the second time... 49%, 51%, 63%...Data is missing, the system has been severely damaged, restarting needs to reconnect again...]

All night, He Qianjian listened to "the system reconnected for the Xth time" over and over again in his mind, and stayed up all night.

The time schedule for the prisoners in the prison is clearly arranged. After breakfast, He Qianjian will go to work in the workshop with the others. However, he didn’t sleep last night, and there are new and old injuries in the past few days. Top-heavy.

On the way to the workplace, He Qianjian walked at the end of the line of prisoners, with a pale face and a flaky mouth, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Today happened to be the prison guard who helped He Qianjian contact Jiang's family on duty again. He saw He Qianjian's face, and thought of going to Jiang's house a few days ago, and when he mentioned that he wanted them to go to the prison to see He Qianjian, The couple who were very gentle and polite to strangers suddenly changed their faces, especially the hostess, the disgust in his eyes was hard to hide, even he, an outsider, could clearly feel it.

The biological parents don't like it, but the adoptive parents don't want it? Thinking of He Qianjian's current situation, even if the prison guards knew that he had kidnapped the real young master of the He family, they couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him. At that time, He Qianjian was just a A high school student who suddenly knew his life experience. He did wrong things during the rebellious period and extremes. Although it was a bit excessive, it was not unforgivable. His biological parents and adoptive parents may not have been too cruel.

Thinking of this, the prison guard sighed softly, raised his legs and walked towards He Qianjian.

However, he hadn't taken a few steps before his arm was grabbed by someone who had told him to keep his hands off the prisoner's business.

The senior prison guard glanced at He Qianjian's direction: "What are you doing?"

The prison guard still respected the senior, stopped and replied: "I think No. 149 seems to be feeling unwell. I want to go over and have a look. If he is not well, send him to the infirmary."

The senior prison guard frowned upon hearing the words: "If he's not feeling well, he'll make a report himself. What are you going to ask?"

Hearing these unkind words, the prison guard felt a little uncomfortable, and frowned: "Senior, He Qianjian is only in his early twenties, which is the best age. His family members, whether biological or adoptive parents Regardless of him, he is pitiful enough, and you don't know how many times he was beaten openly and secretly during this period of time, and I went to see it because of the attitude of the person in charge of the work."

Seeing his firm eyes, the senior prison guards were full of concern and kindness for everyone in the world, thinking that he would not listen to every reminder, he really wanted to just ignore it, but in the end he still hated iron and steel: "How many times have I told you, don't Involved in the affairs of these prisoners, you said that He Qianjian is only in his early twenties, don't be pitiful if his father doesn't love his mother, have you ever thought that he has enjoyed the life of a young master for more than ten years that others may not enjoy in his entire life , Aren’t those who were born without parents, who committed crimes against the law in order not to starve to death for one bite of food, to be more pitiful?”

The prison guard was taken aback, and his voice was lower than before: "But that's not what he wanted... Even if he did something wrong, his adoptive parents wouldn't forgive him, but his biological parents wouldn't forgive him either, they wouldn't even look at him. Let’s take a look, it’s too much and too cold-blooded.”

Seeing his appearance, the senior prison guard knew what he was thinking, and his tone was a bit colder than before: "You only heard He Qianjian's one-sided remarks, so how can you be sure that the He family and his biological parents are cold-blooded, not He Qianjian? Does Qianjian deserve it?"

"He is a young man in his early twenties, no matter how good he is..."

"You also said that he is a young man in his early twenties, not a child of age." The senior prison guard interrupted him, and said in a deep voice: "You change your guard today, don't be on duty here, go to the visiting room and stay there .”

The prison guard wanted to say something, but the senior turned around and left.

He looked in the direction of the workshop where the prisoner was no longer there, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and he left through another exit.

Visiting room.

The two prison guards on duty were watching the news when the phone rang suddenly. One of them picked up the phone, hung up the phone after a couple of hums, and muttered, "Why is someone coming to visit the prison at this hour..."

The other person raised his head when he heard the words: "Is someone coming?"

"He said it was a young man." The prison guard got up while talking, went to the door and opened it, turned around and saw that the door leading to the prison was also opened, and was stunned for a while, seeing that it was a new colleague who had not been here for a long time, and curiously said: "Zhou Yang? How did you get here?"

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "The team leader asked me to be on duty here today."

"That's a good relationship." The prison guard said with a smile: "It just so happens that we haven't talked much yet. The news is broadcasting inside. You go in and sit down. Someone came to visit the prison. I'll take it over and chat with you."

Zhou Yang nodded, looked at the wall clock on the wall, it was pointing to seven o'clock, and was a little curious: "Is someone coming here now?"

"I also said that this guy came early." The prison guard stretched out his head to look outside, and said as he walked out, "I don't know who he is here to see. Coming here now will delay the work of the factory. I will pick it up."

Zhou Yang suddenly remembered He Qianjian who had a bad complexion. He was a little worried and didn't answer. Suddenly, he saw a colleague walking in with a strange young man, and the two walked towards this side talking in a low voice. .

"Mr. Jiang, these two are my colleagues. One is surnamed Zhang and the other is surnamed Zhou. They are both prison guards here. Usually, Xiao Zhang and I are on duty outside, and Xiao Zhou is guarding the prisoners inside."

The prison guard introduced it with a smile, and Zhou Yang realized that he had come out while watching the news broadcast inside.

He subconsciously took a look at the young man in front of him, his eyes lit up, and then he was a little curious about who he was visiting. With his temperament and conversation at this age, he didn't seem to know the appearance of these people in the prison.

Thinking of this, he asked, "Mr. Jiang, who are you here to visit?"

Jiang Chen bent his lips: "He Qianjian."