MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 122 Wear back to the 122nd day (debug)

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"Really?" Shen Xu quickly swallowed the fish balls, stretched forward involuntarily, his face scalded by the water vapor and shrank, he patted the table excitedly and said: "Then we are not going to start a company in summer vacation Be the boss?!"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Huo Bo poured cold water on him: "As a boss, do you know how to manage a company?" He turned to Jiang Chen, frowned, and said, "Even if you are planning to set up your team, starting a company now is not enough. It’s still too early, first of all, the capital and technology are unbalanced, the technology and capital can only be provided by you for the time being, Shen Xu and I have nothing but have to take a certain share, even if we are small, we can’t do this.”

Shen Xu also calmed down from his excitement after hearing this: "Huo Bo is right..."

Jiang Chen: "Who said that you don't have any more money? Each of you will start with 100,000 yuan, and I will provide the technology. After the two of you, one will manage the company and the other will discuss cooperation with the outside world."

"In the past three years, our business is only open to Reed Smith and other companies that have contacted us for authorization after the launch of Reed Smith's mobile phone. The content of the job is to screen and negotiate cooperation. The real recruitment only needs to recruit a person who can talk about projects, a front desk and a financial manager. enough."

"Three hundred thousand yuan, as our start-up capital, you don't even have this money, do you?"

Huo Bo's eyes were fixed, he took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and said, "Yes."

Jiang Chen looked at Shen Xu, Shen Xu tapped his chopsticks excitedly, raised the chopsticks and said, "There must be!"

Shen Xu's family conditions are good, and he doesn't like to spend money recklessly. He has saved almost all his pocket money and New Year's money. Up to now, he has more than 100,000 yuan. After Huo Bo came back from his biological mother, he also had 30,000 yuan in his hand for living expenses. He was never a person who lived on nothing. He taught himself to study investment and financial management within a year, and the money in his hand had multiplied several times. Jiang Chen knew that it was about It looks like 150,000.

The initial capital of 100,000 yuan per person was the amount proposed by Jiang Chen after thinking about it.

This money not only ensures that they can take it out and can maintain their daily life after taking it out, but also ensures that the company can operate normally in the first year. Now that we are ready to cooperate with the country, the laboratory test equipment and materials will be provided by the country, and even the members of the scientific research team will mostly be selected from the country's top scientists, which saves a huge amount of expenses.

The Yangtze River is the main project of the company in the future, and it will also be the most classic and longest-lasting project. It will be updated but will not be replaced. It will become the most popular and safest home protection system in country C and even the world in the future. This initial investment in scientific research is huge. The money in the hands of Shen Xu and Huo Bo is indeed a drop in the bucket, but if the money is completely borne by the state, then even if the company does not make a profit in the initial stage, the money can last for two or three years, not to mention Reed Smith has liquidity coming in every year, and 300,000 is enough.

Jiang Chen held up Sprite: "Then, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Shen Xu: "Let's drink to the Yangtze River, which will dominate the world in the future!"

Hobo: "Cheers!"

He Qianmin: "...for my brothers' career."

Cyber ​​Security Agency.

A young man wearing black-rimmed glasses paced back and forth between the two desks, glancing at the door from time to time, muttering something.

"Nice to meet you, no, nice to meet you, no... Just say hello, hello, my name is Chai Can, I am very interested in your Yangtze River system, I hope you can invite me to join your team, Although I'm working in the Cyber ​​Security Agency now, but..."

A voice interjected: "But what?"

"But..." The young man was about to continue, but when he realized that someone was talking, his body froze, and he ran to the open space, and after seeing the person standing where he was just now, he blushed and said: "It's nothing, Deputy Director Li, do you have anything to do with me?"

"The person you want to quit is here." Deputy Director Li took a sip from a thermos cup, raised his chin, and motioned him to look out: "Here, it's over there."

Chai Can walked towards the door, saw the young man surrounded by several people, his feet froze, and he stood still.

Deputy Director Li knew his problem, because of this, he didn't even stay in the main control room, he had to stay alone in this small office.

"Not going?" Deputy Director Li said: "You don't talk to people, how can you change jobs?"

Chai Can and Deputy Director Li have also been together for a while, and they are familiar with each other, and they are not so nervous when they talk far away. He said, "I couldn't speak during the interview, didn't you let me in too?"

Deputy Director Li: "Isn't that because of your ability?"

Chai Can looked at him without saying a word, but Deputy Director Li suddenly understood what he meant.

"I chose you because I have discerning eyes, because I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, and I can tell at a glance who is capable and who is not. Did you see the boy who just passed by? He is at least better than you." He's still three or five years younger, if you don't speak, he can develop a pair of clairvoyant eyes and see what's inside your belly?"

"Then, let me participate in the information war later..."

Deputy Director Li spread his hands: "There is really nothing to do about it today. Did you see those people who came this morning? Although they are also members of our Security Bureau, they are all non-staff personnel. On the surface, the position is Security Director. Foreign aid will only come out in a crisis, and the hacking skills of these few, not to mention domestic or international, are not able to compete, so today, all the people participating in the information war are assigned by the above, and I can't get in."

Chai Can lowered his eyes sadly, and Deputy Director Li didn't say any more. He raised his legs and walked out, turned back halfway, picked up the thermos cup that had just dropped, looked at Chai Can, paused, and said, "Information You can watch the battle, do you want to go with me?"

When asked this question, Deputy Director Li was ready to be rejected, but Chai Can followed him without hesitation.

"Are you really going?"


Deputy Director Li looked at Chai Can who was two steps away from him, sighed, and waved his hand: "Okay, follow up."

The two of them just stepped into the game computer room one after the other. The computer room is divided into two floors. The entrance is the second floor. There is only a corridor surrounded by silver metal. You can see the downstairs. The downstairs is the auxiliary control room. There are twenty-five computers, with a host seat set aside in the middle, forming a semicircular arc as a whole.

Upstairs and downstairs, you can see three side-by-side two-storey large screens. In the center of the three large screens is a bright and mysterious Milky Way, while the other two screens are twinkling dots of light. The information war has not yet begun, but both sides They are all ready.

The entire sub-master computer room is divided into two distinct lineups. On both sides are more than 20 top computers in the world. In front of these computers are also top domestic network security engineers and hackers; in the middle there is only one As a young man, he was even wearing a high school uniform, white short-sleeved and dark blue trousers, which didn't look youthful, but his relaxed temperament made him look very calm.

Deputy Director Li stopped to look at the boy, nodded slightly in his heart, and walked up to the woman with long curly hair, "Xiao Yang, how are you doing?"

Director Yang lowered his voice: "There are still two minutes, and it will start soon."

Deputy Director Li looked at the teenager in the middle of the field, turned his head and asked, "Who do you think will win?"

In the last meeting, Deputy Director Li directly sent Director Yang over because of something, but Director Yang brought Chai Can, who was socially phobic, with him. Who knew that after the meeting, Xiao Yang, the most reliable subordinate, told him that there might be an information security competition in the bureau when he came back from the meeting, and Chai Can was uncharacteristically, and would not speak to him for ten days. That day, he even asked him whether the two games would be held.

The abnormality of the two caught Deputy Director Li's attention. He was just looking for his old friend to find out what achievements the young man named Jiang Chen had achieved. Who knew that the news from the old friend hadn't come yet, but the documents from above came first.

It was clearly written in black and white, and he was asked to hold this information security competition. By the way, a list of contestants not compiled by the Network Security Bureau was attached. All of them were well-known hackers, and each one was bigger than the other.

— Even A, who has been in hiding for many years, came.

Deputy Director Li was a little puzzled. Back then when hackers from country J and country K fought in a melee, some people harassed the security network of country C by harassing them, and even tried to break into the domestic confidential information database, but A was not dispatched. Why was A invited in such a competition? Out?

For this reason, he made a cup of Kuding early in the morning. He used it to clear away heat and detoxify others to refresh himself. He just wanted to see what this young man was capable of, and he surprised the few above him.

The screen in the middle starts counting down, 10, 9, 8...

Chai Can stood some distance away from everyone, staring at the Milky Way on the big screen almost obsessively, counting down along with the numbers on the screen.


A voice came from under his feet. Chai Can was taken aback for a moment. He looked down and saw a young man with dyed yellow hair and pale skin sitting cross-legged on one side, pointing his finger at him: "Sit and watch."

Chai Can froze, and took two steps back in an instant, trying to avoid it.

There was a hint of mischief in the eyes of the young man, and the countdown on the big screen ended before he could speak, and a calm male voice mixed with a slight electric voice sounded: "Dylan, I'm ready."

The young man turned his head in surprise, and looked up at the large screen in the middle. The rotating planet already occupied one-sixth of the entire screen. One of the planets, alive and real.

Not only the young people, but everyone was attracted by the voice that was indistinguishable from a real person, and looked up at the big screen.

Only Chai Can froze in place, turning his head stiffly until he faced the young man in the middle, and opened his mouth.

No one paid attention to his expression, because the game was about to start.

Standing by the computer, Jiang Chen said in a warm voice, "Yangtze River, turn on the first level of defense. All you have to do is defend. No one or any data is allowed to break through our safety net."

"Okay, Dylan."

The dotted line of the planet in the center of the big screen has turned into a solid line again. If you look carefully, you will see the planet composed of hundreds of billions of solid and dotted lines. In fact, each line is a long string of codes. The lines are solid and virtual, surrounding the ball. The movement of the heart, the transformation, exchange, extension and shrinking of countless lines, some lines from solidification to virtualization and then disappearance, and some lines quietly enter the matrix of the sphere, occasionally white light flashes, but is swallowed and dispelled by the lines.

If a layman looks at it, they can only see a planet composed of countless lines rotating and changing, but this space gathers a group of people who are the most expert in network security technology.

Not long after the game, they figured out the way by combining the rapidly sliding codes on the left and right screens and the light spots that bloomed and disappeared on the middle planet: the red light spots are viruses, the white light spots are Trojan horses, and the water-blue game Walking through virtual light is looking for loopholes... But no matter what it is, these light spots are blocked by the seemingly fragile dotted lines, and they can't even penetrate and be destroyed.

The big screen seems to be showing a wonderful astronomical movie. The light spots are shining, flickering and disappearing. There are meteors and nebulae, which are as beautiful as a painting.

But everyone present was shocked by the reality represented in this picture. Twenty or so top network security engineers in the country launched an attack on a computer at the same time, but it was as if the air touched the water, and they couldn't lift a trace. Bo Lan, not to mention implanting a Trojan horse virus or attacking a certain node, even the outermost firewall can't fight against it.

Deputy Director Li and Director Yang looked at each other, and they both saw solemnity and shock in each other's eyes.

Director Yang's voice was extremely low, as if he was afraid of affecting the people in the venue: "Should we report it?"

Deputy Director Li shook his head, pointed up slightly, and then pointed in a direction of the computer room. Director Yang subconsciously looked at it, and was slightly stunned. He didn't dare to say it when he recovered: "That person is here?"

"I also received the news this morning." Deputy Director Li said in her ear: "I just came back from a visit to country A, so I came here directly."

"Has even that person been alarmed by this matter?"

"It's hard to say..." Deputy Director Li looked at the small planet that was still rotating in an orderly manner, and said without blinking: "Mr. Xiang is here."

Director Yang nodded clearly, and looked at the young man in the middle.

There is no shortage of opportunities and contacts, and the person in front of him is probably about to soar into the sky soon.

The planet on the big screen rotates faster, and the intersection of solid and dashed lines becomes more solid. At the same time, the planet gradually shrinks and slowly sinks into the galaxy.

Deputy Director Li thought about what kind of novel defense method this is, and suddenly stopped a few national curses, followed the reputation, and saw a tall man standing up in the left-hand seat, kicking the mouse, aggressively Walk like the teenager in the middle.

"Hey hey hey!" Deputy Director Li immediately went downstairs, striding forward to stop him, wanting to call that person's name, but because he was a non-staff member, he didn't know his name at all, so he could only run wildly holding the thermos , in an attempt to deter others with words: "Comrade! Beating someone is breaking the law! Calm down! Don't..."

His voice stopped at the same time as his footsteps, and he almost stopped the car.

I saw the burly man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, looking at the petite young man in front of him with a flattering expression, and smiled all over his face: "Student Jiang Chen, is that your name? Your system The firewall is awesome! Did you develop it yourself? Or do you actually have a team? Is your team still short of people? If so, how about adding me? It doesn’t matter if you don’t, let’s discuss it , and I really want to discuss this with you..."

Deputy Director Li was taken aback for a moment, but then realized that he suddenly felt very angry for some reason!

The people from their security bureau haven't gone in yet! He is rushing to perform here! Sure enough, it is even more cunning if you have not joined the party and have no establishment!

"Isn't our game over yet?" Deputy Director Li interrupted the big man, holding a thermos cup under his armpit, and said in the most majestic tone: "Bribing the opponent before the game is over is extremely wrong, and I still don't answer." to your seat."

The burly man looked at Deputy Director Li and raised his hand little by little.

Deputy Director Li's heart suddenly jumped, and just as he was about to retreat strategically, he saw the big man scratching the back of his head, and said naively: "The computer has been hacked, what's more important?"

The other people standing on the second floor watching the battle were all taken aback for a moment. They were all attracted by the screen in the middle before, and they were surprised by the big man's actions just now. They didn't even look at the screens on both sides for a while. Now they heard What the big man said, it was like waking up from a dream, and they looked to both sides one after another.

At the same time, a not-too-familiar male voice sounded in the sub-control room: "Dylan, all the intruders have been resolved, no viruses and Trojan horses remain, please instruct if the security level needs to be adjusted."

"Adjusted to sleep-grade firewall."

"The firewall has been adjusted to sleep level."

Back and forth is like a conversation between two real people, someone murmured: "Artificial intelligence..."

There were also people who couldn't hide their dissatisfaction and asked directly: "What is a dormant-level firewall? Just now I remembered that you said to open a first-level firewall. Is the highest level firewall in your system a first-level firewall?"

Jiang Chen paused, then smiled and said, "The highest level is level three."

The voice fell to the ground, and the audience was silent.

The highest level is level three, so many hackers attacking together can't break through the defense system, it's only level one? How strong would it be if it was adjusted to level three? Can anyone or even an organization intrude into the firewall of the system in front of us in this world?

No one asked, but everyone was thinking about the same question in their hearts. Some people looked shocked, some people's eyes lit up, and some people dismissed it...

The performances of all the people in front of him were within Jiang Chen's expectations. He waited quietly until they came back to their senses and continued with the next match.

"Start preparations for the next game!" A young man with yellow hair on the second floor drew everyone's attention back. He looked at his watch and said, "Start in ten minutes!"

After the young man finished speaking, he was about to sit down again when he saw the eyes of the colleague next to him go blank, wondering what he was thinking.

"C?" The young man approached and patted him: "Chai Can?"

Chai Can suddenly returned to his senses, passed him and lay on the railing, staring at the young man downstairs without blinking, suddenly turned around and ran away, the young man frowned: "It's just one hit, such a big reaction ?”

Before he could finish explaining it, he saw Chai Can take out a laptop computer out of nowhere, and he didn't know what he was doing with his fingers. The young man only saw clearly his carriage return.

Almost at the same time that Chai Can pressed Enter, the voice they had remembered deeply came from downstairs again: "Dylan, the message from Yiwang, from C, is it open?"