MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 94 little green tea

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Good night's sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Youwan stayed in bed rarely, tightened the little carrot in his arms, buried the lower half of his face on it, and sucked the last trace of Jiang Jinyi on it. With a breath of fresh air, it took ten minutes to get up from the bed, wash and put on makeup.

Three months, her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, and she was a little pregnant, and she was much more careful than before.

Not wearing too tight clothes, Jiang Youwan put on a black trench coat outside, long hair pulled back, delicate pearl earrings hanging on the earlobes, and exquisite makeup, the whole person It looks both flirtatious and cold.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Youwan finally put on the necklace for himself, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Jinyi will be fascinated, so fascinated that she is the only one left in her eyes.

Make all preparations for going out, Jiang Youwan opened the door, the courier was still at the door of the house last night, she frowned, tore up the courier number, made a phone call, and asked someone to come clean up.

The assistant went upstairs to pick her up, carrying a bag of things, a bowl of porridge and a bottle of milk, and said to Jiang Youwan, "Mr. Su, this is from Miss Jiang. breakfast."

Jiang Youwan asked first: "Where is she?"

The assistant said, "She couldn't enter the community because she didn't have an access card. She had been waiting for me at the door just now, and she left after delivering breakfast to me."

Jiang Youwan lowered his eyes and glanced at the breakfast, the corner of his mouth tickled imperceptibly, reached out to take the breakfast, and said nothing.

The assistant followed behind Jiang Youwan. At this time, the staff just got out of the elevator. Jiang Youwan turned back and pointed to the big box at the door, "That's the one, throw it away."

The staff nodded and bowed, "Okay."

The weather is very cold today, Jiang Jinyi covered herself tightly, wearing a woolen coat, a short skirt and thick stockings, and a rabbit scarf, just left After a short walk, the nose was frozen red, and the whole person looked like a little rabbit, charming and naive.

When she came to Jiang Youwan's office, she sat on the sofa waiting for guests, sitting like a student in military training.

Jiang Youwan is not here, the secretary said she is in a meeting now.

It's time for a break and there's still a meeting.

I don't know when it will be open.

Being a leader in the company is always so busy. I was also in Jiang's before, and now I have just taken over the Su's, so I must be even more busy.

Jiang Jinyi thought that if she still had the right to be self-willed in front of her now, she would definitely ignore the eyes of the people around her, rush into the conference room, sit next to her with a lunch box, and let her Feed her while having a meeting.

She has done this before.

, in a fit of rage, he rushed into her office with the food, too arrogant, and fiercely said to those nosy Mediterranean old men: "What do you think?"

Then someone moved a chair, sat next to Jiang Youwan, asked her to open her mouth, and fed her one bite at a time.

Jiang Youwan laughed at her at that time and asked her why she was so willful, but in the end she had to get used to her.

At that time, Jiang Youwan's office was like her little world, she could do whatever she wanted, and there were traces of her everywhere.

She likes to sit on Jiang Youwan's office chair very much, lie on her desk and press her documents to take a nap, Jiang Youwan never drives her away, but relocates A small chair to do the work across from her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinyi felt her heart swell with sourness. Suddenly, there was movement outside the door, she immediately straightened her back and held her breath.

The eyes are filled with anticipation and joy.

After two seconds, it was Lujing who pushed open the door.

Jiang Jinyi's expectant eyes froze.

Seeing Lu Jing, the previous memories were brought back, Lu Jing also saw her, frowned, and showed her a look of disgust.

Like that day, she looked like she was looking at some garbage.

Jiang Jinyi looked down at the Band-Aid on her finger, restrained her fear and timidity, and looked at her again, not afraid of her gaze.

"Why are you here?" Lu Jing narrowed her eyes and walked up to her, her tone not friendly at all, like the owner here, dissatisfied with the sudden intrusion of outsiders.

"I thought you remembered what I said to you at the time, so why do you still have the face to bother her here?"

"I'm here, what can you do to me?" Jiang Jinyi really hated her arrogant tone.

Lu Jing laughed angrily at her, and hated her teeth, "Get out with your things."

Get out?

Hearing this, Jiang Jinyi became angry, frowned, and asked her sharply: "Who do you think you are? I go?"

Lu Jing obviously did not expect that Jiang Jinyi didn't take her anger obediently, and was a little dissatisfied, Jiang Jinyi continued: "Did I let you bully you once and you think I'm good? Bullied? Don't you know me before, don't know who I am?"

She is the eldest miss of the Jiang family! Her previous reputation was very stinky, and she was notoriously self-willed and domineering. Anyone who dared to bully her would definitely pay a heavy price, and would not be able to eat and walk away!

I have always been fearless, so why should I be afraid of the rude alpha Lujing.

"Our family can buy your small and broken company in minutes. You better be careful and don't yell at me!"

Jiang Jinyi is no longer afraid of her, and will not be bullied at will by her like that day. Suddenly, Lu Jing's momentum was suppressed.

She pursed her lips, her face was a little embarrassed, and she snorted with a sneer: "You are so righteous, do you think Jiang Youwan still likes you? You are nothing if you leave the Jiang family, Still a crippled alpha, shameful."

Jiang Jinyi was stabbed in her heart, but she knew that Lu Jing was going to poke her again, so she did not show weakness, "What's the matter? I am the eldest lady of the Jiang family. You are noble, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t get what I have. I’m so rich, are you afraid that the glands can’t be cured? It’s you, you said those words to me on behalf of my sister because you think my sister likes you?”

Lu Jing's expression froze, Jiang Jinyi took advantage of the victory to pursue: "I know at a glance that my sister doesn't like you, I really don't know where you come from, you are just a suitor, although I am now I'm also a suitor, but my sister once liked me so much, has she liked you? Why do you think you have a better chance than me?"

Jiang Jinyi is very excited, she wants to return all those who had bullied her by Lu Jing, mad at her, "What do you call an alpha like me? My sister said it herself, she just likes me like this Alpha, did she ever say that to you? I guess not."

Jiang Jinyi ran away one after another, not interrupting Lu Jing for a while.

After finishing speaking, looking at Lu Jing's face that was already blackened into a pot, his heart was indescribably relieved, humming and groaning.

"Jiang Jinyi, you are very proud? Are you?" Lu Jing's eyes were deep and deep, staring at people made people a little hairy, but Jiang Jinyi was not afraid of her, here is Jiang Youwan In her office, how would Lu Jing dare to take her?

"I once had the love of my sister, of course I am proud!"

Lu Jing really wants to crush Jiang Jinyi to death now.

Why can she be so arrogant, even though she hurt Jiang Youwan like that, but she can still come to Jiang Youwan openly?

She is so annoying to the point of death, why does Jiang Youwan give her a chance?

Lu Jing really couldn't understand why she was still speechless and unable to raise her head in front of her.

If she were Jiang Jinyi, she would have been so ashamed that she would never show up again.

Why come back? What made Lu Jing even more angry was that as soon as she came back, Jiang Youwan's eyes would fall on her again, accept her pursuit, and soon be with her again.

Jiang Youwan couldn't let her go.

This is what makes Lujing the most angry.

Lu Jing sneered, and suddenly reached out and tore off the scarf she was wearing around her neck, Jiang Jinyi tied her hair into two lanterns, and when the scarf fell off, the injured glands were unreserved exposed to air.

Lu Jing sarcastically: "Didn't you say you're a gland, okay? What are you wearing a scarf for? Low self-esteem? You dare not let others see it?"

"Are you **** sick, Lu Jing? Is my scarf worthy of you?" Jiang Jinyi couldn't bear others treating her like this. The scarf, Lu Jing stepped back, "Can't you see people without wearing this? Isn't it amazing? What else do you cover? Face it bravely?"

Seeing that her carefully prepared meal was destroyed, Jiang Jinyi opened her eyes wide and her mind was full, her sister's lunch was gone...

Lu Jing also saw it, hooked her lips, and even continued to step back, deliberately stepped on the lunch box, and both...

Jiang Jinyi's eyes were red with anger, she grabbed Lu Jing's collar and slapped her face, then was pushed away by Lu Jing, the back of her neck just hit the sofa, it hurt her He sucked in the cool air, his face was pale, and he was sweating coldly while covering the back of his neck.

"I asked for it." Lu Jing scolded lowly.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Youwan stood at the door, looking at the two with a cold face and a sharp voice.

"A little accident, Arin, I'm sorry, I'm here to talk business with you. I heard from the secretary that you were in a meeting. I originally wanted to wait for you here." Lu Jing put her hand from her face Take it away, revealing her flushed face.

But Jiang Youwan's attention was not on her at all.

She stared at Jiang Jinyi, approached, and glanced at the scattered meals, her heart tightened, and she frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry sister..." Jiang Jinyi was so frightened of Jiang Youwan's cold face, she was even more afraid that if she made her office like this, it would bring down her goodwill, so she didn't dare to talk to her. She looked at each other.


Seeing her like this, Jiang Youwan's heart softened into a pool of water, and he didn't care about being arrogant and reserved, and his tone was much softer, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Jinyi reacted that Jiang Youwan was caring about her, pouted her eyes and glanced at Lu Jing, and then carefully raised her head and looked at Jiang Youwan aggrievedly.

Jiang Youwan was slightly bent over at the moment, Jiang Jinyi had the urge to wrap her waist and put her in her arms.

But hold back.

My scarf spilled all the meals I prepared for my sister, I was angry, so I slapped her, and she pushed me..."

The arrogance just now disappeared, only the pitiful appearance remained.

Softened into mud, a sticky force.

"Did you hit the back of your neck?" Jiang Youwan hurriedly wanted to check.

"No, it's all right, it's all right now..." Jiang Jinyi didn't let her touch it, and hurriedly took apart her hair and covered the back of her neck.

It was originally injured like that, and it was hit like this, Jiang Youwan was not at ease, and his tone could not be rejected: "Let me take a look."

Jiang Jinyi still didn't want it, shook her head and even moved back, with tears in her eyes, and whispered, "Sister, don't look, I beg you..."

"It's not bad, it will be good!" Jiang Jinyi was afraid that Jiang Youwan would think too much, and emphasized.

Jiang Youwan's hand froze in midair, seeing Jiang Jinyi's expression of resistance, her eyes were unclear, but she withdrew her hand.

"Green tea bitch."

Lu Jing scolded in a low voice: "What a **** green tea, did you swear like that just now? You show it to Rin now, don't you know how much you owe your mouth?"


Jiang Youwan tilted his head to look at Lu Jing when he heard the words, his fox eyes narrowed slightly, warning in his eyes.

I just tilted my head to look at her for a second, and felt that something was pulling at the corner of my clothes, and her eyes were immediately pulled back by her.

It seems like you can't spend more than a second on someone else.

"Sister, don't listen to her, I'm not green tea..." Jiang Jinyi's tone was urgent and soft, and her soft peach eyes showed that she was bullied just now How pitiful.

Jiang Jinyi didn't know, the more she said that, the more she looked like a little green tea.

I was almost buried in my sister's arms.

Jiang Youwan is very useful.

Jiang Jinyi has been doing this to her since five years ago. She has always used and liked it very much.

When she does this, she will want to pet her.

Jiang Youwan's slender and soft hand stopped on Jiang Jinyi's head for half a second, as if she had touched it, but she didn't seem to touch it, but it just touched it accidentally.

She stood up straight and ordered someone to clean up the place, "Lu Jing, come out with me."

Jiang Youwan's tone was too cold, Lu Jing's eyes dimmed, and went out with her.

Watching Jiang Youwan leave, she knew at a glance that she was going to teach Lu Jing a lesson, Jiang Jinyi's brain seemed to be filled with a lot of pink bubbles, she raised her hand and touched it He had the top of his hair touched by Jiang Youwan just now, his eyes were bright, and he even wanted to go out to eavesdrop on what Jiang Youwan and Lu Jing were saying.

At this time, someone came to clean up the floor outside, Jiang Jinyi recognized that person as Jiang Youwan's assistant, thought of something, grabbed her wrist and asked urgently, "I ask you this morning. help..."

Assistant remembered, nodded: "I helped you to see, there is indeed a large cardboard box, but President Jiang confiscated it, and let someone dispose of it."

Disposed by...?

In an instant, the pink bubble in Jiang Jinyi's mind turned blank, her long eyelashes trembled, trying to find her voice, she continued to ask unwillingly: "You see clearly Is it? It's a big cardboard box, half the height of a person."

The assistant thought about it again and nodded, "It's a big cardboard box. It is indeed half the height of a person. Is Miss Jiang something very important? Do you want me to tell President Su? "

Something important?

Jiang Jinyi became suspicious.

Those ragged clothes and ragged dolls are nothing important.

Not important at all, not worth the money...

Could it be that Jiang Youwan misunderstood that he was sending trash to her? Think of yourself as the kind of unqualified suitor who is unwilling to pay and only willing to give old clothes and dolls.


Jiang Jinyi suddenly felt cold, which is strange, the heating here is so full.

The eyes are in the sand again.

She thought Jiang Youwan accepted it.

I also thought that Jiang Youwan could hold one every day, and when all were used up, he would go to replenish her.

This way she can feel better before she forgives herself.

Suddenly feel embarrassed and embarrassed.

The assistant tidied up the ground, and the dishes were no longer edible, and the lunch box was trampled on, so it was no longer usable, and all were thrown into the trash.

What is not useful should be thrown away.

Jiang Jinyi kept comforting herself, it's normal for things to be thrown away, my sister has nothing to do with you now, you go and give her those inexplicable and space-consuming things, she doesn't want to lose them Very normal.

It's normal...

My sister doesn't want that kind of ragged clothes and dolls.

Hurry up and order another takeout for my sister, she can't be hungry, yes, she can't be hungry, Jiang Jinyi forcibly wants to distract herself.

Wipe away the tears from her eyes, looked at the band-aids on her fingers that she refused to tear off, and recalled Jiang Youwan's kindness to him just now, and gained energy from it, took out her mobile phone and clicked Went to a restaurant that Jiang Youwan liked.

After ordering the meal, Jiang Youwan hadn't come back yet, Jiang Jinyi found that she was too hypocritical, tears kept falling, and she couldn't stop it.

What should I do, what if my sister comes back and sees her like this.

She was afraid to show anything that would annoy Jiang Youwan.

Like crying.

Where there is a face to cry, it will make outsiders misunderstand that Jiang Youwan bullied her, and she is clearly sorry for Jiang Youwan.

She sent a text message to Jiang Youwan, and before she came back, she forgot to take the scarf and left the Su family.

Fleeing in a panic, afraid that Jiang Youwan would see him cry, and also that the gentleness of her sister just now was only in vain, and her sister would become indifferent to him after she came back.

I want only my sister's tenderness to me in my mind.

In this way, she can heal herself by reminiscing about these tenderness.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Shihan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 little ginger;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: life modification, hot and spicy cart, **** suspect., just a little white L1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Aura; Flowers, H.30 bottles; 5907790829 bottles; Macabaka 28 bottles; goodpeople 22 bottles; 20 bottles; 18 bottles of benzene; 15 bottles of other major updates;. 12 bottles; 4781szd, 46470180, how ugly, how ugly, hahahahaha, Shihan, Fushengqi, I really like Guaguai 10 bottles; 535410667 bottles; Sentinel 6 bottles; Yan, Dijia Ultraman 5 bottles; Z, 248997814 bottles; Zhou Shiyu's girlfriend, Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend 3 bottles; Wenxin, Nanyi, 57492798, Cixiu, Yanwu 2 bottles; Pheasant, haruka, Shen Xiaoguai, Xiaobai Wangwang ,..., Zhe Jiu's eldest wife, Gu Yi, I miss HX, good, 45731548, Zhanyuan Yuchuan, Pujiang above, er, TiAmo, did you double change today, Qiu Yu, God suspect., Not bald 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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