MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 86 behind the scenes

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"Director Jiang, who appeared in the Jiang family for the past five years and died in a car accident not long ago, is not your mother."

Song Lian's eyes fell on the rear-view mirror in front of him, looking at his own eyes in the mirror, his eyes were determined and happy.

She said: "She is not Jiang Ningshu."

She is not.

Five years ago, Jiang Ningshu went abroad to find her "eldest daughter", and when she came back, she was no longer her and was replaced by someone.

I have to say that the man is well disguised, from the face, to the figure, to the fragrance of pheromones, to various behavior habits, the way of speaking, and the attitude towards her daughter at the beginning, she It is very similar, it can be said that it is watertight.

She really knows Jiang Ningshu, what she has experienced, and everyone around her. She has shaped herself almost perfectly into Jiang Ningshu.

Everyone can see through her, except Song Lian.

Song Lian five years ago, when she saw "Jiang Ningshu" again, she found that there was no trace of her own pheromones on her body.

Alpha is very sensitive to the smell of omega that she has marked, even if it is a temporary mark for a one-night stand, if you mark it once and separate for a month or two, when two people meet again, the high-level alpha is still It can be smelled that this omega has been marked by her.

What's more, Jiang Ningshu, they lingered for countless nights, she repeatedly bit the back of the woman's neck.

The two of them knew that it was a lover relationship.

She doesn't remember that she is her patron.

In the past five years, the two people have become the most serious boss and subordinate from the gold master and canary of fifteen years.

I was Jiang Ningshu's unsightly lover for fifteen years, and found out that she had been replaced.

Song Lian felt relieved at first.

She should resign immediately.

But she was sick.

She's a bitch.

She actually began to miss her for the past 15 years, who had been treating her as a financier who let her be a cow and a horse, and began to worry about her safety, and even wanted her to come back to continue that period of inequality Relationship.

The resignation letter that had been written was burned again. When she returned to Jiang's house, "Jiang Ningshu" did not find it, and destroyed all the evidence that she and Jiang Ningshu had been secretly cooperating in the past 18 years.

For the past five years, she has been helping her guard what she thinks is important, secretly investigating whether she is dead or alive, where she is, and looking for opportunities to bring down "Jiang Ningshu".

She knew this was stupid, and she could even imagine the expression on that person's face when she knew what she had done, half-smiled and teased her: "Secretary Song, you are so funny."

I remember that when the two first confirmed their relationship, Song Lian looked at Jiang Ningshu with disgust and told her that he hated her and would never fall in love with her.

Jiang Ningshu didn't care whether she loved herself or hated her, she smiled and said to her: "Don't fall in love with me within two years, I like your body very much, you should play within two years I'm not tired of it, I don't want to look for it anymore."

Two years, three years, fifteen years.

Maybe it was because Song Lian was so humble, Jiang Ningshu felt ashamed and never let her see the light, not even a little bit.

Hid her lover very secretly, no one knows, and neither does "Jiang Ningshu".

That's why she will treat her as your serious secretary, without any transgression.

In fact, Song Lian didn't plan to tell Jiang Jinyi at the beginning of the news.

Firstly, because Xiaojin was too impulsive and immature, and secondly, because Xiaojin was under Jiang Youwan's control at that time, telling her was equivalent to telling Jiang Youwan the news.

Jiang Youwan's identity, in fact, Song Lian has long known.

That birthmark was not the person Jiang Ningshu really wanted to find.

She guessed that she was used by the Su family and came to the Jiang family to seek revenge.

She is not sure if she already knows the real image now, afraid that Jiang Youwan is still deeply hated, and she will kill them all.

But it's different now.

Whether Jiang Youwan knew the real image of her mother's death or not, she would never touch Jiang Ningshu again.

Now, Xiao Jin is Jiang Ningshu's best shield.

"Song, Secretary Song, what are you talking about? I, I don't understand..." Jiang Jinyi's mind was buzzing, she couldn't understand what Secretary Song was saying , the amount of information is too large.

Subvert her cognition......

Song Lian understood her unease, and explained to her again patiently and firmly: "Your mother may still be alive, there is an 80% chance."

She said: "Five years ago, when Jiang Dong went abroad to find his eldest daughter who had been missing for many years, he had an accident."

"It's not her who came back."

"What...?" Jiang Jinyi asked in a trembling voice, "How did you know about Secretary Song? Then who is she?"

"Where is my mother now?" Jiang Jinyi asked several questions in a hurry.

If this is true, how can there be someone in the world who looks exactly like my mother?

That's clearly my mother.

It's incredible.

Song Lian said with deep eyes: "Being able to look exactly the same as Director Jiang, it is impossible to rely on plastic surgery technology, plus she knows about Director Jiang to this point, she and Director Jiang must know each other, and Known since childhood.

"I checked Lao Jiang's family, which is Miss's grandfather's house, and the information shows that Jiang's family has only one daughter, Jiang Dong, I don't believe it, so I went to the hospital where Jiang Dong was delivered to investigate. , I found a nurse who delivered Jiang Dong's mother."

"When the nurse heard me mentioning what happened back then, she looked terrified and wanted to walk away. It was me who coerced and enticed her to tell the truth."

"Actually, Director Jiang is not the only daughter of the Jiang family."

"That one is actually twins."

"Twins...?" Jiang Jinyi murmured, "That is to say, the person who came back five years ago was my mother's sister, my... aunt?"

"Yes, that's her. She was born a few minutes later than Jiang Dong and was abandoned by the Jiang family."

"Jiang's family was superstitious and felt that the birth of two daughters was unlucky and an ominous sign. They were not strict at that time. It was hidden, so in the data, there is only Jiang Dong's child."

"But fortunately, the Jiang family still has a little conscience, the second child is not dead, and they grew up with Jiang Dong in the same parent, but they are not allowed to see the light, go to school, and socialize. Starve to death, do housework at home, be a babysitter."

"I don't know how Director Jiang treated her, whether it was good or bad. What I can be sure of is that she once studied for Director Jiang for a period of time, before the differentiation."

"So, she met Zhao Yan."

Jiang Jinyi did not speak, but listened earnestly and nervously.

"In the murder and hiding case, the woman who was killed, Zhao Yan, was in a relationship with Director Jiang before you were born, and you have been in love since high school." This, Song Lian lowered her eyes, her eyes dimmed a lot.

"But for various reasons, they separated. Soon after Jiang Dong became pregnant and gave birth to you, she and Zhao Yan no longer had contact."

"But since that person appeared in place of Director Jiang, Jiang's suddenly and frequently cooperated with Zhao Yan, and they slowly reconnected. Zhao Yan has not married for so many years, maybe it is right Director Jiang still has an old relationship, she did not reject the person's offer, and the two were photographed eating together in a restaurant and watching a movie together, gradually, from being ambiguous to reuniting."

"It can be seen that she likes Zhao Yan very much, because she went to school for Director Jiang, and during the time she spent with Zhao Yan, Zhao Yan became the light of her life. But I know that Zhao Yan is very obsessed with Director Jiang. Deep, will not accept others. This is one of the main reasons why she wants to impersonate Jiang Dong. "

Jiang Jinyi was brought into this story, she was puzzled, "Then why did she kill Zhao Yan? She loves her very much, doesn't she?"

"Probably because Zhao Yan saw through her identity, knew that she was impersonating, did not want to be with her, and wanted to expose her, wanted to call the police to arrest her, and was killed by her mistake. "

"She is a very crazy woman. After Zhao Yan died, she could find a barren mountain and bury her, but she just didn't want to, so she put Zhao Yan in the aquarium , soaked in formalin, and stayed in that villa day and night."

"This is a good opportunity. After I found out, I originally planned to call the police, but was preempted."

"I don't have the heart to investigate who the person who reported her was, she wanted to escape, I chased it all the way, because if Director Jiang was still alive, she would definitely let Director Jiang, the real Director Jiang, go for her top guilt."

"In this way, I can rescue Jiang Dong from her, but unexpectedly, she died in a car accident."

"The clue is broken, the real Jiang Dong is missing."

"I guess that there is an 80% chance that Director Jiang is still alive, because that person is very dark, and he is more aggressive than Director Jiang in the shopping mall. He likes torturing people, especially watching others. Painful look."

"She has suffered so many years of grievances because of Director Jiang, she can't let Director Jiang die so easily."

"In other words, mother is still alive..."

Jiang Jinyi's pupils were trembling, this feeling really made her tremble and excited her, just like everything in the original haze, she found a glimmer of hope.

Lost and found, but I am afraid that it will soon be wiped out.

Really? Could all the weird things that Secretary Song said be true?

Jiang Jinyi encouraged herself in her heart. What kind of person is Secretary Song, she always gives people an inexplicable sense of security. Things come to nonsense, jokes.

She blushed and asked with a weeping voice: "Secretary Song, the dead person is really not my mother?"

Song Lian said with certainty, "She is not."

Song Lian guided her to discover doubts and problems: "Remember the time she took Jiang Youwan home on a business trip five years ago? That time, Director Jiang was on a business trip for a long time, several months. "

"Jiang Youwan has been sent back, but she hasn't come back. Even my personal secretary, I don't know what she's doing."

"You are her only daughter, the person she cares about most in this world, and she hasn't traveled more than a week for business since she was a child. How can you suddenly bear to leave you for so long?"

Song Lian continued: "If it was the real Director Jiang, how could she have the heart to make you feel wronged, how could she have the heart to let you be slapped, and how could she have the heart to let you go so far alone? Staying in the city for four years?"

"Because you found out that Jiang Youwan was not his biological son, and made this public affair, which hindered her plan, she wanted you to leave."

"When she went through those things, Xiao Jin was very sad, and I was sad to watch it, I can't say. But now I want you to know that you feel that your mother has become less loving You, no, because that person doesn't love you at all, she's not your mother, she even hates you."

Song Lian's words accurately poked into the very center of Jiang Jinyi's heart, her tears could no longer be controlled, the **** burst like a dyke, and the large shares flowed down in an instant, she could not express own emotions at the moment.

In the past four years, she will cry when she thinks of these things, really, really, very wronged... The grievances accumulated for four years collapsed in an instant.

It turned out that her mother did not love her, she was not hated, she was not abandoned...

Song Lian wiped her tears and continued with a soft voice: "Did you know that no one cares about your paintings at first? Because she is behind her back, she will force you to Come back, become more manipulative, and marry you to Liang Wei."

"Liang Wei was once humiliated by Jiang Dong. She knows that you will not have a good life when you marry. I am even more sure that Jiang Dong is still alive, because she is the only person who can torture these things. , besides you, it's Director Jiang."

"Dong Jiang must be hidden somewhere by her, imprisoned by her, her purpose is not only to be with Zhao Yan, but also to let Director Jiang watch everything she cares about It is not easy to live, so as to achieve the purpose of torture."

Jiang Jinyi cried so hard, her eyes were flushed with tears, she glanced to the side and coughed violently. it is good.

Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi thought of something, opened her eyes wide and muttered: "Little fish, little fish..."

Song Lian knew what she wanted to ask, and explained: "She is different from Jiang Dong's love of cats. I found out that she is allergic to cat hair."

She is allergic to cat fur...?

So.... Jiang Youwan's explanation to her is true, the little fish was really ordered by the woman to throw it away, because she was allergic to cat hair, and the little fish was in If so, she will be exposed...

Because of that incident, I became so angry at the beginning, and I said so much to Jiang Youwan, broke with Jiang Youwan and flew away.

It's all the bad woman's fault.

The most wronged person is Jiang Youwan.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: the most familiar stranger, Xiaomo, Orange, Sentinel, 50% off, Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, Craftsman, Song Yixue, 421654031;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 104 bottles of Tang Xuanyue; 28 bottles of sewer wrong; 26 bottles of Yae Shenzi supermarket; , tsk tsk, 57483813, optimistic about every day, jenny turtle ~, glass is clear,? . ? . , Light Next, 10 bottles of plain white and crispy meat; 9 bottles of Si; 9996 bottles of Erxianren; Ultraman Diga, Aqing. , Rui Rui is lazy, pineapple sweet and sour pork, 5 bottles of trouble; 3 bottles of the most familiar stranger; Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, who doesn't like to eat fish, Gu Yi, 2 bottles of Shunzhi Wan; Xuanbao is a small tree! , Jing Xiu's panda pendant, Yuan Xiaoguai, 60853766, Si Mao, Bandong, Sentinel, Shen Xiaoguai, dare to abandon the pit and beat you! , 46522199, pheasant, know, haruka, Jiangcheng misty rain 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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