MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 84 she doesn't want her

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Once fully marked, the gland is what keeps two people connected forever.

With the glands, she will always be soft-hearted towards Jiang Youwan, always attracted to her, and will never be inseparable from her.

So, in front of Jiang Youwan, in front of her, he stabbed a knife into his own gland, trying to destroy it.

Let Jiang Youwan see that he really no longer wants to be involved with her, and would rather self-destruct and suffer the pain of gouging out his glands, rather not be an alpha, and not want to be with her anymore Together.

She wants Jiang Youwan to give up.


The huge pain made her cry out in pain, Jiang Youwan's brain seemed to have been struck by lightning, and it stopped on the spot. She opened her eyes and stared at Jiang Jinyi, her lips trembling. , with red bloodshot eyes.

The despair in her eyes is like a person standing on a lonely boat in the vast sea facing a huge wave that hits her.

More than that.


Jiang Jinyi's face was pale in pain, her head was sweating coldly, the knife fell to the ground, and her whole body fell to the ground weakly.

Fu Mingyue recovered from the shock and immediately ran over to support her, "Little Jin!"

"Little, Little Jin.... Little Jin—!"

Jiang Youwan's brain was buzzing, her throat was so dry that she couldn't make a sound, her legs were weak, she stumbled to Jiang Jinyi's side, fell to her knees in front of her, desperate and heartbroken Watch it all.

Jiang Jinyi had passed out from the pain, blood was pouring out from the glands in the back of her neck, Fu Mingyue was also heartbroken, and while ordering the next person to drive the car, he tore Put the fabric of her own clothes on the wound to help her stop the bleeding.

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, why are you, you..." Jiang Youwan burst into tears, choked incoherently.

How can it be, how dare Xiao Jin...

Why doesn't she know that the glands are one of the most vulnerable and sensitive parts of alpha's body. When two people are intimate, she will burst into tears if she squeezes and bites Jiang Jinyi with a little force, humming Haw begged her not to touch it.

Now I dare to pick up a knife... stab my glands...

Jiang Youwan shook her head in fear, unable to believe what was in front of her. The distressed feeling spread throughout her limbs, making it extremely difficult for her to breathe, her brain swelled, and she couldn't help retching.

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin......" She knelt like that, and tremblingly reached out to touch Jiang Jinyi's pale face, but she didn't touch it, and was given to Fu Mingyue by Fu Mingyue. Shoot away.

"Don't touch her!"

Fu Mingyue glared at Jiang Youwan. She was rarely angry. This was the first time she looked at someone so angry, she wanted to scold her, but she didn't know where to start.

Fu's car stopped in front of them soon, Fu Mingyue stopped looking at her, and ordered the servants to help Jiang Jinyi to the car with her.

"Quick, go to the nearest hospital!"

He was barely able to stay awake until he was bleeding.

She started the car and drove to the hospital with Fu Mingyue's car.

Jiang Jinyi was pushed into the emergency room for rescue.

Jiang Youwan came one step behind, standing in front of the emergency room door, his eyes were vacant and empty.

And there may be many sequelae.

The first time the doctor saw the appearance of Jiang Jinyi's glands, the doctor showed a shocked expression. After asking about the situation, he couldn't help feeling that there was an alpha who could actually hit his glands.

Soon, Fu Mingyue came back, saw Jiang Youwan standing in front of the emergency room door, frowned and wanted to drive her away, the doctor suddenly pushed the door out of the emergency room, said urgently : "The patient has lost too much blood and needs blood transfusion. Please sign the family members. Who are the family members of the two of you?"

Jiang Youwan immediately said: "I am, I am her—"

Before the words "girlfriend" were spoken, Fu Mingyue interrupted, "I'm her friend, I'll sign."

Doctor: "Okay."

Jiang Youwan was stunned, her beautiful brows furrowed, and she was a little unhappy.

Do you need an outsider to sign for Xiao Jin?

But now Xiao Jin is in the first aid, she finally did not stop her and withdrew her hand.

She said in a deep voice, "Doctor, she must not be in trouble."

The doctor nodded and walked to the emergency room, saying, "We will do our best."

The door to the emergency room closed, and the corridor returned to peace.

Only both of them were breathing smoothly.

Gradually, Fu Mingyue heard extremely weak sobbing around her, she turned her head and saw Jiang Youwan lowered her head, her eyes were very red, and her eyelashes were stained with water beads, which she wiped away with the back of her hand.

Her other hand grabbed the corner of her clothes tightly, the blue blood vessels burst out, very hard

It is hard to imagine that such a strong and calm woman from before would also have such a vulnerable side.

She was standing at the door of the emergency room, the closest place to Jiang Jinyi so far.

Jiang Jinyi is being rescued, she can't feel Jiang Jinyi's pheromone, her pheromone is gone, and she can no longer smell half of it in the air, it's all disinfectant The smell is bloody.

It seems that Jiang Jinyi is also leaving.

This feeling, she felt scared and helpless from the bottom of her heart, and she was so flustered that she gradually lost her stability, fell to the floor, and breathed desperately, trying to catch a little bit of hyacinth flower fragrance.

No omega can take such a blow.

She's just been tagged, and it's when she needs alpha the most.

Fu Mingyue understood this truth, her eyes were complicated, and after a while, she sighed, took out the jacket Jiang Jinyi took off before entering the emergency room, and handed it to Jiang Youwan.

"Take it."

Jiang Youwan was stunned for half a second, then immediately reached out and took it, tremblingly took the coat that still had a lot of blood stains into his arms, buried the lower half of his face, took a deep breath, and sucked the coat pheromone remains.

She lowered her eyes, her wet eyelashes kept trembling, and she looked like a patient who was dying, taking the last medicine to keep her mentally stable.

Fu Mingyue didn't bother her or drive her away. I don't know how long it took. One hour, maybe two hours, the door of the emergency room finally opened.

Jiang Youwan stood up immediately and followed.

Her little Jin was pale, so white that there was no trace of blood, she lay weak, still unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Youwan's heart was broken into pieces, her eyes and nose were red, and she watched Jiang Jinyi being pushed into the ward.

She didn't have time to go in, and looked at the doctor nervously: "How is she now?"

"The patient is out of danger and is now hospitalized for observation."

Fu Mingyue asked: "What about her glands? How?"

The doctor frowned and sighed: "She is very **** herself, her glands are severely damaged, and most of the alpha functions have been lost."

The doctor continued to add: "But it has not been completely gouged out. We have already sutured it. If you take good care of it and recover, it is still possible to recover. It depends on luck."

Luck means uncertainty, what a cruel word.

"Her body was not very good at first, now her glands are damaged, and her constitution will only worsen. In the future, it will be common for her to fall ill with a cold and fever. So badly hurt..."

The doctor gave some precautions and then left. Jiang Youwan listened carefully and took it to heart.

She thought about taking good care of Xiao Jin, but when she entered the ward, she was stopped by Gu Mingyue.

"Miss Jiang, you should not go in." Fu Mingyue said.

Jiang Youwan frowned and didn't like this feeling very much, she was obviously the closest person to Xiaojin, and Xiaojin was her alpha, why should she be blocked from the door ?

She forbears: "Fu Mingyue..."

Fu Mingyue frowned: "Jiang Youwan, don't you understand? Does Xiao Jin really want to see you when she wakes up? Does she really want you to stay by her side and take care of her?"

Fu Mingyue thought that Jiang Youwan understood in her heart, but she was unwilling to admit it.

You give up, you know?"

"Xiao Jin is already very sad, she doesn't want to see you at all."

"You forcibly take her away, I really can't stop you, but you can guarantee that she will not do anything to hurt herself because of you?"

These words, like needles one by one, mercilessly pierced into Jiang Youwan's heart, causing her pain to the death and sober little by little.

She muttered to herself, Fu Mingyue was right.

She is the source of Xiao Jin's pain now, and the person Xiao Jin doesn't want to see is herself.

Actually, I don't know how many times Jiang Jinyi entered the emergency room.

From the explosion at the age of three or four, to being stabbed by a lunatic, smashed by a chandelier and amnesia at the age of eighteen, and now, gouging out my own glands.

Everything seems to have something to do with me.

A delicate girl like Xiao Jin has a weak body, but she has experienced so many accidents that make her legs weak.

Thinking like this, Jiang Youwan felt so guilty and suffocated that she realized for the first time that she had caused so much harm to Jiang Jinyi.

Fu Mingyue looked at her darkened expression and asked curiously: "I heard that she lost her memory some time ago, you just tricked her while she lost her memory, haven't you considered restoring her memory? later?"

Jiang Youwan muttered: "I didn't dare to think about it."

Fu Mingyue laughed happily or angry, reminding her: "You are too tight, the thread is broken."

"Please, don't disturb her again, don't approach her again, unless, you want her to be sad, and you want her to be hurt again."

After Fu Mingyue finished speaking, she turned around and entered the ward, closing the door to isolate Jiang Youwan and Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Youwan can't enter, nor is he qualified to enter.

She felt that she really deserved death.

It all seems to be a mistake.

However, how would she let go of Xiao Jin, how would she spend the days without Xiao Jin?

Jiang Youwan lowered her eyes, her eyes were as dark as a black pool, and the image of Jiang Jinyi gouging out her glands lingered in her mind.

She fell into eternal darkness, clinging to her last ray of sunshine, but that beam of light would leave her even if she didn't want to die, and she was willing to keep her in darkness.

Even if she doesn't let go, the light will dissipate in her hand.

Jiang Youwan's eyes tightened, and he exerted his strength to the extreme, and finally released the tightly gripped hand that was already bleeding all over the floor.

Turn away.


The next day, Jiang Jinyi was transferred by Fu Mingyue to the hospital invested by their Fu family, giving her the best and most comfortable environment.

After five days in a coma, she finally woke up.

He looked at the ceiling for a long time, his eyes were slack, as if he didn't remember who he was.

Again, forget everything.

If only it were.

Staring at the ceiling for ten minutes, Jiang Jinyi finally sorted out her messy memories and dreams.

She sat up despite the pain of the wound, and the severe pain let her know, reminding her that she had gouged out her own glands.

In front of Jiang Youwan.

It's heartbreaking.

Jiang Youwan gave up?

Jiang Jinyi was not sure. Looking out the window, the weather seemed to be getting colder. Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the quiet corridor. Jiang Jinyi couldn't help clenching his sleeves.

The nervousness didn't let go until the door was pushed open and doctors and nurses in white coats came in.

Fortunately, I was relieved and then lost.

Why did Jiang Youwan come? Jiang Youwan's heart was already broken by her.

She and Jiang Youwan have broken up.

Fu Mingyue came to see her soon, asking her not to think about anything, to take good care of her injuries, and to tell her that it is still possible for her glands to recover as before.

Jiang Jinyi didn't want to return to the way she was before. She felt that it was fine now. Although it hurts, she no longer felt that urgent desire for Jiang Youwan.

But the bad thing, the body no longer desires, but the longing in her heart still makes her hard to bear.

She always thought, how should Jiang Youwan spend it, and how should Jiang Youwan face it?

She's so fragile that she doesn't want to eat the food she feeds, so sad to the point of crying.

Whenever she thinks of Jiang Jinyi's unavoidable heartache and heartache, and wants to distract herself, she goes online, but she will think of Jiang Youwan when there is a little bit of connection.

She couldn't help but check, what would happen if the alpha left after the omega was completely marked.

Eighty percent of omegas suffered from depression, and 20 percent survived, describing their own life in words.

What is described is less than one ten thousandth.

Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to read after reading one line.

She knew that Jiang Youwan was going through it.

She was afraid that she could not help but go back to Jiang Youwan.

Even if the glands were gouged out, her heart was still full of thoughts of wanting to go back to Jiang Youwan all the time.

Fortunately, it can be tolerated.

She heard that couples after breaking up are like this.

They will all have their own lives.

It will be fine.

Jiang Youwan never bothered Jiang Jinyi again.

She returned to the villa where they lived together before, locked herself in the villa, and did not go anywhere for many days.

Because this villa is the only place where Jiang Jinyi's pheromone is preserved.

She sealed all the windows of the villa without leaving any vents, delusional to keep the hyacinth longer.

But she still couldn't stop her from dissipating little by little.

It's really hard.

For an omega that has just been fully tagged.

The omegas that have just been marked are extremely fragile, they are sensitive, they are glass-hearted, they are pretentious and love to cry and tear incontinence, they are desperate for their alphas, and hope that their alphas will always be around, leave a Not even a small meeting.

Because they have completely surrendered themselves to the alpha, this feeling of not owning their body and mind will make them feel uneasy, and need the alpha to tell the omega over and over again how important she is and how important she is. Don't be stingy to give pheromones to only omega, so that omega can gain a sense of security and happiness.

Jiang Youwan has nothing.

Her alpha doesn't want her.

No newly tagged omega can take such a blow, but she can't help it.

She can only spend this emotional time alone.

I miss her little Jin every day, like a drug addiction attacking every moment, she is really fragile, there is no time more fragile than now.

She pervertedly found Xiaojin's clothes, Xiaojin's bedsheets, and all Xiaojin's dolls, and formed a hill, she hugged Jiang Jinyi's pillow and curled up inside, curled up It's very deep, trying to get a sense of security from it, trying to isolate myself from this cold room, and want to soak myself in the fragrance of hyacinth flowers.

Protect your vulnerable self.

Gradually, she fell in love with sleeping, and even gave herself medicine every day, hoping to sleep a little longer, because dreams were the only way she could see Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Jinyi in her dream was always obedient to her, pampering and caring for her, and liked to act like a spoiled child just like before.

She knew that this was just a dream, but she was really happy, she experienced the treatment that other omegas have, and she was very satisfied.

But dreams always wake up.

Every time I wake up, the pillow is wet, the tears are cold, and I have to face the house where she is alone.

The world is getting darker.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu is a very human cat. She can feel her sadness and sadness. She always stays by her side. To appease her, several times she saw that she was unwilling to eat, and even took his own dried small fish, put it on the ground, and pushed her with his paws to signal her to eat.

"Xiaoyu, how come Xiaojin doesn't even want you?"

"She likes you so much..."

"She used to love me..."

"I really want to see her, but she doesn't want me anymore..."

This is how Jiang Youwan spent this month when omega needed alpha the most.

I don't know what propped her out of this villa, maybe it was a promise to Xiao Jin.

I promised to make everyone who hurt Xiao Jin pay the price.

In a blink of an eye, Los Angeles has entered winter completely, Jiang Jinyi thinks it should be very cold, because the doctor never allowed her to open the window, saying that she is now immune to low, easy to catch cold.

Because the glands are damaged, the body is much weaker than before, a sick seedling.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, she was covered tightly, listening to the doctor's word-by-word explanation of the precautions, and just as she was about to leave, she saw a familiar figure in the distance.

She couldn't remember who it was for a while, and when she saw that person walking in front of her, she stumbled and opened her lips: "...Secretary Song. "

The author has something to say:

It will be fine

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: lili son ccc1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 53541066, 47654211, 1 modified life;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 78 bottles of Craftsman; 38 bottles of Heah; 20 bottles of Dudu and Yaoyao; , Nanyi, Bulu, Percentage, General Wen's Girl Fan, Spicy Duck, JM, Fu Yi Shisheng,. . 10 bottles; a certain Rackles, Aqing. , der, mutton buns, 5 bottles of pink ocean; maybe 4 bottles if you love me at all; 426217333 bottles; 2 bottles of pheasant, cixiu, huyou; 1 bottle of zeroz, Shen Xiaoguai, Yuan Xiaoguai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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