MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 81 fully marked

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In a daze, a few days passed like a walking corpse. That night, Jiang Jinyi began to feel that her body became very strange and her body temperature was very high. Gu Qiwang, who wanted to find Jiang Youwan, appeared again.

Is it a susceptible period?

But she looked at the days, and her susceptibility period was clearly twenty days away...

Her susceptibility period is always on time, how could it be?

She hurriedly rummaged through the box to find the inhibitor. She remembered that she still had a lot left, but now she couldn't find a single one, not to mention the inhibitor, not even the inhibitor pills.

She took a thermometer to measure her body temperature, thirty-eight degrees. Could it be a fever? She has not done anything with Jiang Youwan recently, nor has she tagged Jiang Youwan, so there is no reason to advance the susceptibility period.

The alpha who is sick and feverish will want to rely on the omega that she has marked, and want to be comforted and taken care of by the omega, so she will want to go to Jiang Youwan.

With a little bit of luck, she persuaded herself to find a fever-reducing medicine from the medicine cabinet and eat it. After taking it, she felt dizzy. Think of Jiang Youwan The child has become more intense, and I can't help but go to her!

Jiang Jinyi shook her head, squatted in front of the closet and pulled out some of Jiang Youwan's close-fitting clothes that she had hidden before, covered her face and smelled it, and found that the smell had faded a lot. I can't satisfy my current self.

No way, she secretly opened the door to check the situation outside, and found that Jiang Youwan might be on the first floor, so she hurriedly sneaked into her room, and after smelling the faint fragrance of mandala flowers, she The symptoms of discomfort eased a little, followed by a more urgent desire to get more mandala fragrance.

There is no time to pay attention to anything else. She only sees Jiang Youwan's wardrobe. She ran to the wardrobe and opened the door. Inside, grabbing a lot of clothes and sniffing hard.

Her debts that were not so high were temporarily relieved. The side effects of the antipyretic drugs made her drowsy, holding the pile of clothes and not wanting to leave, and unknowingly, fell asleep.

There was a sound of light footsteps in the quiet corridor. After a while, the door that Jiang Jinyi had closed was opened from the outside. One step, he walked gently to the wardrobe, looked down at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Xiao Jin will always bring her unexpected surprises.

How can such a cute alpha exist?

Jiang Youwan squatted down, stroked Jiang Jinyi's head, and moved her red lips: "I'm holding my sister's clothes now and sleeping in my sister's wardrobe, what about later? Who will I hug? Who can't help but sleep?"

The wolf enters the tiger's mouth, and the thing is in the bag.


Drowsy, Jiang Jinyi had several dreams, dreaming that she had become a kitten and was gently stroked by her master, forgetting all the pain of being a human being, and was very happy.

He couldn't help showing affection to his master, and he wanted to stick to her every moment, rub her, act like a spoiled child, and make other cats envious.

Don't blame her, this kitten loves to show off, who makes her owner so beautiful.

Haw Haw wants the owner to notice her discomfort and take her to the veterinary hospital.


Jiang Youwan's soft and strange voice swept across Jiang Jinyi's ear like a warm wind, she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Jiang Youwan's perfect jaw.

This is her master.


Jiang Jinyi was still immersed in her dream and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and northwest, so she called out, "Master..."

Jiang Youwan held a mobile phone in his hand and seemed to be recording video. Just now Jiang Jinyi rubbed against her in her dream was so cute, she couldn't help recording it.

Jiang Youwan smiled slyly and responded to her warmly; "What's the matter? Xiao Jin's body is so hot? Is it a fever?"

"Ugh..." Jiang Jinyi shook her head and gradually came back to her senses, she was dreaming just now, now...

She was lying on Jiang Youwan's bed, in Jiang Youwan's arms.

Jiang Jinyi frowned, she is not feeling well now, Jiang Youwan is concerned about her, her tone is not too fierce, she said: "I, I have already taken antipyretics... ..."

"I've taken antipyretics, is it still uncomfortable now?"

The symptoms seem to be much worse than before falling asleep, but how could Jiang Jinyi admit that it was shameful enough to be found by Jiang Youwan when she fell asleep in Jiang Youwan's wardrobe.

She wanted to get up from Jiang Youwan, but she couldn't get up at all because her body was too heavy or Jiang Youwan hugged her too tightly.

Jiang Youwan looked at her lovingly, and said softly, "Xiaojin, the antipyretics don't seem to work."

Jiang Jinyi also felt that this antipyretic was useless, her breathing was much heavier, and she said stupidly: "Jiang Youwan, you, you send me to have a fever reducing needle..."

The mobile phone in Jiang Youwan's hand is still recording video, recording Jiang Jinyi's dizzy and cute appearance, "The antipyretic needle shouldn't be useful, right?"

"Then, what should I do? I'm so uncomfortable... Jiang Youwan, I'm so uncomfortable..."

"Uncomfortable? My sister doesn't know how to help you." Jiang Youwan pretended to be helpless.

"You, what are you recording?" Jiang Jinyi suddenly found the phone in her hand, and was startled, wanted to grab the phone, but Jiang Youwan deftly avoided it and turned it off.

"Sorry, my sister couldn't help it, Xiao Jin was so cute just now."

Just that when I fell asleep?

"Delete!" Jiang Jinyi opened her eyes wide, jumped up from her arms and said angrily.

My arms were empty, and the soft and sweet little Jin was gone, and she was so fierce that she was dead.

Jiang Youwan has seen this kind of scene a lot. She knows how to deal with this kind of little Jin, that is, her attitude is stronger and tougher than hers.

"Huh? Delete it?" Jiang Youwan smiled slyly: "Why should I delete it? It's great to keep it for later."

"If you don't delete me-"


Just... how about it? Jiang Jinyi looked at Jiang Youwan's charming smile, her eyes moved to her fair and fragile neck, the back of her neck hidden under the black hair...

There is only one thought in my mind, I really want to bite her...

"How come Xiao Jin can't even threaten people..." Jiang Youwan threw the phone off the bed, Jiang Jinyi turned her head to look, there was actually an iron fence ......

Why is there an iron fence on the bed?

Jiang Jinyi thought she had read it wrong, she blinked and looked at Jiang Youwan again, only to realize that she was dressed very differently today.

She was wearing a uniform, similar to that of a female imperial officer. It was gorgeous and delicate, but it was a little different.

The uniform that was originally abstinence was very seductive by her, she was wearing white gloves and holding a leash in her hand.

Who is she holding?

Jiang Jinyi looked down and saw that the leash was connected to the collar on her neck.

There was an indescribable ambiguous atmosphere.


"You are arrogant? You are a prisoner, what's so arrogant? If you don't obey, I will torture you later!" Playing with a straight face and a cold voice, the majesty should not be offended.

Is she cosplaying? Was she treated as a prisoner by herself?

Jiang Jinyi was furious, "Bastard!"

The second after Jiang Jinyi finished speaking the bastard, Jiang Youwan tore off his tie, leaned over, and tied her hands three or two times before she was prepared to tie her tie. tied to the iron railing behind him.

Jiang Jinyi struggled immediately. It was a tie, but it couldn't be ripped off. It seemed that this tie was not a tie.

Jiang Youwan sneered: "The guy who doesn't know how high the sky is."

Every time Jiang Jinyi scolds her for murdering her, she increases the concentration of pheromones, which is the punishment used against Jiang Jinyi.

This is really torturous, Jiang Jinyi can't take it anymore, and her instinct drives her to approach Jiang Youwan, but being held by her tie, she can't get close to her at all.

She instinctively used pheromones to suppress the other party, but Jiang Youwan didn't seem to be affected by pheromones at all, and she was calm and majestic.


"Useless guy."

This stalemate lasted for more than ten minutes, the love valley in her body kept accumulating, Jiang Jinyi was tortured to the point of losing her mind, and she shouted at her aggrieved: "Jiang—"

Jiang Youwan corrected in a cold voice: "Call Master."

"Lord, master..." Jiang Youwan obeys whatever Jiang Jinyi says. It fits perfectly with the collar on her neck.

"What do you want?"

"Want you... woo..."

Jiang Youwan pretended to be disdainful and said: "Oh, master, can you imagine it?"

Jiang Jinyi was aggrieved to death, humming, and kept acting like a spoiled child.

Do her best to cooperate with Jiang Youwan's game, call her master, call her boss, beg her, so that her desire for control and abuse has been satisfied like never before.

How can Jiang Jinyi know that the serious officer on the surface has already flooded the inside.

Jiang Youwan's heart was so soft that she really wanted to give it to her now, but she knew that the more alpha's hope accumulated, the more they would not know the importance and contentment when they vented , it is easier to fall into the mark and unable to extricate oneself to reach the complete mark.

Waiting like this for another 20 minutes, Jiang Jinyi's whole face turned red, her peach blossom eyes were slack, Jiang Youwan was a little afraid of really playing her bad, and her tone softened, He rubbed her face and helped her untie the tie that tied her hand.

Jiang Jinyi was paralyzed in Jiang Youwan's arms, and when Jiang Youwan touched the back of her neck, she immediately regained her senses. , kissed her up, the kiss was a bit rough, Jiang Youwan couldn't resist, he pushed her out, his face was like a ripe peach, and he was anxious: "Help, help sister tear off the restraint sticker......"

In this case, oemga takes the initiative to ask to remove the restraint sticker, which is equivalent to sending itself into the mouth of alpha.

Standing on the railing, the restraint sticker was torn off by Jiang Jinyi, and the fragrance of hyacinths surged, Jiang Youwan's legs softened, and instinctively feared, almost fell, but fortunately Jiang Jinyi was supported, but in the next second, alpha bit the back of her neck without any caress or kisses.

Like a wolf cub that grabs meat, it will never let go until it is eaten.

Jiang Youwan let out a pained cry, and with the violent injection of Jiang Jinyi's pheromone, her body became more and more weak, and at the same time she was being raped, and the stimulation was even more double.

However, the sss-level omega's body is very adaptable to this kind of thing, and the marked pain is only a few seconds. No matter how strong he is, his brows and eyes are filled with a fragile sense of brokenness, his long hair is turbulent, and his face is full of tears, but he is extremely happy.

She is really in love, she just wants to be more, more profound, regardless of the consequences, she will do everything she can.


When Jiang Jinyi came back to her senses again, she couldn't remember what time it was, day or night, she looked at everything around her dizzily, lowered her head again, and looked at her lying in front of her. Jiang Youwan.

The air was filled with the aroma of mandala and hyacinth mixed, Jiang Youwan had closed his eyes and fell asleep, his lips were red and swollen, the corners of his mouth were bitten, there were still tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, and his face was full of tears. It was a tear, and the back of the neck, which was half-covered by the messy long hair, was already soft and rotten, and at a glance, it was obvious that it had been bitten by Alpha many times.

From the face to the neck to the body, there are traces of being treated roughly.

Jiang Jinyi looked at herself and was embarrassed and absurd.

Fully marked. …

She completely marked Jiang Youwan.

The guilt in her heart reached its peak, Jiang Jinyi's eyes darkened, and she also fainted.


In fact, during this period, Jiang Youwan also put the evidence of Jiang Ningshu's crime in front of Jiang Jinyi for her to see.

The result of the police investigation is: The murdered female star Zhao Yan was Jiang Ningshu's girlfriend before she was killed. The relationship between the two seemed to be very good, but it didn't take long for Zhao Yan and Jiang Ning Shu proposed to break up, no matter how Jiang Ningshu was saved, it would be of no avail. In the end, Jiang Ningshu lured her into the villa and tried to force her. in the aquarium.

It's basically been determined, that's the truth, no one hurt her, it's a fact that she killed her.

It is also true that he absconded in fear of crime, but the car accident is indeed strange and is still under investigation.

But Jiang Youwan knew that the car accident was planned by Su Yi.

Jiang Youwan also promised Jiang Jinyi that Su Yi and Liang Wei would not end well, and neither of them had a good death.

To be honest, so far, I have experienced the Wushan incident, as well as the previous bits and pieces, her love for herself, her kindness to herself, etc... ..

Jiang Jinyi wanted to believe her in her heart, but she was afraid, Jiang Youwan was too powerful, she could manipulate herself and make up a lot of things at will.

Even, even if my mother's death really has nothing to do with her.

But Su Yi is her biological brother, the purpose of her coming to Jiang's family, those who have had terrible conspiracies, are all true.

It was Jiang Youwan's own admission.

No matter how cold she is to Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan is gentle to her, patient with her, and loves her infinitely.

It's really easy for people to fall, it's easy for people to lose their minds and give up thinking to be loved by her.

Jiang Jinyi even thought about it many times, otherwise it would be like this.

But every time she thinks of her mother, it makes her feel tormented, and she cannot accept it no matter what.

Mother's death was inserted among them, and those conspiracies and deceit were inserted among them.

She felt that there was no possibility of love between them.

But now, they have done the worst thing they should do, completely marked.

The two were completely bound together.

Waking up again, Jiang Jinyi didn't know how long she had slept, the woman in her arms who was completely marked by her softly rubbed against her, clinging to her, as if she hadn't slept enough, groaning lazily, She looks as charming as water.

Their bodies have been completely poured into each other's pheromones, and they have each other.

Jiang Jinyi looked at the ceiling, and after a long time, she said, "Do you think that if you do this, everything will pass?"

"What do you think about the future? Have you been like this in the future? Have you been like this for the rest of your life? Do you have to use this method to force me to compromise?"

Jiang Youwan in his arms paused, lowered his red and swollen eyes in grievance, and listened to her quietly.

"Jiang Youwan, you always say you love me, but have you really considered my feelings?" Jiang Jinyi's tone, her eyes revealed something that could not be erased Pathetic.

"You asked me to let go of everything and be with you, as if nothing happened with you like before. I really, I really can't do it." Jiang Jinyi was in pain, she The pain was displayed unreservedly in front of Jiang Youwan.

"You know what? With you, I'm really in pain."

"What does Xiao Jin want from me?"

Jiang Youwan slowly released her, came out of her arms, and stood up weakly to look at her.

Cry out, very lovable.

"My sister is Xiao Jin's, and everything she has now is also Xiao Jin's. What do you want my sister to do?"

Jiang Youwan said with a fragile cry: "How many times did you stab me? Or do you want to take out my heart and show you, or do you want me to go down and bury your mother?"

Jiang Youwan asked for nothing: "As long as you say, I can do anything but lose you, and you can torture me any way you want."

Jiang Jinyi is like a stinger in her throat.

Jiang Youwan leaned down and kissed Jiang Jinyi's cheek carefully, coaxing her, trying to please her.

Faced with Jiang Youwan, who was so fragile and irritating, Jiang Jinyi's heart softened uncontrollably, and found that she could no longer say anything to hurt her.

What to do.

What to do.

She really thought she was going crazy.

She's going to be driven mad by this paradoxical feeling.

Seeing Jiang Jinyi that night, Xu An obviously felt that she was a little different, as if she had grown up a lot.

Not only did she grow up, but her eyes also revealed a sad and powerless sense of world-weariness.

Jiang Jinyi has always been favored by Jiang Youwan, carefree, and if she can show such a feeling, she is probably recovering her memory.

The serenity of serenity has been shattered.

Recovering memory, these four terrible words.

It was terrifying for Jiang Jinyi, and it was also terrifying for her.

She pondered for many days, and finally summoned up the courage to send it to Jiang Jinyi: [Have you recovered your memory? 】

Jiang Youwan had fallen asleep in her arms again, Jiang Jinyi couldn't fall asleep, she quickly replied when she saw the phone: [En. 】

Not only restored memory, but also completely marked people.

Very calm, Xu An waited for more than ten minutes without waiting for her to blame her.

She was even more uncomfortable.

[Sorry, Jin. 】

[It's okay, I know, it was Jiang Youwan who threatened you. 】

【What are you going to do now? 】

Jiang Jinyi looked at the fragile and charming beauty in her arms, thought for a long time, and replied to her: [I don't know. 】

Xu An said: [Fu Mingyue is back. 】

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Moon Bear has 1 more than his father;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 52 bottles of Chenghai; 18 bottles of Abai; Tom, Adin, Yuexiong’s father, tsk tsk, he 10 bottles; Motorcycle Maintenance Art, 53541066 , JM5 bottles; 4 bottles of Qi Yan's treasure; 531078853 bottles; 2 bottles of Cixiu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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