MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 71 backfires

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【I heard that you are in love with Jiang Youwan? Jiang Jinyi, you also know that she is not your biological sister. Are you so convinced that she made up your identity for you? 】

【I have an instrument here to help restore memory, do you need it? 】

This evening, Jiang Jinyi received another email from an unfamiliar account.

[So, are you here to promote the product? 】 She replied gloomily.

【Miss Jiang feels good after trial and can invest. 】

I will use the title Miss Jiang, Jiang Jinyi is 100% sure that this person is Huo Qi.

She was a little angry, [Huo Qi, I said I don't like you, can you live your own life and stop bothering me? We are not even friends anymore. 】

No matter how annoying she is, if Jiang Youwan finds out, she will definitely be very angry.

It took a few minutes for the message to come back, with a strong irony: [Xiao Jin, you said you wanted me to live a good life, but your sister's people are looking for me every day, very Don't dig me three feet into the ground, I keep running away and running away, I can't live a good life at all. 】

Jiang Jinyi frowned, so Jiang Youwan has been catching Huo Qi?

At the beginning, she pleaded with Jiang Youwan to let her let Huo Qi go this time.

It seems that Jiang Youwan is too jealous of that incident and wants Huo Qi to pay the price.

Jiang Jinyi thought for a while, then typed a line: [I can go and tell my sister, let her stop looking for you, don't bother me, don't keep sending me this The inexplicable mailbox really ruins the mood. 】

The news was sent out, but there was no reply for a long time. At this time, Xiaoyu suddenly crawled over and meowed at her. Half of Jiang Jinyi's attention was attracted by Xiaoyu. She took it into her arms and waited for news while rua her.

After about a few minutes, the phone vibrated suddenly, Jiang Jinyi knew that the news was sent, and she freed her hand to read the news.

【Jiang Jinyi, I know what I say now, you will only lean to Jiang Youwan's side, and you will not believe anything you say, but your memory will always be restored. If you want to know Jiang Youwan's true identity, I can tell you who she is. 】

【Remember to come to me then, I hope you won’t wait too long. 】

Jiang Jinyi read it once, frowned, and was just about how to respond to her, when Jiang Youwan appeared behind her at some point and called her: "Baby."

Jiang Jinyi was startled, she immediately turned off the screen of her mobile phone, put it in her pocket, picked up the little fish who was licking her hair, turned to look at Jiang Youwan, and smiled at her: "Jiang You Anhui, are you ready to wash?"

Jiang Youwan had a panoramic view of her panicked movements just now, and the strangeness of this idiot was written on her face.

There is something hidden from her.

Jiang Youwan narrowed her eyes and walked slowly towards her. Under her dangerous gaze, Jiang Jinyi's smile gradually froze, and she mumbled softly: "Why are you looking at me like this... ..."

Xiaoyu saw Jiang Youwan, called her "meow" in Jiang Jinyi's arms, acted like a spoiled child and begged rua, completely different from Jiang Jinyi who had done something wrong.

Jiang Jinyi was still squatting on the ground, and Jiang Youwan stood in front of her, looking down at her, "Who were you chatting with just now?"

It's over, it was discovered. Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to meet Jiang Youwan's eyes at all. She felt very guilty, so she hesitantly said, "With a friend..."

"Friend?" Jiang Youwan's voice was cold and his face was cold, "Which friend?"


"Is it the kind of friend who can't be known by my sister? Is it an omega?" Jiang Youwan knew Jiang Jinyi's infatuation and dependence on her, she could not go to others, but she did not rule out others taking the initiative Come to her, that kind of omega with high skills, this idiot, how can I play with others.

Jiang Youwan knew that she was arguing, so he didn't give her a chance to quibble, looked down at her, stretched out his hand, and directly ordered, "Bring your phone here."

"Ah..." Jiang Jinyi's long eyelashes trembled, and she looked up at her for a moment, seeing Jiang Youwan's irresistible expression, she knew that she would definitely not be able to escape.

Take out the mobile phone from her pocket, she lowered her head and handed it to Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan took it, Jiang Jinyi looked at her timidly, very uneasy, comforting herself was nothing. Huo Qi's words made a lot of himself go back, and Jiang Youwan might even praise himself.

Jiang Youwan unlocked the phone, and at the same moment, another message popped up in the dialog box.

Seeing the content, she went into cardiac arrest.

[You will know what kind of conspiracy this is at that time. You have to avenge your mother, who killed your mother. 】

Next, there is another: [If you don't believe it, you can ask Xu An or Ji Xiaoqin, and you will know how absurd what you are doing now. fall in love. 】

Jiang Youwan heard her heartbeat, thump, thump, heavy and heavy, she stared at the news, looked up, turned up the message that this person had sent to Jiang Jinyi before , Seeing Jiang Jinyi's reply, the tense nerves relaxed a little.

Xiao Jin did not see the following.

Fortunately, she arrived just in time.

Jiang Youwan looked at her and asked in a cold voice, "Huo Qi?"

Jiang Jinyi knew that she had made a mistake, and nodded timidly: "... um." It was over, Jiang Youwan was still angry.

"You are behind my back, chatting with Huo Qi secretly? Didn't you promise me that you would never have contact with her again?" Jiang Youwan's beautiful face was shrouded in haze, The cold, low voice made people shudder.

Jiang Jinyi was wronged, so she shook her head anxiously, "No, I didn't chat with her, it was she, she sent me the message, you see, I clearly told her to stop Annoying me!" Jiang Jinyi eagerly wanted Jiang Youwan to see the news he sent to Huo Qi.

Jiang Youwan did not return the phone to her, and quietly deleted the last two messages sent by Huo Qi, her face did not look much better, and she felt lingering fears, she felt that Jiang Jinyi was still not obedient enough .

The alarm in her heart kept ringing, making her panic, feeling that Jiang Jinyi was going to leave her again.

Fatal, terrifying.

"Little Jin, you should tell your sister first, not talk to her every now and then, right?"

Jiang Jinyi couldn't refute this sentence, she shrugged and admitted her mistake, "I'm sorry..."


Jiang Youwan frowned seriously, and said coldly, "Confiscated the phone, go out."

Jiang Jinyi's eyes widened: "Go out, go out?"

Jiang Youwan turned around, sat down on the bed with her mobile phone in her hand, and said in a tone that there was no room for negotiation: "Don't sleep in my room tonight."

Can't sleep in her room...?

Jiang Jinyi was stunned for a while, about to die of grievance, and immediately wanted to explain herself, but Jiang Youwan gave him a cold glance, and the words stuck in her throat instantly.

"Ugh..." She has never been so wronged in her life!

Under the oppressive gaze, Jiang Jinyi slowly stood up, her eyes were lowered, her expression was aggrieved and lonely, as if the whole world owed her, she walked slowly to the door, going out to bring her When I came to the door, the second before the door closed, the door handle was held from the inside, paused for a moment, and then opened it again.

Jiang Jinyi's eyes brightened instantly, knowing that Jiang Youwan might have changed her mind.

The door was opened again, and a pair of slender, white and slightly sensual legs appeared in her field of vision. Jiang Jinyi knew that Jiang Youwan was standing in front of her.

This stalemate lasted for two or three seconds, she hummed softly, looked up at her, and whispered: "I, I'm your girlfriend, how can you chase me Walk......"

Really, there is no second alpha in the world who is so squeamish and coquettish.

Jiang Youwan laughed inwardly. Although his tone was still cold, it was much more relaxed than before, "I'll close the door if you don't come in again?"

With permission, Jiang Jinyi rushed in immediately, jumping onto the bed like a rabbit, occupying the position that originally belonged to Jiang Youwan, waiting eagerly for her to go to bed.

"Move in a little." Jiang Youwan said with a blank expression, Jiang Jinyi moved in obediently, and when she went to bed, he immediately stuck to her, hugging her waist, stick to her.

The huge bed, two people only occupy a small part of Jiang Youwan's side.

"Sister, I know I'm wrong, don't you get angry, okay?" She immediately acted like a spoiled child, her tone was watery, but not annoying, very good, very cute.

With this look, Jiang Youwan thought, maybe she only cared about whether she was angry or not, and she had forgotten what Huo Qi said to her thousands of miles away.

Thinking this way, my mood eased a lot.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Youwan asked her.

Jiang Jinyi said seriously: "I shouldn't have talked to Huo Qi behind your back, I should have scolded her in front of you."

Jiang Youwan raised her eyebrows. To be honest, she liked the answer very much, but she didn't let her go so easily. "Will you commit it later?"

"Promise not to do it, I will be good, sister forgive me this time, please forgive me?" Jiang Jinyi looked up at her and acted like a spoiled child.

What is the arrogant young lady? If you make your girlfriend angry, you still have to admit your mistake.

I still have to do my best to make my girlfriend happy.

Jiang Youwan was successfully pleased by her, raised his hand and rubbed her head, Jiang Jinyi leaned into her arms, Jiang Youwan said, "No matter what she says to you, Don't believe Xiao Jin, okay?"

Jiang Youwan was really angry just now, and she was really scared, and she is still scared now.

She will go crazy, without Xiao Jin, she will really go crazy.

"Well, I only believe in my sister." Jiang Jinyi's words came from the heart, she only believed in her sister.

She said sweetly: "No one else is as important as my sister. No one in the world treats me better than my sister. I only believe in my sister."

Jiang Youwan: "Good~"

Knowing that she has been completely forgiven, Jiang Jinyi whispered aggrieved and complained: "You were so fierce just now..."

Jiang Youwan looked down at her small fan-like eyelashes, her eyes darkened, and asked softly, "Are you afraid?"

She continued: "If you really believe what Huo Qi said, my sister will be more fierce and terrifying."

More ferocious and terrifying?

Do you want to chain yourself up and whip yourself with a whip as I said last time?

Jiang Jinyi's face was still ruddy, she turned her face away shyly, neither said she was afraid nor said she was not afraid, so she called out, "Jiang Youwan..."


To be honest, Jiang Jinyi is a little scared. Imagine being chained, being whipped for disobedience, and being fed aphrodisiac/medicine. Things people are afraid of?

If someone said this to her, she would definitely want to call the police and arrest her.

If the person who said these words to her was Jiang Youwan, she would still be afraid, but it was the fear of the unknown, because she had never been treated like that, and she didn’t know what it was Feel.

Jiang Youwan is shaking///s?

Jiang Jinyi imagined the scene, and was so ashamed that she quickly buried her face in Jiang Youwan's arms, then raised her eyes shyly, looked at her and whispered, "Then you use a whip Take it easy..."


Jiang Youwan raised his eyebrows and said this for a long time?

Jiang Jinyi timidly said: "I'm afraid of pain..."

I am afraid of pain, not my sister.

"Ah..." Jiang Youwan smiled, "I'm afraid of the pain, then sister can't be lighter."

"Huh?" Jiang Jinyi was stunned, and Jiang Youwan warned: "The less obedient you are, the harder you pull."

Jiang Jinyi pouted: "Why are you like this?"

"So, Xiao Jin should be more obedient." Jiang Youwan's tone became very gentle again, raised her face with one hand, lowered her head and placed a kiss on her lips, "If you are obedient, My sister will only love you well and reward you."

The familiar gentle township made Jiang Jinyi unable to bear and let her bury her in her arms again, with a rather attached gesture.

Jiang Youwan especially enjoys Jiang Jinyi's reliance and trust in her, and it should be like this all her life.

She pinched her earlobe and said softly, "It's not breathable again."

Jiang Jinyi didn't leave when she couldn't breathe. Every breath and every breath was full of milk. She swallowed and hummed softly, not knowing what she was talking about.

Soon, Jiang Youwan saw through her careful thoughts, and without piercing her, teased: "Why is her face so red? Is it boring? Or is Xiaojin thinking about something that will make her blush? Heartbeat thing?"

When Jiang Youwan said this, Jiang Jinyi's face turned even redder, she closed her eyes and gathered courage, and gently touched the ripe cherries, secretly, if There is nothing to rub, want to eat but dare not eat, and think that the movement is not obvious.

Jiang Youwan couldn't help laughing, he was really a fool, he thought he would not know if he moved lightly?

No, not stupid at all, how does a fool know how to induce milk.

Breathing is getting heavier and heavier, his chest is heavier and heavier, Jiang Youwan's expression is gradually changing, his cheeks are red, some are difficult and some are enjoyable...

Jiang Jinyi's hair was suddenly caught, and soon, the cloth was soaked with milk, and the rich milk fragrance filled the room...

Working **** milk to find milk for herself, the kitten finally stopped moving her mouth, raised her head, looked innocently at Jiang Youwan with bright and clear eyes, and reminded her in a low voice: "Sister... .You, you seem to be…”

Her acting is very good, she is so innocent as if she really didn't do it, and she betrayed her with her face as red as a crab, Jiang Youwan scolded in a low voice: "It's necrotic... ..”

The swearing mouth, the eyes clearly enjoying the liking, Jiang Jinyi knew that she was acquiescing, and happily lowered her head again.

Jiang Youwan was wearing a silk tie nightdress. After the kiss just now, it was almost loose. Jiang Jinyi grabbed the fabric around her waist and pulled it gently, Get your wish, like a baby, sucking and swallowing milk.

He heard Jiang Youwan's broken voice, all grievances and fears were forgotten, Jiang Jinyi felt that she had become a person who couldn't think and just wanted to stay by her sister's side forever stupid cat.

Waking up the next morning, Jiang Jinyi found that his side was empty and a pillow was being stuffed in his arms.

She didn't hold the pillow at all last night.

It was Jiang Youwan's pillow that Jiang Youwan stuffed for her.

Jiang Jinyi knows without thinking.

Every time I wake up, if Jiang Youwan is not there, I will hold her pillow in my arms.

Jiang Youwan will tell her helplessly: "Because Xiaojin is too clingy, she insists on hugging her sister, humming, and sister has to put a pillow for you to get out. ."

She said this, Jiang Jinyi fell into self-doubt, but she believed her words with a stupid blushing face.

After falling in love with Jiang Youwan, she found that Jiang Youwan was really domineering and double standard. In fact, it was not a new discovery. Looking back now, many details have proved that Jiang Youwan has this kind of potential exists.

She doesn't allow herself to sleep with other pillows, she will be jealous when she sees it, but when she sees herself hugging her pillow, she will smile and say helplessly: "So sticky Hey, I really can't help Xiao Jin."

Jiang Jinyi couldn't tell her at all, and the more she talked, the more she blushed.

She gathered her thoughts, got up and took a look at the calendar on her phone. Today is Qixi Festival, which is the first couple-related festival she and Jiang Youwan have ever spent together.

They made an appointment to go on a date at the beach today, but instead of starting together, they wanted to surprise each other, which is more fresh.

Jiang Youwan should have woken up early, washed, changed clothes and went out. Jiang Jinyi was a little annoyed that she would wake up so late, so she hurried to wash up and dressed herself up beautifully, The originally black long straight hair was slightly curled, youthful and flamboyant, sweet and sexy.

Jiang Youwan said she liked her the most.

As soon as she finished her makeup, Jiang Youwan sent her a message. It was a picture of the seaside. There was a cloud in the shape of a very cute, inexplicable feeling. Jiang You Wan Peiwen said: [This cloud looks like you. 】

Jiang Jinyi raised the corner of his mouth and typed back: [How can there be. 】

Jiang Jinyi was even more anxious, she hurried back to her room, to take down the gift for Jiang Youwan that was hidden on the top of the wardrobe, it was not high enough, so she found a chair cushion , I don't know if it was because I was in a hurry, I didn't stand firm when I stood up, and suddenly the center of gravity of the whole person fell down, her pupils suddenly dilated, and the next second, the back of her head fell on the carpet.


Cannot feel the pain, she lay motionless with her eyes wide open. After tens of seconds of blankness in her mind, those memories that should have been unforgettable but forgotten are all scrambling to be there. It reappeared in her mind.

The author has something to say:

I'm sorry for being late, I've been very tired these days, I will start to adjust my work and rest tonight, good night everyone.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ju Jingyi;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Modify life, Deep in Seven and Five, Sentinel, Lele 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Tang Xuanyue 89 bottles; Chongyu 27 bottles; kk20 bottles; Qi Yan's baby 15 bottles; , 2 bottles of Rui Rui is lazy; 1 bottle of good, not bald, Zhan Yuan Yuchuan, Shen Xiaoguai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!