MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 68 kidnapped

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In the recording, Jiang Youwan personally admitted that she was not her biological sister, and she also gave her blood transfusion, so for sure, 100% is not her biological sister.

Therefore, there must be something wrong with the DNA report that my mother tested.

There are two possibilities, the first is that Jiang Youwan made a move on that report, and the second is that her mother deliberately forged it for the sake of a liar.

Mom is going to lie to her?

Jiang Jinyi interrupted this idea instantly, how is it possible? What's your mother's reason?

It must be the former.

It must be Jiang Youwan's ghost.

In order to let her mother know that she was holding the wrong daughter, Jiang Jinyi went to her mother's room to find two hairs on the bed, and pulled two more hairs of Jiang Youwan's hair. Tomorrow, she will go by herself Do DNA for them, and she won't believe it.

When the time comes, the report will come out with solid evidence.... What else can Jiang Youwan say?


Jiang Jinyi clenched her fingertips and glanced at Jiang Youwan's door unconsciously.

She just... seemed to be in pain.

She saw it, her face was pale, and there was a cold sweat on her forehead... She seemed very drunk when she came back just now. She drank a lot of alcohol. Could it be stomach bleeding?

If the stomach bleeds, it will kill you. Although Jiang Jinyi hates Jiang Youwan, she doesn't want anything to happen to her.

Her ultimate purpose is to let her leave the Jiang family.

Jiang Jinyi hurriedly picked up her phone, called Dr. Li, and asked her to come over.

After waiting anxiously for ten minutes, Dr. Li finally came. Jiang Jinyi pointed to Jiang Youwan's door and said, "Come in and show her."

Dr. Li nodded.


The pain was relieved in less than five minutes. Jiang Youwan leaned on the bed weakly, while Dr. Li packed her things, he warned: "Omega can't drink so strong. Wine, still cold, it's almost winter now, how can you stand it? You can't drink so much wine in the future, you know?"

Jiang Youwan was noncommittal to her advice, but asked weakly and with some anticipation, "Dr. Li, did Xiaojin ask you to come?"

Dr. Li also heard a little about them breaking up, and nodded: "Who else is there except Miss? I see she looks very worried, and she quickly pointed at you when I came. Let me come to see you in the room."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared in Jiang Youwan's eyes, and with her at this moment, there was an indescribable morbid and fragile beauty, she opened her lips and said, "Okay. , I will pay attention later."

She replied to Dr. Li's advice.

"Just know."

Jiang Jinyi took Jiang Youwan and Jiang Ningshu's hair for identification, and the result will be available three days later.

She didn't tell anyone about this, only she knew it.

So, nothing will go wrong.

She was very confident, and her mood improved. Seeing that the dishes on the table were full of her favorite dishes, she laughed twice, and Jiang Ningshu, who was sitting across from her, was actually happy to see her. He smiled and said, "Let's eat now."

Jiang Jinyi moved his chopsticks and put a crab leg in his mouth.

Since that incident, when Jiang Jinyi was eating in the restaurant, Jiang Youwan would consciously not disturb her, not make her angry, and let her eat well.

And this time, Jiang Jinyi just sat down and didn't eat two bites of rice, Jiang Youwan sat down diagonally opposite her.

Jiang Jinyi frowned and swallowed the food in her mouth, like a cat whose territory was invaded and then fried, snorting at her: "Who told you to sit here? ?"

Xu is that she was a lot more violent during this time, Jiang Youwan didn't have much reaction in her heart, and she even expected that she would make trouble with herself later, and it would be so frustrating.

In fact, she's pretty cute when she's aggressive, isn't she?

Jiang Youwan felt more and more sick.

"Little Jin." Jiang Jinyi gave a fierce voice, and Jiang Youwan, who was sitting opposite her, called her name in a cold voice.

is a warning.

Be warned, Jiang Jinyi's words to continue to be fierce were stuck in her throat, and her eyes moved to Jiang Ningshu's face aggrieved.

"Xiao Jin, she is your elder sister, you can't be so cruel to her." Jiang Ningshu was a lot more serious to her than usual, "That incident was not intentional, you have already made trouble. That's it for so many days."

"This is the end?" Jiang Jinyi's eyes widened in disbelief, "Mom, what did you say? This is the end?"

The little fish is gone, so forget it?

Mother actually said such a thing, Jiang Jinyi felt a fire in her heart, angry and aggrieved.

Jiang Ningshu sighed and said bitterly: "We are a family, and my mother also showed Xiaojin the DNA test report. We want to live together forever, does Xiaojin want to live forever? Don't you forgive my sister?"

Jiang Jinyi felt very angry. She wanted to say that Jiang Youwan was not biological at all. She was a liar, but now that the DNA report has not come out, she has no way to refute her mother. .

More importantly, she was keenly aware that her mother's attitude towards her had changed and she became impatient.

It's not like it used to be.

This feeling makes Jiang Jinyi very uncomfortable, the whole world does not believe her, and her mother who loves her the most is also biased towards Jiang Youwan.

It was a sense of crisis, she was angry and aggrieved.

Jiang Ningshu frowned slightly, but did not keep her.

Jiang Youwan is only distressed.

The meals on the table today are all Jiang Jinyi likes to eat. Before she came, she saw from a distance that she ate deliciously and liked it very much.

Because she appeared, she only took a few bites and then walked away angry.

Everything I eat feels tasteless, Jiang Youwan didn't take a few bites, and reported to the man, "I've eaten."

Jiang Ningshu glanced at her, too lazy to say anything.

Jiang Youwan got the signal that he could leave, got up and left.

She went back to her room and sat at the desk to deal with work. I don't know how long it took, there was a burst of sobbing outside, she looked out the window, it was completely dark, and the yard was bright With a few cat paw lamps, a thin body squatted in front of rows of flowerpots, with a mobile phone in his hand, and said aggrievedly to the other end of the phone: "Sister Fu, I'm hungry, I can go to you Do you eat at home?"


As soon as she closes her eyes these days, Xiaojin's coquettish appearance always appears in her mind, which is used for aftertaste and for healing.

Xiao Jin only acted coquettishly to her before, what is she doing now? I just came back from Fu's house, and I want to find Fu Mingyue again.

She's so cute, she's so likable, doesn't she know? Why would she be flirting with others? How can she?

Jiang Youwan lowered his eyes, his pupils were bottomless, and some terrible and dark thoughts kept coming up in his brain.

Since Xiao Jin said she was a bad person, why didn't she follow through?


"Sorry, Xiao Jin, Sister Fu is out for fun now, she's not at home, and I don't know if there are any dishes that you like to eat at home, and you're angry with the family again? Otherwise, I'll let you My assistant will pick you up and take you to eat what you want?" Fu Mingyue said gently over the phone.

Jiang Jinyi's eyebrows were full of disappointment, and she mumbled softly: "No need, Sister Fu, you can do it first, I'll be fine if I'm hungry all night..."

"Ouch, what a poor baby..." Fu Mingyue coaxed her a few more words before hanging up the phone, Jiang Jinyi stood up, before she could stand still, suddenly When someone covered her mouth and nose from behind, she opened her eyes and struggled immediately, but before she moved twice, her eyes were slack and she lost consciousness.

When she opened her eyes again and woke up, the light in front of her was very dim. She was flustered and wanted to open her mouth to call for help, but she couldn't cry out, and something was stuffed in her mouth.

Not only her mouth, but her hands and feet were tied and she couldn't move.


She was kidnapped...


Jiang Youwan.

In the rearview mirror, the pair of fox eyes are like bottomless abyss, the darkness is terrifyingly deep, making people shudder.


Jiang Jinyi widened her eyes in shock and panic, struggling to scream, she never thought that Jiang Youwan had kidnapped her!

Jiang Youwan kidnapped her...because she discovered her secret, so she wanted to kill her?

! !

She knew whether Jiang Youwan was a good person, Jiang Youwan was a liar or a bad person, but she did not expect that Jiang Youwan could be so ruthless and able to do such a thing... ...

To kill yourself.

Jiang Jinyi's eyes were red, tears filled her eyes, she was trembling with fear, the person in the driver's seat noticed her movement, and when she looked back, her eyes evoked an arc of enjoyment.

Her voice was extremely low: "Wake up?"


Jiang Youwan knew what Xiao Jin wanted to say, and she definitely wanted to call her a **** and a bad person.

But the more she is like this, the more excited Jiang Youwan is, and she chuckled softly.

Jiang Jinyi looked out the window, only the sky could be seen, and it was terribly quiet. Except for the sound of cars, she couldn't hear any sound at all.

I don't know how long it took, the car finally stopped, Jiang Jinyi's body tensed, and he immediately became vigilant. Jiang Youwan got out of the driver's seat, went around to the back seat, opened the door, and turned his back to the light. , Jiang Jinyi couldn't see her expression clearly, spreading fear, as she bent down little by little, her body moved back unconsciously, but there was no way back.

She is now a lamb to be slaughtered.


Jiang Youwan untied the rope tied to her feet, and touched the streaks on her bare feet. Jiang Jinyi trembled and shrank her feet. up.

The whole person shrank to the innermost in fear.

Jiang Youwan slowly straightened her waist, stood in front of the car door and stared at her condescendingly, Jiang Jinyi was seen by her hair all over, she suddenly chuckled and said in a very gentle voice: " Come on, come on over."

Want her to climb over?

Jiang Jinyi shook her head, shaking her head vigorously, she was refusing, resisting.

Cursing in her eyes, "You bastard!"

Jiang Youwan's eyes were dark, not angry, but laughed: "Yes, I'm a badass, didn't Xiao Jin always say that to me? Then of course I have to follow through.. It's worthy of Xiao Jin's constant scolding of me like this, isn't it?"

She is gentle and gentle, but her words, deeds, frowns and smiles reveal morbid madness...

Jiang Jinyi was frightened by her, and her pupils trembled slightly.

Jiang Youwan is terrible...  

She is horrible.

"Huh? Don't you want to crawl over?" Jiang Youwan smiled, with a hidden warning in her sweet tone: "That elder sister is gone? Xiao Jin can only stay by herself, it's dark outside. , if there are beasts, or bad guys pass by..."

She smiled and turned to leave.

Jiang Jinyi was startled and let out a pitiful whimper, but Jiang Youwan did not stop there and walked further and further until she disappeared from Jiang Jinyi's sight.

Jiang Jinyi couldn't believe that she had actually left. The surroundings were pitch-dark, and it looked like barren mountains and ridges.

Jiang Jinyi is most afraid of blackness, followed by blackness and only himself. She huddled in the car and didn't dare to go out for half a step. The slightest movement outside could make her scream, but she couldn't even scream.

Jiang Jinyi frantically comforted herself, it's okay, it's okay, but it's getting more and more painful and tormented, the longer it goes, the more her heart collapses, she can't stop crying Come out, to be tortured mad by this boundless darkness and unknown fear.

She just wanted, just wanted someone to save her, no matter who that person was.

About an hour later, Jiang Youwan finally appeared in front of her again. Jiang Jinyi looked at her no longer with fear, but as if she saw a savior, begging and expressing pity 's whine.

I burst into tears, I feel pity.


Jiang Jinyi nodded frantically without thinking.

Jiang Jinyi seemed to have been tamed by her, crying and moving her knees, she crawled over step by step, the distance was getting closer, Jiang Youwan saw her face more clearly, and cherished He touched her face, "Why are you crying so hard? Don't be afraid, my sister is here, she won't hurt you."

Will it hurt? Now all the initiative is in Jiang Youwan's hands. Jiang Jinyi has to believe it, or not.

The eyes were misty and pitiful.

Jiang Youwan still cherished her after all, tore off the tape on her mouth, and took out the mouth//ball.

I can finally speak out, Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to scold her, she just made a pitiful whimper.

"Do you know what I did wrong?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, don't leave me here..." Jiang Jinyi pleaded hoarsely.

Jiang Youwan looked down at her deeply, and while asking, he wrapped his hands around the back and helped her untie the rope, as if he was saving her.

"Do you still dare to act like a spoiled child in the future? Especially that Fu Mingyue, do you know how angry my sister is? You are hurting my sister's heart......"

The rope was untied, and the whole body was freed. Jiang Jinyi looked up at her and said with a crying voice, "I don't dare..."


Jiang Youwan rubbed her head and took her gently into his arms. Jiang Jinyi did not struggle, and even took the initiative to hug her waist and nestled into her arms. At this moment, she was the only thing she could hold on to.

Jiang Youwan was very satisfied with her response.

Look, doesn't this become a good thing?

In this case, it will always belong to her alone.

Enjoy the moment so much, I even want to pause time.

Jiang Youwan slowly opened her eyes, sat up, surrounded by familiar furnishings, her body was muddy, this dream made her unable to calm down for a long time, and satisfied the darkest thoughts in her heart.

The author has something to say:

This kidnapping scene is just Jiang Youwan's dream.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Stars, JM, Rou Wenli, this novel is so good! 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ??36 bottles; 19 bottles of void mud; 12 bottles of Ayu; 10 bottles of Qi Yan's treasure; 1 bottle of Shen Xiaoguai, Battlefield Haragawa, Pheasant, and Tusken;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!