MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 63 she is an outsider

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Jiang Youwan took Jiang Jinyi into her arms, shook her hands and tore off the fabric of her clothes to cover the wound on her body, looking at her pained expression and gradually pale face, her heart was burning, Heart like a knife.

Jiang Jinyi frowned and looked at Jiang Youwan weakly, her eyes were full of tears, she opened her lips and said with difficulty: "I hurt..."

"Little Jin, it's alright, the ambulance will be here soon, it's alright..."

"Little Jin, just hold on for a while, it'll be fine..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't sleep, my sister is..."

Jiang Youwan hugged her and said a lot of comforting words incoherently, the sound of the ambulance was looming, and when I heard the sound of the ambulance, Huo Qi, who was not far away, was surrounded by the crowd. He walked to the place, with a wicked smile in his eyes.

"Let's give way, let's go." She passed through the surrounding crowd, and her eyes fell on the face of the blood-covered person. Like a thunderbolt.

How, how could it be Jiang Jinyi? She clearly told that woman...

Looking down, Huo Qi realized that Jiang Jinyi was wearing Jiang Youwan's coat...

"Hahaha, she's damned, she's damned, she killed my son, I'm going to make her shredded to pieces, she can't live, hahaha..."

The crazy voice of the mad woman came from behind, Huo Qi turned his head to look at her stiffly, and saw that she was controlled by several boys, but her face was full of smiles, laughing so hard Infiltrating people, talking in her mouth, she can't live, you give up...

Huo Qi's pupils trembled, and his legs almost fell softly.

Soon, Jiang Jinyi was put into an ambulance and taken to the nearest hospital.

Jiang Jinyi lost too much blood and needed blood transfusion urgently, but this is only a small hospital in the county, and the hospital blood bank does not have type AB blood.

From another hospital, it will take time...

At this moment, Jiang Youwan can't care so much, she has become very irrational, she only has Jiang Jinyi's safety in her eyes, she stepped forward and said to the doctor: "Doctor, I am type AB Blood."

The doctor wondered: "Aren't you the patient's sister? Blood transfusions are not allowed for immediate family members."

"No." Jiang Youwan said seriously: "I have no blood relationship with her, I am not her biological sister."

The doctor hesitated for a while and looked at her serious expression, "Okay, come with me."

Jiang Youwan only had Jiang Jinyi in his heart, and didn't notice the people hiding in the dark.

Not... my biological sister?

Isn't she the eldest daughter of Jiang Jinyi's mother?

Huo Qi hid in the dark and heard the two of them clearly. It seems that the so-called eldest daughter and the so-called good sister are just a fake.

No wonder, she always felt that Jiang Youwan did not treat Jiang Jinyi like a sister to her biological sister, but had an indescribable subtlety.

Huo Qi clenched his fingertips, his eyes were covered with a haze. Why, why, why can a counterfeit take his place in Jiang Jinyi's heart?

Let Jiang Jinyi fight with her for her sake.


Because the blood transfusion was timely, Jiang Jinyi was out of danger. Jiang Youwan wanted to make a record with the police. She saw the crazy woman who stabbed Jiang Jinyi with a knife.

"Hahaha, she finally died, I knew that God has eyes, I finally caught her, this is retribution, the retribution for killing my son! It's all retribution!"

Jiang Youwan fox eyes narrowed slightly, staring at her.

Died in a few days.

When she knew that her son died, she went crazy, and kept threatening to pay the life of that woman to her son.

She stabbed Jiang Jinyi with a knife, recognizing Jiang Jinyi as the mistress of the year.

This woman is crazy, and it seems to be a very normal thing to admit that she is insane.


The police showed her a photo of Jiang Jinyi and a photo of the former mistress, and said sternly: "Look, the person you stabbed and the person who killed your son are Are you alone?"

The woman's eyes widened and she stared at the two photos in a daze. Her arms and body kept shaking. When she was about to lose control, she was tightly controlled by the police. She struggled frantically and murmured: " How can this happen, how can this happen, she told me... she is wearing sunglasses, she is wearing sunglasses, she is wearing green clothes! I am not mistaken, not mistaken, you must be lying to me ,Lied to me!"

Sunglasses, green jacket...  

Jiang Youwan suddenly realized something, stared at her and asked sharply, "Who told you? Who told you she was wearing green clothes?"

The mad woman is immersed in her own world, unable to listen to any questioning, crying and laughing, "Hahaha, I did not kill the wrong, Xiaozhi, mother avenged you!"

No communication at all.


Jiang Jinyi gradually woke up. The anesthesia had passed, and she was in severe pain. The pain made her want to cry, and she wanted to knock herself out with a stick.

There is no Jiang Youwan in the ward, only the nurses and doctors are examining her, and every movement of her body hurts her into a cold sweat.

When the doctor finished the examination and was about to leave, Jiang Jinyi asked her, "Where's Jiang Youwan?"

The doctor froze for a moment, and she added: "Where's my sister? The one who got into the ambulance with me."

The doctor understood, "Oh", and said, "She went to the police station to make a transcript, she should be back soon, don't worry."

Take notes...

Jiang Jinyi lowered her eyes and bit her lower lip.

The doctor left, and she was left alone in the ward.

She hates this feeling very much, it's like going back to the time when she was a child, sitting alone on a hospital bed, no one around, only one window, and never will changing landscape.

Jiang Jinyi didn't even dare to look up, the time when she was a child made her suffocated and her mood was low, she felt that she would be out of breath in this ward.

I kept thinking in my heart, Jiang Youwan come back soon, Jiang Youwan come back soon to accompany her.

About ten minutes later, footsteps were heard outside the door of the ward, and the door was pushed open from the outside. Jiang Jinyi raised her head abruptly and stared at the door, seeing who was coming , his eyes dimmed slightly.

Huo Qi carried a bouquet of flowers and a bag of fruits, put them on the bedside table, sat on the chair, and looked at Jiang Jinyi with distressed eyes.

I wanted to say something, but found that I couldn't say it at all, perhaps because of a guilty conscience.

It was Jiang Jinyi who opened the mouth first, especially depressed: "Huo say why I am so unlucky..."

& nbsp; Sit and wear it and let you out."

Jiang Jinyi was silent and did not want to speak.

Huo Qi took out an apple to peel, and said, "Okay, the doctor said that your wound is not deep, and you will be discharged soon, it's alright, it's an experience... .."

Jiang Jinyi doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want this experience.

Huo Qi continued to peel the apples. After one apple was peeled, she handed it to Jiang Jinyi. Jiang Jinyi glanced at it and shook her head, "Don't eat it."

Huo Qi didn't insist anymore, she knew that Jiang Jinyi was in a bad mood and was very uncomfortable, so she took a piece of paper and put the apple on the bedside table.

"Little Jin, I think I need to tell you something." Huo Qi looked at her pale profile and said seriously.

Jiang Jinyi glanced at her, weakly: "What?"

Huo Qi said slowly: "Today when you were rescuing, I heard Jiang Youwan talking to the doctor, she drew blood and gave you blood, you should know that blood transfusion is not allowed for immediate family members Yes, so she is not your biological sister at all."

Jiang Jinyi's eyes were stunned, thinking that she heard it wrong, she turned her head to look at Huo Qi, and asked: "What did you say?"

Huo Qi sighed and said, "Jiang Youwan used his own blood to transfuse you, she is not your biological sister, you should ask the doctor about this, if Jiang Youwan didn't give them the hush money If so, they will definitely tell you."

"If you don't believe me, I still have a recording." Huo Qi took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked it and said, "Because I didn't have time, I only recorded the second half."

The recording was released, with Jiang Youwan's anxious voice in it: [I am not related to her by blood, I am not her biological sister. 】

[Okay, then you come with me. 】

The voice inside is indeed Jiang Youwan's.

Jiang Jinyi was stunned and wanted to move her body to grab Huo Qi's cell phone. The wound on her body hurt so much that her tears were forced out. Huo Qi leaned over and handed the cell phone to him. She, Jiang Jinyi stared at the screen, the date was this morning, and the voice was indeed Jiang Youwan's.

Did Jiang Youwan give her the blood?

Being a blood transfusion by an immediate family member is life-threatening, so... Jiang Youwan is not her biological sister.

How can this be? It was clear that she finally accepted that Jiang Youwan was her biological sister.

Now it has completely collapsed, Jiang Jinyi couldn't find her voice for a long time, and she couldn't tell what she felt.

Huo Qi saw that she had not recovered for a long time, and helped her analyze: "Little Jin, think about why she lied to you, is she pretending to be your real eldest sister? If so Pretending, what is the purpose of her family, she is definitely not pure, she lied to you!"

Jiang Jinyi's eyelashes tremble, she... lied to me?

Why did Jiang Youwan lie to me?

Jiang Jinyi has been thinking about this question.

She looked at the clock on the wall, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Huo Qi has been walking for two hours.

The teacher, doctor and classmates came to see her in the ward, they were going to gather, and they all left. Jiang Jinyi sat alone on the hospital bed with a lonely expression.

The mobile phone was on the bedside table. Every time there was a message to remind her, she would pick it up and take a look. Then her expression changed from nervous to not interested, and she threw it back on the bedside table.

Drowsiness invades the brain a little bit.

I don't know how long I waited, the door of the ward was finally pushed open again, Jiang Jinyi looked up and saw that the person who came was Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Youwan came in very lightly, holding a bag of desserts in her hand, she thought Jiang Jinyi had fallen asleep, but she was still sitting there.

Fighting eyes, Jiang Youwan saw that her face was pale, her brows and eyes twitched, her whole body was sick, she had no vitality, no vitality.

The beautiful flowers were destroyed.

Jiang Youwan's heart will be broken.

It's hard to breathe, it's hard to breathe.

The eyes were sore, she pinched her fingers, so that she would not be too complacent and look more calm.

"Little Jin..." Jiang Youwan stepped in and said in a low voice, "It's so late, why don't you sleep?"

"Jiang Youwan......" Jiang Jinyi felt very sad, her eyes became very red at some point, and she wanted to cry.

She asked her: "Why did you leave me here and come back so late?"

There was a strong cry in her voice, as if she had been greatly wronged.

She was really wronged.

When Jiang Youwan heard her words, she turned her head in embarrassment, raised her head and blinked, then lowered her head and said, "I-I'm sorry, I have something to delay."

In fact, she came back long ago, not long after Huo Qi came here.

She stood outside the door and heard what Huo Qi said to Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Jinyi resisted her, she was afraid that Jiang Jinyi would treat her as a liar.

She thought Jiang Jinyi was asleep, so she dared to come in to see her.

Jiang Jinyi felt even more aggrieved after hearing her explanation, "Is there anything more important than me?"

"Why can't you come back with me first? I've been waiting for you to come back with me." Jiang Jinyi looked at her and said seriously and aggrieved.

"I'm afraid..." She added pitifully, without mentioning what Huo Qi said to her.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Jinyi's grievance broke Jiang Youwan's mask a little bit, Jiang Youwan couldn't hold it any longer, and let her red eyes be seen by her, "It's me Xiao Jin was not protected well, and Xiao Jin suffered."

"However you blame me, it's all my fault, I lied to you, I want to make up for you."

Jiang Jinyi has never seen Jiang Youwan like this before, her eyes are red, adding a touch of fragility, and she looks more amorous and charming.

Since Jiang Youwan came to Jiang's house, she has always been calm, indifferent, and at ease, never before.

Jiang Jinyi felt uncomfortable.

"It's your fault." Jiang Jinyi muttered, "It's your fault that you take work and other things so seriously like a mother, making me sad."

Jiang Youwan blamed herself, why didn't you come in two hours ago, why did Xiao Jin wait so long, why did Xiao Jin feel lonely and sad.

"Sorry, I thought—"

Jiang Jinyi knew what she was worried about, so she interrupted her and pouted her pitifully: "Sister, I'm so sleepy, but this bed is too hard, I can't sleep if you don't hold me …”

Jiang Jinyi endured the pain and opened her arms to her.

Jiang Youwan's eyes were stagnant, and there was only one thought in his mind, to hug her, to hug her, to make up for her loneliness and grievances for a few hours.

Jiang Youwan sat down on the edge of the bed and hugged her into his arms. He didn't dare to use too much force, but this hug gave Jiang Jinyi a sense of security, and she gave her a sense of security. The anxiety of a day and the exhaustion of a day are all resolved.

Jiang Jinyi rubbed in her arms, closed her eyes, she was silent for a long time, until Jiang Youwan thought she had fallen asleep, she suddenly whispered: "I just Whoever you are, I want you to be my sister."

Jiang Youwan felt a warm current in her heart, sour, and opened her lips to give her a response. Suddenly, she woke up and opened her eyes.

Looking at the white tile wall, Jiang Youwan slowed down and looked around. This is the corridor of the hospital. She just fell asleep on the chair in the corridor, just now... a dream.

She took out her phone from her pocket and glanced at it, it was one o'clock in the morning.

The dream she had just now made her unable to calm down, her heart beat faster, and her heart was sore.

She wondered if Jiang Jinyi was waiting for her like a dream.

When she thinks of Jiang Jinyi in her dream, Jiang Youwan's heart is broken, and she wants to compensate her with all the best things in the world.

She finally pushed open the door of the ward, and her eyes fell on the hospital bed not far away, and found that Jiang Jinyi had closed her eyes, her face was ruddy, and her breathing was steady.

Has fallen asleep.

Jiang Youwan had a soft expression, walked to the bed gently, sat down on the chair beside the bed, looked at her, his eyes wandered over her eyebrows, nose bridge, lips... ....

Little Jin should not lie here, Xiao Jin should not suffer like this.

She will pay for what she became.


The next day, Jiang Jinyi knew that she was awake, and opened her eyes with a little anticipation, but the surroundings were empty again, which made her mood drop.

Last night she waited for Jiang Youwan until after twelve o'clock, she was so sleepy, and finally she couldn't stand it anymore.

Did Jiang Youwan not come back last night?

Why didn't she come back to accompany her, is it because she also knew that she had deceived herself and didn't want to pretend to be her sister?

Jiang Jinyi pursed her lips, shrugged her eyebrows, her eyes were full of lost emotions, and she felt very aggrieved.

She thought, if Jiang Youwan didn't take the initiative to coax her, she would ignore her.

But it didn't take long for Jiang Ningshu to come. She heard that Jiang Jinyi was stabbed and came from abroad.

Seeing her mother, Jiang Jinyi felt aggrieved all night and could no longer hold back. The force of the wound will be particularly painful.

"Okay, baby is all right, mom is here, don't be afraid, mom will let that crazy woman sit in prison."

Jiang Ningshu took the porridge and fed Jiang Jinyi one bite at a time. Jiang Jinyi's attention was all on her mother. Walk.

Jiang Youwan could only stand aside and watch their warm pictures without disturbing them for a single sentence. In the morning, Jiang Jinyi didn't give half a glance.

Still like an outsider.

No, she was originally an outsider.

The author has something to say:

It's the end of the month, which author's sister will you give the expired nutrient solution to?

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: only Xiaobai L and Y1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 17 bottles of Mi; 10 bottles of Wine Companion Nianhua and Xiaoxinmao crayons; 6 bottles of Si; Rui Rui is lazy, 2 bottles of Cixiu; 1 bottle of Yuan Yuchuan in the battlefield, Xiaoyang is only three and a half years old, Si Mao, Shen Xiaoguai, and if you stay home for a long time;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!