MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 42 to divide

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I don't know if the word "faqing" was too deep in her mind before going to bed, Jiang Jinyi dreamed about the scandal a few years ago, and was "forced" by Jiang Youwan to be clear , and was "humiliated" by her.

When she woke up from sleep, Jiang Jinyi felt angry, angry, especially angry, why didn't she think of it earlier, and didn't take the opportunity to take revenge on Jiang Youwan last night, she was still obedient He used pheromones to appease her, and was kissed by her...

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinyi's face was hot again, and she washed her face with cold water before going to the sink to reduce the temperature.

Because Jiang Youwan was in estrus last night, she was irrational, all her actions were based on her desire for Gu Qiwang, and she did not intend to kiss herself.

Jiang Jinyi thought, it's really cheap for her.

Jiang Youwan was awakened by some small movement, she was lying on her side, she opened her eyes slowly, and saw Jiang Jinyi standing beside the bed, bowing her head, seriously and nervously messing with something .

You can see Xiao Jin when you open your eyes, and when you open your eyes, Xiao Jin is by your side.

Such a picture, Jiang Youwan has dreamed countless times in his dreams, and they are all shattered bubbles when he wakes up.

At this moment, it was real, she felt that Jiang Jinyi's hand that was cooler than her was grabbing her arm, holding her lightly, without any force.

Jiang Youwan's eyes depicted her facial features, and finally stayed on the lip she kissed last night.

Jiang Jinyi's lip shape is very beautiful, especially full, and there is a lip bead, which is very soft like strawberry-flavored jelly.

I want to try it again.

It's a pity, now she has no reason to kiss her with confidence.

She opened her lips and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Jinyi raised her long eyelashes, glanced at her, saw that she was smiling, and looked away as if running away, she raised her head, and Jiang Youwan was caught on the neck last night by Jiang Youwan The strawberry print that was sucked out was displayed in front of Jiang Youwan without any cover.

"I'm giving you an inhibitor, or you'll... um." She stopped talking.

An inhibitor?

Jiang Youwan looked down, Jiang Jinyi was holding a small needle in the other hand, as if she was studying how to inject it so that it would be less painful.

Finding a good location, she glanced at Jiang Youwan and said with relief: "It may hurt a little, you can bear with it."

"Um, good."

Jiang Jinyi carefully stabbed the needle tube into her skin, slowly pushed the inhibitory fluid in, and asked her, "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Youwan said: "A little."

She didn't feel pain, Jiang Youwan just wanted to see her reaction.

This is not the first time Jiang Jinyi has given her an inhibitor. I remember that the last time was before her amnesia. Got a tube of depressant on him.

How rough was then, how gentle is now.

"I'll tap again."

After the inhibitor, Jiang Jinyi looked at her, and Jiang Youwan praised her, "Xiao Jin is great."

What's so great about this, Jiang Jinyi didn't understand, but she secretly enjoyed her praise, so Jiang Youwan hurriedly washed up, went downstairs for breakfast, and left with the cat in her arms.

After Jiang Jinyi left, Jiang Youwan lazily lifted the quilt to get up, her nightgown was a little messy, just about to get up to wash up, the phone on the bedside table rang, she picked it up and took a look Caller ID, frowning slightly, the originally happy mood sank, his eyes became cold, and he pressed the answer button.

"Su Yi."

There was a strong male voice over the phone, his tone was not very good, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"It won't be that you have been staying in Jiang's house for a long time, do you really think your surname is Jiang? Huh?"

"For that Jiang Jinyi, you humiliated the son of the Liang family face-to-face and opposed the Ye family, do you think the Jiang family is still the former Jiang family? The funds cannot be turned around, and the Jiang family may collapse at any time. , do you know what you're doing?"

"For that Jiang Jinyi, did you really forget what you did? If the Jiang family was destroyed by you, you—"

"Isn't it in line with my father's wishes if the Jiang family is destroyed in my hands? Su Yi, why are you so excited about the Jiang family's accident?" Jiang Youwan interrupted her. asked him back.

Su Yi was choked to the point of being speechless, and sneered again, "You are too embarrassed to ask, Jiang Youwan, why do you want someone to rescue Jiang Jinyi? I don't have a chance to kill her, if my father knows that you protect the enemy's daughter like this, can he be **** off by you?"

The corners of Jiang Youwan's mouth curled into a smile, a sneer, an extremely cold smile, "So, that accident was really planned by you?"

"I think you are really fascinated!" The other party roared: "I tell you, I'm your brother, what I do naturally has my reasons, Jiang Jinyi should be damned, she is a The future troubles must be eradicated!"

Maybe he yelled too loudly, someone on the phone was woken up, and then dressed in a screaming female voice, "Who are you? Help!!"

Who are you?

Jiang Youwan frowned, Su Yi hurriedly said something, hung up the phone, Jiang Youwan sat for a while and dialed another number.

"Check where Su Yi went last night and with whom."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang."


Moved everything back to Los Angeles, Jiang Jinyi now plans to open a large gallery in Los Angeles, the first thing is to find a place, Jiang Youwan recommended a few to her. She originally planned to visit the place today, but she didn't go because she thought that Jiang Youwan was in estrus and would have anything to do with her.

Sitting on the sofa and swiping her phone, she casually clicked into Weibo and saw Ye Xian's name on several hot searches.

#Ye Xian steps on N boats#

#ye Xian deceives feelings##

#ye Xian's predecessors#

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Jiang Jinyi was a little surprised, so she clicked in and took a look. Several of Ye Xian's ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends came out to send small compositions to diss her, and they all brought pictures, the evidence was conclusive.

I didn't expect her to be such a person.

Surprised and secretly happy, Ye Xian is such a woman who loves to play with other people's feelings, Jiang Youwan is definitely impossible to marry her, she has no face to go to Jiang Youwan again.


Jiang Jinyi raised her lips happily, her dimples were about to show, she didn't understand why she was so happy.

I feel very good.

I was happily brushing Ye Xian's black material in the living room, when footsteps came from the stairs, Jiang Jinyi tilted her head and glanced, it was Jiang Youwan who was going downstairs slowly, the servant Warm up the breakfast and call her to dinner.

Jiang Youwan did not go to the restaurant, but sat beside Jiang Jinyi and asked lazily, "Who is Xiao Jin chatting with?"

Jiang Jinyi said, "I'm not chatting with anyone, I'm reading Weibo." She handed the phone to Jiang Youwan and let her read it too.

Jiang Youwan's eyes stayed on the screen for a few seconds, then his eyes moved to Jiang Jinyi's pink lips, "Oh~ the bad woman has been exposed."

Jiang Jinyi looked at her and said seriously, "This kind of bad woman can't be married and let her go home."

Jiang Youwan blinked, as if he didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Jiang Jinyi repeated: "Wife!"

After a long silence, Jiang Youwan chuckled lightly, and slowly opened her lips while recalling: "Of course I can't be a wife, my sister has never thought about it, Xiao Jin, don't worry."

"If my sister is really looking for a wife, she has to find someone as good as Xiao Jin."

The word "wife" Jiang Youwan was very ambiguous, no, the whole sentence she said was very ambiguous.

Jiang Jinyi's heartbeat was inexplicably faster, she was thinking, they are not sisters, and the household registration books are not in the same book, then...they can get married.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinyi was startled by herself, turned her head suddenly, and cursed in a low voice: "Nonsense!"

Jiang Youwan saw her face turn red visibly, and she leaned over and stuck to her, just like last night, her body was like a pool of water, sticking to Jiang Jinyi's body, her chin slammed Her shoulders, in a lazy tone: "There's no nonsense, Xiao Jin is very good from the beginning, listen to my sister's words, she won't fall in love if she doesn't let her fall in love, isn't she good? I really like such a good little Jin.. …”

Jiang Jinyi was praised so much by her, her heartbeat was so fast, her face was so red, her body was so stiff that she didn't dare to turn around or push Jiang Youwan away, for fear that Jiang Youwan would find out her strangeness.

In the morning, no one mentioned what happened last night, especially the kiss last night.

The atmosphere is subtle and ambiguous.


"Mr. Jiang, after our investigation, Su Yi entered a love hotel under the name of the Su family last night. After verification, the woman who had a relationship with her last night was Liang Wei's lover. ."

"The woman's name is Xia Ci, Liang Wei's underground lover for many years, it is said that Liang Wei's relationship is very good, even if he has a deal with Su Yi, he can't send his woman to Su Yi righteous bed?"

Hearing this, Jiang Youwan smiled, but her eyes were full of disgust, she said: "Su Yi has always had a hobby, that is, she likes to sleep with other people's women. The stronger it is, the more he likes it."

"In order to satisfy his own desires, he has been illegally buying pheromone disorder agents from abroad. This kind of thing can disturb the pheromone of omega or alpha, even if it is not the person he likes, they will also He will be forced to be lured into estrus, the state has been cracking down hard, he is a serious violation of the law.”

"Not only that, we checked his itinerary, if nothing unexpected, his target today is Liang Wei's sister, Liang Qi, our eyeliner on his side said that he was staring at Liang Qi has been staring at it for a long time, and she is bound to win it today."

"Liang Wei's younger sister?" Jiang Youwan asked, "How is the relationship between Liang Wei and her younger sister?"

"There are only two girls in the Liang family, Liang Qi is the youngest sister, Liang Wei loves her the most, and he knows what kind of virtue Su Yi is, he will definitely be furious."

Jiang Youwan was silent, "In that case, please inform Liang Wei."

The secretary knew what Jiang Youwan meant and nodded.

Just as the secretary was about to leave, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open from the outside without a knock, Ye Xian rushed in hurriedly, looking like a madman out of control, the secretary hurriedly stopped her, "Ye Xian hurried in. Miss, you-"

"Don't touch me!" Ye Xian jerked her away and rushed to Jiang Youwan's table, supporting the table with both hands, looking at Jiang Youwan angrily and sadly.

"Sister Jiang, is it you? How could you treat me like this?!"

Compared to Ye Xian's wrath, Jiang Youwan seemed extraordinarily indifferent, with no trace of turbulence in his eyes, he opened his lips and said, "How do I treat you?"

"Didn't Miss Ye do these things herself?" Jiang Youwan laughed.

"You—" Ye Xian's eyes widened and she gritted her teeth, "Yes, I did these things, I'm on a boat, that's because I didn't meet you, Jiang Sister, do you know? I don't really like those people. I like you, I really like you, and our Ye family really wants to marry you, but what you did yesterday made my father angry Now, I can go back and persuade him, and our Ye family can also cooperate with the Jiang family!"

Jiang Youwan frowned: "Why is Mr. Ye angry?"

Ye Xian said confidently: "Of course it's because Jiang Jinyi hit me. If you don't help me out, he loves his daughter!"

"If you talk to him well, he will definitely give you face!"

Jiang Youwan's expression did not change, he leaned back in the seat, looked up at her, his eyes were sharp, and he asked in a questioning tone: "Do you know how sad what you said made Xiao Jin so sad? ?"

Ye Xian was stunned.

Jiang Youwan said very distressed: "Xiaojin cried so sadly because of your nonsense, and almost went to find someone else to fall in love, you say, will I feel sorry for my sister?"

I feel sorry for my sister......?

She also regards Jiang Jinyi as her sister? Jiang Jinyi treated her like this, yet she still felt sorry for Jiang Jinyi?

Ye Xian was anxious: "Jiang Jinyi is not worthy of being your sister! Sister Jiang, she treats you like that, why do you still feel bad for her? I treat you so well, you don't care at all Not!"

Jiang Youwan didn't hear what Ye Xian said, and asked herself, "If Jiang Ningshu was still talking, would you dare to talk to her like that?"

"Surely not, right?"

Ye Xian was stunned, thought about it, and subconsciously said: "I don't dare..." I don't dare, I really don't dare, Jiang Ningshu is famous for loving Jiang Jinyi, Before Jiang Jinyi was scolded by the daughter of a certain company without knowing what to do, Jiang Ningshu bought the company directly after hearing about it, and let their family work as a cleaner under her.

It is humiliating.

"But it's different now!" Jiang Ningshu is dead!

"It's different, but my love for Xiao Jin is no less than her." Jiang Youwan looked at her with contempt, and suddenly said cruelly: "You are Do you think I'm being bullied?"

Ye Xian was stunned by Jiang Youwan's words again, and she understood the meaning of Jiang Youwan's words later, she liked Jiang Jinyi.

Can she take everything Jiang Jinyi did to her?

Her love for Jiang Jinyi is no less than that of Jiang Jinyi's biological mother.

Ye Xian understands, understands.

"You like her...?" Jiang Youwan actually likes Jiang Jinyi.

This time Jiang Youwan did not respond to her, but called Secretary Shenglin and asked him to find something to show her.

The secretary took out the tablet and flipped it over, then put it in front of Ye Xian and showed her.

Ye Xian watched for a few seconds, her pupils suddenly dilated and wanted to grab the phone, but Secretary Lin took it away first.

Jiang Youwan actually has more black material from her and his father.

If these things are released, she will be completely finished in the entertainment industry, and her father's reputation will be completely stinky.

Ye Xian's legs softened and she fell to the ground, panicked, completely panicked.

She knew that Jiang Youwan was a ruthless woman, but she did not expect that Jiang Youwan would like Jiang Jinyi, and she was so short-handed because yesterday Jiang Jinyi cried because of her Things got so big.

"Sister Jiang, Sister Jiang..." Ye Xian trembled and climbed to Jiang Youwan's feet, hugged her calf, and the extremely thin high heels poked into her body. In the flesh, it hurt a lot, but she didn't dare to say it, hugged tighter, raised her head and looked at Jiang Youwan pitifully: "Sister Jiang, I was wrong..."

Jiang Youwan sat lazily on the chair and looked at her condescendingly, her eyes were extremely deep, and her voice was cold: "Wrong?"

"Wrong, wrong..."

"I will go and have a good talk with my father and meet all the conditions of the Jiang family, please, please don't do this..."


In the afternoon, Jiang Jinyi asked Ji Xiaoqin to go out to see the store with her. She remembered Jiang Youwan's words and kept a good distance from Ji Xiaoqin, intentionally or not.

Such things like wiping hands, wiping face, tying hair and feeding things, she won't let Ji Xiaoqin do it for her again.

Ji Xiaoqin now has a girlfriend. If she continues to do these things, Wen Ye will be jealous if she knows.

Not only Wen Ye would be jealous, Jiang Jinyi imagined, if Jiang Youwan saw it, she...

My heart suddenly numb, she thought, is Jiang Youwan also jealous?

The two took the car to the place. Not long after they went in to visit, Xu An suddenly sent her a message and asked her what she was doing.

Jiang Jinyi returned the address and said, "I'm looking at the house."

Xu An didn't come back, Jiang Jinyi didn't care too much, she wasn't very satisfied with this place, she wanted to leave after looking at it for a while, she came out of the building and saw Xu An in the distance car coming.

Jiang Jinyi shook her head and sighed, "Why is Xu An so busy, she has to follow me around to see a room."

Ji Xiaoqin also saw Xu An, lowered her head, and stepped back.

Xu An's car stopped in front of them, she lowered the window, took off her sunglasses, looked straight at Ji Xiaoqin who was standing behind Jiang Jinyi, and said loudly, "Give it to me Come on, I'll show you something."

Xu An's tone was very urgent, and her expression was a little hideous, as if something major was about to happen.

Seeing Ji Xiaoqin flinch, she shouted again: "Come up quickly!"

Jiang Jinyi frowned, "What's wrong? Why are you so fierce."

Xu An was too lazy to explain, opened the car door, strode to Ji Xiaoqin, grabbed her slender wrist, and violently dragged the person into the car. Jiang Jinyi, who was on the side, was anxious, "Xu An, why are you like this? Everyone has a girlfriend, no matter how much you like her, you can't be like this, right? Are you mad? It's a big deal when she breaks up and you chase her again. , so violent, no girl will like you!"

"Fart!" Xu An was furious, "Damn girlfriend, I'll show you!"

Speaking, she dragged Jiang Jinyi into the car.

Jiang Jinyi wanted to run away, and it was very unsafe to sit in the car of someone who was not so stable.

She wants to call Jiang Youwan......

The car drove for about half an hour, Xu An's car stopped in front of a high-level club, Jiang Jinyi's eyelids jumped, and she thought, "Xu An, are you here to catch a rape?"

"It's really what you said, but I didn't catch the rape, I brought someone to catch the rape."

Jiang Jinyi blinked her eyes and turned her head to look at Ji Xiaoqin next to her. Ji Xiaoqin didn't speak all the way.

"And you, Jiang Jinyi, you also follow up, let you see how disgusting the idol you have always admired, the private life."

Jiang Jinyi: "..."

"Xu An..." Ji Xiaoqin raised her head and glanced at her with tears in her eyes.

Xu Anxin shuddered, but did not soften her heart.

Three women, one alpha and two omega entered this high-level club, Jiang Jinyi was in a very complicated mood, on the one hand it was her first time to catch a rape, and she was a little excited, on the other hand, Wen Ye was her idol , If Wen Ye is really that kind of person, how should she face Wen Ye? More importantly, Ji Xiaoqin will be very sad.

Xu An led them to the door of a room, holding a universal card from somewhere in one hand and Ji Xiaoqin's wrist in the other, for fear that she would run away.


Where can Xu An listen, she is full of pictures of Wen Ye and other women kissing me at that time.

The sound insulation of this place is very good, I didn't hear a sound when I didn't open the door, now I open the door, and the voice of the woman struggling and calling for help became especially clear, "Don't come here, don't come here, get out, get out !"

"Fuck, Wen Ye is really a beast!!" Xu An was furious, turned around the corner, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she suddenly silenced.

A group of three people were all stunned in place, where is this, this, this, this is clearly...

A male alpha grabbed the neck of a young and beautiful female omega in one hand, and held a small bottle of liquid in the other hand, I don't know what it was.

The male alpha looked at the three people who were bad for him. He didn't know them. The only thing he knew was......

He was shocked: "Jiang Jinyi?!"

This is clearly a violent crime scene!

"Fuck, your mother, beast!" Xu An couldn't stand it anymore, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to go up to work, Su Yi narrowed her eyes, "What do you want to do?!"

"Quick, call someone!" Xu An tilted her head and said to Jiang Jinyi, Jiang Jinyi nodded, took out her mobile phone, and wanted to call the police.

Xu An is an alpha. Although her height and strength are somewhat inferior to the alpha in front of her, her righteous heart drives her to clench her fists and give Su Yi a punch.


Su Yi couldn't react, she clamped Su Yi's hand, kicked her in the lower abdomen, and threw him to the ground.

"Ah! Fuck!"

Su Yi was caught off guard, fell to the ground, and the glass bottle in his hand shattered on the floor, instantly exuding a very strange smell, the smell only lasted for one or two seconds, and then dissipates quickly.

Xu An's pupils dilated suddenly: "This is a pheromone disorder agent!"

pheromone...disorder? Jiang Jinyi was stunned for a while, and wanted to pull the forced woman out, but the woman saw the person standing behind her through her, as if she saw the savior, burst into tears and ran over.

"Sister, please help me..."

"Wen Ye......?" Ji Xiaoqin muttered.

Several people went out of the room and stood in the corridor, Liang Qi shrunk in Wen Ye's arms in fear, and kept sobbing, Wen Ye comforted her very gently and told her not to be afraid.

Liang Wei arrived next to him, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

Xu An arrogantly: "Wen Ye, who is she? Why don't you explain what's going on?"

Wen Ye ignored Xu An, but met Ji Xiaoqin's eyes.

"Sister Wen, who is she...?"

Wen Ye sighed, "Xiaoqin, does it matter who she is? You have no right to take care of me in our relationship. If you have to ask, why are you here?"

"I...not qualified?" Ji Xiaoqin choked up, "What is our relationship, Sister Wen..."

Wen Ye smiled, beautiful and ruthless, "The thing that night was the adult's wish, and the next few days was because it was marked that you should use pheromones to appease you. , so stick with you."

"We've never confirmed our relationship, Xiaoqin, you seem to think too much." When Wen Ye spoke, he did not forget to comfort the girl in his arms.

You seem to think too much?

In the past few days, Xu An has been telling Ji Xiaoqin how scum of Wen Ye, Wen Ye is a scumbag, Ji Xiaoqin did not want to believe it, and did not dare to contact Wen Ye to ask her, until Wen Ye did not show up just now When she was still awake, the person in this room was not Wen Ye, but Xu An made a mistake.

I didn't expect...

Is she thinking too much?

"Damn, bastard!" Xu An was going to be **** off by Wen Ye, she didn't understand why she could say that these scumbags were so righteous, if it wasn't for the staff of the clubhouse to control her, She really hits people!

They were in a mess, and no one noticed Jiang Jinyi, who was obviously uncomfortable.

Jiang Jinyi's cheeks were flushed at this moment, her brain was in pain, her breathing was rapid, she was covering the back of her neck with one hand, and the position of the glands in the back of her neck//body was so painful, as if there was something to remove Feeling uncomfortable rushing out of her body, she frowned and called Jiang Youwan.

"Hello? Xiao Jin, how do you look?"

Just as she was about to open her mouth, there was a sudden stinging pain in the back of her neck. The pain made her gasp and she couldn't stand up straight.

Jiang Youwan heard something wrong with her, and said in a hurry, "Xiao Jin, what's the matter? Where are you now?"

Jiang Jinyi reluctantly said the name of the clubhouse, Jiang Youwan's heart trembled when he heard it, this is the place where Su Yi was!

"Xiao Jin, you go to a safe place first, you go to find someone, don't be afraid, sister-" Suddenly, a man's roar came from the opposite side, and the phone was hung up.

The author has something to say:

Good luck for the college entrance examination

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Feng Qingye 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Song Yuhang, 476318821;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Yi; 13 bottles of pork belly yyds; 10 bottles of Xiaoxin no crayons, x, and Prozac; 1 bottle of Yuan Yuchuan, Shuyi Erha and Song Yuhang in the battlefield;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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