MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 37 jealous and angry

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Hong Yinzi was very shocking. Father Ye, who was standing beside him, saw that his daughter was beaten, and was naturally angry, "Mr. Jiang, what's going on?"

Jiang Youwan did not speak, frowned and pushed Ye Xian out, and Secretary Lin next to him quickly said: "Sorry, Mr. Ye... I think there must be some misunderstanding. ."


"No misunderstanding. I hit her!"

Jiang Jinyi felt that the scene in front of her was very dazzling, and it aroused Ye Xian's grievance to her for what Ye Xian said just now. After leaving a sentence, he often trotted away.

Running all the way to the bathroom, she rinsed the hand that slapped Ye Xian's face just now, but she was a little afraid to look up at herself in the mirror, for fear of seeing her worthless tears.

Going pissed.

She's really going to be **** off!

Why is she talking to her like that? Why do you sit in Jiang Youwan's place, why do you go into Jiang Youwan's arms, and why do you point fingers at her and Jiang Youwan's affairs?

She is Jiang Youwan's marriage partner...? Jiang Youwan's future wife, her future sister-in-law?

For the first time, Jiang Jinyi felt that the words "marriage" and "wife" were so sharp and piercing.

But what made her even more troubled was that Jiang Youwan complained to her.

Not only Ye Xian, but the male omega some time ago also said something similar to her, saying how could she still have the face to stay with Jiang Youwan, saying that she hurt Jiang Youwan.

In the past four years when her memory was blank, what did she do to hurt Jiang Youwan and make everyone around her hate her so much?

It was the first time that Jiang Jinyi tried so hard to recall, but she still couldn't remember anything, her headache was splitting, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Hey, did you see it just now? The second lady is making trouble again. She really can't stop. This time, she slapped Ye Xian twice, which made President Ye so angry that her face turned pale. It's dark, I'm really afraid that the cooperation with Ye's this time will be given to Huang, if it is really Huang, Mr. Jiang's hard work during this period of time will all be in vain..."

"That's right, the second miss is really a burden to President Jiang. Without her, what would President Jiang be like now?"

"I wish she could stop..."

Pushing open the door of the toilet, the conversation between the two employees came to an abrupt end, Jiang Jinyi looked at them, just for a second, the two fled like a ghost, and those words, But they were all heard by Jiang Jinyi.

She finally knew why the Jiang family looked at her so strangely, they all hated her, because she was Jiang Youwan's burden, because she always caused trouble for Jiang Youwan.

When she didn't lose her memory, she must have done a lot of things that were sorry for Jiang Youwan.

The place where I said 'this is my site' with confidence just now, but now I can't stay for a second.

Jiang Jinyi cleaned up her expression, passed through the crowd calmly, and left the building that suffocated her.

She didn't go home, she walked aimlessly in the city, she was angry and aggrieved, she was expecting the phone to ring, and then realized that the phone had fallen on Jiang Youwan's office forgot to take it, and Jiang Youwan had no choice but to call her.

The original sunny day was covered with dark clouds for a while. I remembered that the weather forecast for today is rainy, and it should rain in a while. It is close to Xu An's house. Shelter from the rain.

After walking for almost half an hour, the door was quickly opened when the doorbell was pressed. Seeing her, Xu An said in amazement, "Are you really here?"

Jiang Jinyi walked in expressionlessly and closed the door.

"Jiang Youwan called me just now to ask me if you were with me. Not long after I picked up, you really came."


Jiang Jinyi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"What's the matter? How can I advise you if you don't tell me?"

"Xu An..." Jiang Jinyi softened a lot, looked at her and asked, "Did I do a lot of wrong things in the past four years that I forgot, give it to Jiang You Wan caused a lot of trouble?"

Xu An was startled, then quickly suppressed the surprise in her eyes, helping her analyze, "Why do you ask that?"

Jiang Jinyi said the matter dully.

"What?! She actually wants to get married?" Xu An almost dropped his jaw.

"That woman taught me in front of me, her tone was too arrogant, and Jiang Youwan slapped herself when he was about to come, I couldn't be more angry, in front of Jiang Youwan After slapping her, she immediately threw herself into Jiang Youwan's arms..." Jiang Jinyi didn't realize how sour her tone was.

"Fuck, this is too fuck."

Jiang Jinyi lost her memory, I don't know, can Xu An still know? Jiang Youwan likes Jiang Jinyi. If he likes it, why should he marry him? Could it be that you want to pedal two boats for Jiang's sake?

"I ask you, have I really done a lot of things to hurt Jiang Youwan before?" Jiang Jinyi looked at her, her eyes extremely eager to know the answer.

"Uh, uh..." Xu An didn't dare to say it, and answered vaguely: "It doesn't hurt, it's just that you are too self-willed, more or less... .cause her a little trouble, it's not that serious."

Jiang Jinyi lowered his head, sure enough.

She really did a lot of things that drag Jiang Youwan down and hurt Jiang Youwan.

So people around her couldn't stand it, so people came to her one after another and said, 'Why do you still have a face like this'.

Xu An saw her look of loss and self-blame, and quickly said: "It's not too much, don't think too much, Jiang Youwan's petting you is obvious to all, she is your sister, you guys ...the people who are closest to each other, you don't have to pay attention to what others say."

Jiang Youwan is her sister, the closest person in the world. Xu An's words could comfort Jiang Jinyi more or less, but Jiang Jinyi was still worried and distressed.

If the cooperation between Jiang's and Ye's really broke down this time because of himself, wouldn't Jiang Youwan's hard work be in vain?

Jiang Youwan would hate her, even if she didn't say it, she would still feel resentment in her heart.

And if Jiang Youwan really wants to marry Ye Xian......

Then Jiang Youwan has one more wife, wife and sister, who will be more important?

But she is very annoying, not only because of the marriage, but also...

"Ah..." So annoying.

This is one of the few troubles in Jiang Jinyi's memory. Looking at the window blurred by the rain, the feeling of grievance, self-blame, anger and guilt lingers in Jiang Jinyi's mind. My heart is full of contradictions and lingering.

She doesn't want Jiang Youwan to fall in love, but Jiang Youwan can't never fall in love, she has her life.

She is just her sister and has no right to interfere, but...

When she thought that Jiang Youwan was most likely comforting Ye Xian now, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Or I'll send you home." Xu An suggested.

Jiang Jinyi said: "I don't want to."

"Where do you want to go, and stay at my house tonight?"

"I don't want to go home so soon." Jiang Jin Yimin pursed her lips, looked up at her, and said to her, "Xu An, take me to play, you don't have a lot of fun. The place?"

Xu An was startled: "What do you want to play?"

"It's all right." Jiang Jinyi stood up and pulled her sleeves, her eyes were very firm: "Hurry up and take me there."

Xu An hesitated for a while, but he still gave in.

She didn't dare to take Jiang Jinyi anywhere, so she took her to a small Qing bar. For her own life, she secretly sent a text message to Jiang Youwan and told her that Jiang Where is Jin Yi?

There weren't many people in this clear bar, it was very quiet, there were people singing with guitars on the stage, Xu An knew that Jiang Jinyi couldn't drink, so she ordered a cocktail with no degree for her, and the two Nestled on the sofa, Jiang Jinyi was a little suspicious: "Xu An, is this the fun place you said?"

Xu An said solemnly: "What is fun? When I'm upset, I like to sit here and listen to songs. Look, the **** the stage sings so nicely, she still looks good nice."

Jiang Jinyi tilted her head to look, that girl is really good-looking, has a heroic appearance, has a very magnetic voice, and is very charming.

Jiang Jinyi thought for a while, and asked, "Can I ask her to sing for me? I want to sing." She thought angrily that Jiang Youwan must have a marriage partner Now, it's time for her to find a partner to spread her dependence on Jiang Youwan.

This is good for everyone.

"Yes, long as you have money."

Jiang Jinyi certainly has money, she has money.

So it was logical to call the resident singer in front of him.

Jiang Jinyi ordered two random songs, listened to her singing and drank, and before she knew it, she began to be in a daze, her thoughts were scattered, and people didn't even compliment after singing, she was in a daze.

Xu An couldn't stand it any longer, poked her shoulder, and reminded in a low voice, "They called you."

Jiang Jinyi came back to her senses. The alpha was smiling at her and asked her softly, "What are you thinking? Are you worried?"

Jiang Jinyi didn't say a word, she really had something on her mind and nodded.

There are many people who have met at the venue, and it seems that they can quickly understand Jiang Jinyi's mind. He chuckled and said, "You know what? love."

"Sweet love heals everything."

Can a sweet love cure everything?

Xu An: "Huh? What?"

Jiang Jinyi has never been in love, but she has heard this saying, they all say that love can cure everything, love can make people stupid, and love can make people full of eyes and only left that person.

Jiang Jinyi couldn't help but think, that Ye Xian is very arrogant, but her face is really good-looking, and she likes Jiang Youwan so much that when they get married and live under the same roof, Jiang Youwan will love him on her?

Jiang Youwan is so fond of herself now, if she falls in love, isn't that what the woman says?

At that time, she will not have her own place in her heart.

Do you want to fall in love with me?"

She fell in love before Jiang Youwan, she had someone she liked before Jiang Youwan, and she was full of eyes before Jiang Youwan.

The female alpha was stunned, then smiled heartily, "Are you so anxious? It shows how annoying this trouble is."

Xu An was shocked for a while before she recovered her voice, and looked at Jiang Jinyi in amazement: "You, are you **** serious?!"

Why not?

Jiang Jinyi stood up from the sofa, clenched her fists, and asked the alpha in front of her seriously, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

At first glance, the female alpha knew that Jiang Jinyi was a rich lady with big names all over her body. How could she not agree to her?

She moved her lips, just about to say yes, when suddenly she was attracted by the person standing behind Jiang Jinyi, and when she met the person's gaze, a chill made her body freeze, Quickly look away.

"You, you..." She wanted to say if your girlfriend was here, but she wasn't sure.

"Huh?" Jiang Jinyi also felt someone behind her, and when she looked back, her pupils suddenly dilated, and a sense of grievance came to her heart, her tone was extremely fierce, "You, why are you here? "

Jiang Youwan's face was gloomy, his pupils were darker, he opened his lips and asked, "Xiaojin wants her to be your girlfriend?"

I don't know why, I feel a little guilty inexplicably, Jiang Jinyi grabbed the corner of her clothes, and Xu An on the side quickly helped to speak, "No, Sister Jiang, Xiao Jin is joking, angry words, angry words ."

Jiang Youwan didn't listen to Xu An, just looked at Jiang Jinyi: "Huh?"

This posture is like the child who did something wrong was caught by the parents, making it as if she did something wrong, Jiang Jinyi said stubbornly: "Well, what's the matter? Can't I fall in love? I'm twenty-three years old, the age of free love!"

Jiang Youwan looked at her deeply, the mandala flower fragrance on her body became stronger and stronger, and it radiated together with a icy cold, and the surrounding was like an ice cellar.

Jiang Jinyi would not know how hard Jiang Youwan was trying to suppress her anger at the moment, jealousy spread in her heart, and she wanted to swallow her reason, she coldly declared: "I No, you don't want to fall in love."

Jiang Jinyi's eyes were round, "Why?!" Why can you marry and I can't fall in love?


The corner of Jiang Youwan's mouth evoked a very shallow arc, a sneer, and it was so cold that it made people shudder.

She grabbed Jiang Jinyi's wrist, didn't speak any more, pulled the person out domineeringly, very hard, especially hard, she had never been so rude to Jiang Jinyi, Jiang Jinyi broke free If you don't open it, let her pull it out.

The alpha with the guitar had long run away, leaving only Xu An sitting on the sofa, sighing for Jiang Jinyi.

Damn, that woman Jiang Youwan is too terrifying. With her around, she is so dignified that she doesn't dare to take a sip.

Not far away, Wen Ye was sitting on the sofa with a woman in his arms, the woman was feeding her wine, and...

That woman is not Ji Xiaoqin.

The author has something to say:

Want a second update? coquettish

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 493918921;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of shameful selling; 10 bottles of her Never Land; 6 bottles of Seulrene’s honeymoon every day; 2 bottles of grapefruit; 1 bottle of Bubald, Zhan Yuan Yuchuan, My Houyi Thief Liu, and Kong Hao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!