MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 108 End of text

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Jiang Jinyi sucked the milk mouth by mouth, very cautious, for fear of waking its owner and being caught on the spot.

My heart is full of guilt, but I can't stand the temptation.

Heart beats like a drum.

While drinking, a lot of pheromones are released unconsciously.

She didn't realize it herself, but the sleeping person gave her feedback.

The man who was sleeping peacefully suddenly snorted, frightened Jiang Jinyi, who was secretly eating, to the point that his heart skipped a beat, he quickly stepped back, and turned his head to look.

But it's really beautiful...

Like a mermaid stranded and sleeping, seductive and unconscious.

I can't take my eyes off.

Jiang Jinyi slowly smelled the fragrance of mandala flowers in the air, which was much richer than before, only then did she understand that it seemed that the pheromone she did not control when she was breastfeeding made her clear .

And myself...

She felt the back of her neck swell again.

People's hope always grows infinitely. For example, Jiang Jinyi just wanted to drink milk, but now, she wants to eat this mandala.

I just recovered, and I am so greedy that I want to fill the gaps in the past few months.

However, my sister is very tired.

When I went upstairs today, I almost couldn't stand up, I fell asleep as soon as I touched the bed, and now, I'm so uncomfortable that I still can't wake up.

How can I bully her again.

Jiang Jinyi wanted to stop thinking quickly and wanted to get out of bed and walk away, but she couldn't walk, feeling that she couldn't leave Jiang Youwan.

Can't get away...

If you forcefully walk away, it will be very uncomfortable.

I still have to run back to her side.

Jiang Jinyi sat beside her and tangled for a long time, thinking, if you can't mark it, then smell it, smell it to relieve it, and then go to cook for Jiang Youwan immediately.

Well, that's a good idea.

Thinking like this, she immediately took action, leaned down and kissed Jiang Youwan's slightly parted lips, then turned her over and turned her back to herself.

Can't help but kiss up, kiss.

She touched it lightly with the tip of her teeth, Jiang Youwan snorted and moved, maybe she was itchy and wanted to struggle.

Her babbling was particularly soft, the kind of softness she had never shown in front of Jiang Jinyi, Jiang Jinyi was palpitated and couldn't help wanting to see more Jiang Jinyi like this You Wan.

Too cute and too charming.

She kissed again and nibbled.

Another beep.

Jiang Youwan was still sleeping with a frown.

Sometimes people are so tired that they fall asleep and can't wake up no matter how much they call.

The feeling of being at the mercy of her sister really made Jiang Jinyi feel very novel, and the bottom line she set for herself would only get lower and lower after breaking through.

Jiang Jinyi wants to see more Jiang Youwan who she has never seen before.

"Xiao Jin..." Jiang Youwan snorted and vaguely called her name, very dumb and weak, as if she had called her in a dream, she was treated like this , still can't wake up.


She called herself baby in her dreams, Jiang Jinyi was excited.

The feeling of being asleep is very different, and Jiang Youwan's reaction to her is also very different. .

Feeling that she was hovering on the edge, Jiang Jinyi bit her neck and heard her struggling, no matter whether she would wake up or not, injected a large amount of Pheromones.

The fragrance of hyacinth flowers was poured into her body, and the guilt in her heart reached its peak with her.

She didn't have time to wipe her hands, she hugged Jiang Youwan tightly from behind, buried it in her neck, and sniffed deeply.


The person in her arms didn't move, but she was short of breath and trembled occasionally. Jiang Jinyi didn't know if she was awake. .....

My sister is so tired and tossing her when she sleeps.

Overwhelmed with guilt and distress, Jiang Jinyi hugged her for a while and sniffed for a while, got up, looked at her in front, and saw her blushing like a ripe peach , the cheeks were stained with tears, and the pillow was wet from crying.

The whole person is slightly curled up, vulnerable and tempting.

Jiang Jinyi's long eyelashes trembled, she quickly closed her eyes, and wanted to pour water to replenish her moisture.

As soon as she walked to the kettle, she heard a murmur behind her, and then a low, **** voice called out to her: "Little Jin..."

Jiang Jinyi turned her head to look, Jiang Youwan had already sat up, the nightgown was so loose that it was about to slip off, a pair of fox eyes looked at him misty, Jiang Jinyi was inexplicable Guilty, quickly pour the water.

Jiang Youwan saw that she didn't come back to hug him immediately, and already wanted to drag her body out of bed, Jiang Jinyi took the water and walked back quickly.

As soon as she walked to the bedside, Jiang Youwan hugged her waist.

She asked in a hoarse and charming voice, "Did I let you leave me?"

"I didn't leave, I just wanted to pour a glass of water for my sister." Jiang Jinyi felt that the current Jiang Youwan was a bit like a child, and coaxed her with the tone of a child: "Sister drink water first. OK?"

Jiang Jinyi sat down on the edge of the bed, Jiang Youwan was kneeling. After being fed and drinking a glass of water, she wrapped her arms around Jiang Jinyi's waist, hugged her, and slammed her chin on her. on her shoulders, burying her face in her neck.

Jiang Jinyi put her arms around her slender waist, thinking, it's over, it's really sticky.

The eyes were full of sweetness, Jiang Jinyi asked with concern: "Sister, are you tired?"

"Sister just had a dream..." Jiang Youwan said sullenly in her neck, suddenly raised her face, and exhaled at her red earlobe: "Dream that Xiao Jin secretly marked me while I was sleeping."

Jiang Jinyi was so guilty that her heart was beating like a drum. She pretended to be calm and told her that it was a dream, but she didn't know that Jiang Youwan was so close to her that she could hear her heartbeat. Clearly.

"Ah, is that so?" Jiang Youwan didn't seem to believe Jiang Jinyi's words very much, and the marked coquettishness was displayed in front of her without reservation, and she pretended to be ashamed and said: "But I really Feeling, my body is filled with a lot of hyacinth flower fragrance, filled with hyacinth flower fragrance..."

A good sentence, saying it from Jiang Youwan's mouth always makes people blush, but it is true.

Jiang Jinyi felt a sense of satisfaction because of her words, but she was still mostly ashamed. Maybe she knew that her flushed face had betrayed herself at the moment. : "Because my sister is so beautiful, I, I... can't control it."

After she finished speaking, she felt that Jiang Youwan was about to withdraw from her arms, was startled, and immediately hugged her again, she tucked herself into her arms, closed her eyes and buried her face in She didn't dare to look at her in front of her chest, and she was not allowed to look at herself.

Jiang Youwan was silent, letting her hold himself without saying anything.

Suddenly, I felt my head being held down and something was in my mouth.

Jiang Jinyi just remembered that she hadn't finished the milk just now.

Jiang Youwan's angry voice came from overhead, "Drink it all."

Jiang Jinyi is probably the happiest alpha in the world. It's okay to bully people while they're sleeping and act coquettishly.

It doesn't matter, Jiang Youwan lowered her eyes and stared at her jet-black head.

Let her bully her once. Anyway, I will love her as much as I want, and bully her as much as I want.


Jiang Jinyi married Jiang Youwan, and the two officially reconciled. Jiang Youwan showed her everything about the family.

Show her what she didn't know before.

In the cloakroom, Jiang Jinyi was not allowed to open all the clothes bought for her, including skirts, pajamas, nightdresses, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There are also all kinds of trinkets she likes, all kinds of brand-name bags she likes, dolls she likes, all kinds of things she likes.

There was always a room in this house that was locked. Jiang Youwan personally opened the lock and brought Jiang Jinyi in. Only then did Jiang Jinyi know that this room was a studio.

Jiang Youwan prepared it for her long ago, when she separated from Jiang Youwan, when she hurt Jiang Youwan the most, the so-called Jiang Youwan in Lu Jing's mouth no longer loved her time.

Jiang Jinyi feels so stupid.

It turned out that Jiang Youwan never planned to give up on her from beginning to end.

I have prepared these for a long time. It seems that she has long known that she will live here and become a member of this family.

Two people will get married, as if it was her premeditated plan.

"Baby, this will be our home from now on, and only belong to us."

Jiang Jinyi was really unable to describe her mood at the moment in words, she turned her head and hugged Jiang Youwan to tears, being doted on and patiently coaxed by Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Youwan's patience with her seems to never run out, at the age of eighteen, and now.

She likes to help Jiang Jinyi get everything ready.

At the age of 18, she was tidying up her room to prepare her schoolbag for school, and now she is helping her prepare everything she likes and trapping her by her side in the softest way.

Actually, Jiang Jinyi should have discovered this long ago. From the first time she stepped into this house, Jiang Youwan wore a pair of cotton slippers for her.

Slippers for couples, water cups for couples, mouthwash cups for couples, pillows for couples, bath towels for couples...

It's all rabbits and foxes.

There are also potted plants planted on the balcony. They are all flowers that Jiang Jinyi liked and cherished when he was eighteen years old. Some of them were brought directly from the yard of Jiang's family, and some were newly imported from abroad. imported back.

Jiang Jinyi actually discovered these flowers long ago, and also discovered those pairs of foxes and rabbits, but at that time, she never dared to think in this direction, thinking that Jiang Youwan just liked them.

In fact, it was all for her.

Marriage is well planned.

In the evening, the two of them were lying on the sofa, covered with blankets, with fruits in front of them, which belonged to Jiang Jin Yiche, or more precisely, Jiang Youwan took Jiang Jin Yiche by hand.

No cut.

Jiang Jinyi wrapped around Jiang Youwan's waist, rubbing her waist intentionally or not, feeding her fruit.

The atmosphere was warm and beautiful, which made Jiang Jinyi think of the age of eighteen, when their relationship was also very good, and they often watched movies together like this.

Going forward, when Jiang Youwan was still blind, he remembered that he bullied her...

Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi's attention was taken away from the memory, and she tilted her head to look at Jiang Youwan's profile, Jiang Youwan also turned to look at her, Jiang Jinyi suddenly asked: " Sister, can you tell me about your past?"

Jiang Jinyi is very curious, what kind of life did Jiang Youwan live in the past? Did Jiang Youwan ever like someone else?

I want to hear her repeat why she came to Jiang's house, this time, she believes it all.

She was a little nervous, afraid that Jiang Youwan, who is now sensitive and fragile, would not like to mention the past.

Jiang Youwan just smiled, "Okay."

"Do you remember Xiao Jin? You told me before, the aunt who was kidnapped when you were young and hid you."

Jiang Jinyi hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Remember... Of course I do."

"My mother told me that it was my sister's mother..."

"Yeah, she's my mother."

Jiang Youwan looked ahead and fell into a far, far memory:

"That day, there was an explosion in that place, and many people died, including the subordinates of the Su family, the eldest young master of the Su family, and my mother."

"The only one who survived was Xiao Jin, because she was hidden."

Jiang Jinyi was sluggish. After she was rescued by her mother and sent to the hospital when she was a child, she only knew that she was very uncomfortable, and she didn't know that such a thing happened beside her.

Are all those nasty people dead?

Jiang Youwan continued: "At that time, I was very sad and ran to ask my father, Su Lei, what was going on. Su Lei said, the Su family, including mine Mother, it was all killed by your mother."

"At that time, I was only ten years old. I was deceived by her. I believed in his words, and I only wanted revenge."

"Since then, I, Su Rin, also died in the explosion. My identity is no longer visible, and I have been hidden in the dark. I have been waiting for more than ten years, waiting for the opportunity of revenge."

"Although I have been deceived by him and brainwashed by him, in fact, when I grew up, I was investigating the matter myself, but he found out that the person Jiang Ningshu was looking for was blind. , took me to the hospital and blinded me."

"Blind eyes, I became the sparrow in his palm, and it didn't take long before I was sent to Jiang's house."

Jiang Youwan said it very easily, but Jiang Jinyi was heartbroken when she heard it, her hands were shaking, and her heartache overflowed with her tears.

No wonder Jiang Youwan hates hospitals so much, she must have suffered a lot there...


"It's all healed now, isn't it? The eyes were saved by the peace and blessing that Xiao Jin asked for."

Jiang Youwan rubbed her head to show comfort, and continued: "After I came to Jiang's house, I have been investigating what happened back then, and it was not until I investigated Xiaojin that I found out that it was Xiao Jin was also present in the explosion that year, and suffered such serious injuries."

"If Xiao Jin is here, it is impossible for your mother to do something that will harm the safety of her child."

"Ah, so I was deceived." Jiang Youwan narrowed his eyes with disgust.

"I thought for a long time later, who was responsible for the explosion, and slowly, I got the answer."


Jiang Youwan said firmly: "It's my mother."

living a life worse than a slave."

"It's hard, it's painful."

A trace of sadness flashed in Jiang Youwan's eyes. "She caused the explosion, sacrificed herself, and killed the beasts in the Su family who bullied us."

"After that night, the only two children left in the Su family are me and Su Yi, and they will definitely live a good life."

This is why, the eldest young master of the Su family was Su Yi, the illegitimate son of that year.

"I often feel very unfair, why is it only Su Yi who has a good life?"

Su Yi is the eldest young master, but he is still living a similar life as before.

Jiang Youwan's eyes became more red, looked at Jiang Jinyi, raised his hand to touch her face, and said softly, "I only know now that my mother left me a copy of the best in the world at that time. one's gift......."

"Xiao Jin." That gift is Xiao Jin.

Jiang Jinyi had tears in her eyes when she heard about her past, hugged her incoherently and cried, wanting to give her everything she could give her to make up for her childhood of misfortune.

Only distressed, how could it not be distressed.

I want to travel back to my childhood and protect Jiang Youwan.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Jiang Jinyi felt guilty for not knowing her earlier, and why he bullied her when he knew her.

"I will treat you well in the future, I will protect you, and I will not let you be bullied again..."

Jiang Youwan hugged the person who cried in his arms and promised to protect him, and teased: "Xiao Jin is twenty-four years old, why is she still crying so much?"

"Wu..." In order to show that she really has the ability to protect Jiang Youwan, Jiang Jinyi immediately stopped crying hypocritically and wiped her tears with her sleeves.

"It's okay, my sister believes in you." Jiang Youwan grabbed her arm to stop her movement, and said softly, "Twenty-four-year-old Xiao Jin can also cry, Xiao Jin is here with her sister. You don't have to grow up, you will always be sisters and children."

When Jiang Youwan said this, she was really gentle, like a ray of spring breeze, no matter how sad and sad people were, she could easily coax them.

Jiang Jinyi stepped back from her embrace and looked at her, her long hair was loose, and she was dressed in **** clothes. She was gentle and charming. aperture.

Especially her eyes had a charming and gentle smile that belonged to her, Jiang Jinyi blushed and lost her senses.

"Sister, you are so beautiful..." Jiang Jinyi's voice was still crying, "Sister, you are like a vixen."

Vixen is just like that, beautiful and dangerous.

Jiang Youwan raised his eyebrows: "Does Xiao Jin know what a fox spirit is?"

Jiang Jinyi wiped her tears and replied, "Vixen is the kind of bad and beautiful woman."

"No." Jiang Youwan gently fiddled with the slightly messy bangs on her forehead with his hand, and said in a poignant voice: "Vixen will eat people, so they go to seduce idiots like you, and then take advantage of them. If you are not prepared, you will **** up the essence and eat so much that there are no bones left."

"Isn't Xiao Jin afraid that I will eat you?"

Jiang Jinyi is of course not afraid, she still believes that Jiang Youwan will seduce her.

But she likes to be coquettish with Jiang Youwan and show weakness.

"I'm afraid, so my sister will eat me later, okay?"

"Okay." Jiang Youwan stroked her face lightly, with a tender paranoia hidden in his pupils, "I won't eat you, I will keep you by my side, take a bite from time to time to satisfy my cravings, if there is If you want to run away one day, my sister will eat you."

"So never leave, stay and be loved by my sister, okay?"

"Little Jin was born to be loved and loved by her sister. With her sister, she has an exclusive right that only children can exercise outside."

"Xiao Jin can never grow up in her life, she can have everything her sister has..." Once she has the best, she will never think about leaving.

She's baiting again, her love is the best bait, even though she knows she's not what she seems, only tender and perfect, even though she's dangerous, even though she knows her love will be a A tight cage, but Jiang Jinyi was still willing to be imprisoned by her.

"Okay, never go."

Jiang Youwan smiled and leaned into her ear and told her that she loved her. Before the two kissed, Jiang Jinyi also said, "I love you too, Sister Su Rin. ."

The author has something to say:


There will be a post-marriage episode and a vice cp episode

Jiang Ningshu x Zhao Yan x Jiang Ya Jiang Ningshu x Song Lian Xu An x Ji Xiaoqin x Wen Ye

I think about what to open next book, save it first↓

"No Cannon Fodder"

Cen Yin died in a car accident, was selected by the system, traveled to various dog-blood worlds, and became a cannon fodder female supporter who made a perfect push for the plot. Her task is to help the female supporter get rid of The fate of being cannon fodder.

World One: Bankrupt Scum a

Relying on the wealth of her own family, the scumbag occupied the heroine and humiliated her in every possible way. After she went bankrupt, she was retaliated by the heroine. stepping stone.

After the Cen family went bankrupt, Cen Yin left a bitter farewell letter and disappeared. The heroine looked for people all over the world and forced her to a corner:

"Just run away? What the **** am I to you?"

World II

The female partner will always be so infatuated with the female lead, let the female lead play with her while thinking about her ex-girlfriend, and allow the female lead to abandon her ex-girlfriend with just one phone call. Infatuated.

Cen Yin: Oh!

Cen Yin quit, turned her head and left. In a blink of an eye, she met a beautiful sister in the bar. After soaking, she found out that she was the heroine's ex-girlfriend.

Later, the heroine only knew how to cherish it when she lost it, so she ran to her and said affectionately, "Ayin, I want to be with you well,"

Before Cen Yin could speak, someone grabbed her wrist, and her ex-girlfriend looked at the heroine with possessive eyes, "What? Want to grab someone from me?"

World Three:

The real heroine.

Cen Yin: Don't leave the rich woman, stupid?

She didn't even look at the bamboo horse or anything. She gave the rich woman with a bad stomach a lunch every day, and waited for the rich woman to come home.

One day, Zhuma changed his mind and confessed to Cen Yin in public that he wanted her to divorce the rich woman, and he took her away.

When I got home, the rich woman had already locked the marriage certificate in the safe, tore up the marriage agreement, and said coldly, "I can't divorce you, don't even think about it."

Other worlds to be determined…

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: lilizi ccc, 337088781;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 337088782; , la la la la la, go, phantom, update 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 82 bottles of cat slaves; 40 bottles of Jingduo s; , Yaeko's Dog, July's Fireworks, Please Kill Me, Split Elf, Dder, 59557064, 49000227, 20 bottles of Jue Bai; 16 bottles of Qi Thirteen; 15 bottles of Yun Gu, Jiu Ning, Coke, and Update Bar ;5030533212 bottles; 10 bottles of glutinous rice, silent speech, orange, Panpan my love, 53541066, diving, Nanling, ????, 魈, 44978180, Yunzhongke, Shengya, Shenhe's dog; 534339237 bottles; Little Monster Cabbage 6 bottles in vain; 51735186, a certain Rackles, 39152997, Shen Mengyao's wife, sacrificing Shao Siming, ha ha ha ha ha, the ninth piece of Hopeless Sea, TiAmo, Xie Mengguanshan, P-39, Meng Han, .5 bottles; don't remember the name 4 bottles; Daniel, TiAmo, an elegant water bearer, you ** me**, sweet potatoes, 3 bottles of old story wine; Luo Xiao, 59791909, Sentinel, Guagua, Cixiu, Mint Summer Weibo, 26003280, 2 bottles of music; 44491189, 61899060, Yu Li, 60348397, Shen Xiaoguai,! , Pu Caiying's girlfriend outside the circle, so troublesome, Huihui wants to fly, theMilkyWay, Sima, Wenhua Goose, 49869317, 52965025, Xiaobai Wangwang remarried online, why do you have a bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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