MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 98 098

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98/Seven Streams

Michael was walking in the icy tunnel, with his mobile phone on and a flashlight on.

‌‌The mobile phone has been transformed by technicians, not only can surf 5g, fall and waterproof, but also have a long standby time of 72 hours.

The only downside is that the phone is out of order, which is too heavy for ordinary people, like a brick.

Fortunately, Michael is tall, and the mobile phone is just right.

There were some rotten cloth strips and vines hanging above the tunnel. Occasionally, the ground becomes like dry wood, loses water and leaves fish carcasses.

It stands to reason that this should be the caesarean section operating room on the third floor. But Michael walked all the way and did not see a shadow of modern medicine.

At the end of the corridor, there is a door. It looks like a study.

Michael carried out violent demolition, and different specimens were displayed in the study, filled with occult books.

In the most room, there is a stone platform. There is a circle of stones around, and simple runes are engraved with red paint on the stones.

This stone platform looks like an altar.

There is a huge mural hanging in the center of the study. The content of the picture is weird and absurd, and it still looks like a deep-sea monster, which makes people very uncomfortable.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but Michael felt that the eyes were watching in the picture.

‌Forcing myself not to think about this, I walked slowly to the desk.

The desk is messy, and the cups have dried up water. The whole desk is full of life, and it looks like the owner will come back at any time.

Michael put the flashlight on the desk and took a picture of the red book cover, on which was written a line of words: "Teach You How to Summon the Cthulhu in Five Minutes".

It looks very unreliable.

But for the sake of textual research, Michael turned it over. I don't know the characters in it. It looks like a combination of several characters. Occasionally there are a few simple pictures.

All fonts on the book are dark red. Michael leaned in and took a sniff, smelling a faint breath of blood.

Not human blood, but polluted blood.

Because the things above were basically incomprehensible, Michael turned quickly.

On the most page of the book, a red moon is drawn on the paper. Under the moon, there is a woman with a belly. A slit was slit in her stomach, and several hands came out of her abdominal cavity.

Michael sat on the desk, chair, and opened the drawer.

There are many business documents in it, and at the bottom of the drawer, I found the businessman's diary.

When Michael was in school, he took psychology as an elective. ‌Keeping a journal clearly is a way to release stress.

In the diary, there is a story of how an accountant from the proletariat, who hooked up with the daughter of the chairman of the group, took over the business of the family when the boss passed away.

In order to get his wife to marry him, the businessman did not hesitate to pierce the condom secretly and make his wife pregnant. The state where they live has passed the heartbeat case, and it is very troublesome to have an abortion. In short, the wife married a businessman. It's a pity that the first child was aborted at the age of six months.

This is also normal. The businessman has asthenozoospermia and it is difficult for the woman to conceive. At the beginning, in order to get his wife pregnant, the businessman used a not-so-glorious method. This kind of disgraceful, refers to asking the truth for help.

Halfway through, from the man's point of view, it looks quite inspirational. By marrying the daughter of the boss, he successfully achieved a class leap and entered the upper class. When he bought the Croman Manor, he was already the talker of Ocean Shipping Group.

In return, the businessman secretly funded many activities of the Truth Society. Including going out to sea, exploring the seabed, searching for ancient ruins... In the early days of pollution outbreaks, money and power were still very useful.

[I started to explore the truth of the world, and I was terrified of it. ]

[Maybe I should quit the Truth Society. Even though I have been through so-called pollutants and apocalypse, as an ordinary person, I still feel fear of these supernatural forces...]

[Yahwe, I met him when I was 22 years old. ‌So young. Now I am 48 years old and my appearance has not changed in the slightest. Are you really still human? ]

The further you go, the more chaotic the diary becomes. The handwriting is also gradually scribbled.

The businessman wanted someone to inherit his business empire and his own will, so he turned to the Truth Society again.

[I look at Jennifer and swallow the thing. Jennifer was reluctant, but she was not eighteen or nineteen years old, and her father loved Miss Qianjin. Now, all her glory, wealth, and honor are given to me, even if she doesn't want to. She also needs to use my money to continue her lavish life. I could have let her go with a penny, but I'm too kind. ]

Michael's fist hardened.

[I had hoped that my wife would conceive my child. She is younger and more beautiful. But Yawei said no. Twenty years later, Jennifer has swallowed the introduction... Only she has completed the conception. ]

[Yahwe said that Jennifer could have been the Apocalypse. It was pregnancy that stopped her awakening and transferred her talent to her own child. It's a pity that the first child was not saved before it was born. This is God's will. ]

[‌They said it was the placenta. Like human larvae or embryos. Soon, Jennifer was really pregnant. ]

[Jennifer had a distortion, and I had to follow the doctor's advice. Put her in the basement. ]

[The doctor said that the child in her belly is healthy. This child is an apocalypse from birth, and will have strong power. This is a bargaining chip to have the right to speak in the world in the future. It will have divine power. ]

[She looks like a zombie in a horror movie now, haha. ]

[A maid actually released her from the basement! Smelly bitch. I was bitten... The doctor said we'd be fine. There is a good antidote, I hope so. ]

[My name is Andrew. It's November 25, 2063, and it's almost Christmas. I can't survive this winter. I can feel that I am dissipating as a part of the human being. Yahweh said it was evolution. Evolution, I don't understand... From human to monster, is evolution? I will no longer be joyful, no longer fearful, no longer angry. No more thoughts. lost memory. ]

[This evolution, apart from gaining strength and long lifespan, is there any difference from death? ]

[Yawei says don't be afraid. When God comes, all the filth will be removed, and the dead souls will return to life. We will have a new world together. ]

[When the red blood moon comes, the great ones will come. ]

There is a lot of moisture here, and the breath is very humid. It made Michael almost have the illusion of choking water.

‌closed the diary, ‌ scolded: "Psychopath!"

Lu Yan closed the bedroom door and put the red flower in the palm of his hand.

The shape of the petals is like a small wild flower on the side of the road, and the flower bones are weak and weak.

[Use ‌: orally. The little red flowers will wither in a day. I personally recommend that you stay with this flower. After all, it may be fatal to you, not necessarily to a sapling. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens. ]

[Have never been in the world, this is the way a little boy is, looking at a face with such a good-looking face, his soul is lost. ] The system language said with a long heart, [Bad boy, you don't have to learn, remember to be wary of some long-tailed liars. ]

Lu Yan was used to the behavior of the system applying eye drops from time to time.

‌Put this flower in my pocket and don't plan to use it.

Because the road leading to the operating room was still blocked, Lu Yan took the key and walked up the stairs.

‌Ask the system: "Where's Michael?"

[There is a hidden ladder in the operating room. Although it is dark, go straight down the stairs to the door of the basement. Michael is studying how to force/force/open/lock at the door. ]

In other words, as long as he goes down, Lu Yan can meet  at the door of the basement.

Although the key in the hand is in the shape of a key, there are many spikes on the round tube, which looks like a movable mechanism.

[This key is very useful. ] The system no longer speaks.

When Lu Yan came to the hall on the first floor, the businessman's body had completely stinked. Some debris hangs from the plaster in the corners, like sticky spider silk.

The window ‌‌ red moon has been completely blocked by dark clouds, and there is no light. Even with Lu Yan's night vision, it was very difficult to see.

In the center of the hall, Uriel's body was still hanging on the spot. It's just that I don't know when, ‌ actually raised his head.

‌‌ was pierced by a nail, and two lines of blood and tears flowed out of his eyes.

This scene is eerie and absurd, and it is also charming.

At this moment, the system suddenly said: [Holding Michael's feather and approaching Uriel. On the body, there are bosses that require equipment. Very necessary. Very necessary. ]

The system's tone was very serious.

Lu Yan was stunned. Found the few remaining golden feathers.

Obviously there is no fire, but when you hold it in your hand, the feather ignites on its own.

‌ Holding the feather in his hand, he approached Uriel.

‌Angel's lower body, the tree-like roots have penetrated deeply into the ground.

Only then did Lu Yan realize. The flesh and blood left by the merchant was not shrunken by death, but absorbed by Uriel's tentacles.

The other party still closed his eyes. Lu Yan was suspicious that he had already started to breathe.

The feathers in his hand burned to produce a halo, which suddenly shrank by half when he approached Uriel.

Lu Yan asked the system, "‌Isn't it possible to deceive the corpse suddenly?"

Uriel felt a little hairy, and the king fish was a little restless in his body.

[Although you have always been a reverse koi, I am very happy to tell you that you are not yet. ]

"To meet?"

System: [I don't know the future. But if ‌ comes back to life, it must have something to do with Gu Master. ]

Lu Yan remembered that the information provided by the system did say that Gu Master followed his father to the country when he was very young.

[Okay, there's not much time left for you. My treasure. The tool was in Uriel's mouth. ]

Unfortunately, Lu Yan couldn't fly, and Uriel was hanging high on the cross.

After thinking about it for a while, in order not to desecrate the corpse of the gens, I had no choice but to grieve the king fish.

He stuck out his long tongue, wrapped it around the chandelier above his head, and pulled it up.

Also thanks to several evolutions, the kingfish has a long tongue. Otherwise, I just climbed up the cross.

This scene is so weird, but fortunately, no one will watch it except the system.

Lu Yan moved his position and touched Wu Lie's lips with the remaining hand.

Although Uriel's face has been thin and disfigured because of his long death, but from the perspective of bones, his appearance should be very superior.

Lu Yan pried open his pale lips.

Uriel had a small golden cross stuck on his tongue.

[In the West, the cross, like the peach wood sword, is given the meaning of suppressing evil spirits. This is of course superstition. But when you look at this cross, you are indeed suppressing some things. ]

[It's a hand bone. For many years, it was fished out of the sea by an ocean-going ship. ]

"Who's got a hand bone?" Lu Yan asked.

The system tries to force its way into science: [Who knows, maybe it's a star. ]

When the system didn't want to say anything, Lu Yan knew that he couldn't ask anything.

Pull this golden cross out of Uriel's mouth. Dark blood gushed out and wet the fingertips.

When Lu Yan returned to the ground, the golden feathers given by Michael had become dull, and after flickering a few times, it was completely extinguished.

The golden feathers burned to ashes.

Fortunately, Uriel did not cheat the corpse.

Lu Yan put the cross and the tranquilizer together, took a deep breath, and walked to the basement.

Read The Duke's Passion