MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 94 094

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94/Seven Streams

The mucus rolls at a fast speed, like sea water at high tide, coming in the blink of an eye.

Michael was keenly aware of the soaring pollution value, the golden wings spread out behind him, and he didn't care about his posture.

He weighed his left and right hands to measure the difference, and said to Yanbei: "So you are so heavy."

Staying in the air is more tiring than flying all the time.

The bottom of the hall was covered with slime in an instant.

After occupying the ground, the slime darkened in color, like pulped meat.

In the rough and uneven flesh, there are pairs of malicious eyes, staring at the people above.

Lu Yan inexplicably felt that this scene was very familiar.

He thought for a while, and he had indeed seen such a scene.

When Lu Yan had just acquired the talent of Deli Yu, Lu Yan had a dream. The location is in the deep sea, and the ground is also such disgusting, bloodshot eyeballs.

The difference is that these eyeballs are not fixed on the ground now, and they swim around on the spread of meat sauce.

A stench of spoiled meat and eggs permeated the entire hall.

Lu Yan reminded: "Don't go to the lower eye, it will stimulate the increase in the severity of the disease."

Uriel had such an accident at the beginning.

[It is not very accurate to say that what happened is unpredictable, Uriel is exhausted. In his words, he was in charge of terror and anger. The same is true for this apocalypse named Uriel, who has the dagger of hellfire and the gift of judgment. It has wings and can fly. If it is not killed, it is difficult for other pollutants to kill him. ]

Lu Yan: "What does the talent of judgment look like?"

The system thought about it for a moment, and answered reluctantly: [Judgment is, "I am the rule, and the world will be judged." I admit, it might have some truth to it at number 5. But I insist that the 6th talent is the 6th best! ]

Lu Yan felt that with the increase in the threshold of spiritual power, the system gradually became more and more humanized, or tactile.

For example, he could hear the command "Come and coax me" from the tone of the system.

But Lu Yan couldn't do such a thing, so he raised his bow: "Which eyeball is the body of this slug?"

[‌The 548th from south to north and the 154th from west to east. Let's find it, now the position has moved a little to the left. ]

For others, the system said nothing; but for Lu Yan, this information was enough.

Lu Yan's eyes are like the lens of a camera, and he can play back the scenes he has seen in his mind in a short period of time.

He took a serious look at the ground, closed his eyes, and simulated the approximate location in his mind.

I have to say, these eyeballs are really polluted. Even thinking about it in his mind, Lu Yan felt a pain in his brain.

He raised his bow and shot in a southwesterly direction, targeting a statue of an angel.

Half of the wings behind this angel sculpture fell off, and the lower body was cut off, turning into the arms and legs of an octopus.

An eyeball is like a swimming fish, soaring a long way on the red minced meat.

[Ouch, I missed it. ]

Lu Yan's sudden difficulty made Michael almost fail to hug him.

Michael said quietly: "What are you doing? It's like Cupid."

"Looking for the eyes." Lu Yan thought for a moment and said, "Among so many eyes, I can vaguely feel where is the best one."

Michael Ten was shocked: "The talent ranked 500th is so powerful now?"

Yanbei looked around, and finally locked the chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

This chandelier looks like a blooming petal, at least five or six meters in diameter, and is locked with an iron chain. ‌It looks solid.

Yanbei's head grows at an incredible speed, more like the roots of some tree than the braided head. The roots cling to the bottom of the chandelier.

He tugged hard. It didn't fall, so he said to Michael: "You let go."

Michael let go of his hand suspiciously.

Yanbei hangs on the chandelier like a swing, and sits on the lamp with his head up.

He turned his head and said to Lu Yan, "Come on."

For a long-range output, finding a suitable sniper point is sometimes more important than your own level.

Only a few of the wall lamps were lit, and the interior was dimly lit. It seemed that the slime on the ground was even more disgusting and terrifying.

The pink flesh slowly climbed up the wall along the wall. Like a creeping tiger that keeps multiplying.

Lu Yan went to the door and window, which had been blocked by pieces of meat, and a few eyeballs were watching.

Michael tentatively slashed at the merchant with the holy sword in his hand.

The golden giant sword drew a dazzling sword light, and the eyeballs were killed and injured, turning into powder in an instant. But the surrounding pieces of meat quickly split and multiplied, filling such a hole.

A sneering smile appeared in the eyes of the eyeballs.

Michael's watch was clearly irritated.

In just a few minutes, he saw the corpse of a comrade who had been missing for many years, and then encountered such a disgusting monster. No one could feel better.

But after all, he was an Apocalypse who had worked on the front line for many years, and soon realized that his state was not right, he took out a military antidote from his chest pocket and drank a tube.

Michael threw the empty bottle he drank to the ground, and the pieces of meat swarmed up and swallowed it into his body, not even a glass ball left.

Lu Yan said, "Michael, take my arrow."

[Take the angel statue just now as the origin, the direction of the entrance of the gate as the y-axis, and establish a Cartesian coordinate system. 1 eyeball is 1 scale. ]

[1123, 81. ]

Lu Yan closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and shot out the silver arrow in his hand.

Arrowheads are like swift meteors.

But the muddy flesh had accumulated thickness, and the half-long arrow submerged in the body exploded a big hole, and black blood came out from the edge.

Michael raised his sword and slashed to the ground. Large pieces of rotten meat were steamed in an instant, and the sturdy bluestone floor was cut into bottomless ravines.

[1217, -46. ]

Second arrow.

The minced meat let out a scream, and wriggled rapidly.

[1365, -217. ]

Third arrow.



With each arrow, the time Lu Yan needed to think was shortened. On the contrary, his breathing gradually decreased, and fantastic colors appeared in front of his eyes, which looked like fungus poisoning.

[Host. ] A serious reminder from the system, [it's time to take medicine. ]

Before he knew it, his back was already dripping with cold sweat.

Lu Yan took out the mint-flavored special medicine, probably because of the different degrees of lesions it was aimed at, and the saccharification in the mouth was useless.

Yan Bei hugged Lu Yan from behind and rested his head on his back. The vine that turned into a head stuck into Lu Yan's pocket and pulled out a white flower. Send it to Lu Yan's mouth.

Lu Yan swallowed it subconsciously, it tasted sweet and milky.

But the number of these flowers is obviously not enough.

The vines grabbed the dagger Yanbei put in the bag, and then gently scratched the skin on the back of his neck.

In an instant, more than a dozen white flowers bloomed on the tip of Yanbei. He put the white flowers he picked into a bunch of bouquets and put them into Lu Yan's mouth.

Lu Yan's vision finally became clear, and it was no longer a bizarre illusion.

Arrows, ‌new on the bow.

Although businessmen are no longer intelligent, they still possess animal instincts.

After several near misses, it clearly felt dangerous.

In the past, its prey was always unable to escape the contamination of the essence, and often stood there obediently and was swallowed by it after persisting for a few hours. Just like those calamity hunters who came before.

But this group of people is obviously not the same.

The businessman felt a little reluctant in his heart. Michael's holy sword, with holy light, doubled the damage to pollutants, and the burning pain made his eyes bloodshot, which was very unbearable. The rising speed of the minced meat has slowed down significantly, and the eyes are disappearing in large areas.

It knew it couldn't go on like this. This group of people can't be touched for a short time, and the effect of fine pollution is not very significant. Consuming it like this is obviously not good for it.

The minced meat began to gather towards the very center, like a rolling ball of meat.

But the tip of Lu Yan's arrow moved away from the ball of meat.

[Front left corner. ]

The businessman was obviously familiar with the art of war and knew how to abandon his soldiers and protect the commander. Past experience gave him confidence in this move, but it was indeed one of the worst decisions of his life. The last big mistake was letting my wife swallow a disgusting mass of placenta.

In the corner, a ‌‌ eyeball with spider-like hairy legs quietly drilled into the crack of the wall.

"Whoosh" sound.

The long silver arrow with an indomitable spirit, pierced through the eyeball of this broad bean big bean from a distance of dozens of meters.

In the hall, there was an eardrum tingling howl!

The eight-legged eyeball was nailed to the corner of the wall, and it rolled on the ground, struggling in pain. The wailing sound made people groan behind.

The meat ball in the center lost its activity in an instant, and it was sprayed out like water from a smashed container, and the meat shards splashed all over the floor. The eyeballs quickly withered away, leaving only the interconnected white fascia, which lay on the ground like a giant cobweb.

The businessman's wailing gradually subsided, and finally stopped completely.

"Is he dead?" Lu Yan asked.

[died. ]

Michael frowned and stepped on the ground lightly. Now the ground is full of meat foam sprayed by meat balls, which is disgusting.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and took a few pictures as a material for his exploration. After these go out, they will all be given to the headquarters.

Lu Yan finally had the heart to look at Uriel, who was close at hand.

Uriel hung on the cross for 26 years, and even the highly deformed Apocalypse began to wither most of his body, leaving only a piece of skin attached to his skeleton. Because of the special material, the clothes on her body retain their original luxury.

He has a long, dark brown head that hangs down on his knees, with his head lowered, just enough for Lu Yan to reach the top of his head.

Uriel was three meters tall, and his head was inevitably larger.

Therefore, the injury on the back of his head became even more conspicuous.

It was a hole that had been dug out. Judging from the injury, there should be some sharp cones that had been forcibly pierced into it.

[Is it familiar, it is right. Happiness is reserved for the ignorant. ] The tone of the system, with a hint of pity, [This is a talent transplant operation. ]

["Judgment", stolen by the people of the Truth Society. ]

[Originally, it was the righteous angel who judged the world. Now, this adjudicator has become Satan. ]

Yan Beiyi hugged Lu Yan's waist, looking very tired.

He rubbed his head against Lu Yan's back and said softly, "I can't bloom any more today. The researcher said that if I become a tree, I won't be able to move in the future."

After Michael finished filming the scene, Xin flew back into the air, ready to pick up Yanbei and Lu Yan on the ground.

At this moment, Lu Yan pointed to the top of Uriel's head: "Michael. The wound on his head looks like a talent transplant operation."

Michael fluttered his wings and flew to the top of the cross.

He stared at the wound, his eyes red.

After a long time, Michael took a deep breath, raised his phone, and took a photo.

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