MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 167 167

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It's 10 years in the blink of an eye.

For both parties, not seeing each other is the best option.

A lot has happened in these ten years.

The Luochuan Botanical Garden was completely out of control; the director of the First Research Institute was backlashed by the cultivated pollutants, and the plan to create the gods was terminated; the territory of the slaughterhouse expanded to the entire provincial capital... The territory of mankind was repeatedly reduced.

The headquarters of the pollution disease prevention and control center has been relocated from city a to city d, where pollution diseases are relatively mild.

After so many years of struggle, it is no exaggeration to describe it as tragic. Tang Xun'an collected the relics of many colleagues. At first it was packed in a small box, then a small house was needed, and then a whole collection room was needed.

Civilization regresses, technology stagnates. In the end, I even had to boil water for bathing, because electricity was needed for research purposes.

Tang Xun'an soaked in cold water, looked up at the starry sky, and occasionally wondered if the scene he saw was a dream.

When he was 19 years old, he took a boat at sea and used Lu Yan's computer to learn about the situation at that time. Today, the ocean has become a no-go zone, and all the water has turned black like ink.

Tang Xun'an had a vague hunch that the future he saw would not come.

He turned on his phone, but there was no signal, but there was still Lu Yan's contact information in the social software.

Before the mission, this phone broke once. Because of this, Tang Xun'an had a fever for two days, and the people in the research institute worked overtime to complete the data restoration, and by the way, backed up the contents inside.

The chat history is not really important, the important one is the person who will answer.

That night, Tang Xun'an had another dream.

It's not a natural dream, it's a natural 99-dream.

In his dream, he saw Lu Yan, who was a dark giant sitting alone on the throne.

Lu Yan's voice didn't change: "Long time no see."

Tang Xun'an actually wanted to cry at that moment.

Lu Yan turned his head: "Actually, I don't blame you for killing Lu Cheng."

"I'm sorry." Tang Xun'an subconsciously wanted to touch the knife on his waist.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"He's your father."

On the throne, Lu Yan smiled slightly. does not answer this question.

Tang Xun'an looked carefully for a moment, only to realize that Lu Yan was more like being tied to the throne than sitting on the throne.

Crimson tentacles dig deep into the surface of his body, some wrapping around his ankles, trapping him here.

"You should know that the deep sea will be a church that makes gods. It took me a long time to understand one thing, I am a container."

"Lu Cheng and Jiang Yue told me that as long as I collect the body of the god, I can become a real **** and end this disaster. The body of the **** is called the king fish."

"I discovered very early on that the degree of my own disease is not determined by the use of innate abilities, but the degree of integration between me and these things."

"After merging all the king fish." Lu Yan paused, "My disease degree will definitely exceed 100. According to the institute's standards, it is degenerate into pollutants."

Lu Yan thought for a moment: "I don't know what will happen then. Now I have found the last part of my body..."

Lu Yan said: "If I succeed, it's better. If I fail, remember to kill me."

Tang Xun'an's expression was a little puzzled: "How does it count as success?"

Lu Yan tapped the back of the chair lightly with his fingers: "If it is successful, I will come back to you."

Tang Xun'an had a lot to say, but given the relationship between the two of them, what he wanted to say was too presumptuous and out of place.

The black giant began to melt away like quicksand. At that moment, Tang Xun'an was full of panic.

"Lu Yan, where are you going? Take me with you..."

It's a pity that these black fine sands disappear very quickly, like a fleeting spark. He couldn't even wait for Tang Xun'an to finish speaking.

Tang Xun'an lowered his head: "...Is it okay?"

He woke up from the dream, just in the middle of the night.

Tang Xun'an began to wait for Lu Yan.

He didn't wait for Lu Yan, but waited for a red moon rising from the east.

Tang Xun'an looked at the moon, raised his hand, and touched the tears on his face.

Lu Yan disappeared.

The moon in the sky turned red and never came back white. Pollution intensified again, and the precarious human society completely collapsed.

After waiting for another ten years, he finally understood that Lu Yan would never come back.

After accepting this fact, Tang Xun'an was calmer than expected. His disease is very high, like an old mobile phone that will break at any time. Leakage today, black screen tomorrow. There are always bugs.

So Tang Xun'an understood that he should leave. Like his friends, find a quiet place to die.

Huang Chen killed countless enemies in his life, and now the knife is finally aimed at himself.

Tang Xun'an died peacefully, in a no-man's land filled with yellow sand. The sand dunes blown by the wind at night will cover his remains.

The only surprise was that he failed.

Tang Xun'an failed to kill himself, he became a pollutant.

A dark dragon.

Like a large lizard, the black dragon rolled around in pain in the sand, and its roar spread far away.

A week later, the black dragon flapped its wings and left the sand.

It hunts by instinct, sometimes without remembering who it is. It used a knife to engrave Lu Yan's name on its body. Because of its strong recovery ability, within a few hours, Heilong would use Huang Chen to carve a "Lu Yan" on his body.

it will find him. Tell him what you haven't had time to say yet.

Heilong found the former Knight of Apocalypse of the New Moon Divine Kingdom, who, like him, had also fallen into a pollutant.

He finally got the news of "Lu Yan" from the mouth of the Apocalypse Knight.

In other words, news about Lu Yan's body.

"In the final stage of becoming a god, the throne of God was devoured..." The Apocalypse Knight vomited blood and spoke intermittently, "Although the Pope did not say it explicitly, we all know that the Throne of Luna is the **** we believe in... After collecting the body , He should return to the human world... But the throne failed..."

"I told you everything I know, the new **** is at the bottom of the sea."

Hei Long remembered in a trance that Lu Yan had said that if he failed, remember to kill him.

It came to the sea and changed back into human form.

Heilong looked at the densely packed "Lu Yan" on his skin, the old and the new intertwined, and suddenly became confused.

Who is Lu Yan? Who is he?

This should be very important people. However, the black dragon repeated the name, and could only feel an indescribable sadness.

With the determination to die, he sank to the bottom of the sea.

Today he is going to see an enemy who killed his lover.



Tang Xun'an was awakened by a nightmare.

He seldom dreamed since he was a child, but since waking up in Heilong's body, Tang Xun'an would dream of these memories from time to time.

Although this is something he has experienced, Tang Xun'an always feels like he is watching someone else's movie.

These memories are unfamiliar and familiar, separated by a hazy fog.

The story of the black dragon is buried in the bottom of the sea, and no one knows except him.

Tang Xun'an leaned over to Lu Yan's side, and quietly wrapped the man in his arms with his tail.


Lu Yan let out a light hum from his nose, but didn't wake up.

Tang Xun'an felt that his heart was about to be hummed.

He lowered his head and gently placed a kiss on Lu Yan's eyebrows.

He likes the current story.

This is their best ending.

(Extra 2-End)

Read The Duke's Passion