MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 133 133

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133 / seven streams

Lu Yan was accustomed to entering the spiritual space and showing a neat and tidy interface in front of him.

Other people's minds, to him, are like homework to be corrected.

But he didn't expect that this time he would fall directly into the rough sea.

In the middle of the night, the waves of the sea were layer upon layer. Lu Yan was holding a piece of floating ice and was beaten by the sea water. He was very embarrassed.

Lu Yan's system: "This is?"

[07 Present mental space. ]

[His body value is also much higher than yours. In other words, you can't manipulate his brain like you manipulate a Poseidon's believer. ]

[07 Today's brain is very confusing, and many memories are buried under the sea, like ice cubes. ]

Another huge wave hit, and Lu Yan was pressed into the seabed by the water.

Under the sea, there are huge ice coffins floating.

07 closed his eyes and was sealed in a transparent ice cube, his face was abnormally pale.

Lu Yan was surrounded by such ice blocks, and countless 07s floated up and down in the sea.

The system said solemnly: [Wake him up. ]

Lu Yan's hand reached out to the short knife on his waist, and stabbed the blade into the ice cube in front of him.

Inside the glacier, the sleeping Zong Yan opened his red eyes.

Lu Yan's eyes darkened, and then he saw an unfamiliar ceiling above his head.

He quickly discovered the anomaly and couldn't move.

In other words, there is no way to control this body.

"He" sat up, took a bottle of water from the bed, and poured it into his own mouth.

Lu Yan saw this body's face in the mirror.

It is Zongyan.

It's a wonderful feeling, like watching a movie from the first point of view.

Zong Yan put down the water glass and snapped his fingers tentatively.

A little bright red flame lit up at his fingertips.

Lu Yan heard 07 muttering to himself: "This is not allowed to participate in a world magic tour?"

[Remember the time when you returned to Tang Xun'an's dream? Now is the third day of the "Apocalypse Incident". ]

The First Research Institute is being rebuilt. However, most of the damaged ones were in the first few floors underground. Zong Yan and his group of volunteers all lived on the 9th and 10th floors, so it had little impact.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Zong Yan arrived at the cafeteria of the institute. Not many people came for breakfast, Lu Yan saw Gu Zheng in the hall at a glance.

The cafeteria is free, and the meal system is somewhat like morning tea. Zong Yan brought seven or eight cages of vegetables in one breath.

He sat down opposite Gu Zheng and asked, "Where are the others?"

Gu Zheng replied: "Yanbei asked for leave to participate in the art exhibition, and Yuan Chen followed Qiao's instructions to see the experimental data. Zhan Yihan and the others had five blacks together yesterday, playing games until three in the morning. They couldn't get up."

Zong Yan hesitated for a moment: "Speaking of which, the black dragon I saw a few days ago was the one who lived on the 10th floor?"

Gu Zheng: "Well, it's Tang Xun'an."

Zong Yan: "I don't seem to have seen him much."

"He has undergone too many transplant operations for pollutants, and his condition is not stable. Moreover, the disease was too severe before, and the rejection reaction was more obvious. Now he is locked up, and I don't know if it can be cured."

"‌Poor." Zong Yan sighed, "If the disease severity exceeds 100, what will be done?"

Gu Zheng answered without hesitation: "An Le."

When he said these words, the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

"It's too cruel." Zong Yan couldn't bear it in his heart, "His disease is too high, and he is also trying to save people."

"Zong Yan." Gu Zheng put down the bowl with a serious expression, "Compared to ordinary people, we have all faced pollutants directly. It should be clearer that pollutants and humans are two species. No matter who he was before, he was our enemy."

"Pollutants have powers far beyond ordinary people, and they have a visceral desire for human beings. In other words, they are all potential murderers. They are diseased and irreversible."

"Sounds cruel, but this is to protect the inevitable choice of most people. Not to mention being a pollutant, even if you retain a certain amount of sanity, your thinking will change. They and humans will be the only ones left. Connection is memory, but how long can the warmth in memory last? From the moment it becomes a pollutant, the part of the pollutant that belongs to human beings has gone through.”

"Even if my disease severity exceeds 100, I hope you treat me as an enemy, not an old friend."

Gu Zheng said a lot in one breath.

Lu Yan was silent: "It turns out that 01 thought so at the beginning."

[If evolution is treated as a war, useless qualities that are not conducive to survival will be eliminated. Obviously, when Gu Zheng became 01, he voluntarily gave up his sympathy, and some other things. ]

Zong Yan couldn't eat because of a myocardial infarction: "I see. If the severity of my disease is about to break 100, I will definitely jump into the sea."

He finished his meal and started training.

His talent is karmic fire, and the researcher has formulated a long-term training plan based on his talent characteristics to help him control his talent better.

The flames flickered in his palms. Some sparks jumped to the carpet, but did not burn, and were quickly drawn back like a magnet.

He trains continuously for 2 hours a day. If it doesn't work for too long, the disease will increase and it will be unsafe.

 At 10:30 in the afternoon, Zong Yan completed the training with the assistance of the researcher, and the rest of the day was his free time.

Zong Yan wanted to go to the surface for a walk, but turned his feet and went to Qiao Yu's office.

He pushed open the door and entered, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Teacher Qiao, I want to see Tang Xun'an. Is this okay?"

Qiao Yu was a little surprised: "He doesn't like meeting people very much, but I can help you."

With that said, Qiao Yu picked up the phone.

After a brief musical ringtone ‌, the call was connected.

Qiao Yu said warmly, "Tang Xun'an."

On the phone, the teenager's response came: "Professor Qiao."

"Someone wants to see you, a volunteer on the 9th floor."

"...Sorry." Tang Xun'an huddled in the closet and plucked the black scales that fell from the side of his face with his hands, "I don't want to see it."

will scare others.

Zong Yan did not insist. From his point of view, Lu Yan spent the day like a Ma Guanhua.

When I opened my eyes again, the calendar hanging on the wall showed that the time was one month away.

Zong Yan got up for morning exercise, went to the medical room on an empty stomach to draw blood.

The researcher pulled the needle tube out of his arm, and suddenly said, "Zong Yan, the volunteers living on the 10th floor of the basement left the institute today, do you want to take a look?"

Zong Yan was stunned: "Is it so early?"

"Well," the researcher said, "he is different from you. He entered the research institute to perform pollutant fusion surgery. This surgery has a high mortality rate and has only been performed on animals before. In general, , it should be considered a success. The volunteers in Room 10 used to have only one talent, but now they have three."

"If nothing else, he will join the newly formed Special Operations Department. In recent months, there has been a marked increase in pollution disease cases around the world. Ordinary weapons have begun to be ineffective against pollutants, and only the Apocalypse can be sent to try. Try it."

"If Tang Xun'an succeeds. That proves that there is no problem in the direction of our experiment..."

"You are the executors of the Tinder plan, and also, the hope for the future."

The researcher muttered.

Zong Yan clenched his fists quietly: "I understand."

When he woke up again, Lu Yan subconsciously swept across the wall to find the time of the calendar. The wall has changed from the original light brown color to the cool white of metal texture.

I don't know if it was his illusion, and the surrounding lights also became much dimmed.

[This is 31 years ‌. Three years ago, Qiao Shuai was old and died in the hospital... After a series of wars to seize power, the current director is Gong Weibin. Professor Qiao's old school came out and established the Third Research Institute. ]

[The Third Scientific Research Institute applied for an experimental license, but it was rejected. This year is the first year of the God-creation plan. ]

Zong Yan got up early and was brought into the office for a meeting.

"This is your new researcher, called Ren Xuan." Gong Weibin's expression was gentle, "Student Shi is too old, and he will not be responsible for your research anymore. Don't worry, Ren Xuan. Although he is young, he is an excellent student of mine."

Lu Yan frowned: "I've seen him."

When he was in P City, he was going to Luochuan Botanical Garden, and he had a relationship with Ren Xuan.

At that time, Ren Xuanjing had been a researcher of Zong Yan for many years.

When he came, Ren Xuan jumped down from the tall building in P City. Zong Yan's researcher was replaced by Wei Chengwu. Because he couldn't stand the innate delirium, he also jumped off the building and committed suicide.

Ren Xuan's expression was slightly shy and a little excited: "You, Mr. Zong Yan. I have heard of you a long time ago. I have also been an assistant to Professor Shi before, don't worry, I will make a plan. A retrofit solution that suits you.”

Zong Yan was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand: "You."

All changes are imperceptible. rather than overnight.

At the beginning, the training time only increased; however, because some volunteers had obvious physical distortion characteristics, the time everyone went out was reduced.

Then again, the first incident of the Apocalypse's unintentional wounding occurred, and 6 researchers died as a result. Volunteers were therefore restricted from free movement.

Ren Xuan's transformation plan was relatively mild, so slowly, he couldn't keep up with the progress of others.

Zong Yan woke up from a brief coma. He had a rib replaced before, and it hurt a little. Across a wall, he heard Gong Weibin's stern reprimand.

- "Do you know how dangerous the situation outside is now?! Every day, more than 100,000 people die because of pollutants!

——"The other experimental groups, the spiritual power threshold of the experimental group has reached 5000! Your group is only 3500! If this goes on, when will the God-creation plan succeed?!"

——"No. 7 is a very precious experiment! You can't let it go to waste! If you can't do it, get rid of it as soon as possible!"

Ren Xuan defended nervously: "No, teacher! With your plan, Zong Yan's body will not be able to stand it."

"They're not human," Gong Weibin slapped Ren Xuan's face with the experimental record, "Don't look at it with human standards! It's still like that, if you can't do it, get out."

"You do it yourself."

After speaking, Gong Weibin angrily left.

Ren Xuan squatted on the ground, picked up the experiment record silently, his eyes were red.

Zong Yan clutched his school uniform, pushed open the door, and silently helped him pick up the experiment report.

Electronic handcuffs that monitor data are attached to his wrists.

"It's okay." Zong Yan said suddenly, "I'm fine."

With just these words, Ren Xuan covered his face, squatted in the corner and cried: "What should I do, Zong Yan, I can't do it. If I can't be your researcher, who can protect you... Who will? I'll listen to you..."

The staff who leave the research institute will use special means to erase their memories because of the confidentiality agreement.

Zong Yan watched Ren Xuan grow from a young man to a young man. At the age of thirty-five or six, it should be the time when a man is in high spirits. Not old yet, and not as fruitless as twenty-somethings. However, Ren Xuan grew white hair early.

"...It's okay. Can you let me meet Gu Zheng?"

Ren Xuan choked and said, "Gu Zheng is in charge of the teacher. I haven't seen him for a long time."

So Zong Yan stopped talking.

The next time he had a reconstructive surgery, there were many strangers around his operating table.

These people are wearing protective clothing, their expressions are silent, and they are reading data one by one.

"The flame level of the body is too low."

"The threshold of spiritual power needs to be strengthened."

"Exchange blood, replace the blood of 07's whole body. Use the blood of the contaminant Golden Crow."

Ren Xuan grabbed the wrists of these researchers, and his tone was full of pleading: "Is it okay to transform in two times?"

"Ren Xuan." The man's tone was full of irritability, "This is an opportunity given to you by the teacher. I am also in charge of No. 3 myself, and I don't have much time to help you implement the plan. You think about it. clear!"

Ren Xuan turned to look at Zong Yan. The other party's eyes are very calm, like a pool of water.

He understands that this is Zong Yan saying it doesn't matter. Although he was imprisoned on the operating table, he couldn't even turn his neck.

With tears in his eyes, Ren Xuan took the knife from his brother.

During the whole process, Zong Yan was awake.

Lu Yan looked at the world from his perspective, but unfortunately, he couldn't do anything to share the pain for Zong Yan.

He could only watch.

Lu Yan said: "I've been thinking about it for a long time, when have I seen such a scene. A doctor's autopsy."

In Zong Yan's spiritual space, time moves forward by leaps and bounds.

Pieces of huge ice coffins were smashed by Lu Yan with a knife, and each time, a piece of memory belonging to 07 could be dropped.

Another ten years passed.

Zong Yan's face is still young, but the scientific researcher in charge of him is old.

Ren Xuan knocked on the door. After confirming that there was no one else and no surveillance, he asked, "07, do you still want to go out?"

Zong Yan looked at him, with a little more light in his red eyes: "...Think."

Ren Xuan sat down beside him: "But some excision operations are needed, and I will cut off part of your brain lobe. You will lose the talent of karma. In order not to let you die, I will transplant another talent. Give you."

"Go out this time, don't come back. Understand?" Ren Xuan whispered, "I will take you out to Luochuan Botanical Garden. Besides me, there are also the security of the institute. They were implanted by the teacher. I don't know who else to trust. You, too, don't trust anyone."

Zong Yan raised his head and looked at him blankly.

Because of the aftermath of several surgeries, his IQ has deteriorated somewhat.

He nodded: "."

Then again, that's what Lu Yan knew.

Luochuan Botanical Garden, lost talent, dead banyan tree.

Zong Yan escaped without trusting anyone.

But he would be out of touch with him for too long, and he was still found. Re-incarcerated in the pollution disease prevention and control center in x city.

He still remembers Ren Xuan's words, don't trust anyone.

Anyone can be Gong Weibin's dog.

Disobedient experiments will be eliminated. It doesn't even need to be too difficult: the fusion surgery failed, the lesion degree exceeded 100, and it was easy.

It was also the first time that Lu Yan saw himself from the perspective of others.

His expression was very surprised: "Is it so gentle when I treat patients?"

The system snorted coldly: [Yes. You arsonist. ]

He would watch TV with 07, tell him the news outside in a low voice, and 07 would even sleep on his legs.

[07 I saw a lot of gentle things in you. That was something he hadn't felt for a long time, the love from human beings, even if this kind of love was just a kind of self-indulgent love. ]

Ren Xuan told him not to believe anyone, but Zong Yan still grabbed his wrist.

"Doctor, save me."

He didn't let 07 down.



After all, Lu Yan still saw the Prophet, Shen Qingyang and 01 in Zong Yan's memory.

The ice cubes on the bottom of the sea broke one by one, and Lu Yan passed through the layers of seawater and reached the bottom of the sea.

The sea water here is no longer turbulent, but it is cold to the bone, like ice.

On the bottom of the sea, a red bird was lying among the corals.

At that time, he was joking with Gu Zheng in the cafeteria. Zong Yan said that since the disease degree exceeded 100, he would definitely commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

So Zong Yan really jumped into the bottom of the sea, unwilling to wake up.

[This is ‌‌ of 07. You can wake him now. ]

Lu Yan was a little puzzled: "I don't seem to have done anything yet..."

[You don't need to do anything, this is something Zong Yan forgot. You accompany him again to unblock the memory. There is a saying that goes, "If you knew me before, then you'll forgive me now"*. ]

Lu Yan slowly moved forward. The pressure of the deep sea was too realistic, making his internal organs very uncomfortable.

His hand touched the icy bird. The red body of the bird suddenly burst into flames.

The flames intertwined into a human figure.

Zong Yan was still lying on his side, his long hair scattered in the sea water, and his red eyes stared straight at him: "You have seen it all."


"Will you forgive me? Doctor Lu."

Lu Yan thought for a moment, like he was still in the prevention and treatment center in X City, and touched his hair: "You have done enough. Except for yourself, no one else has the right to forgive you."

So, Zong Yan closed his eyes and replied with a smile, "."

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