MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 122 122

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122/seven streams

Lu Yan plans to go back on October 31st.

Headquarters sent a special plane to pick them up.

On the day the plane arrived, fireworks were set off over the island. It was clear sky and daylight, so the colored smoke shrouded most of the island, and the golden-leaf paper-like ribbons were sprinkled in the air.

Looks like it's a holiday.

The stationed personnel on the island have been working for so long, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. They are very unclear, so: "What's going on? Is it a flare?"

There was an older senior who slapped the speaker on the back of the head: "How did your staff training go? When will the prevention and treatment center set off fireworks in broad daylight?"

"...There is a time when the Apocalypse has successfully completed the high-level tasks and is about to return home." The young employee seemed to endorse the terms, and the conditioned reflex recited the clause, and he was immediately stunned, with a surprised expression." What?! What mission? Who did it? On our island?"

But soon, he reacted.

This foundation was originally built to monitor the data of Changjia Island. Recently, on the Apocalypse Forum, there have been many discussion threads about God's actions.

Lu Yan looked at the red carpet spread under his feet, and he didn't know what to show for a while.

The person in charge of the base said: "Mr. Lu, this is a private jet approved by the headquarters. The aircraft will be wherever you are in the future. The pilot comrade previously served in the White Eagle Air Force Base, with 13 years of fighter pilot experience, and retired. After obtaining the civil aviation pilot's license, the skills are very good, please rest assured. If you want to drive by yourself, you can try after obtaining the pilot's license."

The fat and strong captain saluted Lu Yan and turned to the cockpit.

Lu Yan took two steps forward, turned around suddenly, and looked at Tang Xun'an behind him with doubtful eyes.

Tang Xun'an smiled at him: "Go, this is your honor. I'll go to the vicinity of Changjia to investigate later."

System: [He lied to you. At 10 o'clock in the morning, Tang Xun'an received a notice that Shen Qingyang appeared in the sea to the west. Bai Qiushi was just on a mission and shot the tracker into the body of the little octopus. ]

[Tang Xun'an prepares to participate in this encirclement and suppression plan. The headquarters didn't tell you, because they were worried that you and Shen Qingyang were old. ]

When a member of the Department of Special Action becomes a contaminant, it is usually not notified in advance for reasons such as a protective mentality.

Lu Yan didn't stop Tang Xun'an, mainly because Wan couldn't explain clearly, Shen Qingyang could easily become the old Yang next door.

At that time, it will not be a problem that can be solved by two kisses.

"Then you come back early."

He walked along the escalator. This passenger plane is a small private plane. Except for the standard configuration of other private planes, in front of the small round window, there is a large bathtub that is very suitable for bathing. Looks like someone at headquarters didn't study his preferences.

The plane started, Lu Yan sat on the sofa and turned on the TVB in front of him.

‌The news of the day is playing.

Lu Yan glanced at it, the anchor was introducing to ordinary people the process of the two divine actions before and after. Because it's not a documentary, a terse press release, and only cold death figures.

Ordinary people, Apocalypse. The broken and collapsed bridge, the desolate city center, the anchor's narration is not personal, but coupled with the recorded pictures, it is a bit sad. There will probably be many people who are fortunate that God was not born on the soil of self-existence.

During this operation, the personal identities of members of the Department of Action were obscured.

The system said: [Mainly to prevent the attention of high-level pollutants, or to retaliate. Members who are too well-known are easy to be targeted when doing tasks. But this is the old yellow calendar from decades ago, when the pollution disease was not made public. ]

Now that it is public, fear still exists, but it seems that human beings are not so vulnerable to collapse.

"What if some Apocalypse people are more famous?" Lu Yan asked.

[Are you talking about Michael? ]

Lu Yan remembered the network cable that the headquarters pulled over, and fell into a brief silence.

The flight from the sea to K City takes about 7 hours.

Lu Yan turned on his phone and wanted to see if the 20 million yuan had been credited.

Unexpectedly, the first thing that popped up was a system notification.

[Notice] (The following ranks are in no particular order) Congratulations to Alpha, Tiger, White Wolf (dead in action), and ** (anonymous) for completing the s-level mission God Action. The relevant information has been updated.

Lu Yan logged in to the account, and in the background, submitted to the administrator that he wanted the Fifth Research Institute to build a submarine for himself.

The administrator responded quickly: Okay, Mr. Listening. We will transfer your needs to the Fifth Research Institute, and then there will be related researchers to connect with you.

Admin: However, can I ask why you need a submarine?

Listening to the truth: There is a lot of money, and it can’t be spent.


Although he didn't reveal his share, Lu Yan did enjoy a treasure-level treatment on his way back.

It was night when he arrived in K City.

Director Li glanced at the warm brown sugar egg in the pot with a worried expression and asked, "Mr. Lu really like it?"

"Don't worry, the investigation has been done." The staff said with confidence, "When Mr. Lu was in high school, he would go to the school's east gate cafeteria every morning to eat brown sugar eggs. The eggs were meat eggs sent by the Seventh Research Institute. It's a bit ugly, with three eyes and eight wings, but it doesn't smell like it. Zhou only lays one egg. I used to hold it tightly to hatch."

So, when Lu Yan got off the plane, Director Li came up with a smile on his face, carrying a heat preservation bucket: "Lu Yan, Lu Yan. It's been hard work, come back after so long, are you hungry? I cooked a bowl here. Eggs in sugar water, try it?"

Lu Yan took it and said "thank you".

The brown sugar is boiled with fire and melted in water. It has a bit of quicksand texture and is very sweet.

"By the way, the scientific researcher of the Third Research Institute sent a message that your bow is basically ready. You can send the finished product to you to test it and see if there is anything that needs to be changed. ‌ Fang."

"it is good."

Director Li asked eagerly: "Lu Yan, can you take the time to do a psychological assessment and update the file by the way?"

This is what he wants to talk about the most, and it is what the headquarters is worried about.

It took Lu Yan 2 hours to complete the psychological assessment and update some personal information.

Talent 14 was written on his profile. For the measurement of the threshold value and lesion degree, a more professional machine was used.

Spiritual threshold, lesion degree 42.1.

"It's already A-level. Your lord is really amazing." Researcher Xiao Bing's eyes were almost full of stars, "and your mental stability is the highest at the same level of the apocalypse. ‌ an equilateral triangle."

Xiao Cing wrote down a record in the file folder: "The degree of disease is not high, although we are already developing an effective medicine for you. You can bring it with you next time you go on a mission."

Xiao Bing was originally a researcher at the Third Research Institute.

Because he was pulled by Lu Yan's rabbit's tail, he successfully got a new job: becoming a researcher of the school, mainly responsible for updating and recording Lu Yan's files.

Xiao Bing is very satisfied, because this is a business trip with public funds, and there is a travel expense of 200 yuan every day. ‌After a month, I can earn 6,000 more than my previous monthly salary! In this way, after working for 62 years, he can buy a house in city a.

Although 62 years is a little long, he is an apocalypse, and his lifespan is much longer than that of a normal person, and he should be able to live for 60 years before he dies.

Lu Yan: "Thank you."

Xiao Bing held the file and asked a little embarrassedly: "Sir, why didn't you pinch my tail today?"

When he said this, Xiao Bing's cheeks were crimson, very cute.

Knowing that Lu Yan was coming back today, Xiao Bing went to the veterinary hospital to buy hair bulking agent, and asked my brother to spray it on his tail several times. Now the hair on his tail is white and soft, and it feels very good. .

Lu Yan thought for a moment: "My boyfriend has a sharper nose."

This is impossible.

Xiao Bing's expression was stunned, and then he sat upright and said, "Okay, Comrade Lu Yan."

6am. Lu Yan finally returned to his long absence.

‌‌Installed a fingerprint lock, because no one lived for nearly 2 months, it was covered with ‌layers of ash.

Lu Yan took off the cover cloth covering the furniture, and then began to sweep and drag, making the bed by the way.

System: [Heh, what if you earn 200 billion per mission, you don't have to clean it yourself. No one has warmed your bed yet. ]

I don't know if it's because of the pollution disease, the weather is getting extreme. K city is colder than in previous years, and in November, the temperature has dropped to single digits.

Lu Yan cleaned up until 8:00 in the morning.

At 8:30, just as Lu Yan lay down and was about to sleep, the doorbell rang.

He opened his eyes and walked to the door, only to find that the screen of the cat's eye monitor was black.

The system said: [It was burnt out, and it was 07. When he turned into a bird, he was no different from an ordinary bird, and the talent of signal interference was more useful than expected, so he was not found on the road. ]

[It is very pitiful, 07.01 does not agree with his philosophy, and human society cannot accept him. He was like General Li who was forced to stay in the Huns. ]

Lu Yan was very interested: "What is he here for?"

[Send the letter. ]

"Are contaminants a popular messenger these days?"

Even so, Lu Yan still opened the door.

07 looked up at him, holding a box in his hand.

His complexion was even paler than when he was an experimental subject, revealing a faint sense of death: "Doctor Lu."

He spoke breathlessly.

[I haven't eaten for a long time. Not to starve the pollutants to death, but to be debilitated. ]

Lu Yan thought for a while, then opened the door and said, "Why are you here? Are you here to sit down?"

07 said softly: "No. I'll leave as soon as I can. I sneaked out, 01 doesn't know yet."

"I'm here to tell you, if in a few days, the headquarters, or someone else, will send you a task to go to X City, don't go."

"I hope not. After all, you have completed the S-level task, and it is reasonable to say that you will not be assigned tasks so quickly. Doctor, no matter what you hear, find a way to refuse. I hope, you can be selfish. point."

"If you have to go, remember to open this courier..."

07 Originally wanted to hand him his belongings, but he quickly took it back and put it on the face.

Although it is not obvious, his body is actually hot like magma.

A look of pain and struggle appeared on 07's face: "I'm running out of time, I don't know if I can see you again. Next time we meet, remember to treat me as a stranger."

After speaking, the person in front of him turned into a little red bird, flapping its wings and flying away.

Where he stayed, the walls were charred and burnt like fire.

Lu Yan asked, "07, what's going on?"

[The emperor looked at the courtiers who had conquered the world since then, and it was always not pleasing to the eye. Liu Bang killed Han Xin, and Zhao Kuangyin released Bingquan with a glass of wine. 01 I don't want the hound to have a different voice than him. In particular, 07‌ is a pollutant, which is too close to human beings. ]

[He won't kill him, he will just transform 07 into what he likes. ]

"What's going on in X City?"

[After the action of God, the headquarters tried to make a deal with 01, and wanted to exchange for 09, at the cost of never taking the initiative to attack the hound base. The transaction point is set in the x city. Because the owner of the slaughterhouse, Lu Zhi, has a talent of 10, soul contract. The person responsible for signing the contract on behalf of the headquarters is Experimental 03, the Pope. ]

The system sneered: [However, the headquarters guessed something wrong. Hounds have never thought of doing this deal with humans since the beginning. ]

[The headquarters is actually the same, as long as the Gu Master doesn't die, the Pope won't die. And after death, the soul contract will be invalid. ]

[In short, this is actually a black-and-white scene. Both sides thought they would be the oriole. ]

[The only problem is that they think of Lu Zhi... as being more harmless to humans and animals. ]

[The contract has been replaced. ]

07 flew back to the base. This time, he came out for three days, and finally got to Lu Yan on the third day.

Unsurprisingly, 01 should still be in X City, ready to make a deal with the Pollution Disease Control Center.

07 When he came back, the dogs, big and small, surrounded him, barking and wagging their tails.

These are all pollutants transformed by Gong Weibin and 01.

They have dog-like bodies, human-like faces, terrifying bites, reflexes, volume, and speed.

These "hounds" are absolutely loyal to their owners, and they are born with pollutants with a pollution value close to 4,000. Has a lot of room for improvement.

Their master is 01, and 07 is barely half.

Gong Weibin, who also had a dog's head, was tied to the door by an iron chain, looking at the pollutants he had created, his expression was hollow, and occasionally he smirked twice.

He once tried to escape, but was broken by 01 with three legs. There was no desire to resist.

Gong Weibin now looks like he's not far from going crazy.

He developed a better hound gene. If it hadn't been proven that he was still useful, he would have been killed by 01 long ago.

07 After feeding the dogs that are waiting to be fed, go back to your own room.

Because of the weakness, he needs longer rest each day.

However, not long after Zong Yan closed his eyes, the door was pushed open.

A locked door won't stop the 01, but out of respect, the 01 rarely does.

Zong Yan was awakened by the loud noise, opened his eyes, and sat up.

Gu Zheng sat beside his bed, rubbed his light red hair with his hands, and asked, "Where have you been these days?"

Zong Yan replied, "Just wander around."

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "But I remember that your house is not in K City. If you just stroll around, will you go this far?"

The anger in his hands had grown stronger, and Zong Yan felt a little pain when rubbing it.

07 pursed his lips and looked at the corner of the house, very silent.

"Everything I do is for our sake..." Gu Zheng said slowly, "Not only you, 03, 04 to 09, except for the traitor number 10. They are all my people, you  Yes. I thought, even if you didn't understand, you wouldn't betray me."

Gu Zheng slowly grasped Zong Yan's hair.

"This time I went to the famous slaughterhouse and ordered the freshest dog food. I was very happy and wanted to come back and share it with you."

Gu Zheng tilted his head and showed a rather friendly smile on his face: "The cook has cooked and it's in the restaurant. Do you want to eat?"

Zong Yan took a half step back, did not answer the question, but said, "It hurts."

Gu Zheng didn't let go of his hand: "Do you want to eat?"


His silence has already let Gu Zheng know the answer.

Gu Zheng's eyes flashed red, he backhanded and pressed Zong Yan onto the bed.

"Gu Zheng?!" Zong Yan struggled.

Gu Zheng took out the needle from his pocket and pressed 07's face onto the bed, leaving only the back of his neck exposed on his face.

White and slender.

He inserted a needle into 07's slender neck and injected a red potion.

This is one of the results of Gong Weibin's research, which can be injected with dog genes.

The potion was red because of Gu Zheng's blood on its face.

In this way, 07 can become his "hound" after completely losing his sense of autonomy.

This is already the third stitch.

Zong Yan's hands and wrists were held by Gu Zheng's one hand, and the whole person was pressed on the bed, unable to move.

‌The light of the light flashed in his palm, but it quickly dissipated.

The feeling of being injected was very painful, but the weak body made Zong Yan unable to stop Gu Zheng at all.

Physiological tears fell from the corners of his eyes, Gu Zheng finished the injection and let go.

Zong Yan's body was limp and slipped, and he knelt in front of the bed, shaking uncontrollably, like a rabies patient.

"Gu...Gu Zheng...don't..."

Zong Yan let out a few painful coughs.

01 looked down at Zong Yan with an expressionless face, as if he had seen his past self.

But in his heart, he didn't have much pity.

"You have to be obedient, 07." He said coldly.

Read The Duke's Passion