MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 112 112

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112 / seven streams

On the map, one green light spot completely went out.

The system's tone couldn't hear the thread: [The white wolf is dead. ]

Not wanting to become a polluting desire has overcome the white wolf's instinct to seek.

[Such a high-level apocalypse, becoming pollution, is indeed a disaster for human beings. But I think it is better to be polluted than to die. Sure enough, belief in this kind of thing makes me feel puzzling. ]

Lu Yan thought for a moment: "It's different. If you don't have consciousness, you just rely on your instinct to live. For many people, it's more difficult to accept than death."

Because of this intention, when we met, everyone had a heavy look.

Lu Yan found the body of the white wolf. It was a huge wolf body, and most of the body was covered with silver fur. In the chest is a short knife inserted into the heart.

The white wolf lay on the ground, looking at the sky above his head, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to remember this moment firmly.

Beside him, one had been torn into two halves, polluted, and tree-like roots grew from the break. The root whiskers kept squirming, trying to put the broken body together.

Lu Yan used the fire of **** to make up for two knives.

The tiger took off the uniform of the special operations department and put it on the white wolf. This is an old uniform from a few years ago, when it was white.

He endured for a long time, but couldn't hold back, turned around, squatted on the ground with his face covered, and cried.

Crying has spread far and wide.

In the distance, a dazed family member stuck his head out, his watch seemed to be frightened and moved a little. I didn't know there was a stranger who died forever in a foreign country in order to save them.

Ning Huai was smoking a cigarette, his hands trembled slightly, he took a deep breath, and his eyes were slightly red: "Let's go to another place, it's too late."

It was a success or death operation.

Unlike Lu Yan who has been to other polluted areas, in the Kingdom of God, the closer you are to the central area, the more splendid the overall environment is, and there is no smell of blood at all. ‌Old nest, like going to a dinner party.

The system introduced: [God originally had a healthy body. When he was young, he engaged in MLM/sales. After squatting for a few years, he trained very well in eloquence. In the early days of the establishment of Bliss, he was the Apocalypse and did not become a polluter. He really felt that he could become a **** in the new world. ]

[Unfortunately, he didn't figure out one thing. It was his brain, not himself, that became the polluter. After feeling that the body was useless, God abandoned the original body and chose a more suitable container, so that the Bliss religion could flourish in Changjia. In the end, it penetrated into the lives of most people in Changjia...]

Whether it's a tiger or a Ning Huai, the speed at full speed is much faster than driving. Because Lu Yan only had two legs, he enjoyed the exclusive care of the disabled once, and was carried on the back by a big tiger.

The central temple is filled with a thick layer of fog, and the decoration here is very solemn and solemn, very similar to the temple of ancient Rome.

At the gate, in the center of the hollowed-out dome, a large stone was carved out of a brain flower quilt surrounded by stars and placed in the center.

On the two white pillars around, there are twisted figures embedded in them, men and women, whether they are in pain or sadness, all staring at the sky without a single instance.

[This is God commemorating his use of the ‌ body. ]

Here, we are very close to the body of God.

Lu Yan could even hear Wei Wei's breathing in the white fog, like some kind of sleeping beast.

[God's body is easily damaged, and the spiritual system's pollution has always been weak in combat. Therefore, it relies on the guards of the temple to consolidate its own rule, and it does not show its true face on weekdays. ]

Ning Huai thought for a moment in front of the gate: "Wait a minute, it's too quiet here. I'll send a split body to take a look first."

Lu Yan was fortunate enough to watch the use of Talent Fission.

A blood line appeared on Ning Huai's back, and a huge mouth was split open. A pair of slender hands protruded from it, struggling to squeeze out in an extremely irregular shape from the gap. .

Ning Huai No. 2 was covered in mucus like amniotic fluid, with a shriveled body like a weathered mummy. But after absorbing the mucus, the body of the fission body became full and full, exactly the same as the current Ning Huai Chang, with a spiritual power threshold of 8400 and an initial lesion degree of 0.

He has a pair of dark purple eyes, and his lower body is also a spider-like body, but the **** has no charm, like a puppet. His vision will be shared with Ning Huai, and the whole person will be controlled by the Lord's body. However, the disease degree is not shared.

All in all, it is a very useful tool.

In this way, Ning Huai can only fission one in a short period of time. The next fission will not reach such a high spiritual power threshold.

The fission body followed Ning Huai's instructions and slowly stepped into the core area of ​​the Kingdom of God.

Contrary to what I imagined, this place is actually a block.

No one is inhabited, but everything seems to maintain the pre-disaster scene. The hood was covered in a layer of ash on the road, but the headlights were on. In the co-pilot, it was already dry and people were holding the phone.

On the street, young women are holding umbrellas, precious jewels are hanging on their wrists, and the dog is nowhere to be seen on the leash. Only one collar remained on the ground.

The glass in the cupboard was shattered on the ground, and there was a gangster with a ferocious watch, holding a few gold necklaces in his hands, and his body maintained a running posture.

This is the moment before disaster strikes.

A white mist spread out from the divine court, making it all obsolete. The world pressed the rest in an instant. The neighborhood was unvisited until now, a few years later. The street lamps have not been repaired, and the light emitted has been dimmed.

The fission body lightly touched the person beside him with his hand, and the person fell to the ground instantly after being air-dried, shattering into pieces.

"It's not pollution."

The fission body muttered to itself.

At this time, it shares Ning Huai's thinking and is itself Ning Huai.

In the fog, a strange silhouette could be vaguely seen.

A huge octopus was lying on the top of the high-rise building, and half of the sky was covered with its faint shadow, its tentacles swaying. It's as much a drive as it is a welcome.

The disease degree of the fission body slowly rose in the white mist.

When passing an alley, a dog bark suddenly sounded in his ear.

A pitch-black three-headed dog pounced on him, spreading its **** fangs, and in the gaps between the teeth, there was a splendid red and shredded flesh. This polluted dog was three meters high, and it was surrounded by a stench of stench.

The fission body bent over, avoided its sharp claws and claws, and stabbed the long arthropods into the body of the three-headed dog.

When Ning Huai's spider legs are fully opened, he can be seven meters away.

The arthropod is like a sharp blade, inserted into the abdomen of the three-headed dog, and cut in half vertically.

The three-headed dog fell to the ground, there was no blood, and the brains of Baibai flowed out and scattered on the ground.

This street is very long. When he stepped into the next area, Ning Huai's whole body felt warm, he was in a trance for a moment, and the next moment, he stood on the street at the intersection.

Not far from the shopping mall building, an advertisement of his favorite female artist is being displayed on the giant LED screen. But the ad has long since stopped.

Ning Huai lowered his head and found that his body was not deformed, even carrying a briefcase.

The sun was shining brightly, and the road was green. A man with a smile rushed past him.

This is no different from what others saw in the first three years.

Ning Huai dug out the briefcase and found that it was actually his graduation thesis.

Before he became an apocalypse, he was a doctoral supervisor and a professor in the Department of S University.

In a suit jacket, the phone rang in his pocket.

Ning Huai took out his mobile phone, and there was a familiar and unfamiliar voice from the dean of the school: "Professor Ning, at nine o'clock in the morning, the awards are presented in the auditorium. The country has worked hard, but this time, you Don't be late! In such a long time in our country, you are the only one who won the Bohr International Gold Medal."

The Bohr International Gold Medal is awarded every three years to reward engineers and scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the peaceful use of energy. * is one of the most important awards in the academic world.

It is the field of Ninghuai research, which is the nuclear direction.

He subconsciously replied: "Right now, the car is out of gas. I came over by bus, but I forgot to add it yesterday."

This is obviously not a city of s, so it is impossible to have a big s. However, Ning Huai really walked to the school gate with a briefcase.

The students are full of vigor, and there are street vendors selling breakfast and fruit, and even a part-time gym to hand out flyers.

I got up early in the morning and rode a bicycle to the university, rushing to the library in a hurry.

‌Chemistry ‌Preparatory research dogs wearing white coats rushed to the laboratory in groups.

Everything is so lively and lively. So, a smile appeared on Ning Huai's face involuntarily.

This is Ning Huai, or, in other words, Xu joined the special operations department, the apocalypse, and they all want to protect things.

An orderly human society; and in the countless years of history, the ephemeral soul has left behind the crystallization of a great civilization.

When he arrived at the auditorium, there was a red carpet in front of him, with flower baskets on both sides. Above the auditorium, there is a red banner: Congratulations to Professor Ning Huai of our school for winning the "Bohr International Gold Award"!

At the entrance of the auditorium, the director waved happily: "Ning Huai! Come on! Come in, the reporters are interviewing."

Next to him, there are colleagues he knows well. His face was full of sincere and bright smiles, and he was happy for his achievement.

Here, Ning Huai saw his deceased parents, the two elders were from ordinary working-class families, and now they are wearing a small red badge, and they are very embarrassed.

The director shouted from a few meters away: "Ning Huai, come quickly, everyone is waiting for you! The scene is set up. Let's take a photo with the medal!"

But Ning Huai just stopped here, his eyes missed.

He did win the Bohr International Gold Medal when he was 33 years old. In the second year, he awakened and became the Apocalypse.

If it was not a fission body, but a real Ning Huai, he might have lost his way at this moment.

The real Ning Huai was standing at the entrance of the Central Divine Court, his spirit was still clear and firm, but when he saw his parents, he couldn't hold back, his eyes turned slightly red: "Spiritual department. Pollution is really scary. Although I have repeatedly reminded it to be an illusion, everything around me keeps me immersed in the past..."

Because of the sequelae of forgetfulness, Ning Huai's disease severity actually increased at a much slower rate than normal people.

It was too painful, and he always forgot about it quickly. Instead, keep in mind the details. Even if it was a passing person a few years ago.

Ning Huai once recalled his parents in the middle of the night. They were a very loving couple, but when he thought about it, he always had two blank faces.

If he hadn't been here, he wouldn't even have remembered that his father and mother looked like this.

The fission body Ning Huai didn't move, so the director urged him more urgently: "Ning Huai, come on!"

The fission body took a deep breath, and the next moment, his lower body grew an arthropod, and with a light wave, it cut the director's throat.

Blood spurted out, the director was full of disbelief, and he fell in a pool of blood.

The parents came over and asked Li Li, "What's the matter? You are so successful that you don't even recognize your parents?"

The old professor who taught him to lean on crutches, pointed at the tip of his nose, and his hands trembled: "Ning Huai, you, you, how can you kill people?—Are you crazy?!"

He brought a school watch and panicked: "Professor Ning, what's wrong with you?!"

Ning Huai killed everyone here. He walked on the ground with his arthropods, stepping on the viscous blood plasma and pulling out thin lines.

The surroundings became silent.

Although he knew it was all fake, all of this was too real. So much so that Ning Huai was twitching slightly because of his heartache.

Friends and relatives lay on the ground, dying.

Highly distorted, Ning Huai walked among them, like an outlier. He felt inexplicably cold.

When he killed the last person he knew, the surrounding scene was instantly confused by the white fog.

The corpses on the ground seep into the ground like water.

By this time, Ning Huai's disease degree had reached 47.

It's almost halfway through, but I can hold on.

The auditorium finally revealed its hideous appearance. It was a fish lying on the ground. Its body was highly decomposed, but its mouth was huge. Enough to swallow a truck in one bite.

The fish mouth opened wide, waiting for Ning Huai to enter the urn.

Because there was no water, the fish was on the street, unable to move.

Ning Huai simply ended its life. Continue walking forward.

The fog around was thicker.

The last area, uninhabited, is full of ruins.

45 years ago, the Kingdom of God was in action. In order to inflict heavy damage on God, he and 20 other members of the advance team had come here together.

These ruins are the traces left by their battles.

Ning Huai had a nostalgic look on his face.

In the first awakening group of Apocalypse, there were outstanding members. They are basically top people from all walks of life. On the contrary, ordinary people have few awakenings.

According to the Institute's theory, perhaps this is really an evolution.

Ning Huai understood that this place was very close to the main body of God.

His body was covered with carapace, and he trembled slightly through the ground, and was subjected to movements in different directions.

There is someone behind him.

On Ning Huai's arm, the bone pierced through the skin. The edge flickered with a cold light like a blade.

He turned his head sharply, but in the next second, his pupils shrank for a while.

A few azure-colored feathers slowly fell from the sky.

On the ‌‌ character shelf at the top of the ruins, a figure gently landed on the top.

Fengqing has two pairs of wings on his back, hanging down to the ground, holding a scepter, the **** is empty and sacred.

He doesn't seem to be any different from the past.

However, Fengqing's aura was clearly the same as that of pollution.

Ning Huai squeezed out his trembling as if his throat was being choked, and asked, "Blue Bird...?"

Fengqing, code-named Blue Bird.

Fengqing didn't answer, but raised his scepter and said softly, "Wind."

[Talent 16 - Natural Control]