MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 396 God? Ghosts are different!

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The latest website: The weak light, combined with the ruin-like scene in Nansu City today, coupled with the dark yin energy cruising in the air, is like a hellish mansion.

Xu Yuan's left hand was held behind his back, a gun was held in one hand, his knees were slightly bent, and he kicked back. The spear passed through the palm of Gradan Falcon and went straight into his chest.

But... Even so, Zuo Dodge couldn't help being a little horrified by the heavy breathing of the Gradan Falcon.

What kind of terrifying vitality this is, and how strong Xu Yuan's spear is, can be glimpsed from the few shots he took before.

Sure enough, as the sound of breathing became heavier, Gradan Falcon suddenly opened his eyes.


"What a savage!" Xu Yuan yelled loudly, with murderous intent in his eyes and a bit of fighting intent.

At his level, Yinshen hadn't been able to put pressure on him for a long time.

"You! You can't kill me!"

Gradan falcon shouted loudly, stretched out a hand, and forcibly pulled out the long spear that had pierced his chest. At this moment, his already inhuman body suddenly swelled up again, tearing through his few clothes, and his naked cyan body was exposed. The skin was entangled with terrifying black air, twisted black blood vessels swelled on the strong muscles, and bulges appeared at the intersections, like mysterious runes.

An inhuman roar came out of his mouth, and the distorted sound waves rushed to the few buildings in the city, and an astonishing change appeared on his entire face. Starting from his spine, two large holes suddenly appeared.


A faint foreign object protrudes from the hole, and then grows against the wind, as if it has accepted some kind of terrifying power in the dark.

In the blink of an eye, one was nearly ten feet tall, covered with blue and black strange scales, its body seemed to be entwined with runes, with two hideous blade-like bone wings on its back, like a legendary demon god, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Xu Yuan immediately reached out to draw his own spear.

This time, he obviously felt the blockage, the power from the Gradan Falcon became more and more amazing and huge.

Zuo Daoqi looked shocked, and the basilisk screamed.

"Wow, it's so scary! Kid, hurry up and kill this monster."

"Shut up!"

The underworld snake chattered endlessly, "I haven't recovered my divine power yet, so use that strange old man's method."

Zuo Daoqi's face stagnated slightly, and then a flash of astonishment seemed to flash in his eyes.

"You... what are you talking about?"

Hades just smiled mysteriously, "Didn't you always want to see the current strength of the god? The **** admitted that he is not the opponent of the fool in front of him. You should make a move."

However, some sporadic images appeared in Zuo Dodge's mind, as if he had recalled some images, but he was a bit separated and seemed unable to recall them.

'My memory...has been touched? '

There was a deep look on his face, but he had an answer in his heart.

The scene of going to Shangshu's mansion last time resurfaced again.

"Sometimes, young people have to be brave, otherwise how can they be called young people?" Zhang Weizheng was holding a teacup and drinking tea, looking at Zuo Daoqi with a half-smile.

Zuo Dodge avoided his gaze and cast his gaze out of the window, "Ms. Zhang was joking, monks who have ascended the tower realm, it's time to put away the heart of a man."

Zhang Weizheng shook his head and smiled, "Experience has made you mature, you should pick up the vigor of a young man. Compared with the current you, I prefer you who fought Huyue."

"I don't want to be a reckless man." Zuo Dodge slightly emphasized, just in awe of the old man in front of him, and his voice was not too loud.

Zhang Weizheng laughed loudly, "If you are reckless for your own self-interest, people call you a fool, and if you are reckless for the world, people call you a hero. I hope you will be a hero."

His words touched Zuo Dodge deeply, and a touch of emotion appeared on his face, but he still didn't say anything.

He doesn't want to be a fool or a hero.

So the conversation between the two fell into silence again at this moment, and only the sound of running water and the wafting green tea air were left in the tea room when Zhang Weizheng was pouring tea.

After a long time, Zhang Weizheng poured the tea, raised his glass slightly, "You will not have any help, and you will not have people from the imperial court to accompany you when you go to Jiangzhou this time. Do you still dare to go?"

Zuo Daoqi obviously hesitated. The strength of the cultivation world in the southeast area is so strong that he can't control it with his strength. Facing such an environment, it is actually not suitable for him to go with his current state of mind.

Just looking up, he saw Zhang Weizheng, who was full of wrinkles, his face full of vicissitudes was worn by years of decay, only a pair of vicissitudes of eyes showed a slight light.

In such a bright light, he seemed to see a touch of... pleading.

"I would."

Zhang Weizheng smiled, very brightly.

At that moment, Zuo Daoqi didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. The bottomless old man in front of him had once been kind to him and plotted against him, but at this moment, just that old figure was enough to make him He has nothing but admiration for it.

Memories came here again, and came to an abrupt end.

Arriving here, Zuo Dodge already understood that Zhang Weizheng sealed part of his memory, part of the memory about that conversation.

He didn't know whether this method was still within the scope of Confucianism.

There are many methods of this kind in Taoism, but Confucianism seems to have never heard of it...

"What are you thinking?" Hades Snake's playful voice sounded.

"It's nothing..." Zuo Dodge responded subconsciously, and then he seemed to remember something, and focused his eyes on Hades again, "No, you have already seen that my memory has been tampered with?"

"No, don't talk nonsense." Hades' tone was obviously evasive, and he buried his head at the bottom of the shelf where herbs were piled up in his fingers.

Zuo Dodge asked in a condensed voice, "Did the loss of this part of memory affect me?"

Hades said nothing.

"If you don't speak again, you can leave now, otherwise, after returning to Beijing, I will hand you over to the person who will erase my memory."

These words seemed to have touched Hades' bottom line, and he suddenly raised his head, "You!"

"Do you know why there were so many legends about gods in ancient times, but few were handed down? There are always mortals who claim to have seen gods, but they can't remember the faces of gods, so that all the appearances of gods come from mortals' imaginations. ?”

Doubt flashed across Zuo Dodge's face, "Stop changing the subject!"

"The gods have their own domain of gods. Anyone who sees the gods, the gods don't let you know, and you naturally don't know. Do you think that the gods will care about the thoughts of mortals and cause you any harm? Do you know that in the era of gods, seeing gods , is a chance!"

The voice of the underworld snake came faintly.

This sentence touched Zuo Dodge so much that he ignored a lot of the shocking battle between Xu Yuan and Gradan Falcon.

When he came back to his senses, the body of the Hades snake had disappeared, and he didn't know where it had burrowed.


Are there really gods?

The words of Hades that seemed to change the subject were telling Zuo Dodge a message that gods should not be conceived.

This had to remind Zuo Dodge of many legends on Earth in his previous life.

The Buddha is in the heart, and the Buddha can listen to the heart.

There are gods who hold their heads up three feet.

Many myths, legends and discourses of various colors seem to be exaggerating a terrible message, gods are everywhere!

Whether it is a Buddha God or a Taoist God.

Everything is everywhere, and God knows everything in the mind.

Zhang he also a god?

Zuo Dodge shuddered in his heart.

It's just that something seems wrong, the three paths cannot be practiced together, Zhang Weizheng is obviously a second-rank Confucian scholar, how could he be some kind of god, could it be that he is already in the realm of a saint?

Inexplicably, Zuo Dodge thought of a wonderful idea, but it became more and more profound as time went by, and he couldn't get rid of it.

At a young age, Zigudao is the second-rank Yangshen True Monarch, because in his previous life he was the top sword immortal among the three thousand mortal immortals.

Is Zhang Weizheng also the reincarnation of someone powerful?

'For example, the reincarnation of the gods...'

Xu Yuan's spear is like a dragon, but the Gradan Falcon in front of him is just like the reincarnation of the Lishan Demon God, with every punch and kick, he is lawless.

Fist and gun interlaced again.

When the two had completely lost control and shot with all their strength.

With a bang, the ground, like air or water, was shaken into clearly visible ripples, and fissures emerged in the void, which lasted for a long time.

The luck of this world is a kind of existence that seems to be illusory, but it is closely related to the realm. easy thing.

The wanton killing and destruction of living beings is something that will shake up one's luck.

For a long time, in this world, strong men above the Yin God were not allowed to fight with all their strength. In many cases, they would go to the outer space to resolve the battle.

Perhaps the battle between Xu Yuan and the Gradan Falcon was the highest level of all-out efforts in this world for a long time.

This does not include the Yang gods using their realm to abuse the Yin gods. They know how to control themselves, just like Zi Gudao beheading the third family ancestor of the Xue family, Ji Qianyu chasing and killing the Pope Wuyoujiao...

Their realm is stronger, but their control power is also stronger, and the battle fluctuations they generate are actually not as violent as the two in front of them.

Under such circumstances, the only two remaining heads who were about to compete for the blood soul elixir, the Great Heavenly Yin God, also started to retreat. After sustaining the aftermath of several waves of battles, they... fled.

Unconventional battles, even Li Yinglian's Yangshenhunnian, who chased and killed the demon monk Huang Ersan, couldn't help but swear when protecting Li Yinglian.

"Fuck, are you crazy, and you plan to stay in Yinshen for the rest of your life?"

The battle between Xu Yuan and the Gradan Falcon became more and more insane. Their speed was already at a level that Zuo Dodge could not see clearly. He could only see black twisted void gaps everywhere through the place where they appeared. A void was blown up by them.

The distant mountains wailed, suffering more than they could bear.


Amidst the extremely violent explosion, the gaps in the void that seemed to be created by rules were all 'escaping'.

At a certain moment, the two suddenly stopped in tacit agreement.

However, at some point, the sky was stained red by layers of blood clouds, as if a more terrifying existence had appeared.

This is a person who can make Xu Yuan and Gradan Falcon, two extremely yin gods, stand ready at the same time.


A flash of light flashed in Zuo Dodge's mind, and he knew clearly who it was.

The leader of everything in Nansu City, the culprit who personally brewed and manipulated a series of wars between Yin and God, is different from ghosts.

The bright yellow shadow of the mysterious Yang God, his face was distorted and could not be seen clearly, but with the appearance of the blood cloud, he could clearly feel the solemnity on his face.

"My dear disciple, step back quickly, the master's real body will arrive soon!"

Li Yinglian's cold eyes swept across the bright yellow phantom, and she said stubbornly, "I want to save people!"

In the blood cloud in the sky, a very vicissitudes and forceful voice slowly came.

"But True Monarch Wanjian is in person, so you don't have to hurry to leave when you come."

He is... provoking Yang God!

Zuo Daoqi's expression was suddenly horrified, this ghost is different, what kind of realm is it?

Everyone clearly knows how Li Yinglian's master exists, but the ghosts are provoking him, provoking an invincible...true monarch who travels all over the southeast!

An old man with a black cloth over his eyes, dressed like a beggar in tatters, and a slightly wretched look as he walked slowly walked out of the cloud of blood.

He smiled slightly, showing two rows of big yellow teeth, like an old farmer.

Inadvertently, there is an invincible aura blooming.

"Fuck, you fucking! How dare you provoke the old man!"

Li Yinglian's mysterious master seemed to be jumping and cursing.

Zuo Dodge couldn't help but twitch his face. From the moment the bright yellow ghost appeared, every word he said seemed to reveal his urchin-like temperament...

Experts... are they all so weird?

Zuo Dodge was sealed in the formation, and as he rolled his eyes, he swept across everyone in the audience. He couldn't help feeling that among all the existing people, only Xu Yuan's temper seemed to be the most ordinary person.

No, what the **** ordinary person is as irritable and bloodthirsty as Xu Yuan.

A group of neuropathy!

Gui Budong waved his hand casually when he heard Zhenjun Wanjian's words, "Take care of Zhenjun and don't be impatient."

He waved his hand, and at this moment, the mother root, which had already turned into alchemy, showed its figure again at this moment, and the slender woman who was barely naked showed her figure from the blood cloud with an aggrieved face.

"Master, you are finally here!"


Gui Bu is like an old farmer facing a dog in the countryside, stroking the woman's head affectionately, and said with a smile, "Come here, come, look what delicious food I brought you."

What he took out silenced everyone present.

Heads, pills, twisted and beating souls, and even broken corpses...

Zuo Dodge seemed to be clutching his heart with a terrifying big hand, and the tremendous pressure and fear almost made him unable to breathe.

That head seemed to belong to the first demonic monk who retreated after seeing Xu Yuan, and the twisted and beating spirit that kept begging for mercy was also his...

In a sense, he is different from a ghost...beheaded and withdrawn!

It's another set of everything about a slightly familiar person, who is fed to a female root girl by a different ghost.

The shoe on the broken leg seems to belong to the demon monk Huang Ersan...

Whose that dragon claw belongs to is self-evident...

After the ghosts appeared, they did not strike or punch, but they shocked everyone in the entire city far more than Xu Yuan!

"Eat more, eat more, you can grow up."

Only the slightly intimate words of the ghost and the voice of the beautiful woman with a **** face but chewing echoed between the heaven and the earth.

Finally, everyone understands that ghosts have different purposes.

Not only does he want to break through the blood soul pill of the Great Heavenly Yin God, he also wants a stronger pill.

A real person, like a chess piece, is also... merit!

What a ruthless person, what a meticulous heart!

"Eat slowly, there are two big guys, and there is a soul of the Yang God over there. After eating these, I can eat you."

The woman looked at the ghost with fascination, and nodded vigorously, showing an expectant look.

"Fuck you, I can't take it anymore, I will hack you to death!"

The bright yellow soul shadow flew out instantly, and the Qinghong sword flew up with it.

(end of this chapter)


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