MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 379 Battle of Two Swords

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[After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old]【】

"Qiu Jianxian?"

Zuo Daoqi asked softly with a calm expression.

The man was dressed in Tsing Yi, with a sword on his back. It was not the usual kind of sword with a hilt. On the contrary, the hilt was very short and the blade was very thin.

This is a very pure flying sword, and it is also a very ancient inheritance.

The inheritance of Feijian was indeed very famous a long time ago. It is powerful, the sword is amazing, and it is so chic that it is envied by many mortal monks.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

But in the long history, the essence of everything is development, even the extremely perfect inheritance of Feijian Dao.

After all, the melee combat of the way of flying swords is not considered strong. Maybe they don't seem to be afraid of the physical cultivators among the monks. Some of them have the means to break the physical body and defense that the physical cultivators are proud of, and they were even once called It is the sharpest in the world.

But at the foot of Peach Blossom Mountain that year, the Martial Ancestor broke down the entire Dao of Flying Swords by himself after becoming Taoist. Since then, the three major sword sects have been closed for thousands of years.

When it was reborn later, the sword had already changed.

Just like the natural development and evolution of many things, the sudden emergence of warriors has led to the redevelopment of Feijian. It is not simply pursuing the way of controlling the sword, but also pursuing the ultimate and gorgeous swordsmanship.

As Zuo Daoqi saw, many sword cultivators are no longer the real sword immortals who practiced a sword with their lives in ancient times.

The man in front of him, surnamed Qiu, who was revered as the Sword Immortal, was the first person Zuo Daoqi saw who practiced this ancient way of flying swords.

"I dare not call you a fairy, my name is Qiu Su."

Just like his title, Sword Immortal gives people a feeling of gentleness like jade, but unparalleled sharpness.

Qiu Jianxian's voice is like this.

This inevitably made Zuo Dodge look forward to it.

He rarely saw such an opponent, so he couldn't help feeling a little interested, and looked up and down this 'Sword Immortal'.

A very young person, no more than twenty years old, even Zuo Daoqi felt that he was younger than himself, and looked like a nobleman.

In fact, from the conversation of passers-by, he has already heard the origin of the person in front of him.

Wan Jianzong is the direct descendant, this generation inherits the ancient flying sword technique.

He has a lot of background, but Zuo Dodge keenly noticed that this person is not a pampered person, and the callus on his right hand is very thick.

"You want to fight me?"

Qiu Su nodded slightly, then shook his head again, "Yes, and no."

Left Dodge curious.

"I'll see if you're not worthy of your name."

Zuo Dodge shook his sleeves lightly, rolled up his wide sleeves, and sighed softly, "Interesting."

He glanced around, and then showed a little puzzled.

"right here?"

Qiu Su looked down, but saw the noise of people around.

This is a rare street where monks gather in the city of Kyoto, just like the most famous Yunlai Inn in the city, it is here, so the prosperity here can be seen.

It should be noted that in the entire Great Jin Dynasty, Yunlai Inn is one of the best places for monks to practice and retreat.

"I came here all the way to ask for swords. I only ask for people in the same way. I don't intend to ruin people's reputation. If you cherish your reputation, we can go to your mansion."

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[After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old]【】

In private mansions, fighting with force is naturally allowed.

The tension between the two gradually affected everything on the street, so crowds of people turned their attention to them.

After Qiu Jianxian said that sentence, everyone retreated one after another.

Is this going to use force in the city?

For a while, some people rolled their eyes, and some whispered.

"This is the left Dodge?"

"Is the one who confronted him Qiu Jianxian who was in the southeast a few days ago?"

"I heard that Qiu Jianxian came to the capital to find Zuo Daoqi to ask for swords. He traveled south and asked countless swords."

"There's a good show to watch."

"What a good show to watch. The use of force is prohibited in the city of Kyoto. Hurry up and report to the inspection department. Maybe you can get some benefits."

All kinds of Vientiane, and so on.

Zuo Dodge and Qiu Jianxian on the opposite side were not surprised by this.

The crowd dispersed like a tide, and the isolated figures of the two people on the street stood out.

Qiu Jianxian's gaze was like a torch, with an inexplicable eagerness and search.

"It doesn't matter, if you can really beat me, it doesn't matter if you lose your reputation or face, you lose it. This is what the strong deserve."

Facing his words, Zuo Dodge chuckled in his heart, but felt that the person in front of him was not bad, he was a very pure person, purely loyal to the sword.

He has seen such a person before, but now that person has become famous all over the world.

The Qiu Jianxian in front of him, I don't know if he will be the second one.

But no matter what, he will not back down.

No matter from which aspect, Zuo Dodge is actually a very lonely person in his heart, and he has his own pride.

Hearing this, Qiu Jianxian nodded slightly, then raised one hand horizontally, and put his **** together, forming a sword shape.

"Jianzong Qiu Su, ask the sword Zuo Daoqi."

Zuo Daoqi's eyes became more and more surprised. This is a very ancient etiquette that can only be seen between two sword repairers.

So he followed suit and pointed to his chest in the same way.

"Left Dodge takes the sword."

Qiu Su bowed his head slightly to apologize, "Qiu Su offended."

At the same time, a strange sharpness emerged from his body.

Zuo Dodge didn't notice at first, until he glanced across the street and saw Qiu Su behind the eaves.

A thin spider was entangled with an unknown flying insect on the web, and there was no damage on the web.

Zuo Daoqi showed surprise on his face, Qiu Su's sword was actually the sword of soul.

No wonder he asked himself the sword in the market place.

It's getting more and more interesting.

So his eyes became slightly dignified, and in the world of spirit and soul, a fire lotus was slowly born.

Qiu Su also bowed his head to gain momentum, Zuo Daoqi's hand reached into the fire lotus.

It seems that there is an arc across the air.

In a blink of an eye, Qiu Su raised his head, and the indifference above his eyes completely disappeared, replaced by an extremely crazy fighting spirit and sharpness.

When Zuo Daoqi was concentrating, he saw a stream of light flying out of his eyes.

The speed of the light spot was extremely fast, and as it flew, the light behind the light spot turned into a flying sword, a handleless flying sword like the long sword carried behind Qiu Su.

This sword flew out horizontally, like a mountain falling down, but it carried an imposing manner that overwhelmed the world.

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[After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old]【】

This is Qiu Suyang's sword move.

His sword is like his person, the so-called sword is like his person, Qiu Su's sword is so majestic and mighty, it makes people understand that this person is a magnanimous person.

Zuo Daoqi smiled slightly, facing the sword, but the hand submerged in the fire lotus was pulled out suddenly.

Qiu Su doesn't use a real sword, so naturally he doesn't know how to use it either.

What was pulled out was a sword intertwined with thunder and fire, with electric arcs and flames blooming.

In an instant.

Thunder and fire intersected and turned into a peach blossom. This flower gave people an extremely heavy feeling.

Qiu Su's lightsaber shot out, but it couldn't be broken.

Zuo Daoqi focused his eyes, and his soul suddenly moved.


After the crisp sound, Zuo Dodge remained motionless.

Qiu Su took three steps back until her left foot touched the steps behind her.

Let's judge!

Qiu Su raised his head slightly, his figure was full of freedom and ease, "I lost."

He is very calm.

Zuo Dodge didn't speak, but nodded slightly to show respect.

In the distance, there is silence.

There were too many people watching the battle on the street, but their faces were bewildered.

It was just that the two looked at each other with fire in their eyes, but at the next moment, Qiu Su stepped back and retreated, and then he actually admitted defeat.

what happened?

"Is it a soul battle?"

Someone spoke nervously.

"It should be that Palace Master Zuo once showed his fighting power on the soul side when he fought the Yaozu Huyue a few days ago."

"It's really... the pride of heaven!"

Anyone who can injure the opponent's soul through the body in the climbing environment is worthy of being proud of the sky.

After all, to some extent, this means that this person is qualified to attack the realm of Yin God.

Footsteps sounded, and the inspector finally arrived.

There are too many monks in this street, and the monks do everything in order to live forever. Compared with the warriors who want to kill people, they are more terrifying in some aspects.

So the imperial court built a special inspection office on this street.

The person leading the team was a man with long beards. Zuo Daoqi had seen this person before, and he also knew Zuo Daoqi.

The two were not acquaintances, and some unpleasantness had occurred before.

Lian Su, a disciple of Tantai Zhen from the Demon Slaying Mansion.

A somewhat cautious person.

"Private fighting is prohibited in the capital city, Mister Zuo doesn't know about it?"

Lian Su's face was full of righteousness, as if he was doing business.

Zuo Dodge glanced over him, remembering the unhappiness between the two of them, there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes, but he turned around and walked out.

He didn't pay much attention to the divine alchemy realm.

Just like Zuo Dodge ignored him when he was in the Fetal Breathing Realm before, Zuo Dodge's actions were naturally even more extreme when he was climbing the stairs.

I practice for a lifetime, but I want to be comfortable all my life. There are too many people who need to be valued in the past, but they are left behind in the light of the clouds.

Left Dodge is used to things like this.

He was indifferent, which made Lian Su's expression a bit ugly.

But he naturally also knew the gap between him and Zuo Dodge, so he set his eyes on Qiu Su.

Qiu Su also went his own way, slightly revealing the tassel on the long sword behind him.

Lian Su stopped.

A member of Wan Jianzong.

All in all, because of Tantai Zhen's relationship, he can be regarded as a member of the previous Tao. Although he did not actually go to the previous Tao to pay homage to the patriarch, he is very clear about many anecdotes in the practice world.

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[After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old]【】

Nor is it a man without eyesight.

Naturally recognized Qiu Su's identity, a member of Wan Jianzong.

Wan Jianzong is almost the same level of power as the previous one, and it almost dominates within the five southeastern states.

After all, this is the top sect that inherited the second of the three great flying swords in ancient times.

It's just that what makes people happy about this sect is the dispute between Feijian and Yujian.

A flying sword is the ancient art of flying sword, which pays attention to one sword breaking ten thousand spells.

And the way of controlling the sword is a new way of sword developed over tens of thousands of years.

The two major kendos now belong to the Wanjian sect, but there are countless open and secret fights among them, and the disapproval of the concepts is fundamentally incompatible.

Therefore, under the auspices of an unknown patriarch, the two-sword battle started for thousands of years. When neither of the two factions could convince the other, they agreed that every hundred years, the two factions would gather on Wanjian Peak. , Each of them has sent outstanding disciples for a hundred years, and if they cannot be persuaded once, they will continue. This tradition has been going on for thousands of years.

Counting the days, it seems that the battle between the two swords is about to begin. In the past, such a day was an extremely prosperous event in the practice world, but it was only facing the Tianyuan grand event hosted by the imperial court and the almost unimaginable prizes.

The battle between the two swords was somewhat forgotten after all.

Lian Su saw Qiu Su's identity from his sword, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

From the mouths of the people around, Qiu Su asked Zuo Daoqi, and it seemed that he had lost, so...

It seems that Wan Jianzong's people are coming soon, right? Presumably the people of Wan Jianzong are very interested in the person who makes Fei Jian's lineage weak?

He watched Zuo Daoqi and Qiu Su leave, and people from the inspection department stepped forward behind him.

"Lieutenant Lian? Shall we..."

"Since there were no casualties and no damage was done to the city of Kyoto, it's natural that we can't talk about taking action. Let them go."

The gate of Zuofu.

Zuo Dodge stood still and said softly, "Brother Qiu is still there, right? Are you playing a game? I am very interested in the ancient way of flying swords."

Qiu Su slowly appeared, as if stepping out of the shadows.

"I'm not your match."

Still as honest as his sword.

"Brother Qiu really has something to do, let's hear it." Zuo Daoqi said Shi Shiran.

He could naturally see that Qiu Su was looking for something in the discussion.

"Have Palace Master Zuo heard about the battle of two swords?" Qiu Su was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

Zuo Dodge's expression moved slightly, "I heard something."

What he knew was not as clear as Lian Su's, but he had heard Tan Taijing mention it as an anecdote.

In fact, in order to tell stories to Xiao Ying and Yan'er, he read many such anecdotes.

Zuo Dodge was curious about Qiu Su's when he saw a small sword flying out of Qiu Su's body, he stretched out his palm to catch the flying sword.

Qiu Su looked indifferently, and said in a low voice, "My sword sect's skills are given... to Brother Zuo, and I hope Brother Zuo can improve it."

When he mentioned the word 'gift', his tone was obviously a little unnatural.

Zuo Dodge then understood that this gift was probably not a good thing.

So he didn't shy away from it at all, and put the small sword between his eyebrows, and the mysterious and incomparable kung fu quickly circulated in his mind.

Although disappointed, Zuo Dodge became more and more disappointed after reading the content.

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[After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old]【】

The foundation-building method of flying swords, not to mention useless to him, left Daoqi feeling overwhelmed by the difficulty of foundation-building in this exercise alone.

The requirements in this are even more troublesome than his casting of the foundation of heaven and earth.

Zuo Dodge said with a smile on his face, "Then I really thank Brother Qiu."

Qiu Su also lowered his head.

Now that Feijian's lineage is declining, there are very few people like him.

Coming out of the mountain this time, the master wanted to use the wisdom of many monks in the world to improve Feijian together, hoping to overwhelm Yujian in the next battle of two swords.

He challenged Zuo Daoqi, and Zuo Daoqi greeted him with swordsmanship. Although the swordsmanship was not pure and mixed with too many things, it was definitely an excellent swordsman who could improve Feijian's skills.

Under Zuo Dodge's gaze, Qiu Su ran away in despair.

Zuo Dodge stood on the spot, shaking his head, he felt good about a person like Yu Luyu, but this person was a bit pure.

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