MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 358 what do you want to do

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Latest website: Qiu Shan looked at Zuo Dodge with a smile on his face.

Speaking of which, in the palace, I have seen too many eunuchs who are in power, especially many talented eunuchs who are entrusted with important tasks by the emperor and are extremely valued, Qiu Shan has seen too many.

Most of these people's eyes are higher than the top, even if they know that they are real people, they may be respectful and proud, especially those who have become famous at one time, according to the treatment they have just given, they must already be full of anger.

There are few people who are neither arrogant nor impatient like Zuo Dodge.

He could see that the other party's respect was exuded from the heart, but even though he was polite, there was also a slight distance, which showed that the other party was very confident in him.

This is a person who is very confident, but has a clear understanding of himself.

But these thoughts are only in Qiu Shan's mind.

He reached out and took out a seal, and then printed it on the gate of Tongtian Pavilion. A gap appeared in the thick bronze gate, and it slowly opened.

Zuo Daoqi was very curious about everything in the clan's mansion, especially this Qiu Shan, who was an old man from the time of Taizu.

【Name】: Qiu Shan

[Heel]: Three hundred years ago, Jin Niuwei in the Duke's Mansion of the State of Jin

[Plot]: Qiu Shan followed the Great Jin Taizu Ji Wuji to start a rebellion, made great military exploits, was granted the title of Marquis of Yongzhen, and later entered the clan's mansion to become Yongqing. He also proved the Yin God two hundred years ago and became a real person in the world.

He is a descendant of the Taizu. In the past, Ji Qianyu, the elder brother of the Taizu family, was very powerful. Although the Taizu wanted to overcome the Yang God Tribulation, he was sure, but he was not confident that he would surely pass it. He was worried that Ji Qianman's dove would occupy the magpie's nest, so he was ordered He guarded the most important thing in the clan's mansion - Tongtian Pavilion. After the Taizu Ji Wuji Yangshen Jie was defeated, he guarded Tongtian Pavilion for nearly 300 years.

Isn't he the same as Ji Qianyu?

Zuo Daoqi's heart moved slightly, but then he looked at the Tongtian Pavilion, which was completely opened.

A heavy historical atmosphere from the pavement came to Zuo Daoqi, which was not owned by the building itself, but more of all the ancient Taoist methods in the pavilion.

Naturally, it was not the real person Qiu Shan who led the way, but a young **** with a disheveled face.

Zuo Dodge didn't communicate with him, and he didn't mean to speak.

The Tongtian Pavilion is not too small, and I don't know how many roads there are. Zuo Daoqi finally saw the stairs to the third floor.

Zuo Dodge went straight to the surgery library and pushed open the thick stone door.

It is not as tall and grand as imagined.

There are only rows of stone shelves, with books of various materials, large and small, and of course there are also some jade slips, bamboo slips, animal skins and the like.

Sort them into categories and arrange them neatly one by one.

It seems that no one has been here for many years, but there is no trace of dust. The collections here are regularly maintained by special personnel, and there are dust formations inside and outside. Even every once in a while, real people will come to inspect the place in person.

The attendant beside him didn't follow in, he was guarding the door, his meaning of supervision was more than that of leading the way.

Zuo Daoqi didn't care about it, and this was what he should have meant, but he was a little curious, what kind of means does this little **** have, and he can be sent to supervise himself, the man who cut down the twelve-story building.

Although he was curious, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​trying to steal the way.

He lowered his head and scanned his consciousness, only to find that his consciousness couldn't pass through these stone frames. I don't know anything.

Zuo Daoqi was surprised, Liu Xi had already told him about the mysteries of this pavilion before.

Each Taoism is covered by a special formation, and hundreds of thousands of Taoisms are protected by small formations, and these formations are finally fused into a super-large formation, thus ensuring that the Tongtian Pavilion is safe.

Zuo Daoqi tried to use Daoji to explore, but he still found nothing like a divine sense, but he has the flag of no restraint in his hand, if he really wants to forcibly steal the law, it should be possible, but he has not forgotten that there are real people here, and there are many traps Under the circumstances, he will not be presumptuous.

As long as there is enough Taoism, he will not be greedy for too much.

Most of the three-story Tongtian Pavilion is the Taoism of the peak level of ascending the tower, and occasionally there are fragments of Yinshen Taoism, Zuo Daoqi can't help being a little confused.

In the end, he chose a children's technique called Yantong. The introduction of this method is that the hand formula is cumbersome, but its power is amazing. Once it is used, the sun **** fire will be born in the eyes, which is comparable to the supernatural power Samadhi real fire.

For Zuo Daoqi, the shortcomings can basically be ignored. He has the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Line, and the Linking Thunder Technique given to him by Jiang Liyan is comparable to a magical existence in his hands.

Here I have to talk about the birth of Taoism. At the beginning of this land, in the oldest era, the human race had no way to practice, and the heaven favored the monster race, because the monster race was gifted with supernatural powers, and some supernatural powers were born to continuously improve their cultivation. As a result, human beings are constantly at a disadvantage in the war with the monster race.

However, the reason why the human race is great is because of learning. The human race imitated the supernatural powers of the monster race and created various Taoism methods, some of which are comparable to supernatural powers, and some are weaker than supernatural powers.

Because supernatural powers are related to the source of Taoism, supernatural powers are all instantaneous, and the preposition of Taoism is very troublesome.

This has been the case from ancient times to the present, and even when Martial Arts was born later, it can be seen that the human race is eager to learn. For example, too many martial arts skills contain imitation of the behavior of monsters and beasts.

From this, we can also see the strength of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma, which can be said to be close to Taoism.

After choosing Yanmu, Zuo Dodge followed his own plan and chose a cloud walking step, which takes into account short-range burst and mid-range teleportation, which is not bad.

The last door made Zuo Dodge difficult. He hesitated for a moment, then went down to the attic and found Qiu Shan on the first floor.

"Finished choosing?"

Zuo Daoqi shook his head slightly, with a respectful face, and clasped his fists, "There are too many spells in the pavilion, and this junior is short-sighted, and I'm a little confused. I want to ask senior to clarify."

Qiu Shan glanced at Zuo Daoqi with a half-smile, and then chuckled lightly, "You are clever, our family hasn't left the clan's mansion for a long time, what is the world like now?"

Zuo Daoqi narrated it wittily and interestingly, especially the Hegu War more than ten years ago was written by him, which made Qiu Shan's eyes narrowed.

"What you said is interesting. Our family has heard many people talk about this river valley battle, but it is not as exciting as what you said. Tell me, what kind of spell you want, our family will tell you."

"The younger generation knows that their minds are not strong, and they want to find a secret art about strengthening themselves and examining their hearts."

Hearing this, Qiu Shan squinted his eyes and thought, "Our family knows that the three secret arts meet your requirements. They are the fourth book in the first three rows, the third book in the second row, and the third book in our hand. .”

It was only then that Zuo Dodge realized that there was a strange piece of jade under the teacup that was glowing greenly beside Qiu Shan, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

But still bowed and saluted, "Senior, please teach me."

Qiu Shan blew the green air in front of his eyes, with a faint impatience, "Since you asked our family, choose this one in our family's hand."

Zuo Dodge froze, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"The senior is willing to mention something to the junior, and the junior is grateful."

"Hehe, don't rush to be grateful. If you really want to choose this one from our family, you will regret it later. Don't blame our family, but in terms of potential, this one in our family's hands is the biggest." Qiu Shan talked eloquently.

Just because of the last sentence, Zuo Dodge decided it was this.

Qiu Shan casually threw Yu Jue over, "It just so happens that our family will get you a rubbing copy, and this is the rubbing copy."

Zuo Dodge leaned close to the center of his eyebrows, and saw what was written on it.

"Inheritance of the old man Gu Chenxin, Chen Xin Jue-Climbing the Tower Chapter."

As for the effect, the description is quite simple.

'I have a dusty heart, and I am as immovable as a mountain. '

Very individual introduction, and judging from its introduction, this Dust Heart Art can even play a certain role in the soul killing. So far, Zuo Daoqi has rarely been able to attack with the soul when he encounters the state of climbing a building.

Hu Yue can be counted as one, and he can be counted as one, besides that, there is no one else.

Zuo Dodge took a deep breath. At this moment, he was thankful that he had seen the plot of Qiu Shan in advance, and thus learned that Qiu Shan was not Ji Qianzhuo's person, otherwise, he would not have taken the liberty to come down and ask him.

"Senior, does this Chen Xin Jue have a complete inheritance in Tongtian Pavilion?"

Qiu Shan smiled, "The old man Chen Xin used to be a master of the Yang God Realm, and he can be regarded as one of the strong insiders of Jiulin. There is still a Yin God chapter hidden on the fourth floor, but you can't go up."

Zuo Dodge hurriedly cupped his hands, and said with surprise, "Thank you for letting me know, senior."

"It doesn't matter, they are all from my Dajin, and our family is nothing more than a little effort." Qiu Shan said with a smile, then turned his tone and said, "Of course, this is not against the law, it just depends on whether people are smart or not."

These words made Zuo Daoqi think about it, this father-in-law Qiu Shan didn't seem to have any thoughts of participating in the party struggle.

As for the hidden meaning of his words, as long as someone is willing to respectfully ask him, he will point out one or two.

Zuo Dodge silently memorized this point, and then he told the first two Taoisms he had chosen before, and asked Qiu Shan to rub them for him.

Qiu Shan asked Zuo Dodge to wait, and he walked out of the house.

After a while, he walked in front, and the **** behind him held a jade box in his hand.

"Your brand level, after you choose the Taoism, will be sealed in the pavilion for five years. No one can learn it except you, and you are not allowed to teach others privately. Otherwise, the clan mansion will issue a death order against you. Thinking about it, you probably don’t want to go that far.”

"The juniors have written it down."

This is a very good rule, and Zuo Daoqi secretly praised it, no wonder he always felt that in the capital city, the royal Taoism was uneven, and there was nothing high-end. Presumably, those who were qualified to enter the Tongtian Pavilion were busy practicing, and rarely practiced. Showing his face outside, thus giving Zuo Dodge this illusion.

Zuo Dodge noticed something in Qiu Shan's words, "Your brand level can be sealed for five years..."

Is there anyone who learns the Taoism of Tongtian Pavilion and seals it up forever?

Probably there are, right?

Zuo Dodge shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Zuo Daoqi didn't say anything else. After taking the box with both hands, he opened it directly, and put the three jades close to the eyebrows one by one, and directly remembered the Taoism in his heart.

After being engraved by him, the jades shattered one by one.

Zuo Daoqi was very disciplined and bid farewell to Qiu Shan, and the little **** stepped forward to lead the way again.

The two returned the same way, but Liu Xi was still waiting at the door.

Seeing Zuo Daoqi, he asked with a smile, "Has Mr. Zuo ever obtained satisfactory Taoism?"

Zuo Daoqi nodded, "I also ask Eunuch Liu to thank His Majesty for me."

"It's easy to talk about."

Following Liu Xi, he went through the nine arches again and received repeated confirmation before he was able to walk out of Tongtian Pavilion.

It took a full six hours to choose the Taoism in Tongtian Pavilion, and when he walked out of the clan's mansion, it was already dark.

The sky is full of stars, and the city of Kyoto is lit up like a dragon at night.

At this time, I thought that coming to the Shangshu Mansion was already on duty, and seeing Zhang Weizheng could only be postponed.

Raising his eyes to see the star-studded night, and listening to the human fireworks coming from his ears, Zuo Dodge couldn't help but feel at peace.

Speaking of which, I seem to have never visited this ancient city at night. When he was in the palace before, he was naturally unable to come out at night as a eunuch. Now his status is a bit strange, but he is busy with cultivation and many other things, so he rarely has such a visit. Chance.

Thinking of the [Dust Heart Art] mentioned today, to raise a dust heart in the world.

So he walked slowly and alone on the streets of the capital city.

Among the hustle and bustle of people, you can swim freely, and in the midst of the bustling, you can silently chew on the heart of nourishing the world mentioned in the heart of the dust.

Along the way, he saw a lot, experienced everything about ordinary people, walked out of the place far away from the imperial palace, saw the hawkers running for their livelihood on the stone bridge in Jinshui, and watched the tourists make a fuss about the buildings in Kyoto...

I also saw the hustle and bustle of the Jinshui flower boat and the flamboyant young men in brocade clothes, sometimes hugging the beauties and laughing, throwing a handful of belongings on the stone bridge.

All kinds of things in the world have to be seen.

Before he knew it, he walked across the stone bridge and stepped into Guangling Street.

The corner of Zuo Dodge's mouth couldn't help but a wry smile, he really followed his own heart, how did he come to this place of fireworks.


At this moment, Xinyue stood on the top of Tianxian Pavilion, overlooking the whole street, and saw the boy in white walking among the crowd.

Seeing him strolling leisurely, with an exile aura but strangely blending in with the fireworks and crowds on the street, if he glanced at him casually, he would ignore him like a passer-by, but if he looked closely, he would be hard to forget.

The bull-headed girl touched her horns stupidly, and deliberately used force to swell up the muscles on her arms. She had a great time playing, and saw Zuo Dodge with her happy eyes, her eyes lit up, and she said in a muffled voice.

"Princess, can my elder brother beat him?"

Xinyue turned her head and smiled, "Who's right?"

Zuo Dodge easily sensed this almost undisguised gaze, so he raised his head slightly and saw two women.

The smile on Xinyue's face disappeared instantly, and she turned around and walked into the house.

Zuo Daoqi thought to himself, this Xinyue is really boring all day long, standing on the roof of this building when she has nothing to do, she doesn't know why she has some hobbies.

But now that he has walked to Guangling Street, it is impossible to justify not going to see Xinyue.

So he turned around and walked towards Tianxian Pavilion.

Because of this, he broke away from the aura that almost melted into the fireworks before, so his whole person stood out from the crowd in an instant, attracting attention.

Zuo Daoqi instantly unfolded Daoji and shielded himself. He is still a eunuch, so it's better to keep a low profile when it comes to visiting brothels.

As expected, Xinyue still didn't want to see him, the bull-headed girl stared at Zuo Dodge covetously, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com just looked carefully, and could see that her hand holding the stick was trembling.

Obviously, she watched the death fight with Huyue, and she had a clear understanding of Zuo Dodge's combat power.

Zuo Dodge touched her horn, and said with a smile, "Tell your princess, if she doesn't come out, I'll find a girl."

"you dare!"

Xinyue's somewhat fierce voice came from behind.

It's just that her natural weakness prevented her tone from being fierce, but instead carried a strange charm.

Left Dodge pushed the horns and squeezed into the yard.

Tauren muscles are so hard.

Daoji unfolded in an instant, an almost instant formation, and the bull-headed girl couldn't get in.

"You... what do you want to do?" Xinyue frowned.

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