MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 351 Everyone is a pawn

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Latest URL: Zuo Dodge had a look of disbelief in his eyes, and the whole thing seemed to have a very clear context.

According to the dossier records, Craftsman Village used to be responsible for the construction of the imperial tomb, and was very familiar with every plant and tree in the imperial tomb. More importantly, the imperial tomb seemed to be closely related to the suppression of the fortune of the Great Jin Dynasty. Throughout the Great Jin Dynasty, people from the Craftsman Village could repair the imperial mausoleum at any time.

The ancestors of the craftsman village even bound the lives of the whole family to this place at a high price. At the price of not being able to leave the craftsman village, they set up a township stone!

The status of the Artisan Village can be clearly seen from the description in the dossier.

Moreover, according to the dossier, the construction of the imperial mausoleum did not rely solely on the Qiqiao Sect, but also the participation of the former Qing Pinghou.

Thus, Puci's motive for destroying the Artisan Village also came into being...

In order to subvert the luck of the Great Jin, so as to preach better...

What's more, the fragments identified by Changmei just now are fragments of a formation. More importantly, this formation contains too much Buddhist aura. Now the most famous monk in the entire Jin Dynasty is the national teacher Puci Zen Master.

Zuo Dodge stood where he was, always feeling a weird feeling in his heart.

This eucalyptus, after checking, seems to be too easy and smooth...

It's not right, it can't be considered smooth, after all, if it wasn't for him, Ji Gu wouldn't show up, and he wouldn't easily get the evidence of array fragments.

But a bug of this level is definitely not a suspense. If Puci really made a move, would it really leave so many loopholes?

His eyes were somewhat unpredictable, and a guess slowly rose in his heart.

The party struggle... has entered a white-hot stage.

Puci, an outsider, will be the first sun **** to be sacrificed.

Ji Lingshu smiled lightly, picked up a few pieces of array disks that could be used as evidence, and said with a smile, "It seems that uncle's initial assumption of the real murderer is true."

She suddenly jumped in front of Zuo Dodge, put her hands on his shoulders, and said with an exaggerated expression, "Uncle is too powerful, I guessed the real culprit with a random guess, the emperor must appreciate uncle more."

Zuo Dodge pushed her head away with his fingers, and said with a look of disgust, "It's over, it's over."

"Where has it been?"

"The expression is too exaggerated. Who did you learn from? It's so hypocritical."

Ji Lingshu smiled slyly, "The next time I see my aunt, I'll tell her right away. Uncle said she was hypocritical."

Mysterious real person?

Zuo Daoqi couldn't help but feel a chill, thinking of the appearance of the real Xuan Miao.

no? Is that like this behind the scenes?

Pretty cute.

"Don't, Lingshu, uncle treated you well in the past, why do you always think of harming uncle?"

Ji Lingshu smiled slightly, her willow eyebrows like a moon, "I want to eat grilled fish, uncle."

"I'll do it for you when I get back."

Zuo Dodge said casually.

"What are you doing?" Changyi's fussy voice came from the side.

As soon as Changyi came, Ji Lingshu's indifference appeared instantly, and turned into aloofness again.

Zuo Dodge was speechless for a while, and said to Changyi, "We're talking, when it's over, go to the lake to eat grilled fish, do you want to come?"

Changyi's eyes lit up, like a hamster, with yearning on his delicate face, "Of course I'm going."

"Okay, that counts as you."

The entire case of the destruction of the Artisan Village has been basically investigated. There are suspects, evidence, and motives. It is almost an iron case.

Zuo Daoqi didn't stay too long, and asked Mo Tu to bring Huwei and Yan Chixia here, restrain the wild ghosts here, and disperse the Yin Qi as much as possible, while he rode a carriage, brought Changyi and Ji Lingshu Rush to the city of Kyoto.


In Shangshu's house.

Gongsun Yong came in from the outside and looked at Zhang Weizheng, "Mr. Zhang, the fight between Zuo Daoqi and Huyue has been decided..."

He looked puzzled, this morning Zhang Wei was coming back from the palace, and he didn't deal with the rumors about the extermination of the village outside the city. Instead, he asked him to go to Zhanyao Mansion to find Chen Guanshi to choose a good place, and to choose a ring for the deadly battle between Zuo Daoqi and Huyue .

Zhang Weizheng was sitting in front of the chess game, and responded with a smile, the player who played chess with him today was Qi Zai, a great scholar of Julu Academy.

"Brother Julu's chess skills have not improved much. It seems that I am about to win."

When Qi Zai heard Gongsun Yong mention the name Zuo Daoqi, his face twitched slightly, and then he turned his eyes to the chess game, and said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Zhang Weizheng has a good temper, not to mention that Qi Zai's words are more like a joke among friends, he had a smirk on his face, ignored Qi Zai and Gongsun Yong, and dropped a sunspot casually.

In an instant, a large number of white pieces died on the chessboard.

Qi Zai's face became a little stiff in an instant, and he gasped and said, "Brother Julu, are you... is this necessary? Your friend and I are playing chess so hard."

"Hahaha, I won twenty-one sons, Brother Qi, do you want to continue?"

"Damn it, how can I win with twenty-one sons?" Qi Zai said angrily, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, he is so cheap, he has nothing to do to come to this Shangshu's mansion to seek abuse.

Only then did Zhang Weizheng cast his eyes on Gongsunyong, and said with a smile, "Are you ready? Let's tell the whole city. In the next three days, this matter will be the hottest news in the capital."

Qi Zai couldn't help but feel strange, Zhang Weizheng's tone meant that it was so similar to his own style of infusion just now, who is this old clapper going to deal with?

Clan mansion? Or the Demon Slaying Mansion?

In the capital city, there are only two high-end mighty ones.

Zhang Weizheng noticed Qi Zai's expression, and turned a chessboard over with a smile, "Brother Qi, do you want to continue? I will hold the white?"

Qi Zai immediately got up and walked out, "There are still some things in the academy, it's not convenient today, let's come tomorrow."

Zhang Weizheng laughed loudly, and Gongsun Yong who was beside him also had a suppressed smile on his face.


In the Hanyuan Hall.

Zuo Daoqi stood respectfully, in front of him was the constantly walking Emperor Zhengming.

He walked very fast, constantly turning back and forth, until Zuo Dodge was a little dizzy, then he stood still with a gloomy face.

"I'm not mean to him! Father is also kind to him!"

"He is meritorious. He avenged my brother Huang and killed Shi Yunzai, but!"

Zuo Daoqi didn't say a word and let Ji Lingjun vent.

"How did he do it!"

"I thought that he came here with a purpose to become a national teacher, but in the past three years, not only has his power developed, but there are not many believers. Even now, my Great Jin's order to exterminate Buddhism has not been lifted. Perhaps , these are the reasons for..."

Zuo Dodge said in a low voice.

Even though he felt in his heart that Pu Ci was set up by someone to fall into the trap, he didn't have a good impression of Pu Ci, and Pu Ci was not Master Han Shan, so he didn't mind doing it when he was thrown into trouble.

Ji Lingjun became silent, and then punched heavily on the blue and white porcelain beside her.


The porcelain bottle burst and fell to the ground.

Surprised, Liu Xi hurriedly approached and carefully supported Ji Lingjun, "Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down..."

With angry eyes, Ji Lingjun pushed Liu Xi away.

"Quiet your anger, calm your anger, how do you want me to calm my anger! My national teacher wants to overthrow my Great Jin Guozuo! How should I calm my anger!?"

Liu Xi was pushed away by him, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Zuo Daoqi remained silent, so he could naturally see that Liu Xi was pretending. It was a bit too fake for a dignified monk who climbed a building to be pushed down so weakly by Ji Lingjun.

He also understood that what Ji Lingjun wanted at this moment was to vent.

"Who else knows about this?"

Zuo Daoqi hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "General Huwei Mo, the two princesses and a Taoist priest from the previous Taoist priest are my friends, and they made great contributions to breaking the case."

"Let them not talk too much, just live in the palace for a few days."


Zuo Daoqi could see Ji Lingjun's thoughts from his somewhat solemn face.'s over.

In any case, the evidence for this case has been conclusive, and what Puci has done has exceeded the bottom line. No matter what the price is, Ji Lingjun, the proud and proud emperor who has just ascended to the throne, will not keep him.

Walk out of Hanyuan Hall and see the sun again.

The sun shone on Zuo Dodge, but it couldn't dispel the haze in his heart.

Although the evidence is solid, there are still doubts in this case.

First, who is the tall, thin man in black robe who lured Wei Hu away? Repair geometry? Whose person is it?

The second is... Ji Gu's panel mentioned the opportunity for him to walk out of the artisan village, did he get it by accident, or was it given to him intentionally?

This point is particularly important.

The matter of recalling Mo Tu and Yan Chixia was naturally handed over to the **** in the palace, Zuo Daoqi went straight to Chufeng Palace.

Even without Ji Lingjun, in the face of the coming storm involving the Yang God, he has no intention of leaving the palace, isn't it good? If Puci were to stare at her when she went out, it would be too late to cry.

Ji Lingshu was sitting where the imperial concubine liked to sit, and seemed to miss her.

"Uncle, have you seen Brother Huang?"

Zuo Dodge nodded, "It's probably another big storm..."

"Uncle, be more careful in the future." Ji Lingshu said suddenly.

Zuo Dodge was taken aback.

"Yangshen, it's not that easy to kill..."

Zuo Daoqi's face froze, doesn't matter, anyway, he will stay in the capital for a long time in the future, even if Puci can't die, it's none of his business.

But after a while, Changyi brought the news.

It made Zuo Dodge completely overwhelmed.

"Zuo Daoqi, you actually fought a big tiger for Xiyuan?" Changyi seemed to see Zuo Daoqi for the first time, and walked around his body several times.

"The old you, I remember being very cowardly."

Zuo Dodge's face twitched, and he asked calmly, "How do you know?"

"Of course someone told me, don't you know? It's rumored in the city that Zhang Weizheng even found someone to set up an arena for you outside the city, and even found a real person from the Monster Slaying Mansion to be your referee."

Changyi casually took out a fruit from the plate in front of Ji Lingshu and put it in his mouth.

Zuo Dodge suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Did you say what time it is?"

"I didn't say it, but I heard that it's up to you and that big tiger to decide for yourself. Anyway, it's up to you." Changyi said indifferently.

Zuo Daoqi's face darkened in an instant, and the guess in his heart gradually became true. He looked at Ji Lingshu, and the smile on Ji Lingshu's face disappeared.

Obviously, Ji Lingshu also thought of this.

He is going to be used.

It is well known that Puci is interested in Zuo Daoqi. After the discussion on Taoism that day, Puci has never concealed his appreciation for Zuo Daoqi. Praise the person in full view.

In this case, the ring is built outside the city, which is self-evident.

This is because he was worried that he would not be able to kill Puci once, in order to lure Puci into the bait...

Zhang Weizheng...

For the first time, Zuo Daoqi felt a kind of fear for this famous Zhang Xiang.

From the conflict between himself and Huyue yesterday, he quickly formulated this plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

His mind was running fast, and he suddenly thought about whether the person who designed Puci was also Zhang Weizheng?

And the one who helped Ji Gu leave the artisan village, is it also Zhang Weizheng?

It's terrible. From the fifteenth year of Yuanji or earlier, the layout began...

In the past, although Zuo Daoqi knew that Zhang Weizheng was terrible, he still respected him more. This is the respect due to an old man who aspires to be the leader of all people in the world.

But when this unspeakable heavy calculation fell on Zuo Dodge himself, this kind of respect and admiration became a little impure.

This kind of calculation for no reason is a very infuriating thing.

Ji Lingshu got up and looked at Zuo Dodge, "Uncle, I'm going to find Brother Huang, the duel between you and Huyue can't be..."

Zuo Dodge shook his head, stretched out his hand to interrupt her, and said softly, "It's useless..."

"The one who claims to have a perfect strategy, Huyue and I are just a chess piece to play with... When to put it, and where to put it, when entering this big game, the right to choose is no longer In our own hands."

There was obvious anger on Ji Lingshu's face.

"Don't worry, I'm a useful chess piece, and I won't break it in this kind of place. This doesn't suit the heart of a chess player who wants to win..."

Zuo Dodge turned to comfort Ji Lingshu.

Ji Lingshu's face softened a little, but he still looked at Zuo Dodge worriedly.

Zuo Daoqi sighed, and then closed his eyes. This feeling of being treated as a **** and being oppressed by the general situation is not good...

After a while, Zuo Daoqi opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with depression. He will not fall here. He has the blood of the Emperor of Heaven. This point, except for Zuo Chong, the rest should not know...

Thinking about it, Zuo Chong would not tell others about it.

Originally, he didn't want to get involved in the battle for the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, but now...

"What are you talking about? What calculations, what chess pieces?"

Changyi asked this stupidly, with a kind of clear stupidity in his eyes.

Although she is not but after all, the information is not equal, and she behaves a bit stupid about many things.

Zuo Dodge turned his head, with a smile on his face, "We are talking about how to calculate to get the princess's hundred flower tea."

Changyi raised his small head, "It still needs to be calculated? I am not a stingy person. This year, new tea will be delivered. Cai'er, go back to the palace and bring some to Zuo Qing and Xiyuan."

Immediately, she looked at Ji Lingshu again, and said in a familiar green tea tone.

"I'm not as stingy as some people. It's just a little tea, I'm willing to do it."

Ji Lingshu looked at Changyi with a sly look, obviously, she planned to play tricks on Changyi.

"Didn't my sister say that I want to eat grilled fish? Uncle, let's take my sister there now, just because I'm a little tired."

"Uncle, do you think so?"

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