MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 346 White Dragon Horse?

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Latest URL: Probably because Ji Lingshu has such a close relationship with him, even though he knows that his aptitude is excellent, even if he sees his future from his panel, he has been ignoring her somewhat deliberately.

The Empress of the Jin Dynasty, the master of the most powerful dynasty in the Central Plains today, such an identity, to a certain extent, does not need to rely on the support of strength.

Just like Emperor Yuanji, like Emperor Zhengming today...

Even if her aptitude is too dazzling.

But when I think about it carefully, Ji Lingshu's boldness and heart are the reason why she really became an empress. How can a worthless waste of qualifications support the great Jin Dynasty.

"What way?" Zuo Dodge asked softly.

Underworld Snake's tone was still full of shock and horror, "She tried to use martial arts to imitate the immortal way, introduce martial arts into the Tao, practice martial arts with the Tao, incorporate all the current systems of the martial arts into the immortal way, integrate the artistic conception of the martial arts with the methods of the immortal way, and transform For all kinds of terrifying visions comparable to supernatural powers.”

Zuo Dodge had horror and shock on his face.

He had to admit that Ji Lingshu's behavior was extremely bold and crazy. Once she became enlightened, according to her terrifying talent in martial arts and the comprehension of artistic conception, for her, if she eats and drinks water, all kinds of artistic conceptions Transformed into a vision comparable to supernatural powers...

He couldn't imagine that once Ji Lingshu became a yin god, every move was a yin **** with supernatural powers. The so-called master and real person would probably be just a joke in front of him...

Zuo Daoqi couldn't help turning his head to look at Ji Lingshu, only to see the girl's face was indifferent, with an inexplicable heroic and airy look between her brows.

Unlike Hades' shock at his choice of path, Zuo Dodge still felt a little pity in his heart.

He didn't know what Ji Lingshu had experienced in Duan's family or Taihuang Mountain when he was in Wuzhou. After realizing such an unprecedented practice path, it must be unforgettable, maybe it was a tragedy or a comedy.

"Lingshu, do you regret practicing martial arts?"

Under the circumstances, Zuo Dodge asked the girl softly.

There was a hint of doubt in Ji Lingshu's eyes, and she said in surprise, "Why do you regret it? Uncle, don't you think that warriors are just ordinary people like those people in Changyi?"

The voice was lilting, but there was an odd calm and tranquility about it.

Therefore, Zuo Dodge saw the strength of his heart from his eyes, and became a pioneer, undoubtedly a person who left his name in history, but perhaps only they themselves knew the hardships involved.

Zuo Dodge shook his head. At this moment, he had no doubts that Ji Lingshu would be able to do it in the future. Sooner or later, before she ascended the throne, it would be enough to shock the world.

Not long after Ji Lingshu returned to the Young Phoenix Palace, Zuo Daoqi looked at Ji Lingshu seven times.

Ji Lingshu herself was naturally aware of this, so she moved slightly, and a joyful mood suddenly came, and she took light steps, very cheerful, with an inexplicable rhythm.

Zuo Dodge's heart also became happy unconsciously. He didn't reject this artistic conception. He suppressed the mana that was instinctively wanting to resist in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, watching Ji Lingshu's arrival with a smile.

"Uncle, your status is gone now, and in this case, I have a good idea."

Ji Lingshu said in a low voice, seeming a little shy.

"What idea?"

"Your power is gone, why don't you start a new life, be a man, marry Changyi, and become a son-in-law..."

Zuo Dodge frowned, but his heart was intoxicated with that kind of joy, "Why is it Changyi?"

"Then who do you think?"

"Why can't it be all of them?"

The mood of joy stagnates slightly, and the mood of coldness descends. Ji Lingshu frowned and looked at Zuo Dodge, "Is this uncle's true intention?"

The indifference finally made Zuo Daoqi return to his mind and escape from the joy just now, so his expression became serious, put away the arrogance and presumptuousness in his eyes, and said solemnly, "Of course not."

Then Ji Lingshu's performance shocked Zuo Daoqi.

She reached out and touched her cheek, "

I also thought that my uncle was blind and could fall in love with that idiot in Changyi. "

After finishing speaking, she raised her chin slightly and looked down at Zuo Dodge.

This posture can't be said to be somewhat similar to Changyi's, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

In the bright eyes, it is clearly saying, "You are not really blind, are you?"

Zuo Daoqi said earnestly, "Lingshu, no matter what, Changyi is also your older sister. If you tease her knowing that she is stupid, it is somehow your fault."

Ji Lingshu covered her mouth and smiled.

At the same time, someone outside the hall delivered an edict, and Princess Xuanxiyuan had an audience.

Zuo Daoqi left at the right time. After all, the princess was not here, so he stayed in the palace, so it was a bit unfair.

This guy Mo Tu has a lot of things to do, although he came back together, he won't be able to spare any time for a while, and the bitter Zuo Daoqi was about to return to the inn to continue his cultivation.

But he met a person who surprised him.

I saw a burly man holding a talisman in his hand and muttering words in a rather prosperous street.

"Today I'm going to be a ghost exorcist, and I will definitely give everyone a bright future!"

"Tai Chi is supreme, and the Shenxuan Department..."

A blue long sword kept flying in his hand, and the talisman seal on the long sword burst into flames, floating slowly...

"This Yan Chixia, even imitating other people's tricks to fool the people, I don't know if Zheng Chixiao will die of anger with this name."

Zuo Daoqi watched with great interest, Yan Chixia's behavior became even more mysterious, and he created many visions, which really made the surrounding people with little cultivation and a few warriors applaud.

Suddenly, his eyebrows moved, and at a certain moment, he felt a trace of familiarity from Yan Chixia's behavior!

It wasn't a movement, but a strange fluctuation emerged in the vision caused by the movement.

This is…

Zuo Daoqi stood up suddenly, his eyes suddenly became serious, this strange fluctuation...

A long time ago, during the Yuanji period, he was allowed by the emperor to take him into the imperial mausoleum to worship because of his meritorious service, and he replaced the widowed queen mother Zi Yunxian to worship the royal ancestors.

He clearly remembered that on that day, as a night watchman, he seemed to have noticed a strange mood swing, which seemed to contain two words.

Pessimistic and desperate.


He was the only one who could hear these two words among all the people who watched the night that day, and the word "Xianchui" resounded throughout the whole night!

Just now, in Yan Chixia's movements, this kind of fluctuation that made his whole heart palpitate came again. The difference is the words it conveyed.

With a passion and excitement.

"God is coming!"

There is definitely a connection between the two, so Zuo Dodge's playfulness on the surface completely disappeared.

After mastering the golden finger, he actually has his own reasonable guesses about many things, combined with the facial plots of many characters.

But only what happened in the imperial tomb that day made him a little uneasy.

Finally, Yan Chixia ended his frenzied act of "asking God" covered in cold sweat.

When he turned his head, he smiled at Zuo Dodge, as if he had already discovered Zuo Dodge's trace.

After a while.

A corner of a restaurant in Kyoto.

Zuo Daoqi raised his glass slightly, looked at Yan Chixia and said with emotion, "Little brother, it seems like it's been a while since we parted."

Yan Chixia smiled slightly, and said in a slightly joking tone, "Yes, in the past I should have called you Palace Master Zuo, but now I can call you Brother Zuo."

Zuo Dodge smiled playfully, thinking that when he first became famous in the past, the beard in front of him had used his own name.

"Didn't you always say that you and I are brothers and sisters?"

Yan Chixia froze, "Brother Zuo really can talk."

"Since the farewell at Hongmeng Dojo that day, I don't know about Brother Yan's experience, are you interested in telling me?"

Yan Chixia smiled, raised his wine glass and drank

The next mouthful, "There's nothing we can't say, after all, we are considered good people. In the past few years, I followed Master Zheng's words and went all over the world, killing demons and demons..."

"It's a great merit. No wonder Brother Yan is blessed by the heavens, and he has traveled so far on the road of Shendan."

Yan Chixia laughed loudly, and then he seemed to remember something, and said to Zuo Dodge in an extremely mysterious tone.

"By the way, Brother Zuo, do you know, did I meet anyone in the generation in Xifeng a few years ago?"

In recent years, the land of Xifeng has been constantly fighting. Even if Ji Lingjun ascended the throne, he never thought of a truce. After all, the eldest son of Emperor Yanji, his prince and brother died in Xizhen, even if the murderer had already been beheaded by Ji Qianyu. , but Da Jin, as the most powerful country in the Central Plains today, dominates the world, so it is natural to find someone to vent his anger.

The barbarians then made a good target.

However, because of the war between the two sides, it has been stabilizing at the same level, and even the monks in the climbing state are not very common. Zuo Daoqi only got a little understanding of it, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"People from the West Frontier? Zuo remembers that I don't know anyone who lives in the West Frontier." Zuo Dodge frowned and thought about it, making sure he remembered correctly.

Yan Chixia laughed, with an even more mysterious expression on his face, "Brother Zuo, do you think my behavior just now is ridiculous?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, but ignoring the voice that made Zuo Daoqi feel a little throbbing, Yan Chixia's behavior was indeed ridiculous.

Zuo Dodge shook his head slightly, "It's not ridiculous, it's just a strange feeling. Maybe brother Yan can help Zuo Mou?"

"All of this needs to start from the question just now."

"But Brother Zuo really can't guess, who did I meet?"

Zuo Daoqi thought hard, but he really couldn't think of any old friends he had in Xifeng.

"Master Hanshan, Brother Zuo, have you forgotten?"

"Master Hanshan?!"

Zuo Dodge's voice was full of surprise and wonder.

"What's up with him?"

There was a bit of admiration and admiration in Yan Chixia's eyes, "He is a real master, definitely not comparable to those fake monks I met in the past."

For this point, Zuo Daoqi agreed very much, after all, he also sponsored a horse for Master Han Shan, Yan Chixia met Master Han Shan, and he didn't know what happened to the bay red pony now.

"Wars have been raging in the western region for years, and there are countless lonely souls and wild ghosts. They have already caused serious troubles to the lives of the people, so I decided to go there. When I met Master Han Shan, he was helping people to save the dead."

"Obviously he is an ordinary person, and the speed of superseding the souls of the dead is unexpectedly many times faster than mine."

When he said this, he poured out a glass from the wine jar on the table with some excitement, and drank it in one gulp.

"Since then, I have thought that this is a respectable figure like Master Zheng, so I decided to protect him all the way."

Yan Chixia seemed to be excited, and said with an expression of extreme admiration, "At this time, I realized that I was like a clown. Beside Master Hanshan, there was a monk from the monster tribe who was willing to protect him. Facing that big monster, I didn't have the slightest intention to resist."

"At this time, I actually have some selfish intentions. After all, Master Han Shan is a mortal who can control a monkey monster with astonishing combat power. Brother Zuo should understand that it is impossible for the monster clan to be transformed into a king by Han Shan. I was overwhelmed by the master's personality, so I braved my face and followed Master Han Shan all the way, and finally, by chance, I realized a glimmer of master Han Shan's methods."

Zuo Daoqi's complexion became more and more strange, monkey demon, Buddhist master, Xixing...

Only the little red horse that I gave as a gift was a little bit wrong.

But now is not the time to be entangled in these things, Zuo Daoqi is more interested in Master Han Shan's methods.

After hearing what he said, Yan Chixia shook his head slightly, "I still have my doubts about Master Han Shan's method. It is a kind of existence that is completely different from Qi and blood, magic power, literary energy, and even magic energy and Buddha power."

"The feeling of using it... is like a ray of power coming from the void, which can detain the opponent."

"A curse?"

Because everything was too coincidental, Zuo Daoqi had to think of this famous Buddhist technique.

"The power in the dark?"

"It's not incense, it's an independent power that belongs to me, but I don't know if it's because some conditions can't be met, so it's always estranged to use it..."

The voice of the underworld snake suddenly sounded, "Spell? That bald donkey you mentioned, has he been to the fairy gate?"

His voice then became excited, and the too strong emotion also made Zuo Dodge slightly excited.

To become an immortal, with unlimited longevity, is undoubtedly a piece of news that can make the entire world of spiritual practice boil.

"This thing, UU Reading can you use it again..." Zuo Daoqi said a little awkwardly, this kind of request for others to use their means is after all a very excessive thing.

But Yan Xiaoer has no brains, so he shouldn't be aware of it.

Sure enough, as Zuo Daoqi thought, Yan Chixia patted his chest immediately, "When I learned it, I asked Master Han Shan specifically, and all the methods I learned from him can be passed on to others at will."

"Brother Zuo's white dragon horse has helped Master Han Shan through many difficult roads. I must have communicated with you. Master Han Shan must be very happy."

White Dragon Horse?

The weird feeling in Zuo Dodge's heart became more and more intense.

The style of painting is inexplicable... It has turned to a very horrifying level.

Yan Chixia, on the other hand, didn't notice the turmoil in Zuo Daoqi's heart at all. As a monk similar to a ranger, his decisiveness has always been his label.

Immediately, he brought Zuo Dodge to a school field.

Read The Duke's Passion