MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 333 feel better

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From the appearance of the black book, there is nothing unusual at all.

Zuo Daoqi pondered in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and forced out a drop of soul blood.

In just a moment, it was as if being sucked into a weird alien space by some indescribable terrifying existence, and the black scriptures were like incomparable scorching suns, wantonly exuding some kind of indescribable black aura.

Zuo Daoqi was stunned, determination flashed in his eyes, he suddenly raised his head and continued to look up, his soul was eroded, and his body suffered pain, which seemed to constantly hinder him, telling him that the things in front of him were beyond his reach now.

But after all, he was considered a person with a firm mind, hatred flashed in his heart, and he felt the erosion of his soul, which was just a fake erosion encountered in this alien space. As long as he can leave this world, this kind of almost The melted soul will recover.

He raised his head slowly, no longer looking at all the black seals, but focusing on the first one.

His spirit burns slowly like a candle, allowing him to stay in this world.

Finally, at a certain moment, Zuo Dodge moved his lips and jaws, like an unconscious whisper, and slowly spit out a...


In an instant, the speed at which his soul was corroded and burned increased by as much as five times.

But he didn't pay attention to these things at all. This exquisite black seal, like the truth between heaven and earth, completely pulled his whole mind.

At the last moment, Zuo Dodge suddenly came to his senses.


The alien space disappeared, and Zuo Dodge raised his head slightly as if in another world, his eyes were a little dull, but with a strange fluctuation.

Until he stretched out his finger and pointed to a small grass on the ground.

The grass became withered, exuding a withered color of late autumn.

The speed wasn't fast, but this scene, for Zuo Dodge who didn't use any magic power, was a bit scary.

This is…

His eyes kept flickering, as if he was constantly looking back at the Xiaozhuan that he had observed for a long time, but he was horrified to find that the more he recalled, the more he forgot the shape and other things of the Xiaozhuan.

The underworld snake threw Liu Huanxi away with one tail, and looked at Zuo Dodge with a hint of horror in his eyes.

"The source of life and death?!"

"You actually came into contact with Daoyuan?"

Zuo Daoqi ignored it, and his mind was completely immersed in the small black seal. He kept meditating and recalling, and exhausted all his mind to restore the scales and claws of the small seal in his heart.

It's just that he didn't see at all that in the turbulent wind, a strand of black hair on his temples slowly turned white from the tip of the hair!

"Wake up, boy!"

The Hades screamed suddenly, a strange black mana poured into Zuo Dodge's body, and a cold feeling woke him up.

As a result, Zuo Dodge's eyes finally recovered.

"You don't want to die, you actually tried to carry Daoyuan in vain?" Hell Snake's voice was full of fear, he just wanted to perceive the traces of Daoyuan on the black book, but he didn't know that this black book was so terrifying.

Zuo Dodge, who came to his senses, soon discovered the change in himself, so he frowned, "This is... Daoyuan?"

Hades didn't speak, but asked him to tell what happened just now.

Zuo Dodge's eyes flashed, and he told the scene just now.

"This unremarkable black book actually carries the source of life and death, which is really beyond my expectations."

Zuo Dodge frowned, and thunder flickered in the Demon Locking Tower, "Can you tell me, I hate Riddler the most."

Hades coughed twice, and then said, "I told you before that Daoyuan is the means of Yang God, but do you know the nature of Daoyuan?"

"Shen Dan bred supernatural powers, ascended the tower to cultivate the power of supernatural powers, until Yin gods, supernatural powers blossomed, and divine souls traveled thousands of miles at night, but the role of supernatural powers for monks is not so simple. After the supernatural powers are completely achieved, Yinshen monks can Rely on it to comprehend the source of Dao!"

"It can even be said that a monk without supernatural powers has no way ahead! The source of the heaven and earth is not revealed. If you want to contact the source of the Tao, you can only rely on the power of supernatural powers."

When Zuo Daoqi heard this, his eyes flickered, he raised the black booklet in his hand, opened it to read, it was still as blank as a heavenly book, but what happened just now made him understand that this thing is by no means simple.

"So, this black book is a kind of supernatural power?"

Hades stared at the black booklet and shook his head slightly, "I don't know, I originally thought it was a treasure left by a Yangshen cultivator, which contained a trace of Daoyuan power, I just wanted you to rely on this to stimulate your supernatural power growth of…"

"Who thought you would be so perverted..."

Hades muttered.

"I didn't expect this thing to contain the source of Dao itself, and I didn't expect that you could observe the source of Dao, and even copied it. In the end, if the **** didn't call you, you would be addicted to the source of life and death sooner or later. You will not live or die. "

Zuo Daoqi's heart moved slightly. The first black seal he observed was the word "death", so it contained the source of life and death.

Life and death, such words, are always associated with people.

Hades seemed to see his thoughts from his eyes, rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, don't think too much, your current mana and supernatural power already contain a trace of the power of life and death, don't think about dying It’s rare to waste a drop of soul blood, and once there is an accident, it may not be able to come out anytime soon.”

Liu Huanxi, who came back from a distance, heard the words, rolled her eyes, and quickly jumped out to point to the snake, "Bold! Cursing the master!"



The injured Liu Huanxi shrank into a ball and was swept away by the snake.

Zuo Dodge thought of the state where his soul was being eroded, and he was afraid for a moment.

Then he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to drip soul blood to understand the source of Dao. As Hades said, being able to see the word "death" clearly this time seems to have a lot of luck.

What happened didn't attract the attention of Ji Lingshu and the noble concubine. It was just that the Xuanmiao real person who was meditating beside the mother and daughter opened his eyes for a moment when Zuo Daoqi manipulated the weed from life to death, and a trace of doubt flashed across it.

Just now, Daoyuan's breath seemed to flash...

Because of the concubine's grudge against worldly views, after Ji Lingshu got into the car, she stopped coming out and deliberately avoided Zuo Daoqi.

But due to the presence of the real person Xuanmiao, Zuo Daoqi didn't dare to overstep, for fear of being beaten, so he had to squat outside to practice every day, but Ji Lingshu was very conscientious, and came out to chat with him from time to time.

I haven't seen her in almost two years. She has become more and more youthful, and her figure has also developed. She has developed ahead of Changyi, but now she has surpassed Changyi by an unknown amount. She has really inherited the excellent maternal genes of a noble concubine.

Zuo Dodge's throat moved slightly, and a fresh fragrance spread into his nostrils, which made him rub it.

From his point of view, he could only see the girl's face, but it still amazed him.

It has to be said that the son of destiny in this world seems to be different from those ill-fated protagonists in the previous life. As long as he survives the disaster in his childhood, he will basically take off all the way.

Far from being startling.

"What is Uncle looking at?"

"'s nothing." Zuo Dodge was unavoidably flustered at the first moment when Ji Lingshu got rid of his thoughts.

In fact, the more important thing is Ji Lingshu's current cultivation level. She has already absorbed the movement in her body, and her breath is not leaking. This is a sign that she is about to break through as a master.

A little girl who was spanked by him the last time I met her was no worse than him in the blink of an eye, and there would be some changes in the end.

"Uncle is getting dishonest now."

Ji Lingshu turned her head, with a calm expression on her face, just looking carefully, there was a hint of a smile hidden in those autumn eyes.

Zuo Dodge was a little embarrassed, he suddenly didn't know how to communicate with Ji Lingshu.

After all, he used to be the strong side.

"When did I become dishonest?"

Ji Lingshu didn't say a word, just looked into the distance, and said in an unusually calm tone that Zuo Dodge could only feel that the air around him dropped several degrees.

"I'm a little short of a chance to break through, uncle and I have a fight?"

Zuo Daoqi looked embarrassed, this girl...

"next time…"

As he said, a paleness flashed across his face, as if he was seriously injured, "Next time, I got a little injured in the sparring with Lord Duan in Los Angeles a few days ago."

Ji Lingshu smiled even more, showing a nervous look, leaning on Zuo Dodge's shoulder.

The movement was a bit intimate, and the contact area between the two of their bodies was greatly increased. One cold little hand held his hand, and the other hand stroked the paleness of his face. The center of gravity of the girl's entire body rested on Zuo Dodge's shoulder. On the surface, the contact point is a bit shocking.

The softness touched Zuo Dodge's heart, and when he turned his head and saw Ji Lingshu's eyes full of concern, hesitation flashed in his heart.

At this time, in idol dramas, shouldn't it be time to kiss?

But just as he was hesitating, he noticed the smile in Ji Lingshu's eyes, and his eyeballs turned slightly, as Ji Lingshu moved closer and closer, and his hips left the shaft.


Ji Lingshu's face turned from fair to flushed in an instant, her lips pursed slightly, her panting quickened, and she looked at Zuo Dodge angrily.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Zuo Daoqi's face, but he recalled the Q bomb just now, wondering if the buttocks of the master warrior are so elastic? On the face, he looked like a gentleman, and said with concern.

"It's too windy outside, Lingshu, go in quickly, don't catch the wind and cold."

Have a cold?

Hearing his words, Ji Lingshu couldn't help laughing, and stopped panting, just staring at Zuo Dodge, wanting to see how long this uncle can pretend,

Zuo Dodge turned his head and said viciously, "Go back quickly, or I will let my sister deal with you."

"Hee hee hee..." Ji Lingshu suddenly let out a laugh, touched Zuo Dodge's head, quickly opened the car curtain and got into the carriage.

Master Xuan Miao had never seen Ji Lingshu make such a clear and sweet smile. After two years in the Duan family, she was the only one who knew how much the girl in front of her had sacrificed.

So through the thin car curtain, she looked at the young man on the shaft as if she was seeing through.

For the past two years, this man has been making a lot of noise and is rumored to be a fake **** who raped the harem...

For the person in front of her, from the astonishment on Jinshui when she first met her, to her love for Shu Aiwu and Wu because of Ji Ling, and finally, at the Duan's house, she felt a trace of disgust brought about by the impact of various news.

Just seeing him again, Ji Lingshu still seemed to like him, so she suppressed her disgust.

After hearing Ji Lingshu's sweet smile, she looked at the boy in front of her again.

I have to admit in my heart that this young man's appearance is really rare in the world. I haven't seen him in two years. His appearance, which was originally like the face of a heavenly man, has lost a touch of tenderness and added a touch of determination and perseverance.

"Forget it, let Lingshu go."

Although he felt that someone was watching without malice behind him, Zuo Daoqi naturally knew who it was, and he had to admit that Ji Lingshu, a little girl, he couldn't hold back now.

Somewhat sad.

I finally understand some of the despair that the second in the world feels when facing the number one in the world. It is a kind of despair that cannot be exchanged for hard work. It seems that after exhausting all efforts, it is still unable to surpass the shadow of the number one. This is too much. cruelty and despair.

"Since you were born on the wall, how can you give birth to the son of destiny!"

Left Dodge sighed and looked up.

The official road is desolate, and the wind blows up a trace of dust and smoke. Zuo Daoqi closed his eyes and fell into practice, comprehending the source of life and death left in the mana by chance and coincidence.

After studying for a long time, he had to find out sadly.

Daoyuan may be very strong, but he who has completely forgotten the word "death" in Xiaozhuan, Daoyuan is a vent.

Perhaps, what he comprehended was not the source of life and death at all, but the death in the source of life and death, and the death of Shouyuan, which occupied a part of death, but it could only affect... two months!

That is to say, in a battle, he can use the remaining Dao source in his body to cut off the opponent's two months of life.

And Daoyuan's aftertaste is exhausted, and it will take about... a month to recover.

It can cut off a person's lifespan for two months every month.

So scary!

Zuo Dodge pouted,

A monk often has an extraordinary lifespan. The lifespan of two months is not enough for others to take a pill to recover. At this moment, he regrets a little. If he comprehends the source of "life", he can grow himself every other month. Two months of life.

This is too cool.

At that time, Shouyuan will be endlessly himself, and he can write an autobiography when he has nothing to do.

"I am immortal in Dajin?"

Zuo Daoqi took pleasure in bitterness and suppressed his thoughts of comprehending the source of Dao. This is obviously not something he should touch now, it is just some gains, and it is better than nothing.

Although because of the existence of Xuanmiao Daoist, he could no longer assist the noble concubine to rest, and fed her pills when she was in deep cultivation, which lost too much happiness, but Ji Lingshu was still there, and getting along with him became more and more harmonious

In her words, she was looking for an opportunity to break through.

Zuo Dodge seriously suspected that she saw her weakness that day and played with herself all day long.

Pain and happiness.

Accompanied by a beautiful woman and the yin **** bodyguard Xuan Miao Daoist, Zuo Chong suddenly attacked, and the journey was quite joyful. After the little bear went on strike one day, the speed of the horses further decreased.

It will take about two months before Mo returns to the capital.

This kind of life did not last long, because Emperor Zhengming Ji Lingjun wrote a letter.

"The grand event of Tianyuan is about to start, Qing is the humerus of the country, I hope you will come back soon."

The very personal tone reveals the friendship between Zhengming Emperor Ji Lingjun and Zuo Dalu.

After receiving the letter, Zuo Dodge actually quickened his pace a bit. UU Reading

It's just that Wuzhou is not too far away from the capital, and the emperor still has a lot of control over it. After learning about Zuo Dodge's speed, he was a little angry.

So after Princess Changyi issued six gold orders in a row, Zuo Daoqi had no choice but to abandon the comfortable carriage and drive the auspicious clouds by himself, and headed towards the capital at high speed.

They were supposed to be together, but it was a pity that Master Xuanmiao was summoned by his master to go back to Taihuang Mountain, and by the way, he invited the mother and daughter of the noble concubine to go to Taihuang Mountain to play.

The imperial concubine glanced at Zuo Daoqi with an unnatural expression, and immediately agreed.

Ji Lingshu was somewhat reluctant to part with her, but thinking of her aunt's work for her in the past two years, she did not refuse.

In the end, only Zuo Dodge returned to Kyoto alone.

Without a beautiful woman by his side, no interest in life, and no one to protect his dharma, Zuo Daoqi, who had already entered Zuo Chong's shooting range, did not dare to stay at all, and flew towards the capital almost as if fleeing from disaster.

High-speed text hand-typed Biqu Library After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be a nine-thousand-year-old chapter listhttps://

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