MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 87

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Just as Jiang Liucheng finished speaking, the two people who were bickering suddenly stopped talking and looked at him at the same time.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Liucheng was inexplicably looked at by the two of them, thinking that there was something wrong with what he said.

The good news came a bit suddenly, Qin Lu asked after a two-second delay, "Didn't you say that you should date each other for a while, and that you will not get married until you know each other better and understand each other better?"

"Chengcheng has already agreed, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ms. Long thought that this is a great good thing, and this stupid son actually went to ask others.

Of course Qin Lu knew, but he wanted to hear Jiang Liucheng say it himself, and the two had only been dating for less than half a year, and most of the filming had taken up more than half of the year.

Seriously speaking, in the past six months, it can be said that they have been together less and more apart, and they have not spent much time together.

Based on what he knew about Jiang Liucheng, the two would have to date for at least another half a year before the other could agree to marry.

Jiang Liucheng thought about this question seriously, and after a while he came up with an answer.

"If it's with other people, it's true, but I think if it's you, the standard can be changed."

Qin Lu's entire portrait was fixed in place. This sentence is like hearing the other party say that I like you. In a sense, his weight is heavier than I like you.

Seeing the dumbfounded look of her silly son, Ms. Long realized that there might be stories she didn't know.

This time, she didn't speak again, and took a leisurely sip of tea, admiring her son's embarrassment.

"But there's one more thing before we get married."

Qin Lu came back to his senses and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Liucheng said, "You may have to go back to your hometown with me next weekend."

Jiang Liucheng's hometown is not in Yunshi. It takes seven or eight hours to get there by train. It is far away, and it is also a bit remote. After leaving the station, it takes nearly an hour to arrive by bus.

Qin Lu could probably guess why Jiang Liucheng wanted to go back to his hometown, so he worked extra hard before the weekend came.

Finally, before the promised day, the work at hand was completed.

Early the next morning, the housekeeper helped them move things into the car, and when the two got off, the driver took them to the airport.

After three and a half hours, Jiang Liucheng and Qin Lu walked out of the airport with their luggage.

There was a car waiting for them outside the airport passage. As soon as they came out, Guo Qifan, who was leaning on the door, immediately waved to them.


Guo Qifan strode forward and took the luggage from Jiang Liucheng's hand.

Jiang Liucheng asked, "Didn't you say you don't need to pick us up?"

Because they are flying, the airport is still a long way from their hometown, and the roads in the countryside are not easy to walk. There are many trails, and it takes at least two hours to drive.

"As soon as my mother heard that you were coming back, she immediately kicked me out of the house and told me not to go back unless I received someone. Do you think I could not come?" Guo Qifan opened the trunk, put his luggage in, and said in a murmur. .

"You won't know if you don't tell Aunt Guo." Jiang Liucheng said with a smile.

Qin Lu put away his luggage, opened the door of the back seat, and let Jiang Liucheng sit in first, and then himself.

Guo Qifan fastened his seat belt after getting in the car, rolled his eyes and said, "If I didn't tell her in advance, I would die even worse. My mother still keeps the stick that she used to beat me when she was a child."

Jiang Liucheng smiled and said to Qin Lu: "Lao Guo was too skinny when he was a child, and he was not obedient. He used to go to dig out a hornet's nest, but he was chased by the hornet and stung his face, and was beaten by Aunt Guo after returning home. "

Qin Lu asked, "What about you?"

Guo Qifan said: "My mother loves him before it's too late. Every time something happens, she thinks that I have damaged Old Orange. Old Orange likes to pretend to be good in front of my mother.

Qin Lu tilted his head to look at the young man with a smile in his eyes: "So were you so skinny when you were young?"

Jiang Liucheng defended: "Don't listen to his nonsense, I just said that honey is delicious. My grandfather made it for me when he was a child. When he heard that honey was delicious, he made a noise to dig out the hornet's nest."

Guo Qifan: "He just seduced me on purpose. Old Orange was so smart when he was a child, he didn't even blink an eye when he calculated people. Every time he did something bad and was caught, he had an innocent expression on his face, but a lot of bad things happened. The things he mentioned first, like stealing peaches, going to the reservoir to catch fish, and shooting birds with a slingshot, were all he told me, and he knew that I couldn’t help it, so he deliberately said it in front of me.”

Jiang Liucheng felt very innocent, "Don't talk nonsense, how can I seduce you on purpose."

"Look at it, Brother Qin, look at him. He has this innocent expression every time. In fact, his heart is broken."

Qin Lu really did not expect that a young man who usually looks so serious could be so naughty when he was a child.

They chatted all the way, and most of the time, Guo Qifan and Jiang Liucheng were talking about what happened when they were young.

Although Qin Lu didn't say much, he listened with relish. Jiang Liucheng when he was a child showed him another side.

The two-hour journey seems to have become less long, and in a blink of an eye, I arrived at Xinghua Village, the village where Jiang Liucheng lived as a child.

The village lives up to its name. The reason why Xinghua Village is named Xinghua is because there is an apricot forest on the mountain here. Every spring, the picture of the apricot forest in full bloom attracts tourists from some cities. Pick apricots and eat them yourself.

Compared with the past, Xinghua Village is not so backward now. In addition to farming, the village has gradually developed tourism.

In order to attract more tourists, the roads in the village are not as bumpy as before, but paved with concrete roads.

Guo Qifan's family is very famous in the village, because the roads are not so wide, and they drive slowly when they are approaching. When they meet people in the village on the road, they will greet Guo Qifan.

Soon I finally saw Guo Qifan's house. I saw a middle-aged woman standing at the door, stretching her neck in the direction of the intersection. This person was Guo Qifan's mother.

When the car stopped in front of the door, Jiang Liucheng got out of the car, and Guo's mother walked directly over Guo Qifan to Jiang Liucheng.

"Xiaocheng, you're finally back. You haven't seen each other for more than a year. Why do you look thinner?"

Before Jiang Liucheng could respond, his own son protested: "Mom, can you ignore me when I stand in front of you, and you haven't seen each other for more than a year. Ever since Lao Cheng became a star, You occupy the TV and computer at home every day, and you don’t know how much information about Old Orange has been swiped.”

Guo's mother rolled his eyes at him: "Are you itchy?"

Jiang Liucheng smiled and said, "Aunt Guo, it's been a long time since you've seen him. You seem to be getting younger."

Guo's mother was coaxed into a smile, and only then did she see Qin Lu who got out of the car.

Qin Lu is tall, standing upright, and has an excellent temperament, which makes people want to ignore him. Almost the moment he came down, Mother Guo noticed.

The man wore a three-piece suit inside and a huge black windbreaker on the outside. He looked very temperamental, like the kind of boss of a big company who sat in the office and pointed the country. He was not the same type of person as Jiang Liucheng and Guo Qifan.

When Jiang Liucheng was about to come back, Guo Qifan told his mother that he was not coming back alone this time, and he also brought his boyfriend.

When she heard that Jiang Liucheng was dating a man, she, like many elders in the family, her first reaction was no, and she even thought about it. However, after seeing them, I would like to persuade them to think again.

But seeing Qin Lu's excellent appearance and powerful aura, Guo's mother was a little stunned.

"Aunt Guo, this is my fiance Qin Lu." Jiang Liucheng introduced.

It was the first time that Qin Lu heard him say the word fiancé. He was shocked for a moment, and after reacting, he said to Guo's mother, "Hello, Auntie, I often hear Orange talk about you."

Seeing that the man was so polite, Guo's mother also put away her eyes, "Okay, it's cold outside, everyone stop talking at the door, let's go first."

There is no heating in the countryside, but the hot air conditioner is turned on in the house. Usually, Guo's mother is reluctant to turn it on, but today when the children came back, they were afraid that they would freeze, so she kept it on since the morning.

Guo's mother was very enthusiastic to leave Jiang Liucheng and Qin Lu to eat at home, but Jiang Liucheng did not refuse, because it was useless to refuse, Aunt Guo must have bought both the vegetables and meat in advance.

After eating, they planned to go back, but were left behind by Guo's mother, during which she deliberately took Jiang Liucheng and Guo Qifan away and asked them to go out and buy something for her.

It was already half an hour after the two returned from shopping.

Mother Guo saw that it was getting late, so she let them go back.

On the way back, Jiang Liucheng asked Qin Lu, "What did Aunt Guo tell you?"

Qin Lu smiled and said, "See it?"

Jiang Liucheng said: "After my grandfather passed away, she was afraid that I would not live well by myself, so she often asked Guo Qifan to come and play with me, so that she could justifiably call me to go to their house for dinner, she was the best to me except for grandpa. people."

Qin Lu put his hand in the palm of his hand and played with it: "in her heart, you are her son. After you went out, she asked me a lot of questions as if she cared about her son's marriage, afraid that I would treat you badly, and said if If I'm not serious, don't hurt you, I promise her that I will never hurt you in this life, I will only be good to you alone, so she can rest assured."

Qin Lu added: "To be honest, I am very fortunate to have such a person in your life."

Jiang Liucheng held his hand instead: "I also think I'm very lucky."

The Jiang family's old house was full of dust because it had not been cleaned for a year.

The two can only simply clean out a room where they can sleep first, and wait for the rest to be done when they are free.

The next morning, a ray of sunlight dappled through the window and fell beside the bed.

Jiang Liucheng opened his eyes first, and before he could get used to the harsh sunlight, Qin Lu also woke up.

Jiang Liucheng found that the pillow under her head was not the pillow, but Qin Lu's arm, and quickly got up.

Qin Lu tried to raise his hand and found that his arm was numb.

"Is the arm numb?" Jiang Liucheng noticed his slightly wrinkled expression.

Qin Lu snorted, "It's been too long and the blood won't flow, just wait for a while."

Jiang Liucheng knelt down beside him, pinched his arm, and after a while: "How do you feel now?"

Qin Lu shook his arm, "I feel much better. I slept a little late last night. Would you like to sleep a little longer? It seems to be very early now."

Jiang Liucheng shook his head, got up and got out of bed: "We still have to prepare things for the tomb sweeping, and we have to go up the mountain at that time, and we have to walk for a while, and the mountain road is not easy to walk, so we have to sweep the tomb as early as possible, and the mountain road is even worse when it is late. Go, it's still winter, the sun goes down earlier."

An hour later, Qin Lu was carrying a basket that was incompatible with his identity, and he was wearing a pair of boots for walking on the mountain road. If it weren't for his outstanding temperament, he couldn't hide it. This equipment can be said to be nondescript.

"It rained two days ago, and it must be very wet on the mountain now. If you don't wear boots, you may not be able to walk halfway through the shoes. These shoes were worn by my grandfather before. Fortunately, your feet are the same size as my grandfather."

Jiang Liucheng was worried that Qin Lu wouldn't be able to wear grandpa's boots, but he didn't expect them to be just right, so he didn't need to borrow them from others.

In order to facilitate the mountain road, Qin Lu also changed out of the suit he was wearing yesterday. Inside was a pair of trousers and a sweater, which looked more refreshing, like a young man full of energy.

Then the two went up the mountain.

The mountain road is really difficult to walk. Qin Lu has also been to some rough terrains when filming before, but the crew considered the issue of safety and did not choose a particularly difficult road.

Since there are not many people walking on this mountain road leading to the goal every year, everyone only goes to the graves, so the road is overgrown with weeds.

But after walking for ten minutes, Qin Lu found that his clothes were soiled.

If Jiang Liucheng hadn't bought him a pair of long boots, the shoes under his feet might not have been able to walk because of a thick layer of mud.

On the mountain road after the rain, there are some potholes and a small pond piled up everywhere, and you may step on it if you are not careful.

Jiang Liucheng looked back and saw that he stepped on it several times, and said, "You follow the route I took. Some small puddles are covered with grass, and it is difficult to see with the naked eye."

Qin Lu also saw that he didn't try to be brave, and then followed his route, but he didn't step on the puddles again.

The distance to the tomb is not particularly far, but because it is on a mountain, and the recent mountain road is not easy to walk, it originally only took half an hour to walk, but it took more than an hour.

This is relatively fast. Jiang Liucheng deliberately chose a slightly easier way to walk. If it is a road in other directions, it will take longer.

When he arrived at the destination, Qin Lu saw a tombstone. The weeds around it had been removed, and there were marks scratched by a sickle. It seemed that someone had come to mow the grass on the tomb not long ago.

"When I have money, I will ask people to come here regularly to remove weeds." Jiang Liucheng explained, putting down the basket in his hand.

Qin Lu put the basket in front of the tombstone, with some yellow paper and candles in it, which Aunt Guo helped prepare in advance. The orange in Jiang Liucheng's hand was some food. He took it out and put it in front of the tombstone. Once set.

"Is this a custom in your village?" Qin Lu had never seen such a worship to a deceased person. In a big city, relatives would bring a bouquet of flowers to worship, let alone burning paper money.

"The more remote the place is, the more particular it is. We have done a good job here, and there are not many customs left."

As Jiang Liucheng said, he lit a candle, lit a few more incense sticks, and then distributed three sticks to Qin Lu. After bowing, they placed them on the small mound in front of the tombstone.

It was the first time that Qin Lu did this kind of thing, and he was a little unfamiliar.

After doing all this, Jiang Liucheng introduced Qin Lu to grandpa, "Grandpa, I have found another partner who I want to live with, his name is Qin Lu, I don't know if you will be angry, although he is a man, I am If I really want to marry him, apart from him, no accident, there will be no second one in this life."

Qin Lu raised his brows, "There will never be an accident. I will be bound to you in this life. Don't scare Grandpa. Since I inherited his mantle, I have an obligation to take care of you and love you for the rest of my life."

Jiang Liucheng smiled and said, "What mantle did you inherit from grandpa?"

Qin Lu stretched out a leg, and Jiang Liucheng followed his leg to see the boots on his feet. He said, "I am the most suitable person for these boots, and they have been passed down to me."

Jiang Liucheng couldn't help laughing, "How can a pair of boots be called an heirloom by you?"

Qin Lu thought about it and thought it was okay, "Heirlooms are not impossible. In the future, when our descendants have someone they like, I will pass this pair of boots to him."

Jiang Liucheng: "Our descendants?"

Qin Lu: "Although we won't have one, we can adopt one. There are many children in the Long family, and not every one can get the attention of the main family. You can choose at that time, if you like children."

Jiang Liucheng: "You should be picking the goods."

Qin Lu: "I said so."

The two chatted casually. Seeing that the candles were about to burn out, Jiang Liucheng burned the paper money, poured water on it after burning, and then packed up with Qin Lu and went down the mountain.

Back in the village, Jiang Liucheng returned the basket to Aunt Guo, and seeing that it was still early, she took Qin Lu around.

Xinghua Village is where he has lived for more than ten years, and many places have left his and Guo Qifan's footprints.

Jiang Liucheng took him to an apricot tree, "This apricot tree is the oldest tree in our village, and it would bear fruit when we were young. At that time, Guo Qifan and I often climbed up to pick apricots, and it was still on it later. Engraved."

He turned around and found the words engraved by the two in a corner.

"The goal is Q big?" Qin Lu read out the words above.

"Guo Qifan didn't study well at the time. Later, in order to take the Q major test with me, he set a goal. I would also give him supplementary classes every night. Although he was born with deficiencies, it was fortunate that he made up for it the day after tomorrow. In the end, Guo Qifan was admitted by one point. At that time, the two of us were the only two students in Xinghua Village who could go to Q University. The village committee was very happy. They even pulled a banner at the entrance and exit of the village to celebrate, and gave Guo Qifan and me a bonus as a reward. Guo Qifan was also proud of it. a long time."

"how about you?"

"Me?" Jiang Liucheng thought for a while, "I've been good at studying since I was a child. People in the village thought I would definitely pass the exam. Later, I was recommended and didn't take the test. However, when I helped Guo Qifan with tutoring, I also gave some Although they didn't do well in the exams like Guo Qifan, they all went to a pretty good school, and everyone is very grateful to me."

It is precisely because of his experience in helping others make up lessons that after he went to college, he often found time to be a tutor, which was also easy.

Qin Lu praised: "I didn't expect my fiance to be so powerful before."

Jiang Liucheng smiled modestly, "Low-key."

The two walked a lot and didn't go home until the sun was about to go down.

They didn't plan to stay in Xinghua Village for too long, and they were ready to go back on the third day.

On the one hand, Qin Lu had to deal with the work of the Qin Group, on the other hand, Jiang Liucheng had to go back to work.

Mother Guo knew that they were busy, so she bought a lot of specialties for them to take away, and then woke Guo Qifan, who was still sleeping in bed, and took them to the airport.

Jiang Liucheng was used to Aunt Guo's concern, so she did not reject the souvenirs she gave.

After saying goodbye to Aunt Guo, they set out on their way back.

The plane crossed the sky, leaving a long cloud of arrows in the sky.

After returning to Yunshi, Qin Lu didn't even have time to rest, so he continued to go back to work. After several strikes, he finally cleared Qin Dong and Qin Hao from the group. I heard that Qin Dong came to their place to make trouble, but because of dragon The lady had instructed before that Dong Qin was not allowed in the community, so they were chased away by the security guards of the community without seeing Dong Qin's face.

When Qin Lu was busy, Jiang Liucheng was not idle either, and followed his manager to participate in several promotional activities of the Paradise crew.

Due to the very strong propaganda momentum of Movie Paradise, it blocks the light of other New Year's films to just a trace, and may not have an advantage in the arrangement of films.

There have been some bad comments on the Internet recently, and there are always people breaking the news that Qin Lu and Jiang Liucheng are dating.

However, because there is no evidence, and this kind of information has been mentioned before, everyone has long been surprised, but CP fans will keep urging the people who broke the news to show them photos, oh no, show them the evidence .

Over time, netizens take every revelation as a joke, and sometimes turn around to say the person who made the revelation, saying that they don't know how to replace old wine with new wine, and there is nothing new at all.

In the blink of an eye, the day has come.

The agent saw the time and brought his assistant to the villa to pick him up in the afternoon.

As a result, no one saw it, but was told that Jiang Liucheng had gone out at noon and was picked up.

Li Qiu was stunned, "Who took it away?"

The servant said, "Of course it was picked up by our young master."

Li Qiu hurriedly called Jiang Liucheng.

Qin Lu went out in the morning, but came back in less than three hours, saying that he wanted to take Jiang Liucheng to a place. Seeing that there was still more than half of the afternoon before the screening time, Jiang Liucheng thought it was not a big deal, so he followed Qin Lu.

Who knew that when he found out that something was wrong, they had already arrived at the airport, and they were still taking a private jet.

When he received Li Qiu's call, Jiang Liucheng had already boarded the private plane and was about to take off.

"Liucheng, where are you?" As soon as the call was connected, Li Qiu's anxious voice came over.

"on the airplane."

"Did you forget the screening you were going to attend at night on some plane? You still have to do modeling. It takes a lot of time to do modeling. If it's not a very important thing, can you do it later?"

"I'm afraid not."


"I'm going abroad to get married."

Li Qiu's breathing stopped, and it took a long while to react, "What? You are going abroad to get married! So suddenly?"

"It's quite sudden. I just found out. I didn't expect Qin Lu and Long's mother to move so fast, but anyway, sooner or later they are going to get married. If you don't go now, you might miss the time, so I can't go to the screening, you help me Tell Director Cheng, and I'll go there next time you need publicity."

Li Qiu did not expect that Jiang Liucheng would marry herself into a wealthy family within two years of being in the circle, and she was still the top one. You must know how many female stars in the entertainment circle and dream of marrying into a wealthy family. Which one is not? Careful, step by step, he is still a man, just married in like this?

There is another thing that Li Qiu finds incredible. Jiang Liucheng's tone doesn't sound like a bit of ecstasy. There is even a feeling that I'm going to get married and come back soon.

"Are you happy?"

Jiang Liucheng was a little puzzled why Li Qiu asked, "I'm happy."

Li Qiu: "Your tone doesn't sound like it at all."

Jiang Liucheng snorted: "Maybe I'm already happy, but I'm actually more anxious than happy."

Qin Lu, who was communicating with Ms. Long on the phone opposite, suddenly stopped.

Jiang Liucheng didn't find out, what was asked over there, he explained: "After all, this is the first time I get married, and I will no longer be alone in the future. There is one more person in my life that I need to care about, and I have to take care of it. Running our marriage and family, I'm not sure I can be the best, so there will be a little pressure, but I'll try to be the best."

After listening to his words, Li Qiu suddenly felt that his worries were completely unnecessary. He was happy that the other party married into a wealthy family, and the other party had already begun to imagine the life after marriage.

After all, marriage is a big event, and Li Qiu has no reason to stop others. Dian Ying said that it is important, but it is not important.

Originally, I went to participate in order to let him know more contacts, but now he is going to become a man of the top wealthy family, what kind of network is this!

Jiang Liucheng hung up the phone.

Qin Lu also told Ms. Long to talk later, put down the phone, stared at him, and said with a sigh, "You don't have to worry, it's me who should worry, I'm afraid that I won't be able to meet your expectations and become a The perfect husband you imagined in your heart, what if you are disappointed in the future."

Jiang Liucheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, the standard of husband I envisioned in my heart is what you look like, what you look like, what it looks like."

Qin Lu bit the tip of his tongue, and was teased by the young man's sweet words.

Emperor Qin thought for a while, and finally concluded four words.

"me too."

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