MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 83

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When Qin Lu arrived at the red bar, it was at the peak of the bar's traffic.

As soon as he entered, all kinds of noisy sounds penetrated through the eardrums, and there were even crowds of people, which made him feel regretful and wanted to turn around and leave.

Zhou Beiwang seemed to know what he was thinking, he came out to pick him up before he left, and took him to the reserved booth.

The booth is located in the public area, because Zhou Beiwang felt that since he came to the bar, there must be an atmosphere, and it is better to go home to drink in the box.

In addition to Qin Lu, he also made an appointment with Dou Binbin and Tao Ding.

One just came back from abroad and the other just came back from a business trip.

The two did not expect that Zhou Beiwang really called Qin Lu out, especially the former, who stood up excitedly.

"Male God!"

Qin Lu asked him to nod, and found an empty seat to sit down.

Zhou Beiwang poured him a glass of red wine, "Didn't you say you were going to see your partner, why did you suddenly come out for a drink?"

Qin Lu drank the red wine in one gulp, "I just wanted to drink some wine all of a sudden."

As a friend from childhood to adulthood, Zhou Beiwang couldn't see where he had something on his mind.

"Male God, Lao Zhou said that you are dating Mr. Jiang, is this true?"

Dou Binbin couldn't control his strong desire to gossip. As Qin Lu's most loyal fan, Zhou Beiwang didn't believe it when he first told him, but he also knew that the other party would not aim at nothing.

Qin Lu put the cup on the table, gently pulled his bow tie, his voice was slightly dull because of drinking, "Well, really."

Confirmed by the idol himself, Dou Binbin didn't know what to do for a while. Should he be sad that his idol has an object, or should he be sad that the idol's object is a man. If it breaks out in the future, it will definitely be detrimental to the idol, but the male **** has retired. Circled, it seems that even if it explodes, it will not have much impact.

"I told you it's true, but you still don't believe it." Zhou Beiwang raised Erlang's legs.

Dou Binbin sucked his nose, "You can only believe half of what you say, it's not like you haven't lied to me, you lied to me back then that the male **** was going to make a movie in a certain town, if I hadn't run to the site ahead of time, I wouldn't have I know you're lying to me."

Zhou Beiwang said speechlessly, "You're just an illegitimate meal."

Dou Binbin immediately explained: "Just because I go to the spot does not mean that I will disturb the male god's filming, I can't take a look from a distance!"

Tao Ding started arguing when he saw the two of them talking. He was speechless for a while. He looked at Qin Lu who was going to get a red wine bottle, took the initiative to pour him a glass, and then picked up his own glass.

"I have to call President Qin in the future, congratulations to President Qin."

Qin Lu smiled and toasted with him: "Thanks."

Although today's meeting is an internal issue of Qin's group, many people have already received news that Qin Lu intends to attack the people of Qin Dong's faction.

When he clears all the people of Qin Dong's faction out of the Qin Group, the entire Qin Group will be the one word of Qin Lu in the future.

After Zhou Beiwang and Dou Binbin finished talking, they moved to sit next to Qin Lu, "You haven't answered my question just now, so you didn't quarrel with him, did you?"

Qin Lu glanced at him as soon as he finished speaking, "It's impossible for me and Cheng Cheng to quarrel, don't talk nonsense."

"Then what are you bothering about?"

Qin Lu was silent for two seconds, "It's not annoying, just a little worried."

Zhou Beiwang: "Huh? The dignified actor Qin, the chairman of Qin's Group, shouldn't be strategizing, what else is there to worry about?"

Qin Lu still expressed his thoughts, "In the past, there were many girls who liked him. He went on a blind date after graduation, and the objects were also girls. Now there are still many girls who like him. Rejected, I asked him why he never thought about being with senior, he said he didn't like long-distance relationships, and he didn't seem to like long-distance relationships either."

Zhou Beiwang understood as soon as he heard it, "Are you worried that he used to be heterosexual, but he actually liked girls, maybe because he wanted to get married on a whim, or because he didn't know whether he liked men or women, for fear that he would regret it later?"

Qin Lu responded, "I'm not worried about whether he will like those people."

Zhou Beiwang: "I know, you trust him, but you're worried that he hasn't figured out what he's thinking."

Qin Lu said in a deep voice, "I went to the community to look for him after get off work, and I happened to see a woman standing in front of him. That woman is probably the senior sister from yesterday."

Zhou Beiwang laughed suddenly, leaned on the sofa, picked up a glass of wine and said, "I didn't expect you to be so entangled, haven't you always been decisive, since you have doubts in your heart, you might as well ask him directly, rather than yourself here. It's okay to struggle for a long time."

After he finished speaking, he tutted twice.

"No wonder everyone says that falling in love can make people's IQ drop. I didn't believe it before, and seeing you do the same, I finally believe it now."

"Yeah, male god, if you have any doubts, just ask Mr. Jiang to clarify." Dou Binbin saw that the male **** seemed to worry about gains and losses, and was a little uncomfortable.

"That's right." Tao Ding also echoed, "Dating in love is a fan of the authorities, so just talk about it."

Qin Lu drank the wine in his glass. He originally had this plan, but he was just thinking about it, which made him feel a little bored for a while. Just as Zhou Beiwang asked him to drink again, he came over.

Putting the cup on the table, Qin Lu reached for the phone in his pocket.

Just then, the phone rang first.

Qin Lu took out his mobile phone, Zhou Beiwang glanced at it, and saw that the caller was Jiang Liucheng.

"You guys are still playing with me." Zhou Beiwang said sourly, it was obvious that his former blind date was 'robbed' by a friend, and as a result, he had to help enlighten him, and now he has to eat another wave of dog food.

As soon as the phone was connected, the noisy voice from the bar reached Jiang Liucheng's ears.

"Huh? Are you in a bar?"

Qin Lu drank a lot of wine, and the spirit of the wine came up a little. He rubbed his eyebrows and turned his voice up to hear the youth's voice.

"Zhou Beiwang asked me out for a drink, and just came over after get off work."

Seemingly hearing a bit of discomfort in his voice, Jiang Liucheng asked, "Which bar are you in?"

"Red bar." Qin Lu asked after replying, "Are you coming over?"

"Well, I'll go now, you wait for me for half an hour."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Jiang Liucheng was brought in by Zhou Beiwang, who was sent to pick him up.

"I really convinced you two. If you two come over, I have to go out and pick them up one by one. Am I a servant?"

Jiang Liucheng walked to Qin Lu's side, unable to see his face under the dim light of the bar, but seeing that the bottle in front of him had drank two-thirds, he knew that he had drank a lot.

"Why do you drink so much alcohol all of a sudden?"

Jiang Liucheng sat down beside him, "Is there a lot of pressure recently?"

Qin Lu glanced at the three of Zhou Beiwang, Zhou Beiwang raised his hands, got up and squeezed with Dou Binbin and the others.

Qin Lu leaned on the sofa, his slender arms passed behind Jiang Liucheng's neck, and his head tilted slightly towards Jiang Liucheng, as if leaning on his shoulders.

"Well, it's been a bit stressful recently."

Jiang Liucheng thought that the pressure he was talking about was the company's business. He knew that Qin Lu had just taken over the Qin Group, and the Qin Group was such a big company that it was not easy for him to carry it alone. "It doesn't matter if you don't do well, take your time. ,everything will be fine."

Qin Lu knew that he had misunderstood, but he didn't explain, but said frankly: "Actually, I just got off work to look for you, and I wanted to take a look at you, but I happened to see you downstairs, and a woman was talking to you, that person Who is it? Is it your previous blind date?"

"Why didn't you tell me when you came here?" Jiang Liucheng looked surprised, "That person is not my previous blind date, she is the sister Fan who I mentioned yesterday."

Qin Lu felt a little sour, but it was really that Fan Xuejie, "How did she know that you live in Siming Community? It's a chance encounter again?"

Jiang Liucheng: "I called you just to talk about this. It was Lao Zheng who told her that she was going to go back to China for development and wanted to rent a house in Yunshi. She asked Lao Zheng and Lao Zheng gave it to her. Recommended Siming Community.”

Qin Lu gritted his back teeth. This man was really messing around in secret, and he actually recruited someone to Siming Community, "And then you just met at the gate of the community?"

"Yes, I came down to throw the garbage, and when she saw her getting out of the taxi, she recognized me and asked me to help lead the way. It's not easy to refuse such a trivial matter, so I agreed."

Qin Lu hesitated for a second and said, "She does look pretty and intellectual. You didn't like girls before, so you're really not tempted at all?"

Jiang Liucheng met his gaze, "It has nothing to do with me whether she is beautiful or not, I have you, no matter how beautiful a girl is, I can't be tempted, then I won't become a scumbag, you suddenly come to the bar to drink Could that be the reason?"

Qin Lu's eyes flickered.

Jiang Liucheng understood: "You said that you have been stressed recently because of this?"

Qin Lu saw that he had guessed it, so he no longer denied it, and frankly stated his psychological thoughts: "There is one thing, you used to have blind dates with women. I soon feel that it is not suitable, and now with me, I am afraid that you will regret it later and find that you still don't like men."

"Your worries are justified." Jiang Liucheng nodded, "I'm really not sure if I like men or not."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Lu's heart felt a little bit grabbed, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"But I'm pretty sure I like you."

Before the bitter taste of that emotion spread from his mouth, Qin Lu was stunned.

Jiang Liucheng thought he didn't hear it. After all, the bar was too noisy, so she leaned into his ear and repeated: "I said, I'm sure I like you, did you hear it this time?"

Qin Lu nodded, the taste in his mouth suddenly turned sweet.

There's a type of people who really don't like men, but when they meet the right man, the gender issue is no longer an issue.

"You mean, you only like me, not other men."

Qin Lu asked again.

Jiang Liucheng nodded without hesitation.

Qin Lu said: "including Cheng Qinghua and Zhou Beiwang, don't you like it?"

Jiang Liucheng replied, "I don't like it."

Zhou Beiwang, who was watching from a table eating melons, didn't expect that he would eat himself when he was eating, and it took a long while to utter a dirty word.


What the **** did he do? Knowing this guy Qin Lu, he wouldn't call anyone out to drink and drink, and he would be a road leader and enlightenment all night, and he would be attacked when he was finished.

Dou Binbin and Tao Ding next to him turned their heads to other places with laughter, lest Zhou Beiwang mistake them for rubbing salt on his wound.

Read The Duke's Passion