MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 8

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The bottom-level movie also tells a bottom-level story, because it touched the hearts of many people. Later, when it became popular, the director was also picked up by people inside and out.

Anyone who has seen this movie knows that the director at the bottom is a man.

Jiang Liucheng said, "Well, it's a man."

Guo Qifan didn't understand yet: "What happened to the man?"

Zheng Kailin's expression was indescribable, "Liu Cheng's blind date, but how could it be?"

Guo Qifan's expression froze: "Fuck me."

He followed his neck and looked at Jiang Liucheng, "Is your blind date a man? Are you dating the director at the bottom?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "Yes."

Guo Qifan was dumbfounded, "No way, I just said something casually at the beginning."

Jiang Liucheng: "I think what you said makes sense."

Guo Qifan: "…"

Can I wear it back then and gag my mouth?

Zheng Kailin heard their conversation, obviously there was something he didn't know: "What do you mean?"

Guo Qifan shrank his neck and dared not speak.

Jiang Liucheng said very thoughtfully: "I have been unsuccessful in blind dates all year, and Lao Guo thinks that there may be a problem with the gender of the blind date. He said that it may be easier to succeed on a blind date with a man. Although I have not tried it, it also makes sense. , so I decided to give it a try and let the matchmaker introduce me to male blind dates."

Zheng Kailin: "…"

Guo Qifan: "…"

Zheng Kailin took a deep breath, "Guo Qifan!"

Guo Qifan jumped back a few steps in an instant, "I just said it casually at the time, and I told him that I was joking, who knows he really took it seriously."

Jiang Liucheng said to Zheng Kailin, "Don't scare Lao Guo, he kindly suggested it because I had been unsuccessful in blind dates."

Guo Qifan: "…"

I'm not, I'm not you, don't talk nonsense, I'm really just talking.

Zheng Kailin took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Liucheng, his expression became serious and serious: "Men and men are not as simple as you think, they have to face a lot of pressure, from all aspects, they may not be happy, you don't want a happy and warm family?"

Jiang Liucheng: "Men and women may not be happy when they are together."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and everyone seemed to think of Jiang Liucheng's parents.

After a long while, Zheng Kailin broke the strange atmosphere.

"Have you considered?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "I made the decision after thinking."

Zheng Kailin thought to himself, the Jiang Liucheng he knew was not an impulsive person, and he made any decisions after careful consideration.

Once he decides to do something, no one else can persuade him to change his decision. Since he has said it, it shows that he is mentally prepared.

"Then do you understand the relationship between men and men?" Zheng Kailin stared at Jiang Liucheng and asked, "How do you feel about this blind date, don't you feel a little awkward?"

"It feels pretty good." Jiang Liucheng said as he walked inside, he didn't want to keep talking at the door.

The two also followed him to the living room.

"I won't feel awkward, I think people are pretty good, and their professional knowledge is really strong."

Introduce him to work.

"Then you don't have a common topic." Guo Qifan said subconsciously.

Jiang Liucheng also agrees with this point: "Yes, when I have a blind date with him, I feel more comfortable with a blind date with a girl."

Guo Qifan closed his mouth again when he heard this. He felt that it was his fault, and accidentally opened the door to a new world for Old Orange.

Zheng Kailin suddenly grabbed Guo Qifan's back collar, smiled and said to Jiang Liucheng, "Let's have dinner with you at noon, and Lao Guo and I will go out to buy vegetables and meat."

Jiang Liucheng: "Okay, let's celebrate my first blind date with a man."

Zheng Kailin seemed to be choked for a moment, he didn't speak any more, and went out with Guo Qifan.

After returning, Guo Qifan looked a little sluggish.

Jiang Liucheng pretended not to see it.

After eating, Zheng Kailin left without staying here for long.

Jiang Liucheng returned to the house, Cheng Qinghua had just sent him a message saying that the script of the new movie had been sent to his mailbox, but he had to take a look and read it a few times before the movie started to familiarize himself with his character. As for the other information It was revealed that he did not ask much.

Jiang Liucheng turned on his computer, downloaded the script, and printed it out. He likes to read paper books, as well as the script. Fortunately, Cheng Qinghua's script is not very thick.

The printer was spitting out the printed paper, and Guo Qifan, who was slowing down, appeared at the door of his room, knocked on the door, and then leaned against the door and stared at him with a sad face.

"Old Orange, I found that you have changed."

Jiang Liucheng didn't look back: "What have I changed?"

Guo Qifan: "When I was in school before, it wasn't that no men confessed to you, and I didn't see you talking like that."

When the last one was printed, Jiang Liucheng picked up all the paper, looked at it and said, "What did I say?"

Guo Qifan said aggrievedly: "What I kindly suggest, and the words of celebrating your blind date with a man, I always feel that you are hurting me."

Only then did Jiang Liucheng look up at him, "Then treat me as hurting you."

Guo Qifan was heartbroken: "No, you don't even want to comfort me now? Just because after living together, you don't cherish me anymore?"

Jiang Liucheng: "What you said..."

Before he finished speaking, Guo Qifan suddenly reached out his hand to stop him, "Don't talk, I don't want to hear it."

Jiang Liucheng's tone softened, "You really don't want to hear it?"

Guo Qifan hesitated for a while when he heard the words, just listen to him when he wanted to say it, he suddenly met his smiling eyes, instantly awake, his head involuntarily knocked on the door, "Since you became an actor, you have become more If it is broken, it will deceive people.”

Jiang Liucheng laughed, "What a lie, I'm just adjusting my emotions appropriately. This is the basic cultivation of an actor."

Only then did Guo Qifan notice what he was holding, "What? Printing such thick paper."

Jiang Liucheng: "This is Director Cheng's new movie script. He asked me to read it a few times to familiarize myself with his character and this story."

Guo Qifan was on the verge of hearing it. The bottom layer was really good. When he watched it, he was full of praise for the director of the movie, and naturally he was looking forward to his next movie.

However, he knew that Liu Cheng would not let him watch it. After the actor received the role, he usually kept the content of the script secret, so as not to leak it before filming started.

"Then I won't disturb you, you continue to watch."

Jiang Liucheng responded and continued to read the script in his hand.

By the time he finished it, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

Before he knew it, he finished watching it, and didn't even notice the passage of time.

It's immersive, and it's definitely a good script.

Jiang Liucheng's dramas in the past year are either hot topics or fast food web dramas. This is the first time he has received such an in-depth role, so he couldn't help but write a small essay.

He also thought about writing short essays for the characters he played before, but those roles had nothing to analyze, so the essays never came in handy.

After writing the essay, he would print it out and put it in the script.

The next morning, Jiang Liucheng went downstairs to buy breakfast.

When I went upstairs, the phone in my pocket rang.

He took it out and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

Usually, he never answers unfamiliar numbers, but he has met a lot of people recently, and he doesn't save his mobile phone number.

"Haven't gotten up yet?" A magnetic man's voice came from the phone, entering Jiang Liucheng's ears through radio waves, with a slight tingling sensation.

Jiang Liucheng took the phone away subconsciously, "It's already up and ready to eat breakfast, why did Mr. Qin suddenly call me?"

Qin Lu: "Then call me after you finish eating."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone first.

Jiang Liucheng thought about whether there was something important, so he solved the breakfast in two or three times.

Call back in five minutes.

Qin Lu answered quickly, "Cheng Qinghua introduced you to the role of Heaven?"

Heaven is the movie script Jiang Liucheng watched last night. This is the name of the movie.

Jiang Liucheng: "Yes, Director Cheng said that he felt that there was a role suitable for me, so he invited me to try it out."

Qin Lu didn't see Jiang Liucheng's drama, and didn't know how well he acted, so he doubted whether Cheng Qinghua had another purpose, but with his knowledge of Cheng Qinghua, the other party would not joke about his movie, it was still so important The role, I must really think he is suitable.

"I see."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, as if it was just to determine the role.

The matchmaker introduced earlier also had a similar 'return visit', but Jiang Liucheng didn't think much about it, thinking it was the same.

A few days later, Cheng Qinghua called him.

Cheng Qinghua came to inform him of the filming time of the movie, saying that the male lead had been determined, and the crew had prepared it before, but they were just waiting for the male lead.

"The movie starts in a week. Your character has a certain amount of weight. Remember to come. By the way, do you have an agent?"

"It seems there is."

Cheng Qinghua just wanted to say that it seems like some kind of ghost, usually there is, and remembered that his company is that Zhou Sheng Entertainment.

As if aware of his thoughts, Jiang Liucheng continued, "Don't worry, Director Cheng, I will handle this matter well and I won't cause you any trouble. I will tell you from the company."

"Okay, I will send you an electronic file of the contract first, and you can take it to your company to see."

In fact, Jiang Liucheng hasn't been to Zhou Sheng Entertainment for a while. Except for the small supporting role he gave last time, who could finish in half a day, his agent also hasn't contacted him for a while.

Soon he received the electronic contract from Cheng Qinghua, Jiang Liucheng printed out a copy of the contract, and then called his agent.

"Are you free, come out and talk."

Li Qiu was surprised when he received his call. Because of the hidden matter, he never knew how to face him.

At the beginning, he also protested to the company, but later found that the company ignored him at all, and gradually became discouraged.

The two casually made an appointment to meet.

They made an appointment in a coffee shop. When Jiang Liucheng came, Li Qiu also came over and saw a relaxed smile on his face.

"I knew you would arrive early, and I went out ten minutes earlier, just in time."

Jiang Liucheng didn't like to greet people very much. After sitting down, he directly handed over the contract that Director Cheng sent him, "I took a role, and this is the contract they gave me."

Li Qiu took over the contract with a dumbfounded face, wondering when Jiang Liucheng would actually take over the role by himself. When he saw the company name on the contract and the director's name on the side, he slammed out of his seat. stand up.

The chair rubbed against the smooth floor with a screeching sound.

"I've read the contract, and there's no problem. In addition to reporting to you, I have another problem."

Li Qiu hasn't recovered yet, but subconsciously asked, "What's the problem?"

"I want to terminate the contract with the company, do you want to come with me?"