MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 58

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Jian Qiao stood up in surprise, looked at the person who came, and her expression was a little surprised, "Brother Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Lu paused. He didn't know that Jiang Liucheng also invited Jian Qiao, "Why are you here?"

Jian Qiao said, "Liu Cheng invited me to dinner."

Qin Lu noticed that his name for Jiang Liucheng had changed. He used to be Mr. Jiang, but now it has become Liucheng, which sounds like a lot closer.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Liucheng remembered that he forgot to tell him that Jian Qiao was coming, and explained: "Screenwriter Jian said that the seafood in this seafood porridge is very fresh and delicious. He invited me to have a barbecue before. I'll invite him this time."

Qin Lu nodded, and when he was seated, Jian Qiao was about to get up and pulled out a chair next to her.

Qin Lu walked over to Jiang Liucheng and sat down.

"Since everyone has arrived, let's start ordering. The seafood here is ordered by the guests themselves." Jian Qiao sat back naturally, looked at Qin Lu and asked, "Brother Qin, what kind of seafood do you like to eat? "

Jiang Liucheng got up: "I'll order with you, I know what seafood he likes to eat."

Qin Lu's mood suddenly improved.

Jian Qiao glanced at Qin Lu, who had tacitly said nothing, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, the two came back after ordering the seafood. While waiting for the seafood porridge to be served, Jian Qiao kept chatting with Jiang Liucheng. Many of the conversations were about the scenes he was going to shoot in the next few days.

Qin Lu only said a few words occasionally, and then lowered his head and used his mobile phone to reply to others.

Cheng Qinghua asked him when he would come back and asked him to give him some time so that he could prepare the set for tonight's scene.

In fact, Qin Lu has filming all day today, because it has entered the late stage, and the crew has become more busy.

His recent scenes are also very full. In order to come out to eat this meal, he asked Cheng Qinghua to film other people's scenes first, and temporarily pushed his scenes back.

Half an hour later, the seafood porridge they ordered was served, and the hot aroma instantly filled the entire private room, exciting everyone's index fingers.

"I didn't lie to you." Jian Qiao said with a smile, "the seafood porridge in this shop is really fresh, even better than those in high-end restaurants."

Jiang Liucheng nodded, and he looked at Qin Lu, "Is it delicious?"

Qin Lu wiped his mouth after eating a bowl and said, "It's really delicious. We'll eat together next time."

Jiang Liucheng: "Okay."

Jian Qiao paused slightly while holding the spoon. He glanced at Qin Lu and felt that the last sentence seemed to be for himself.

After eating the seafood porridge, the group walked out of the seafood shop, and Qin Lu called Jiang Liucheng over.

"Your role in the manslaughter crew should be almost over, and you can free up the time when you finish filming."

Jiang Liucheng didn't ask why she was free, "You should still be filming that day. I'll go to the crew to find you then."

Qin Lu smiled: "Yes."

After the chat, Jiang Liucheng returned to her nanny car. Jian Qiao saw Qin Lu drive away, "Isn't Brother Qin a little unhappy?"

Jiang Liucheng looked puzzled, "Why is he unhappy?"

Jane Qiao said, "because of me, he may think that only you and your assistant are here for dinner. He doesn't know there is me, so he's a little unhappy? I don't think he said much when he was in the box."

Jiang Liucheng: "He's not that kind of person. If he doesn't speak, it should be Director Cheng looking for him. It has nothing to do with you."

Jian Qiao breathed a sigh of relief: "that's good, I've been worried because of me, I don't want to make my idol unhappy."

Jiang Liucheng was noncommittal.

Back at the hotel of the Mist Killing crew, Jiang Liucheng bid farewell to Jian Qiao and went back to his room.

As soon as the door was closed, Li Qiu called and told him that the specific start time of the online drama had been set.

"The start time is just a week later, on the morning of September 5th. Before that, you should have finished the production in the Mist Killing crew, right?"

"The rest of the scenes can be completed in about three days, and if it's fast, it may be done in two days."

"Even if it is three days, I will arrange another announcement for you in the remaining time. It is a luxury endorsement that the company has negotiated for you. With this endorsement, your worth will also increase a lot."

"I only have time for the last two days. After finishing the project, I have an appointment with Qin Lu."

"It's fine for two days, but you're going to join the group soon, won't you be too tired?"

"No, I'm young."

"…All right."

After Qin Lu returned to the crew, the makeup artist applied and styled him as quickly as possible, and everyone was busy preparing for the next scene.

Several scenes were filmed until after one o'clock in the middle of the night, when the sky suddenly started to drizzle.

Everyone hurriedly stopped work, moved props, and collected equipment.

Cheng Qinghua rubbed Qin Lu's nanny car and went back to the hotel together, "You rarely asked for leave when you were filming. Where did you disappear for a few hours this time?"

Qin Lu didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but suddenly thought of something and said, "Go see my troubled friend."

Cheng Qinghua oohed twice, "Has his current troubles been resolved?"

Qin Lu: "No, now I have more troubles."

Cheng Qinghua: "What do you mean?"

Qin Lu: "the two of them had an appointment to go out for dinner, but his friend asked another friend, and the two had a good conversation at the dinner table."

Cheng Qinghua touched his chin, "You mean that he only made an appointment with you, and later made another appointment?"

Qin Lu didn't change his face: "I'm talking about my friend."

Cheng Qinghua: "Oh yes, I'm wrong, I'm really sorry, every time you say you have a friend, I can't help but think of a friend series. People on the Internet say that a friend usually refers to me."

Qin Lu responded lightly.

Cheng Qinghua was disappointed when he saw that he didn't react at all. He thought he could blow him up. Before he went back, the more he thought about it, the more he felt like there was a series of friends. , it seems that it is really possible that he thinks too much.

This friend should not be Qin Lu. He has known Qin Lu for so many years, and he has never seen a few close friends who can reach this level.

Qin Lu said, "My friend said that he not only had an appointment with him, but also several assistants."

Cheng Qinghua was stunned for a moment, "It turns out that it's not just the three of you, why are there so many people so unhappy about your friend?"

Qin Lu: "Probably feel that my friendship with my friends has been interfered with by a third party."

Cheng Qinghua thought for a while, "There's no way around this, otherwise, let your friends find each other more, meet more often, and chat more, so that your friend's friend doesn't have the heart to think about another friend."

Qin Lu thought for a moment, "This is a good way, I will tell him."

So, at noon the next day, when the crew temporarily stopped work, Qin Lu and Cheng Qinghua said that they had something to go out.

"Where are you going?" This is the second time Qin Lu has left the crew.

"Liucheng is in the Mist Killing crew, I'll go visit." Qin Lu told the truth.

Cheng Qinghua didn't think of the content of yesterday's chat at all, and immediately said, "I want to see him too."

Qin Lu glanced at him, "You can't do it, the crew can't do without you now. If you leave, if the crew doesn't handle something, it's not to delay the progress when you come back."

Cheng Qinghua knew that what he said was reasonable, and looked disappointed: "Okay, I really envy you."

Qin Lu straightened his clothes, "Don't worry, I'll take your greetings with you."

Cheng Qinghua rolled his eyes at him, "Go quickly, go early and return early."

Qin Lu left the crew and got into the car at the door. The two crews were not too far apart, and they arrived in more than 20 minutes.

Jiang Liucheng was changing her look in the dressing room. After the morning scene was filmed, the crew changed another set and needed to use another set of looks.

This level does not put any pressure on Lu Xiaomei. He has a lot of experience. He has communicated with the crew before all the modeling and the time process. When Jiang Liucheng came over, he had everything ready and was very professional.

The more they look at it, the more envious they are. It is good to sign with a big company. A makeup artist is so professional and efficient.

When everyone was busy, there was a sudden noise outside, as if something had happened, and the voice was getting louder and louder.

At this moment, He Yu suddenly ran in, maybe running a little hastily, panting slightly.

"Liucheng, someone seems to be looking for you outside, do you know who it is, you must have no idea!"

Jiang Liucheng was putting on makeup and looked at himself in the mirror without squinting. He thought for a moment. He didn't know many acquaintances in the opening market, and there were not many people who could make you so excited.

"Is it Emperor Qin Yin?"

He Yu looked shocked: "You can guess this, it's the actor Qin, I didn't expect him to come to our crew, I heard that he was filming in the heaven crew, not very far from our crew, I didn't expect him to come to visit you My class, this is Emperor Qin!"

Jiang Liucheng also wanted to go to the Heavenly crew to visit the class, but the day he planned to finish, who knew that Qin Lu would actually be one step ahead of him.

"Sister Lu, please draw faster."

Hearing his slightly anxious tone, Lu Xiaomei smiled: "It can't be fast. If you paint too fast and the makeup on your face is not good enough, the result will not be good, and it will take more time."

Jiang Liucheng: "Okay, then you slow down, I'll just wait."

Miss Lu laughed out loud.

The noise outside became smaller and smaller, but followed by the sound of footsteps.

After a while, Qin Lu's figure appeared at the door of the dressing room.

The noisy dressing room instantly quieted down, and everyone held their breath as they looked at the man at the door.

A tall and handsome figure walked in, dressed in a casual suit, probably the props suit of the crew.

Qin Lu walked behind Jiang Liucheng with a calm pace, and his eyes met him in the mirror. The latter stared at him blankly, until he saw a smile on his face, and he came back to his senses.

"How did you come?"

"Let's see how you are doing in the Mist Killing crew." Qin Lu walked to the side, leaned his back against the dressing table, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at him with a smile.

"I'm fine here, and the crew is fine." Jiang Liucheng raised her head so that Miss Lu could draw her eyeliner better, "Why do you come here when you have time?"

"Noon break." Qin Lu paused. He wanted to say that Cheng Qinghua was coming too, but he felt that there was no need to let him know about this kind of thing, so he simply didn't say it, "You seem to have a good relationship with the actor just now."

Jiang Liucheng thought of He Yu, "He's not bad, he's the first friend I met after joining the group."

Qin Lu recalled He Yu's appearance. He looked average at most, so there should be no problem with this friend.

Qin Lu only stayed for ten minutes and left. Although it was very short, everyone in the crew knew that Jiang Liucheng and Qin Yingdi had a very good relationship. In the next two days, more and more people showed hospitality to Jiang Liucheng. Not a lot.

Sometimes Jiang Liucheng was eating, and suddenly a few people came to him with a boxed lunch. While eating, they also wanted to chat with him. Fortunately, there were only two days left.

On the morning of September 1, the sun was shining brightly. In order to film the last scene, the crew built a shed and dimmed the light and brightness until it was just right.

Jiang Liucheng read out the last line, and with a click from the director, his character finally completed his final mission.

Everyone came over to congratulate him on his completion.

Director Qian stuffed Jiang Liucheng with a red envelope, and said with a smile: "Take it, this is a red envelope to kill the green. Next time, if there is a role that suits you, I will find you."

"Thank you Qian Dao." Jiang Liucheng took the red envelope.

Jian Qiao also came over and said jokingly, "Then you have to hurry up. After a while, Liu Cheng's worth will rise, and then it will not be this price."

Director Qian laughed, "Then we really have to hurry up, okay, let's talk, I still have to go."

After Qian Dao left, Jian Qiao followed Jiang Liucheng out and asked, "Are you going back to Yun City after finishing the project today?"

Jiang Liucheng shook his head and said, "Director Liu's play is about to start."

Jian Qiao looked surprised. He didn't hear any rumors, "Did Senior Brother Liu find a new investor so soon?"

Jiang Liucheng replied: "It should be found, I don't know the specific situation."

Jian Qiao had a thoughtful expression on her face, "It's really strange, even the cloud company has withdrawn its capital. It stands to reason that no investors are willing to invest, because even if it is filmed, it may not be able to be broadcast on the platform."

Hearing this, Jiang Liucheng stopped: "Do you know about this?"

Jian Qiao scratched the broken hair by her ear, and said casually: "After all, it's my senior brother, so I paid attention to it, and I also know that Yunyun Company's withdrawal of capital is also because of you, and someone put pressure on Yunyun Company to remove your male lead. number, right?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "Then you should know who put pressure on the cloud company."

Jane Qiao: "I've heard a little, but there's one thing you probably don't know."

Jiang Liucheng: "What's the matter?"

Jane Qiao: "Mo's Entertainment's news about you has recently spread throughout the entertainment industry, and their president has also made it clear that whoever cooperates with you, they will not cooperate with anyone. You also know that Mo's Entertainment is backed by the Mo's Group. , the capital is strong, and there are many theater chains under it, not many people dare to offend them, even Qian Dao, who is backed by big capital, must give three points of face."

After Jian Qiao finished speaking, she saw Jiang Liucheng's calm face, as if she didn't care about it at all.

"Aren't you worried? If the Mo's Group also takes action, many companies will not dare to cooperate with you anymore. Even if you sign with Spark, they will not be able to fight against the Mo's Group. You feel nothing now, but the bad influence will be It has gradually become apparent, but the impact is not that big now, and there may be opportunities to remedy it.”

However, Jiang Liucheng didn't ask what the chance of remedy was, and the phone just rang.

"I'll go take a call."

When Jian Qiao took out his mobile phone, he saw that the person on the caller ID was Qin Lu, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "By the way, do you want to hold a banquet for you tonight? You can invite other friends over."

Jiang Liucheng refused without thinking, "No, I don't have a lot of roles, so there's no need to hold a banquet, and I already have an appointment with someone else."

Jian Qiao no longer insisted, and watched him leave.

Jiang Liucheng returned to the nanny's car. The driver drove the car back to the hotel of the Wozha crew. The assistant and makeup artist went up to help pack up. He waited while looking at his phone in the car.

Guo Qifan: Congratulations on finishing the project, when will you be back?

Qiao Bing: Last time you said you met a screenwriter, how have you gotten along during this time, do you think it’s okay?

I'm serious: go back in two days.

I'm serious: it feels a little weird.