MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 53

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Seeing that the two were about to talk about Jiang Liucheng's next blind date, Qin Lu interrupted their conversation by knocking on the door.

Li Qiu opened the door and was surprised to see his expression, "Mr. Qin, why are you here?"

"Come to Liucheng." Qin Lu looked at Jiang Liucheng.

Jiang Liucheng glanced at the time and felt that there was still a little more than an hour before the meeting Li Qiu said, "How about we go out to eat first?"

Li Qiu couldn't help laughing and crying: "My ancestor, do you have to squeeze even this time?"

Jiang Liucheng didn't really want to cool Qin Lu's appointment.

Seeing this, Li Qiu simply said to Qin Lu, "Mr. Qin, it's like this. The company has arranged for Liu Cheng to meet the director of the Mist Killing crew. Maybe at night..."

Qin Lu said, "I'll go with him."

Li Qiu: "?"

Jiang Liucheng's eyes lit up slightly: "Are you going too?"

Qin Lu nodded: "I know the director of the Mist Killing crew. This is your first time participating in this kind of game. It would be better to have an acquaintance to lead you. After seeing them, you can go to other places if you want."

Jiang Liucheng no longer refuses, "Okay."

Li Qiu: "…"

So they had another Qin Lu in their car and arrived at the agreed hotel.

Li Qiu walked in front and took them to the box reserved by others.

While waiting for the elevator, they suddenly heard someone calling Qin Lu's name, and everyone turned around. A middle-aged man stood not far away, as if he wasn't sure if he was calling the right person, and his voice was full of doubts.

Qin Lu paused for a moment, then shouted, "Uncle Hua."

Uncle Hua came over, "I just thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it was you."

Qin Lu tilted his head in Jiang Liucheng's direction and said, "You go up first. I'll talk to my acquaintances before going up. What's the box number?"

He just got close to his ear, Jiang Liucheng only felt a little itchy in his ear and said, "508."

Qin Lu replied ok.

The elevator just came.

Li Qiu walked in first, and to be honored as uncle by Qin Lu, the relationship between the two was definitely unusual.

Jiang Liucheng followed behind him and touched the earlobe with his left hand to dispel the itch just now.

The elevator opened on the fifth floor, and a waiter took them to the 508 box.

Li Qiu knocked on the door, and the door opened immediately.

A lingering plume of smoke rushed out of the box, and before entering, I could already smell the choking smell of smoke.

Jiang Liucheng smoked cigarettes when he was in college, but he didn't smoke much. After graduation, he went on a blind date. The blind date usually doesn't like boys smoking. He slowly quit smoking. With such a heavy smoke smell, I was choked and coughed twice.

The coughing sound attracted the attention of everyone in the box, and a group of people sitting on the sofa looked over.

Li Qiulai had checked the information of these people before, and had seen their photos, so he hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

A roomful of people quickly got to know each other in the introduction.

In addition to the director and producer, there are also the screenwriter of the film, as well as other staff members, there are quite a lot of people, and it looks very lively.

"Little Jiang is here, sit here." It was Director Qian who spoke. This time when the introducer came, Xinghuo Company had already greeted him in advance.

Jiang Liucheng walked over, and Director Qian asked a person on the right to sit down a little to make room for him, and the other person moved a little.

Jiang Liucheng glanced at him, and he seemed to be a very young man. He was still wearing a hat in the box, and the upper half of his face was blocked. When he heard others introduce Jiang Liucheng, he raised his head slightly.

"This is our screenwriter, his name is Jian Qiao." Qian Dao introduced the situation and said to Jian Qiao, "How is it? Is the image okay?"

Jian Qiao's voice was neither salty nor light, "It also depends on the acting skills."

"The artists recommended by Xinghuo will not be too bad in their acting skills." Director Qian said that he and Xinghuo often cooperate, but in all his movies, you can see Xinghuo's artists. After working together for so many years, his vision for Xinghuo I've been very relieved.

Although Jiang Liucheng is very popular recently and has the momentum of a traffic star, but being favored by Xinghuo shows that he has potential.

"I'll play it well." Jiang Liucheng looked at Jian Qiao. On the way, Li Qiu sent him the script of the character. He read it once, and already had a general understanding that the character didn't have a lot of scenes, and it was more about the protagonist. in memory.

Jian Qiao met his serious eyes, and his expression was slightly startled. For a moment, the figure of the character appeared in his mind. He pulled off his hat and agreed with Director Qian's words: "The image is really okay."

Director Qian smiled when he heard the words, "I said earlier that Xinghuo will not recommend unsuitable characters to me. You don't have to trust other people, but you can trust Xinghuo's vision."

"Understood, you've said it several times." Jian Qiao's face showed a touch of impatience.

Li Qiu was relieved to see that these people were very talkative. Before he came, he was worried that he would not get along well. After all, they were all famous actors in the entertainment industry.

Director Qian has directed many popular films, including literary and commercial films, and has won numerous awards and a good reputation.

Jian Qiao is a well-known screenwriter, with many major screenwriters. Director Qian wrote two award-winning films, and he himself has won the Best Screenplay Award many times. It can be said that he is one of the most famous screenwriters in the entertainment industry. There are many The company wants to ask him to make an appointment, but the other party usually only depends on the mood when accepting the manuscript.

"Speaking of which, are you and Qin Lu quite familiar?" Qian Dao asked suddenly, thinking that Jiang Liucheng and Qin Lu had been on the hot search several times.

Jian Qiao also looked at Jiang Liucheng when she heard this.

Jiang Liucheng was a little dry from the smoke, took a sip from the water glass on the table, and then nodded: "It's quite cooked."

Director Qian clapped his hands: "I knew you should have a good relationship. I made Qin Lu's first movie, when Jian Qiao was still a screenwriter, but unfortunately Qin Lu has been getting busier and busier in the past two years, so I didn't have the chance to see him. he."

Jian Qiao also said, "I wrote a new work before and wanted to find Qin Lu as the male lead, but was rejected."

Jiang Liucheng put down the cup in his hand, "Then you should be able to see him this time."

At this time, the box door rang, and then was opened from the outside.

"Sorry, I'm late." Qin Lu walked in, his tall figure blocked the light coming in from outside the box, and everyone sitting on the sofa couldn't see his face, "Why is the smoke so strong?"

Director Qian and Jian Qiao reacted instantly, and Director Qian stood up immediately and greeted him happily: "Qin Lu? It's really you, why don't you say a word when you want to come!"

Jane Qiao also stood up, looking a little excited.

Qian Dao didn't expect to see the big Buddha Qin Lu here, so he immediately asked the person on the left to move outside, "Come here, sit here."

Qin Lu looked at Jiang Liucheng who was sitting on the right, walked over to him, and said, "No, I'll just sit here."

Then he sat next to Jiang Liucheng.

When everyone saw it, they immediately understood that Qin Lu didn't tell them to come. It is obviously impossible to hear that they just came here when they suddenly appeared here. Combined with Jiang Liucheng's last words and his current actions, they knew that Who did he come for? This kind of relationship is not very familiar, but very familiar.

With Qin Lu there, everyone's attention immediately shifted from Jiang Liucheng to him.

Qin Lu has really kept a low profile in the past two years. If he hadn't suddenly picked up a new movie this time, let alone seeing him in reality, he might not be able to see him again in hot searches.

If it wasn't for a Jiang Liucheng sitting next to him, everyone would be around him now.

"Brother, you received a new film directed by Cheng Qinghua, are you planning to make a comeback?" Jane Qiao asked quickly, "I wrote a new film recently, and was just about to ask if you have a schedule."

Jiang Liucheng was a little surprised when she heard the word 'brother'. She said that their relationship was good, but they didn't keep in touch with each other often. She said that their relationship was not good. After Qin Lu debuted, he acted in a movie written by the other party, and he should have known each other for nearly ten years. Now, it's also called Brother Qin Lu, and it seems that they have a good relationship.

Qin Lu was holding a glass of wine in his right hand and had already drank half of it. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "I'm not going to play now."

Jian Qiao said in surprise: "Didn't you take heaven?"

Others were also surprised. Recently, there have been more news about Qin Lu on Weibo, and many people thought he was going to make a comeback.

Qin Lu: "Heaven is an exception. I won't make this movie after I've made it."

This is tantamount to saying that I will stop filming after making this movie, and he himself said it himself, with 200% credibility.

"Why did you make this decision suddenly? I'm still waiting for you to collaborate on another film. It's a pity that you suddenly quit the circle." Qian Dao was surprised. Qin Lu is only 30 years old now, the age of many male stars. He has only become popular in the entertainment industry, but he has to stop acting. Even if he shoots for a few more years, he is much better than many artists.

"It's not a pity." Qin Lu's face did not fluctuate, "I decided to take a break from shadowing two years ago."

"Brother, since the decision was made two years ago, how did Dao Cheng convince you to play in Paradise?" Jian Qiao also wanted to learn the reasons for Dao Cheng.

Director Qian also pricked up his ears. Three years ago, he wanted to find Qin Lu to cooperate, but he never made an appointment. It took him a year. After a year, he was ready to quit the movie, and it was like this for three years.

Qin Lu glanced at Jiang Liucheng who picked up the cup and drank water with his eyes fixed, his eyes flooded by the lights in the box showed a smile, "Because of one person."

Jian Qiao noticed that he glanced at Jiang Liucheng, but didn't think much about it. He wanted to ask who he was, and knew that it was a bit too much to ask. If he could say it, he would say it when he just said it. If he didn't say it, he couldn't.

Although they have known each other for nearly ten years, they are not very familiar with each other, and they have not yet reached the point of friendship. This is also the most depressing part. They have known each other for ten years, but they are still just ordinary friends.

Jiang Liucheng drank water for a while. For some reason, he had a feeling that the person Qin Lu said was him.

The next second he throws this thought out of his mind, it shouldn't be possible, at that time he was not familiar with Qin Lu, Qin Lu would pick up the hero of heaven, and it should have something to do with Cheng Qinghua.

"After you quit, do you plan to quit the circle, or continue to run your Qiming Investment Company?" Qian Dao asked curiously.

Qin Lu's Qiming Investment Company is a well-known secret in the entertainment industry. He was established two or three years after his debut. Almost none of the projects he invested in after that failed. .

However, after a few years, his vision no longer only focused on entertainment projects, but gradually turned into a real business, and successively acquired several companies closely related to daily life.

Qin Lu: "Doing business."

This answer is expected by everyone. After the entertainers in the entertainment industry leave the circle, they will basically choose to go into business, but some of them succeed and some fail.

Jiang Liucheng coughed again because of the smell of smoke. Hearing the words Qiming Investment Company, he always felt familiar.

"It's good to be in business." Qian Dao wanted to say that Qin Lu's talent was wasted a bit, but then he thought that Qiming Investment Company had made another successful investment some time ago, and all he had left was envy, "I heard that you I seem to have invested in Fat Foods before. I didn't expect Fat Foods to have a beautiful turnaround after that. Now the popularity and the market have opened up. Speaking of which, the spokesperson at that time seems to be Xiao Jiang. Is it already planned?"

Jiang Liucheng was stunned. When he went to the Fat Food Company to shoot an advertisement, he heard employees say that someone had invested in Fat Food. He didn't think much about it at the time. It was not until he heard the words of Director Qian that he realized that the investor was actually Qin Lu.

Although Director Qian asked if it was planned, he knew very well that it could not be a plan at all. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

He looked at Qin Lu, Qin Lu's face was very calm, there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was no other reaction after being told.

"It's just good luck." Qin Lu said, holding up the water glass on the table and handing it to Jiang Liucheng, "Drink some water to moisten your throat."

Jiang Liucheng didn't expect him to notice this, took the water glass and said thank you.

Director Qian sighed that he also wanted such luck.

This meeting was meant to be a passing, not an interview. An hour later, when Qin Lu saw that it was almost time, he got up and left. Seeing that Jiang Liucheng was still sitting on the sofa, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's go."

Jiang Liucheng thought he was going to leave, and got up quickly when he heard this.

Qian Dao knew that Qin Lu was a busy person, and it was good to sit here for an hour, so he left a symbolic sentence, and then sent them out of the box.

After walking out of the box, Jian Qiao suddenly asked Jiang Liucheng, "Can you add a WeChat?"

Jiang Liucheng agreed without any hesitation. The other party is a screenwriter. After entering the crew, maybe they still need to have a connection in the script, and they can add it first.

Jiang Liucheng opened his QR code, and Jian Qiao scanned the code to add friends.

When he came to the hotel's underground parking garage, Qin Lu saw that the people around him were still reading WeChat, "How long does it take to add a friend?"

"Well, I didn't receive the friend information he added. I wonder if the system display is too slow. Do you have his friends?" Jiang Liucheng asked.

Qin Lu: "Yes."

Jiang Liucheng: "Then you push it to me, and I'll add it again to see."

Qin Lu handed him the phone directly, "I won't, you can see for yourself."

Jiang Liucheng took the phone, opened the chat window between him and Qin Lu, found Jian Qiao's WeChat from the address book, and pushed it to herself.

He didn't look at his WeChat chat window too much, and returned the phone to him after pushing it.

He added Jane Qiao as a friend again, and within a minute, the other party passed.

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