MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 39

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Zhou Wenbin didn't hear their conversation, and didn't dare to get too close, so he could only take a few photos occasionally at a distance.

Just when he was about to take another frontal photo of Jiang Liucheng from a different angle, the latter suddenly looked over here, so frightened, he pretended to lower his head and fiddle with his phone.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Bei saw Jiang Liucheng suddenly look behind him, and Gu Qing, who was talking, had to stop talking.

Jiang Liucheng's suspicious eyes stayed on a man wearing a peaked cap for two seconds, and then moved away. He couldn't be suspicious because he was wearing a hat. After all, he also wore a hat, and then shook his head: "It's nothing." He didn't. It feels like someone is filming them.

Gu Qing bent the corners of his mouth, looking at his eyes with some deep meaning, he didn't seem to think it was really nothing, "Since we met so by chance, why don't we go together, it just happens that I have nothing else to do, so I can introduce you here. There are many paintings that are quite good, Beiwang, I remember that my uncle and aunt liked to paint, and if you like it, you can buy it and give it to them.”

Jiang Liucheng asked, "Are you a staff member here?"

Gu Qing kept smiling, "Of course not, just as a friend of Beiwang, I didn't expect to meet you here. It just so happens that I have nothing important."

Jiang Liucheng shook his head and said, "If it's not a staff member, then you don't need it."

Gu Qing looked at Zhou Bei.

Zhou Beiwang knew the origin of some paintings, but there were also some paintings he didn't know. He used to be with Gu Qing, and it was because he deliberately went to understand them. After breaking up, he seldom went to understand them. It would be good to have Gu Qing to help explain. , he asked curiously: "Why don't you use it if it's not a staff member?"

Jiang Liucheng said, "Aren't we dating? It's okay if it's a staff member, but it's not good if it's a friend?"

Zhou Beiwang's eyes lit up, "You're right, we're dating, it's really not good to have one more person."

Jiang Liucheng added: "If you want to hear the origin of these paintings, I can tell you."

Zhou Beiwang was surprised, "You know?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "I know, I learned about it yesterday."

Everyone knew that he was coming to an art exhibition for an appointment, so how could he not have done his homework in advance.

Listening to the two of them chatting like no one else was around, it was the first time that Gu Qing had a feeling that he was the superfluous existence. After seeing Zhou Beiwang, he would always say something about the past from time to time. He wanted to evoke Zhou Beiwang's memory, and he wanted Jiang Jiang more. Liu Cheng knew that his relationship with Zhou Beiwang was deeper than he imagined, but this time he found that the tricks that were very effective in the past didn't work.

"Gu Qing, let's go first, you can do your own business, don't accompany us." Zhou Beiwang said to Gu Qing happily and left with Jiang Liucheng.

Gu Qing looked at the backs of them leaving together, his fingers turned white because he held them too hard.

Although Zhou Beiwang is crooked, his thinking is actually more like a straight man. After the two met, he never doubted the purpose of getting back together, which is why he dared to say those words in front of Zhou Beiwang, but he didn't expect This time he met his opponent.

On the other hand, after receiving the photo from Zhou Wenbin, Qin Lu sent this photo to Tao Ding and asked him if the man above was Zhou Beiwang's Bai Yueguang.

Tao Ding was quite shocked when he received this photo. He didn't expect Qin Lu to move so fast, but he didn't understand whether anyone who helped introduce would be so concerned about this kind of thing.

Tao Ding: It's him. His name is Gu Qing. The Gu family used to be very rich, but then a project went wrong, and it gradually became less effective in the past few years.

Tao Ding thought to himself, he had already said all that, so he just said a little more.

Although Gu's family is not good enough, but Gu Qing's mother's family is okay. Although he is not a rich and noble person, he is engaged in art, and it is good to outsiders. For example, Gu Qing is a painter. He is said to be in country M. After some fame, he returned to China and opened his own gallery.

Tao Ding: Speaking of which, when Gu Qing returned to China, it was also the time when the Gu family was about to die.

Tao Ding and Gu Qing are also friends they have known since childhood, but he doesn't treat Gu Qing like Zhou Beiwang, who regards him as a very good friend, because he always thinks that Gu Qing is a very noble person. Look down on these rich second generation.

At the art exhibition, Zhou Beiwang realized that what Jiang Liucheng said was true. He really understood the paintings on the wall. He could tell a thing or two about what he knew and what he didn't know.

The tour was over before they knew it. By the time they left the art exhibition, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Beiwang invited Jiang Liucheng to dinner, and sent him back after eating.

Jiang Liucheng got out of the car and glanced at random to see that the lights of a house upstairs in the community were on, a figure in Zhuozhuo was shaking faintly on the balcony, and then the mobile phone in his pocket began to vibrate.

"See you next time." Zhou Beiwang was quite satisfied with today's date. Before Jiang Liucheng could speak, his phone rang and he turned on the speakerphone.

"Beiwang, where are you now?" Gu Qing's slightly hoarse voice came from the phone, "Can you do me a favor?"

"What's wrong?" Zhou Beiwang heard a loud noise from the phone.

"I, I got into a car accident. I'm afraid my family will be worried. I don't know many people in Yunshi City. I can only think of you. If it disturbs your appointment, it's fine. I can handle it myself."

Knowing the situation of his house, Zhou Beiwang said, "Are you injured? If you are injured, call an ambulance first. I'll go there now."

"Okay, I must wait for you."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Beiwang said to Jiang Liucheng, "Come on up, I'll see what happened to Gu Qing, and I'll contact you later."

Jiang Liucheng nodded, then watched him drive away.

Back at the rental house, Guo Qifan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately ran in from the balcony, "I thought you would come up soon, why did you chat downstairs for so long?"

"A friend of his just called him." Jiang Liucheng handed over the dinner he couldn't wait while changing his shoes.

Guo Qifan opened the dinner, and the aroma was instantly tangy, "That's the smell. Since I have to work overtime every day, I haven't eaten at this restaurant for a long time, and I miss me."

Guo Qifan got up and went to the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks. While eating, he asked, "How is your date today, is it going well?"

Jiang Liucheng leaned against the wall with her arms folded, and said in a leisurely manner, "It went well, but it didn't go well."

Guo Qifan: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Liucheng: "His friend likes him, and the two may have had an unusual relationship before, maybe they have been in a relationship. He always pretended to inadvertently show me that his previous relationship with Zhou Beiwang was unusual, and he would still talk when he talked. Deliberately create an atmosphere where outsiders can’t get in.”

Guo Qifan groaned and almost choked on the soup he just drank, "Isn't that right, is that friend of his a boy? I thought green tea was only found among girls."

Jiang Liucheng: "Don't engage in sexism."

Guo Qifan: "Okay, then what?"

Jiang Liucheng: "He just called Zhou Beiwang and said he had a car accident and asked Zhou Beiwang to help."

Guo Qifan: "...Even the car accident happened. How much do you want to break up you? Isn't it pretentious?"

Jiang Liucheng: "Strictly speaking, Zhou Beiwang and I are not in a formal relationship yet. It should be true that there is no accident."

Guo Qifan sighed, "Then what are your plans?"

Jiang Liucheng: "Look again, two people together, in addition to understanding each other, the three views are compatible, they also need to get..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Liucheng took it out and saw that it was sent to him by Qin Lu. Guo Qifan watched him stare at the phone for a few seconds, and asked who it was, "Qin Lu."

Guo Qifan looked envious when he heard the words, "I also want a movie star to lie quietly in my WeChat address book."

Jiang Liucheng clicked on the message Qin Lu sent him.

Qin: Didn't you go out with Zhou Beiwang today?

I'm serious: how do you know?

Qin: Picture.jpg

Jiang Liucheng looked at the photo he sent. It was a circle of friends posted by Gu Qing. He said that there was a car accident today. Fortunately, there is this person, otherwise he didn't know what to do, and said that this person has been so reliable since he was a child. The attached photo is of Zhou Beiwang helping him deal with the car accident at the scene.

I'm serious: you and Gu Qing are also friends?

Qin: Someone gave me a screenshot. Did he leave you to find this person?

I'm serious: that's not true, the other party just called me when I was sent to the community.

Qin: You don't need to speak for him. If I had known Zhou Beiwang was such a person, I would not have introduced him to you.

I'm serious: it's not that serious. As long as there is no problem with the mind, we can't control the behavior of others.

Qin Lu frowned deeply when he saw this sentence, and for some reason, a sense of irritability suddenly rose in his heart.

After a while, he replied: So you still want to continue dating Zhou Beiwang?

I'm serious: since it's not his problem, it's not good to break up for no reason.

Qin: You broke up with Cheng Qinghua last time.

I'm serious: because of my own problems, I'm not very comfortable with someone who doesn't care enough for my family.

In the hotel room, Zhang Ning walked into the study with a cup of freshly boiled water, and suddenly stopped at the door. Seeing Brother Qin sitting motionless at the desk, he suddenly told him that Brother Qin was in a bad mood. .

"If a person knows that the blind date has someone who adore him, that person still decides to continue trying with the blind date, what does it mean?"

Zhang Ning was stunned for a while before realizing that Brother Qin was talking to him, and hesitantly said, "Well, that should be because he likes this blind date, right? The worst is to have a good impression."

Qin Lu raised his head and stared at him with dark eyes: "Have a good impression? How are you sure?"

Zhang Ning thought to himself, isn't this normal, "a blind date is different from a normal relationship. Before meeting, the two parties have no emotional foundation. It mainly depends on whether they are suitable or not, so as long as there is a little bit of badness, it is easier for both parties to withdraw from the blind date, like this Some people will find it troublesome, but if they don't feel troublesome, there is a high probability that they have a good impression."

So, did Jiang Liucheng have a good impression of Zhou Beiwang?

Qin Lu's expression was slightly startled.