MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 31

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Netizens thought it was a statement, such as a handwritten apology statement or a lawyer's statement. Many celebrities often do this, but the content of the picture does not match what they expected.

This is a food inspection sheet.

The food tested was XX's fried chicken. Because of the video of Jiang Liucheng throwing away the fried chicken, XX's fried chicken was also on the hot search. Not only did the popularity skyrocket, but the sales from yesterday to today were also much higher than usual.

The only loss in this incident is Jiang Liucheng, and everyone else involved has benefited, even the Paradise crew has also gained a wave of exposure.

Netizens were stunned to find that this food test sheet detected excessive levels of hormones in fried chicken.

And in order to be more convincing, the fried chicken restaurant he chose was the one that Cai Ze bought.

Jiang Liucheng wanted to say that he threw away the fried chicken because the hormone content of the fried chicken exceeded the standard?

Many netizens asked in the comment area, but Jiang Liucheng did not reply.

After a while, some other voices appeared in the comment area.

[According to the hormone content on the test sheet, if it is true, then it cannot be eaten by animals. If animals eat hormones, it will be harmful to the body. 】

[This test list is 99 out of 10 true. I suspected it before. My family also has dogs. Last month, I also bought so-and-so fried chicken, but my dog ​​stole two of them. That night, My dog ​​was a bit abnormal. At the time, I didn't think of XX's fried chicken, but now this test sheet has helped me confirm my guess at that time. 】

[If it's true, then the child may have problems eating it. 】

More and more people are talking about the problem of XX fried chicken, and as its popularity is getting higher and higher, even the topic has come out, such as #XXFried chicken hormone content exceeds the standard#.

As more and more people said it, the topic quickly became a hot search.

Although some people question the authenticity of this food test list, it is only a few, because more and more people say their experience of eating so-and-so fried chicken.

If it continues like this, the reputation of fried chicken will be seriously affected.

So certain fried chicken couldn't sit still, and they immediately posted a statement on Weibo.

It is out of nothing to say that the hormone content of fried chicken exceeds the standard. Their food quality is guaranteed, and they have also issued a food safety certificate and so on.

He also reprimanded Jiang Liucheng for forging the test sheet, and asked him to delete his Weibo immediately and apologize publicly, otherwise they would definitely hold him accountable.

Jiang Liucheng, who has never responded to netizens, posted another Weibo after the solemn statement of XX's fried chicken.

Jiang Liucheng V: My physique is a bit special. If I eat foods with too many additives and excessive hormones, I will be allergic. Now I call you, do you dare to agree? @ certain fried chicken

Not long after this Weibo was posted, Zhou Wenbin retweeted it and said that he could testify because he helped to buy the medicine. He was Qin Lu's manager, and his words had a certain weight, and fans had no doubts.

Before a certain fried chicken responded, netizens in the comment area exploded.

[Fuck, is this the legendary walking humanoid food safety inspection machine? 】

【I really want to have one! 】

[It must be true that he dared to expose it. I believe in Jiang Liucheng this time. By the way, can you give me a list of the safer foods you have eaten? 】

[Hahahaha, what list is there, there is a ready-made fat food. 】

[This wave of fat food is amazing. At first, I thought it was iron-headed, and I didn’t know whether to live or die, but I didn’t expect it to be the hidden big boss! 】

[Hahahaha, if I call you, do you dare to agree? This sentence is very damaging. 】

Soon, after a certain fried chicken was on the hot search, Fatty Foods also became the second hot search company.

The difference is that one is negative and the other is positive.

So-and-so fried chicken doesn't know if he has any regrets. The attention at the beginning was real, and it is also real now.

That night, a hurried phone call made a phone call to the owner of Fatty Foods.

The boss was about to lie down in the bed after washing and had to come down to answer the phone.

"Boss, the big thing is bad, the stock on the official website is all sold out!"

"I thought it was a major event, wasn't it just inventory... What did you say?" The boss raised his voice in disbelief, "What happened?"

"We invited the star who came to shoot the advertisement to help us get on the hot search. Many netizens went to our official website to buy snacks, and the hot-selling food stocks were all sold out!"

"This..." The boss was a little stunned, their advertisements were sold out before they were put out!

It wasn't until he opened the Weibo link sent by his subordinates and clicked on it that he knew what happened.

After watching him, there is only one thought left, this wave is so worth it, they actually dug up a treasure!

In the laughter of netizens playing stalks, XX fried chicken never responded.

They thought they were tough and the little star might be scared.

Who knew that the other party actually relied on it.

Of course, they did not dare to respond to Jiang Liucheng's shouting. Whether the hormones in fried chicken exceeded the standard, the top management knew best.

They didn't dare to 'confront Bo's court' with Jiang Liucheng, unless they destroyed all the fried chicken in all the stores, and there were still supplies, but in this way, the fried chicken restaurant would suffer heavy losses.

And netizens are not easy to fool. Before the hot search, some netizens went to a certain fried chicken shop in their city and bought some fried chicken, fearing that they would destroy the evidence immediately.

After this incident, even if the fried chicken does not go out of business, the business will be greatly affected. After that, netizens aimed their guns at Cai Ze.

Now no one would say that there are unspoken rules for the Paradise crew, and more people are saying that Cheng Dao did a good job.

When the minds of netizens wake up, the guidance of the water army and marketing account will no longer work.

After this video is released, whoever benefits will be the mastermind behind the scenes.

When it comes to the fact that he was replaced by the heaven crew, netizens know that most of the videos are sent by Cai Ze without analysis.

All of a sudden, Cai Ze was yelling at everyone, and the fans who had skyrocketed by 100,000 on Weibo began to decrease again.

It was like a dream that gave him happiness for a while and then took it back.

This is just the beginning.

The next day, Jiang Liucheng took the morning plane back to the crew.

As soon as he appeared, he was admired by the entire crew, and a group of people who were familiar with him immediately surrounded him.

"Walking pedestrian food safety inspection machine, can I give you a bite to eat in the future?" Zhang Tao said hehe.

"I think this is okay. No wonder he kept that fried chicken in his hand and didn't eat it last time. I thought you were afraid of being hot."

Jiang Liucheng: "…"

He knew it would be like this, and when he first exposed this special physique in front of his roommates, they reacted the same way.

But everyone is just joking, it is impossible to really let him eat, after all, there is really a problem, and it must be Jiang Liucheng who suffers.

Jiang Liucheng said: "If you really want to eat safe snacks, I can tell you a few brands, all of which I have eaten before."

"That feeling is good, hurry up and hurry up!"

Jiang Liucheng said a few things, and everyone took out their mobile phones to record it very exaggeratedly.

Cheng Qinghua heard the movement over there long ago, and couldn't help but glance at it: "He is quite popular in the crew."

Qin Lu said, "When he wasn't filming before, he often helped everyone, don't you know?"

Cheng Qinghua thought that he heard it wrong, why did he hear a sense of superiority, especially the last sentence, "You know, what's there to be proud of!"

Qin Lu looked at the smiling young people in the crowd, and a little smile appeared on his face, "This is not proud, it is comfort."

Cheng Qinghua's mouth twitched: "Are you his father? I'm still glad."

Qin Lu: "I am his matchmaker."

Cheng Qinghua relied on it, is the matchmaker amazing, where does the sense of superiority come from!

After getting rid of everyone's enthusiasm, Jiang Liucheng walked towards Qin Lu and Cheng Qinghua.

"Director Cheng, sorry for causing you trouble these two days."

Cheng Qinghua heard that he was being so polite to himself, and said a little depressingly: "It didn't cause any trouble. It's a good thing that the crew is hot now, but thanks to you."

Qin Lu, who was on the side, said, "You should be busy these days. I don't have any of your scenes today. Take a break for a long time and start shooting tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, Cheng Qinghua glared at him. This seems to be his line.

Jiang Liucheng: "Okay."

Then he moved a small bench and sat next to the camera, ready to observe the actor's acting skills up close.

When Qin Lu saw this, of course he had to show 12 points of his strength, which made it hard for the actor who played against him. Fortunately, the other party was also an experienced veteran, so the two simply started the show.

There were more and more people watching, and everyone couldn't take their eyes off it.

Until the director shouted, there was a burst of applause.

"What a great performance!"

Everyone silently looked at Jiang Liucheng who was applauding, and always felt that it seemed a little embarrassing to applaud together, but it was even more embarrassing not to applaud.

The actor's performance is not good, and the old actor's performance is not good, so why don't you applaud?

So in order not to be more embarrassed, they also applauded and successfully kidnapped their own morality.

Passers-by thought something was going on here.

After watching a performance with satisfaction, Jiang Liucheng saw that it was half past twelve, so she went to Li Lei.

"Brother Li, are you free? I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Li Lei didn't expect that he still remembered this incident, and said quickly, "I really don't need it, I didn't help much."

Jiang Liucheng: "You are too modest. If you hadn't helped me with this trip, my matter would not have been resolved so quickly."

Seeing his insistence, Li Lei had to say, "Actually, I didn't get the food inspection sheet, but Qin Yindi asked me to give it to you. He said you don't have to tell you if you didn't ask."

Although Jiang Liucheng didn't ask, he couldn't take credit for someone else's shameless, especially if this other person was Qin Yinze Emperor, he didn't dare.

Jiang Liucheng looked surprised: "How could he know?"

Li Lei added: "When you called me the night before, he had looked for me and asked me if you were looking for me. I didn't expect that after a night, he would give me the food inspection sheet the next morning. Shan, I don't know how Emperor Qin knew about it."

Jiang Liucheng guessed it after thinking about it. Obviously Qin Lu thought about it with him and knew what he was going to do.

It doesn't seem like a bad feeling to have someone in sync with your mind.

The opening of the night was not too cool, and the weather was getting hotter as July arrived.

On a windless night, the air is still sultry.

Hearing the sound of the door opening from the next door, Jiang Liucheng immediately opened the door and walked out.

Before Qin Lu entered the door, he smiled when he saw him, "Looking for me?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded, "Thank you for that food inspection sheet."

"Come in and talk." Qin Lu walked in first.

This is the first time that Jiang Liucheng has come to his room. The layout is the same as his room, but the atmosphere is different, just like if a room stays for a long time, it seems to be stained with the owner's breath.

Jiang Liucheng saw that there were computers and some materials on the desks such as the study room, and it seemed that the owner often worked there.

Filming is late during the day, and I have to come back to work at night. If the time goes on, I am afraid Iron Man can't stand it.

"What do you want to drink?" Qin Lu brought him a pair of disposable slippers.

Jiang Liucheng walked into the room after changing it, "No, I just want to say thank you to you."

Qin Lu still poured him a glass of water, and also poured a glass for himself. He has a lot of lines today, and his mouth is very thirsty: "Hands up, this time on the black hot search, you are more calm than I thought."

Jiang Liucheng said modestly: "It's just the first time I've been on a hot search, and I don't know how to do it."

Qin Lu slightly shook his hand holding the water glass, and the young man he saw had a sincere expression on his face, which was really modest.

Qin Lu said again: "This time there is a lot of noise on the hot search, do you have any thoughts?"

Are you testing yourself? Jiang Liucheng thought to himself, "The fuse was Cai Ze's place, but there is such a big fuss behind, there should be other people intervening."

At the beginning of the hot search, Cai Ze's goal had been achieved, and he had no reason to continue targeting himself.

Qin Lu nodded: "do you know who is targeting you?"

Jiang Liucheng: "I know."

Qin Lu's original intention was to remind him that Cai Ze was not the only enemy on his face. With Cai Zhe's energy, he didn't have the ability to keep Jiang Liucheng on the hot search for a day and a night, and he had to hire so many sailors. and marketing numbers.

If Jiang Liucheng didn't know, he would remind him sideways to prepare him mentally.

Unexpectedly, he directly replied that he knew, obviously he knew more about the inside story than he knew.

Qin Lu said calmly, "Since you know it, it's fine."

Jiang Liucheng also guessed Qin Lu's intention and caught the surprise flashing in his eyes, but he still pretended to be nothing, and involuntarily showed a smile.

After this hot search incident, Jiang Liucheng not only did not lose, but even made a small fire.

His Weibo followers easily broke the million mark, and the daily growth rate is much faster than before.

Walking Pedestrian Food Safety Inspection Machine, this title has been spread by many people, and even played as a stalk, so that more and more people know that there is an artist named Jiang Liucheng in the entertainment industry.

As long as he can eat a few more bites of food and snacks, he is basically safe.

Somehow, the news also spread to the mother circle.

Jiang Liucheng opened his Weibo once and found that his private messages were almost full.

He thought it was all sent to him by fans, but he clicked in and took a look. In addition to fans, there were actually some people who claimed to be a mother.

One of the mothers said that she is a pregnant woman. She likes snacks very much, but many snacks in the market have excessive food additives. She wants to eat them, but she is afraid that it will affect the fetus in her belly. When she heard people talking about him, she wanted to ask him. Know which snacks are free of excessive food additives.

Another mother said that her child likes to eat snacks, especially candied fruits and hawthorn. They eat a lot every day, because they can't stop it, and for the child's health, she also wants to know which ones he has eaten without food additives exceeding the standard. Candied fruit.

In addition to these, some people are also curious if he is only allergic to snacks and snacks, or all foods.

Jiang Liucheng sent screenshots of the content of these private messages to the group, and the three friends in the group fainted from laughter.

Guo Qifan: Mom, my stomach hurts from laughing. I knew that once the physique of Old Orange was known to everyone, someone would definitely think so. I didn't expect so many people to send you private messages to ask.

Qiao Bing: I don't want to laugh, unless I really can't help it, Orange, you've worked hard.

Zheng Kailin: My condolences.

I'm serious: you guys really have no empathy.

Guo Qifan: Hahahahaha, my heart is with you, but I really can't help it hahahaha.

In order to prevent more and more people from sending private messages to him, Jiang Liucheng thought about it and decided to send another Weibo.

He has posted more Weibo these days than he has posted in the past year.

Jiang Liucheng V: Don't send me private messages anymore, especially some mothers, I seldom eat snacks and snacks outside since I was a child. You all know the reasons.

[Hahahaha, forgive me for laughing unkindly. Last night I saw a mother in the circle of friends who said that she bought a bunch of snacks from fat food, and also said that in the future, they will finally no longer have to worry about the family members eating snacks with excessive food additives. , thank Jiang Liucheng for his selfless dedication. 】

[The mother in the circle of friends upstairs is really too bad, too bad, really too funny! 】

The comment area became hot because of the content of his Weibo.

Jiang Liucheng successfully went out of the circle and was on the hot search again. This time it was not artificial, but netizens worked together to send him up.

When everyone in the crew saw this hot search, they couldn't help but look at Jiang Liucheng, who was sitting in front of the director and listening to the director's speech.

This is a blessing in disguise. An 18th-tier nerd who has only debuted for a year and has no works, but has succeeded in doing things that many stars have worked hard for for many years.

Whether a star can become a superstar or a first-line star, one of the most basic judgments is to see if he is out of the circle.

Although Jiang Liucheng is not yet a first-line star, he has built a ladder for himself. As long as he does not kill himself in the future, has good looks and talents, and adds some resources, it is only a matter of time before he becomes popular.

At the same time, Mo Yi, who created all this, originally intended to blacken Jiang Liucheng out of the circle, but in turn helped the other party out of the circle, was so angry that he almost went crazy.

The most unbearable thing for Mo Yi is that Jiang Liucheng has soared to millions of fans, and it is because of his own help that he became popular in the entertainment circle.

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