MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 28

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The atmosphere at the scene became a little embarrassing. The person in charge of the racecourse and the staff tried not to make a sound, lest the distinguished guests be more embarrassed.

They lowered their heads and did not let others see their expressions, lest they be found with the uncontrollable curvature of the corners of their mouths.

After all, Zhou Beiwang was someone who had seen the big world. He had never experienced any big winds or waves, so he quickly calmed down and even thought that Jiang Liucheng was more interesting than he imagined.

"'re right, it's human nature to love beauty."

He originally wanted to say that you are very interesting, but suddenly he remembered the interesting sentence he just said, one in a hundred, and the other party said it was outdated. Wouldn't it be a little low for him to say it again.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?" Zhou Beiwang ignored the gazes of others and changed the subject.

Jiang Liucheng has never ridden.

Zhou Beiwang immediately laughed: "It doesn't matter, I can teach you."

Afterwards, Zhou Beiwang took them to the changing room.

Jiang Liucheng was here for the first time. After Zhou Beiwang asked about his size, he asked the staff to bring a new set of equestrian clothes and boots.

Qin Lu had been to this horse farm before, and the person in charge of the horse farm had already brought his clothes without opening his mouth.

Then they went to the changing room.

It didn't take long for the two people to come out after changing their clothes.

Qin Lu has long hands and feet, and an equestrian suit shows his perfect height ratio. He is tall and eye-catching, very handsome, and his plasticity is also very strong. When he wears this equestrian suit, he has that noble temperament and a gentleman. Demeanor also arises spontaneously.

Jiang Liucheng, who came out from behind him, was no less so.

The white short T and the black body-shaping vest outline Xin's long upper body. The two legs are straight and slender against the background of the equestrian boots, with a delicate and perfect face, just like the little boy who ran out of a century-old family. .

Zhou Beiwang heard the footsteps behind him and turned around when he knew that they had changed their clothes.

The young man's skin was originally white, and after walking into the sun, his skin was even more white like a crystal clear jade.

Zhou Beiwang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if the light was dazzling.

Unexpectedly, after the young man put on an equestrian uniform, the temperament of the whole person became different.

After changing their clothes, the person in charge of the horse farm took them to select horses.

Jiang Liucheng didn't know how to choose a horse. The person in charge knew that it was his first time riding a horse, so he chose a smaller horse with a docile temper.

On the other side, Qin Lu picked a horse that looked strong and tall.

After the horse was brought to the racecourse, he jumped straight up, and his movements were very smooth.

There is also the reason why Zhou Beiwang did not refuse Zhou Beiwang's choice of the racecourse as a blind date. He works very hard every day, especially after receiving the unexpected film of Cheng Qinghua, so he also wants to relax.

With a light drink, the black horse carrying the man instantly ran into the distance, and Jiang Liucheng was a little envious of the graceful and fluttering figure.

He also wanted to be able to run with the wind like a man, but unfortunately it was his first time riding a horse and he didn't know any skills, so he couldn't be as unrestrained and unrestrained as the other party.

Zhou Beiwang saw the envy in his eyes, and said with a smile, "You can be like him after you practice a few more times. I'll show you a demonstration first. After you read it, ask me if you don't understand anything."

Jiang Liucheng nodded, "I'm sorry."

Zhou Beiwang smiled, and then made a dashing and handsome move to mount.

After a while, after showing Jiang Liucheng all the essentials, he stopped and looked at Jiang Liucheng.

"It's not difficult to ride a horse. I'll take you to the horse farm a few more times in the future, and you'll learn it soon."

Jiang Liucheng nodded in cooperation, and then came to his horse. It was not difficult to mount the horse. He stepped on it lightly and sat on it immediately, and his field of vision suddenly broadened.

Zhou Beiwang rode his horse towards him. Just as he was about to tell him that I would take you first, he saw his legs lightly clamped to the horse's stride and shouted 'drive', and the horse under him immediately trotted out.

At the beginning, the speed was not very slow, and Jiang Liucheng's control was not so proficient. The speed was always fast and slow, but at the back, his proficiency increased at an astonishing speed, and the speed of the horse's running became more and more Quick, Zhou Beiwang, who was able to keep up, had to show his housekeeping skills to catch up with him.

It didn't take long for Jiang Liucheng to catch up with Qin Lu, who was in front of him. When he was approaching him, he calmly braked and moved very skillfully.

Zhou Beiwang watched in amazement from behind. After he stopped, he looked at Jiang Liucheng with bright eyes: "I only taught you once, you learned it so quickly?"

Jiang Liucheng: "It's not difficult to learn the movements, you will probably be able to do it after a few tries at the beginning."

Qin Lu, who was beside him, seemed a little surprised to see Zhou Beiwang's expression, and said calmly, "He is a graduate of Q University."

Zhou Beiwang regained his expression: "There are more graduates from Q University."

Qin Lu continued: "There aren't many academic masters in Q Dali."

Zhou Beiwang was even more surprised. It is indeed rare to be a scholar among a group of scholars. He originally thought that the other party was just a small actor in the entertainment industry, but he didn't expect that he was a highly educated and intelligent person.

Because he likes the feeling of opening the blind box, he prefers to dig out things about Jiang Liucheng slowly after contact. If he knows everything about the other party at once, he may lose interest, so before meeting Jiang Liucheng, He didn't ask too much about the other party.

The decision was very prescient, and he now felt like he had opened a blind box of great value.

At this time, he looked at Jiang Liucheng's figure, but his expression became more and more playful.

Seeing his expression, Qin Lu knew that he had a strong interest in Jiang Liucheng, and suddenly heard him say something.

"If he was deliberately trying to pique my interest, he succeeded."

Zhou Beiwang was curious at first and didn't care, but now he is interested in Jiang Liucheng, although he didn't know that the young man himself was like this, he deliberately behaved like this in front of him.

After saying this, he found that the people around him didn't say a word, turned to look at Qin Lu, and found that the other party's expression was very strange, and there was even a hint of disgust in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhou Beiwang thought he had something on his face and touched his face.

"It's disgusting for you to speak." Qin Lu rode away after speaking, ignoring him.

Originally, he really didn't have any associations, but since Jiang Liucheng sent him a lot of quotations from the boss, he couldn't help but think about it when he heard this, and he only felt that it was both middle-class and disgusting.

Zhou Beiwang had a puzzled look on his face, and there was only one big scumbag in his heart, what was wrong with his words!

Zhou Beiwang immediately chased after him on a horse, he must make Qin Lu clear, how could he be disgusted!

Qin Lu was disgusted, and now he doesn't want to talk to Zhou Beiwang for the time being, for fear that he will be forced to recall the time when he was dominated by Mr. Ba's quotations. Zhou Beiwang was chasing after him, and he was riding fast in front.

Because it was the first time for Jiang Liucheng to ride a horse, he felt relatively fresh at first. After riding for a while, he felt a little tingling on both sides of his thighs, so he slowed down and walked slowly on the horse.

A gust of wind blew from behind him, and the footsteps of horses' hooves quickly approached in his direction.

After a while, Qin Lu ran past him on the tall black horse.

Not long after, Zhou Beiwang also rode over from behind, and when he saw Jiang Liucheng, he slowed down.

The three of them rode for nearly two hours. Finally, because the sun came out and the sun became more and more sunny, everyone lost interest in continuing to ride horses, so they all returned to the rest area.

When we got to the rest area, we saw a group of people in the distance.

Zhou Beiwang came to the horse farm with his friends to relax. His friends all went to ride horses before. Because he was waiting for Qin Lu and Jiang Liucheng, he stayed in the rest area.

Their presence also caught the attention of the men and women in the lounge area.

"Beiwang said before that he wanted to stay and wait for someone, is that these two people?"

Due to the distance, they couldn't see the appearance of the two of them clearly. When the distance was narrowed and Qin Lu's appearance was clearly seen, someone took a deep breath.

"I'm not mistaken, it seems to be Qin Lu, the two-star actor in the entertainment industry. Does Zhou Beiwang actually know him?"

"If I knew Zhou Beiwang knew him, I asked him to get an autograph from Emperor Qin! I'm a big fan of his. I've seen all his movies, and I've collected the posters and surroundings of each movie!"

Needless to say, everyone knew that every time Qin Lu's new movie came out, he would invite everyone to watch it, but they didn't expect Zhou Beiwang to know Qin Lu.

After a while, the three walked into the rest area under the gaze of everyone.

When the fan saw Qin Lu got off his horse, he couldn't wait to walk over, as if he was about to slip and kneel in front of him in the next second, "Idol, I'm your fan, can you sign me? "

The enthusiasm and excitement in the eyes of the other party is completely different from Mo Yi's poor acting skills. At first glance, it is a love from the heart.

Qin Lu usually doesn't reject such sincere fans, so he promises to autograph for him.

The other party immediately asked the staff in the rest area for a pen, then took off his clothes without hesitation and asked him to sign it.

Zhou Beiwang is a rich second-generation, and the friends he makes are all people at the same level.

Except for this star-chasing friend, the others were just curious and stopped paying attention to Qin Lu, and then their attention fell on Jiang Liucheng, because Zhou Beiwang was actually introducing them to the youth.

"These are my friends. His name is Jiang Liucheng, and he is an actor."

Zhou Beiwang introduced Jiang Liucheng to them again.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other when they saw this scene. They basically knew the children of the noble family in this circle. Zhou Beiwang actually introduced him to them, indicating that this person should be from the same circle. There is a young man.

"Mr. Jiang, who is my father?" a young man asked tentatively.

Jiang Liucheng said: "He may have changed his name, I don't know now."

young people:"…"

Everyone: "…"

Everyone looked at the serious answer on his face, it didn't seem like he was joking, and he didn't know what to do on his face for a while.

It's not that Qin Lu couldn't see what these people were thinking. He was a little unhappy at first, but when he heard the young man's words, his unpleasantness disappeared instantly.

When he was on the set before, the young man said that his parents had already divorced.

At that time, when he said it, his face did not fluctuate greatly, as if he was just stating an ordinary fact. As now, he did not feel any sadness when he said this.

Before, he had no intention to inquire about other people's past, but now he suddenly became a little curious.

"Okay, stop guessing, he's just an ordinary actor." Zhou Beiwang knew the virtues of these people, as long as he said it directly, they would not be interested in Jiang Liucheng.

Sure enough, when they heard him say that he was just an actor with no background, everyone lost interest in Jiang Liucheng.

Although they thought so in their hearts, they didn't show it on the surface.

But immediately someone called Zhou Beiwang to play with them.

Zhou Beiwang: "Today you guys can play by yourself, I want to accompany him."

My friend was puzzled, how could an ordinary little actor still need him to accompany him in person.

"Beiwang, didn't we make an appointment to play a long time ago? You left us just to accompany the two of them." It was a girl who was talking. Her name was Wang Jingjing. There will be nothing inappropriate.

Zhou Beiwang said, "I didn't tell you some time ago, but I also made an appointment with someone else. Let's go and play by yourself today."

Just as Wang Jingjing was about to speak, Jiang Liucheng, who was on the side, spoke kindly.

"Mr. Zhou, you don't have to accompany me. I just rode for almost two hours, and I'm a little tired now. Brother Qin and I can rest here for a while. Go and accompany your friends."

Zhou Beiwang immediately said, "That's not good. How can I leave you here alone on the first day of meeting? This is not what a gentleman does. Besides, you are still my blind date now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the rest area was stunned.

Wang Jingjing was shocked: "Beiwang, what do you mean? When did you start dating?"

Zhou Beiwang: "Literally, from now on, Mr. Jiang is my blind date. Be careful when you talk to him, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing a faint warning in his words, everyone felt even more incredible.

Zhou Beiwang, a playboy, would have a blind date one day, and more importantly, he seemed to value this blind date, and even warned them.

"Let's go." Qin Lu took off his gloves and said to Jiang Liucheng, who replied okay and followed.

"Damn it, isn't this actor Qin a big name, isn't he a show in the entertainment industry..."

A young man complained, and before he could fully say the word "player", he was interrupted by his fan brother, whose face was very ugly.

"What did you say? You have the guts to say it again!"

The young man also realized that he should not say this in front of his friends, but he was a little too embarrassed to admit that he said something wrong.

The smile on Zhou Beiwang's face disappeared, and he glanced at him lightly: "You better not come here in the future."

The young man's expression changed, realizing that Zhou Beiwang was trying to kick him out of this circle. Zhou Beiwang had always been the leader of their circle. His words had a certain weight. Others thought it was a little too serious.

"Beiwang, is this a bit too much, and Rongheng didn't mean to say that." Wang Jingjing received the other party's look for help, and said something to help him.

Zhou Beiwang glanced at her lightly, "I'm not kidding."

Then he said to Rong Heng, "You should be glad he didn't hear this sentence, remember today's lesson, and don't underestimate anyone."

He didn't say much, just clicked.

Wang Jingjing, who had just spoken for him, did not dare to speak again after Zhou Beiwang's glance.

After speaking, Zhou Beiwang ignored them and chased in the direction Qin Lu and Jiang Liucheng left.

The two did not go very fast, and he caught up in a short while.

I just heard the conversation between Jiang Liucheng and Qin Lu.

"Are you interested in psychology?"

"What's wrong?"

"In fact, psychology is a very interesting course. It can help you read other people's thoughts, especially in interpersonal communication. I think you can study it, maybe it will be very helpful to you."

"Why did you suddenly suggest me to study psychology?"

"Because it's really interesting, and I think you might need it."

Zhou Beiwang also saw the young man turn his face sideways, his eyeballs seemed to glance towards him, and then he blinked a few times, his eyelashes were very long, like the wings of a butterfly, as if to convey some kind of hint.

Qin Lu next to him said, "Your suggestion is very good. If I have time, I will go to study."

Zhou Beiwang: "…"

Did that glance imply that Qin Lu came over by himself?

And why did he suddenly feel a little cold.

Read The Duke's Passion