MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 24

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The staff of the crew found that today's director is particularly fierce, and his temper is even more grumpy than before.

An actor just said a wrong sentence, and the director used his loudspeaker to scold him. Another employee was also scolded by the director because he made a mistake in a prop.

The director now looks like an enraged fire-breathing dragon who gets mad at anyone he catches.

Yesterday, there were still some laughter in the crew. Today, except for the noise from work, everyone dared not talk nonsense. The entire crew became a bit dull and cramped.

Several old actors asked Liu Yangxi for news, but Liu Yangxi didn't know the reason.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be so distressed." Liu Yangxi smiled bitterly, and the worst was him, "I only know that the director has been like this since last night."

"If it has nothing to do with filming, it's a personal issue."

"Do you remember what the director said about the blind date before? Maybe it has something to do with it."

Everyone secretly hid in the corner with your guesses, and they didn't notice that the initiator was Jiang Liucheng, who just came to the crew.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Liucheng saw them gathered together and whispered.

Liu Yangxi immediately took a peek in the direction of the director, making sure that he didn't notice this, the artillery fire was aimed at the props team, and said in a low voice, "I'm talking about the director, it's like eating a pack of dynamite today."

Jiang Liucheng didn't see the picture of him getting angry before, and said, "Isn't he like this every day?"

Liu Yangxi: "Uh... Today is a bit more serious than before. Don't you also live on the ninth floor? Did you hear anything last night?"

Jiang Liucheng thought for a while: "I didn't hear anything, I slept earlier last night."

Liu Yangxi didn't expect him to really know anything, "In short, today's director is not easy to mess with, don't ask him if you have anything."

Jiang Liucheng still wanted to tell him about the leave, "Why?"

Liu Yangxi said: "When the director is in a bad mood, he may not agree to anything you say."

Jiang Liucheng: "Then I'll wait until he's in a better mood to talk about it."

Zhou Wenbin didn't mean to listen to their chat, he just happened to be passing by and happened to hear it, the corner of his mouth twitched.

If he didn't know the inside story and heard Jiang Liucheng's words, he would have thought that he really didn't know anything.

He didn't understand a little, whether Jiang Liucheng really didn't know, or was he acting stupid.

Looking at the calm expression on his face, he always thought it was the former. This person might really not realize that the reason why Cheng Dao was unhappy had something to do with him.

This atmosphere continued into the afternoon.

After Qin Lu finished filming the twentieth scene, the director shouted a click and asked everyone to rest for 20 minutes.

Cheng Qinghua came to Qin Lu's dressing room and lounge with a straight face, and knocked on the door.

"Can I have a few words with you alone?"

Qin Lu nodded slightly.

The makeup artist and the assistant immediately went out knowingly, and Zhang Ning helped close the door of the room.

Qin Lu didn't take the initiative to speak, he lowered his head slightly and was looking at the information on the mobile phone.

Cheng Qinghua hesitated for a moment before saying, "Are you planning to find a new blind date for Jiang Liucheng?"

This is the first time he mentioned something unrelated to filming at work. If it was in the past, he would never deal with his personal affairs during working hours.

But when he thought that Jiang Liucheng would have a new blind date, he couldn't calm down.

He didn't want this mentality to have a greater impact, so he decided to come to Qin Lu to ask about the situation.

"This is something I promised him." Qin Lu didn't deny it, he was already thinking about it.

Cheng Qinghua thought about it and said, "Can you not introduce him first, I don't want it to end like this, give me a little time, and I will definitely save him."

Qin Lu's eyes finally moved from the phone screen to him, and he said calmly, "He has rejected you."

Cheng Qinghua: "It's not uncommon for couples to separate and combine."

Qin Lu: "You and him are not a real couple. To be honest, I was sloppy at the beginning. You are not suitable for him."

Cheng Qinghua said unhappily: "It takes a period of time for two people to be together. We have only started a few days, and we don't even have time to break in. How do you know that I am not suitable for him!"

Qin Lu: "He said it."

Cheng Qinghua: "…"

Cheng Qinghua: "As long as you don't introduce him to a new blind date, I can definitely get him back and help me with this, even if I owe you a favor."

Qin Lu shook his head: "You can say something like this, it shows that you don't know him well enough. Why do you think he would say that you are not suitable?"

Cheng Qinghua: "He said that we have different personalities and have different ideas about family, but I think there are solutions to all of these. Separation is not the only way."

Qin Lu said: "You value your career more than your relationship. For you, your career comes first and your relationship second, but for Jiang Liucheng, the two are the other way around. He is a lover. , feelings will always rank ahead of career.”

Cheng Qinghua was silent for a moment: "Is the love brain you're talking about the one who broke up with me suddenly last night? Do you have any misunderstandings about the love brain?"

Qin Lu didn't change his face, "I checked, the love brain is a person who puts his energy and mind on love and lovers. Jiang Liucheng does fit this point."

Cheng Qinghua: "Then he shouldn't break up with me, he should want to be with me."

Qin Lu: "You don't meet his requirements. He's not the kind of person who wastes time on people with different ideas."

Cheng Qinghua was speechless for a while, "He is more rational than anyone else."

How can such a rational person be a love brain.

Cheng Qinghua added: "Forget it, even if you don't help, I will take him back by myself."

Qin Lu was noncommittal.

Everyone in the crew found that after the director chatted with Emperor Qin, his mood seemed to be better, and he no longer turned into a fire-breathing dragon at any time, but everyone still completed their work carefully.

Jiang Liucheng didn't realize it. After accepting Cheng Qinghua's scolding character in the crew, he had a general understanding of the latter's temper.

In the hot summer, the next rain has become a luxury.

But today is an exception.

In the afternoon, the sky suddenly became a little gloomy, and it started to rain just before four o'clock.

The air seemed to be cleaned again, and the sultry temperature was swept away.

After temporarily finding out that it would rain today in the middle of the night last night, Cheng Qinghua decided to change the sequence of filming and advance the scenes that required rainy days to the present.

Because it was an outside location, they prepared it early, and when it was almost done, they all moved to the shooting location where they were ready to shoot.

Rainy days are uncontrollable. God may stop at any time. In order to seize this opportunity, the crew is busy up and down.

It took everyone an hour to finally put all the equipment in the positions that were determined before.

The protagonist of this scene is Jiang Liucheng. Fortunately, it doesn't take much time to shape, and it will be done in more than half an hour.

This scene is Xie Fei running out of the hospital.

He overheard someone in the hospital talking about his brother, saying that Xie Bing asked the hospital to transfer his younger brother to the VIP ward and paid a lot of money. Some people said that this money was the reward he paid for helping the second generation of rich to fight a lawsuit.

Xie Fei didn't want to use the dirty money, so he fled the hospital and didn't go home.

It was just raining outside at this time, Xie Fei was walking in the rain alone and came to the lake unknowingly.

This scene was not difficult to shoot, but because it was an ad hoc decision, it was not determined in advance how to go and where to go.

In order to catch up with the rain, Cheng Qinghua didn't have time to let Jiang Liucheng rehearse in advance, but just called him over and told him how to go later.

At work, Cheng Qinghua was completely business-like, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of unpleasant anger because Jiang Liucheng said "break up" with him last night.

Jiang Liucheng was not at all embarrassed to see Cheng Qinghua, just like he had always had this attitude before "breaking up".

After Cheng Qinghua told Jiang Liucheng the walking route, he went back to work. After the equipment was placed, he had to adjust the light and various angles to ensure that there were no problems before starting.

This tune was busy for another half an hour.

Fortunately, the rain has not stopped, otherwise they can only use the sprinkler, but the downside is that the rain tends to get bigger.

The camera crew can only continue to debug under the urging of the director, until everything is ready, and the headsets of each group receive the sound of OK.

Jiang Liucheng also received a notification that it was ready to start.

As the rain got heavier, when he walked out of the makeshift tent, the prop suit on his body was quickly soaked.

With the director's start, Jiang Liucheng's figure also entered the mirror.

The rain trailed down his cheeks, and the soaked clothes became transparent and fit tightly on his body.

Underneath the clothes is a somewhat thin body. As the camera zooms in, the images displayed on the screen make the young man feel more beautiful in his fragility.

This is not the other party's intentional presentation, but an unintentional temptation.

"I didn't expect Xiao Jiang to look a little thin, with such a good body proportion." A photographer said with a sigh, staring at the young man on the screen, he could hardly move his eyes.

Cheng Qinghua, who was originally focused on shooting the picture, heard this sentence, and his attention was instantly deviated.

In fact, he always knew that the young man was a very good person, but he did not know that the young man still had a good figure.

Because he was so engrossed in it that he forgot to shout.

He didn't call the end, and Jiang Liucheng didn't stop, he kept walking forward, and the figure was about to walk out of the camera.

"What are you in a daze?" Qin Lu noticed his strangeness and caught everyone's attention as soon as he opened his mouth.

Everyone looked at the director in amazement, because they had never seen the director in a daze while filming.

Cheng Qinghua suddenly came back to his senses, only to realize that he actually looked at the young man in fascination.


He didn't explain, but just re-watched the scene Jiang Liucheng walked through, the youth's talent was higher than he thought.

He originally thought that this scene would have to be filmed many times. After all, this scene was decided on an ad hoc basis. He didn't expect that there would be no problem with the youth's movement and performance, except that the lighting in some places was not well lit.

"Re-adjust the lights, let's do it all over again." Cheng Qinghua said.

He didn't say anything about Jiang Liucheng's performance, and everyone heard it. Maybe this scene could be over soon, and he immediately cheered up.

It turned out that their conjecture was correct, and this scene was shot twice, and the third time passed.

Later, Xie Bing received news from the hospital that Xie Fei was gone, so he came over.

The two stood against each other in the rain.

Xie Fei said that he didn't need the dirty money he earned from the rich second generation, and also wanted to persuade his brother to stop helping those rich people with lawsuits.

This made Xie Bing very hurt, but Xie Bing has never been the kind of person who will reveal his emotions on the surface, he is better at forbearance.

"Xiao Fei, brother, you are the only relative."

However, the young Xie Fei didn't understand the adult world, and he didn't even know what kind of pressure Xie Chenggong was under.

Even if Xie Bing was stinged by his brother's words, he didn't dare to say any harsh words for his brother's body, and only wanted him to go back to the hospital.

The repressed and restrained emotions are superimposed layer by layer.

It is not the first time for Jiang Liucheng and Qin Lu to play opposite roles, and they have never felt this way before.

This is the first time he has experienced more intuitively the explosive feeling and shock brought by Qin Lu's immersive acting skills, which cannot be felt through the screen.

When he watched Qin Lu's movies before, he felt that his acting skills were very good, but he didn't expect the impact of face-to-face would be deeper, as if he could feel the blood under the blood vessels boiling.

It was not until the director shouted a click that he returned to reality from Qin Lu's acting skills.

Jiang Liucheng looked at Qin Lu who was still expressionless after the scene ended, and blinked involuntarily.

"Uh, haven't you played yet?"

The next second, Qin Lu's mouth twitched: "No, it's already out."

It was true that there was no drama yet, but for some unknown reason, when Jiang Liucheng said these words, his mind couldn't help flashing the tyrant quotes he sent earlier.

【Who allowed you to think of other men in my bed? 】

Qin Lu felt that he was facing another problem now, how would he be able to quickly enter the play and make evil when facing Jiang Liucheng.

This fear soon became a reality.

In the next re-recording screen, when he saw Jiang Liucheng, he actually failed to enter the play at the first time.

"Crack." Cheng Qinghua shouted, looking at Qin Lu in surprise and said, "Aren't you ready yet?"

"Give me three minutes." Qin Lu turned around and stopped looking at Jiang Liucheng.

Cheng Qinghua raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He had collaborated with Qin Lu on a movie, and the other party's acting skills didn't need to be mentioned at all. As long as he wanted, he could join the movie anytime, anywhere.

He looked at Jiang Liucheng, who stood aside and waited cooperatively.

Ten minutes later, the reshoots were over.

Qin Lu didn't have the situation just now. Basically, his scenes were over two or three times, and simple scenes were over once.

At this time, the rain has gradually decreased.

Seeing that Jiang Liucheng was soaking wet, Qin Lu called him to his RV and threw him the towel that assistant Zhang Ning brought him.

"Wipe off your body first, do you have a change of clothes?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "Yes."

He received a notice last night that he was going to film a rain scene today, so he stuffed two clothes in his backpack.

Qin Lu: "Well, you change your clothes first. You can change at the back of the RV, just close the curtains."

Qin Lu's RV is very big, and the space inside is not small. There is a bed in the back. Usually after filming, he will lie in the back and rest for a while when he is tired.

"I'll go get my backpack." Jiang Liucheng was not polite to him either.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Wenbin came over. The backpack in his hand looked familiar, it was his.

"Is this your backpack? Brother Qin asked me to get it for you."

Jiang Liucheng didn't expect Qin Lu to be so careful, and even thought about such trivial matters. He looked at Qin Lu and said, "Thank you."

Qin Lu was wiping his hair, "Go and change it."

Jiang Liucheng took his backpack and got behind the curtain of the RV, and soon there was a rustling sound inside.

When the curtain was drawn again, he had changed into his clothes and returned to his clean and fresh appearance.

Zhang Ning, who was on the side, looked a little stunned. The young man's appearance was really attractive, refreshing and handsome, with a sunny feeling.

He has been in the entertainment industry for several years. In the past, the only person who could make him stunned at first sight was Brother Qin, but now there is one more.

"Don't you have much drama in the next few days?" Qin Lu asked suddenly looking at the young man.

Jiang Liucheng thought about it and nodded and said, "There are not many scenes."

Qin Lu: "Take a day off next week, and I will introduce you to someone better than Cheng Qinghua."

Come over to see Cheng Qinghua, who they want to talk about: "..."

It is impossible to ask for leave, and it will never be possible to agree.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy