MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 1

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"We don't fit."

The girl stared at the face of the boy opposite, with a hint of regret in her eyes, but she still reluctantly said this sentence.

The boy's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, but there was not much reaction on his face, as if everything was expected.

"Sorry." The girl took a deep breath, stood up and walked away, her pace was a little hurried, as if she would regret it if she took a step forward.

When she walked out of the door of the tea room, the phone in her pocket vibrated several times.

The girl took out her phone and replied to her friend's message.

Friend: How is it?

Girl: Woohoo, I refused, I just rejected a super handsome guy!

Friend: Well, looking for the best, handsome but not for food, if the blind date is for the purpose of marriage, it is best to choose a family type, this kind of appearance is really unrealistic.

Friend: It's a bad thing to say, such a handsome boy goes out on a blind date, in case there is any problem.

The girl looked back at the boy who was sitting still, and the warm yellow light on the top fell on his face, casting a soul-stirring shadow on the delicate facial features. Just one glance would make him go crazy.

The boy is really good-looking. As her friend said, when she first saw him, she was a little excited, she felt lucky, and then she calmed down.

With such a good appearance, there should be many girls chasing him, and he is only in his early twenties, so I don't know why he came out on a blind date so early.

After the girl saw that she was gone, the eyes of other girls in the tea room fell more blatantly on the boy.

She knew that the real reason for her rejection was actually lack of self-confidence. She didn't believe that she was so attractive that she could keep the boy's heart on her.

The door of the tea room was pushed open from the outside, a person walked in, glanced around, then sat down opposite the boy, poured himself a cup of tea, and asked.

"what's the result?"

Jiang Liucheng's face finally showed a hint of helplessness at this moment: "This is not good either."

Guo Qifan was not surprised, and even asked as usual: "What's the reason this time, isn't it because I want to marry you earlier? Or do I want you to have a house and a car in Yunshi?"

As someone who has known Jiang Liucheng since childhood, he knew that with his parents as a lesson, Lao Cheng was very strict in the selection of marriage partners.

"Neither, I guess I think there's something wrong with going out on a blind date when I grow up like this."

The girl didn't say it clearly, but Jiang Liucheng could guess how much.

Guo Qifan stared at his face. He and Lao Cheng were high school and college classmates. Since childhood, they had seen how the other party used the same face to achieve the grand scene of both men and women. It's no wonder that people like this go out on blind dates. think.

"People's concerns are also correct. Who would have thought that the school grass of Q University would run out on a blind date as soon as she graduated, either because of a physical problem or a brain problem."

Jiang Liucheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Guo Qifan, who felt the killing intent, pretended to shut up.

Jiang Liucheng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the matchmaker who introduced him, telling him the result and asking him to re-introduce him.

Guo Qifan could see clearly that he had been very calm from the shock at the beginning.

He also said before that he could introduce him to a blind date, but he was decisively rejected.

I still remember Old Orange's explanation at the time - I don't want you to be embarrassed when you see me in the future.

At that time, his first reaction was how it was possible. If he wanted to be embarrassed, it would be Lao Cheng's embarrassment. If he did, with his identity as a matchmaker, even if he couldn't handle him, he could at least knock a few meals.

Later, after thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. If the two fail to have a blind date, Old Orange will definitely not make people embarrassed.

After receiving the matchmaker's reply, Jiang Liucheng only switched back to the interface. Seeing that a person named Wang Jiajun had sent him dozens of messages, he glanced roughly, and his eyes fell on the last words that the other party lost patience.

Wang Jiajun: My house is no longer rented to you, so hurry back and move things away. We will pay the penalty.

Wang Jiajun: You are limited to move out within one day, otherwise don't blame me for throwing your things out of 3307.

Guo Qifan noticed the change in his expression: "what's the matter?"

Jiang Liucheng: "The landlord's son asked me to move out within a day."

Guo Qifan said in surprise: "What's the situation? They told you last week that the price will increase next month. Why are they suddenly in a hurry to let you move out? Do they know that you are hesitating and deliberately irritate you?"

Jiang Liucheng: "It's not like it was intentional. Although the community is very old, the price is really low, so I don't have to worry about renting it out."

Guo Qifan: "Could it be that the landlord's son made his own decisions and deliberately targeted you?"

This possibility exists.

When they first met, Wang Jiajun warmly added him as a friend, but Jiang Liucheng still felt that the other party didn't like him, but he didn't care, after all, he was not the RMB that everyone loved.

Seeing him put away his phone, Guo Qifan asked, "Aren't you going to go back and have a look?"

"I won't go back yet, I have a job, and I have already booked a ticket to go to the market in the evening."

There are the most famous film and television bases in the country in Kaishi, and there are film crews there all the year round. Guo Qifan has been there several times because of his friends, and he has also seen stars or actors who can only be seen on TV.

However, he would sometimes forget that Lao Cheng was still a star. After all, no star would come out on a blind date. If there was, it would be a twenty-eighth-tier star in the entertainment industry who didn't even have a name.

"How many days are you going?"

"The day after tomorrow if it goes well, the day after tomorrow if it doesn't go well."

As for Wang Jiajun's words that he wanted to throw away his belongings, Jiang Liucheng didn't take it to heart. Since he secretly entered the rented room without permission, the landlord had to lower the rent to reduce the impact, so he dared not do it again.

When he arrived at the airport, Jiang Liucheng told Wang Jiajun that he had a job and would be away for a few days. Unexpectedly, Wang Jiajun, who had a firm attitude, didn't insist, and even let him work slowly, so he didn't have to rush back. Sent the phrase 'don't come back, there are secrets here'.

Jiang Liucheng's role has only a few lines, and it is basically not difficult. As long as you cooperate well with other actors, you can pass it two or three times normally.

He didn't tell Guo Qifan that he had come back early, and after getting off the plane, he took a taxi back to Yunhua Community by himself.

Jiang Liucheng got off the car and walked towards the community, and a person came across.

The other party was humming a song triumphantly, as if there was something happy about it. The next second when he saw him, the key that was being thrown upwards was thrown to the ground.

The sound made him come back to his senses, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Didn't you say you went to work outside for a few days, why did you come back so quickly? You lied to me?!" Wang Jiajun stared at him angrily with wide eyes.

Jiang Liucheng said calmly: "The work went well, so I came back early."

Wang Jiajun wanted to say something when the phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Liucheng was about to leave, but found that Wang Jiajun, who answered the phone, was suddenly staring at him vigilantly, and in the next second, he smiled again and answered several times.

After hanging up the phone, seeing that Jiang Liucheng was still there, Wang Jiajun thought of something, and deliberately cursed: "What to look at!"

Jiang Liucheng knew that Wang Jiajun probably had some secrets, but he didn't plan to delve into it. He had things to do every day, and he didn't have the time to waste time on such a person.

Ignoring him, Jiang Liucheng walked into the community.

There was the sound of a car behind him, and he glanced before entering.

I saw a black car parked on the side of the road.

Wang Jiajun immediately trotted to the side of the car with a flattering smile on his face. He bent down as if talking to the person in the passenger seat. After saying a few words, he opened the rear door and sat in.

Half an hour later, the black car stopped in front of a restaurant called Fangcaoge.

Wang Jiajun knew that this restaurant was a place where he could not go in and out before today. Only by becoming a member of them can he make reservations, but not everyone can become a member.

"Mr. Wang, we're here, get out of the car." The agent in the second seat got out of the car first and helped him open the car door in person.

Wang Jiajun swallowed, not expecting that the other party would open the door for him. He was both excited and a little nervous.

He got out of the car and immediately followed the famous agent in the entertainment industry into Fangcao Pavilion.

Under the guidance of the waiter, they came to the door of a private room.

Wang Jiajun walked into the private room with hidden thoughts.

A person is sitting in the private room.

The man was dressed casually, with a hat covering half of his face, and his long legs could hardly be hidden under the table. Before seeing the front, he could already feel the distinctive aura of the other person, and his temperament was also very good. protrude.

He should have waited for a while. He was reading a magazine with a magazine in his hand. He had already turned several pages.

"Brother Qin, someone brought it." The agent said.

The man raised his head and finally let people see his front, the handsome face under the hat.

Wang Jiajun's breathing stagnated slightly, but he didn't even need to look at the man's face, he already knew who this man was.

The youngest actor in the entertainment industry, Qin Lu, has been on the stage for ten years and has made great strides along the way. He has countless fans, not only the huge traffic that stars envy, but also a proper strength.

When he first debuted, he was called the era of Qin Lu.

Wang Jiajun came back to his senses and hurriedly said with a smile, "Hello, Emperor Qin, my name is Wang Jiajun, the person you are looking for."

As he spoke, he winked, as if he wanted to look kinder, but his small eyes and pointed face made it not only unsuccessful, but even more unsightly.

What's more unbearable is that when he smiled at Qin Lu, he also showed yellow teeth that were discolored from frequent smoking.

Qin Lu looked at the agent expressionlessly.

The agent did not expect that the savior the boss had been looking for was such a person, and explained: "He is indeed the owner of 3307."

Wang Jiajun also said, "If you don't believe me, I can show you the evidence. I'm really the owner of 3307."

"Impossible." Qin Lu murmured with his head lowered, then raised his head to look at Wang Jiajun, who smiled at him again, he looked away again, and muttered to himself, "Impossible, my savior is impossible. Such a rude person."

Read The Duke's Passion