MTL - After Rebirth, the Buddha-like Star Is a Medical Expert-Chapter 662 Second watch

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  Chapter 662 Second update

  Hearing Xie Yizun say sister, the guests present were puzzled at first, who is Xie Yizun's sister?

  But soon after the question and answer between the host and Xia Youqing, he suddenly realized.

  The elder sister that Young Master Xie talks about should be the daughter of Xia Youqing and her ex-husband Ning Yisheng.

  When they thought it was her, everyone pricked up their ears.

  After all, the former couple Xia Youqing and Ning Yi are too famous.

   But their daughter is really low-key.

  Let them think about it, but they can't think of any information related to her.

  So, they pricked up their ears while listening to Xie Yizun, and at the same time lowered their heads from time to time to ask the people around them about Xia Youqing's daughter.

   Except for Jin Quan and Jin Suyan, they looked at each other complicatedly.

  The host also knew that Xia Youqing's daughter was definitely another hot spot, so he kept asking Xie Yizun questions, hoping that he could reveal more information about his sister.

   "It seems that my sister has a great influence on Yiyi's growth." The host looked at Xie Yizun.

   "Yes." Xie Yizun nodded, "Even my relationship with my parents became closer because of my sister."

   "Oh?" The host's eyes lit up, "One by one, did you ever get along with your parents before?"

  He actually asked a bit too much.

   Anyone who has watched "Is there me in your future" knows that Xie Yizun and Xia Youqing have a lot of conflicts in their daily relationship. After all, they often lose their temper when they are filming a variety show.

   But how?

  Reality TV belongs to reality TV.

  Since Xie Yizun mentioned at this moment that he has problems getting along with his parents in reality, the host feels that this problem must not be let go.

   After all, this program is not only a competitive reality show, but also a social experiment program focusing on the social reality of contemporary parents and adult children.

  The purpose of this program is to try to help the guests break the dilemma of parent-child social internal friction by participating in this program.

  Since it is a reality show, the audience wants to see the truth, and the truth needs to express emotions. There are difficulties, joys, and disappointments. This is the sense of variety.

  Like the Jin family father and daughter, to be honest, this is good or that, it looks very good.

   But not necessarily what the audience likes, because the audience is watching the show, who wants to see the stars in it?

   It’s good to be like Xie Yizun and Xia Youqing. The state of the two getting along together will make the audience feel refreshed all the time.

  They can really surprise the audience at any time.

  When the audience watched the two of them, their hearts were suspended, their emotional value was full, and their excitement was also full.

   Naturally, I can't wait for their appearance, and I am willing to give them more attention.

Regarding the question from the host, Xie Yizun did not hide it, "My mother and I have not been very close since childhood, because she used to be away from home often, always working and working, and she rarely accompanied me. At one point, she suddenly started to take care of me, but leave me alone, she doesn't know me well, she just likes to play her way, so for a while, our relationship was not good, and then my mother and my father It was also under the influence of my sister that she began to change her attitude towards me."

Speaking of this, Xie Yizun smiled, "I think the good thing about my parents is that they are willing to listen to my sister's advice, and they have been changing. After listening to my sister's words, they also corrected their own concepts and behavior, so now I'm much more comfortable with them."

   "No wonder I said that I watched Yiyi get along with my mother on the show. There are many intimate places, and many times they are very tacit." The host laughed.

"The main reason is that my mother and I can talk about more topics now, and then I found that my mother is actually quite interesting. She is very good at learning, likes to follow trends, and is sometimes quite cool." Speaking of which, Xie Yizun Taking a look at Xia Youqing, the corners of her mouth turned up, "For example, when she practiced yoga this morning, she cried so ugly, but she still worked hard to complete the task beautifully. At that time, I suddenly felt that she was a bit amazing."

  When there are guests, Xie Yizun jokes, "Yiyi, be careful that mom is not happy, you dare to say that she cries ugly."

  The other guests immediately laughed, and their teasing eyes turned back and forth on Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun's mother and son.

  Xia Youqing covered his face.

   "It's okay." Xie Yizun said very calmly, "I used to call her an old and ugly old aunt, and she got used to it."

  The guests were shocked:

   "Yiyi, you actually called mom an old and ugly old aunt?"

   "Oh my god, your mother's fans should be crying!"

   "Yiyi, facing your mother's face, how did you say that?"

  Someone asked Xia Youqing with wide eyes:

   "Goddess, are you treated like this at home?"

  Xia Youqing pretended to be angry, and raised his hand to hit his son.

   Xie Yizun moved to the side sharply, but not too much. Xia Youqing's slap fell directly on his arm.

  But everyone can see clearly that Xia Youqing didn't really hit him, he hit his son very lightly, which means he meant it.

After Xie Yizun took a few good beatings, he hurriedly begged for mercy, "Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I changed it now, and I never called you that before, I always called you 'Super Invincible Girl', you forgot?!"

  The guests watched happily, and then booed, "Super invincible girl?!"



   "This cliffhanger can no longer be beaten."

Xia Youqing took advantage of the situation and withdrew his hands, and then said helplessly, "He is more than four years old, maybe five years old, I don't know where he learned some strange knowledge, suddenly one day I went home Playing games with him, playing with him, he said 'you old ugly old aunt', I was so stupid at the time, people are stupid."

  The guests laughed, "When I was four or five years old?!"

   "Oh my God, this is too madam..." Isn't it funny? !

Xia Youqing also knew what the guests were thinking, but the angry and helpless expressions on his face switched back and forth freely, "It's terrible, isn't it? I'm stunned, and I can't fight, so I can only grit my teeth and think, this is my own. It's personal..."

   "Yes, yes, my own."

   "Four or five-year-old Yiyi probably doesn't even know what this means."

   Xie Yizun also smiled and said, "I called my mother that when I was four or five years old, and I never said that to her since I was in elementary school."

  Xia Youqing nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, when he got older, he really didn't say that again, otherwise, I might not be alive now."

  The guests laughed along.

   "When did Yiyi start calling her mother 'Super Invincible Girl'?" The host asked Xie Yizun again.

   "When I was a trainee." Xie Yizun replied.

   "Is it because there was any opportunity at that time?" The host.

"Yes." Xie Yizun nodded, "I followed my sister, who often called my mother 'Super Invincible Beautiful Girl', and my mother was very happy every time she heard it. I care about me, even if I know that she likes to be called 'Super Invincible Girl', I don't want to tell her."

He turned his head and glanced at Xia Youqing, "After I became a trainee, I began to experience why my parents stopped me from entering the circle, and why my mother never came home. I gradually realized their It’s not easy, and I’m starting to realize that I’m actually very lucky. If I hadn’t been born in such a family, I would never have had many of my thoughts and wills, as well as conditions and environments.”

The expression on Xie Yizun's face gradually became calm, "I have been learning music since I was three or four years old, violin, piano, guitar, etc. Those art training and finding a good teacher will cost a lot of money. If my mother Not being a movie queen, not marrying my dad, or being an aunt who sweeps the floor on the street, no matter how talented I am, I can't become who I am now."

"Also, since I was a child, many people said that I look good-looking and that I look like my mother. Fortunately, I look like my mother, so I can be a singer and an actor. I think everything I have now is thanks to my mother. gifted by parents."

  A young guest suddenly asked, "Yiyi, didn't you say that you became who you are now because of your sister?"

After taking a look at her, Xie Yizun said calmly, "It's because of my sister. Without my sister, I wouldn't even be a trainee, let alone debut. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am now, but without my parents , I am not the same as I am now. I am more and more discovering that there are parts of my personality that are very similar to my mother, such as the dedication to try my best for my dreams, and the talent in art. She passed it on to me, and when I saw it, I started calling my mom 'Super Invincible Girl' just like my sister."

   "Mom is really excellent." The host also praised the situation, "It's just that we work **** this show."

"Yes, yes." Other guests echoed, "I was shocked when I saw Sister Qing doing yoga so well today, my God, I thought she was really amazing at the time, how could she twist her body into Like that."

Xia Youqing laughed and sighed, "I had a terrible backache at the time, and felt like my body was folded in half, but there was no way, my son was afraid of heights and wanted to jump off the plane, could it be that I couldn't even complete a single yoga move? Is it? At that time, besides the pain, I just thought, no matter what, even if I die on the yoga mat, I have to complete the task.”

Xie Yizun pursed his lips, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I don't know why my mother worked so hard because of this, but it's also because of her hard work. Later, when I want to complete the task, I will have A lot of power said, my mother is in so much pain and she insists on it, why can't I?"

   "Yiyi is the source of strength for mother, and mother is also the source of strength for Yiyi. It seems that as long as one of the parents and children is serious about being themselves, the other will also be affected." 1314

  (end of this chapter)

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