MTL - After Rebirth, the Buddha-like Star Is a Medical Expert-Chapter 656 Second watch

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  Chapter 656 Second update

  Everyone saw the child staring blankly at the girl who just spoke with the remote control in his hand.

   I thought that the kid was frightened by the girl's yelling, and some of the guests sitting there showed displeasure on their faces.

  The girl also felt embarrassed, and quickly got up from her seat, walked up to the stunned kid, and apologized to him softly, "I'm sorry, kid, I scared you."

  But she didn't want to, the kid holding the remote control stared at her and asked her, "Big sister, do you want to see brother Yiyi too?"

  The girl was stopped by his question, and after a while, she answered with a smile, "You are so smart, do you know brother Yiyi too?"

  The kid holding the remote control is a little boy over five years old. Hearing the girl's praise, he raised his head proudly, "Of course I know Brother Yiyi, my mother likes him the most."

  The young mother sitting across from the little boy interjected dumbfoundingly, "Doudou, mom loves you the most, okay?"

   "Oh, then you like me the most, and the second favorite is brother." The little boy turned his head and said to his mother seriously.

  The young mother took a quick look at her husband who was smiling meaningfully at her husband, and quickly turned her head to the girl who came over to apologize and said, "It's okay, Doudou is not scared, he is just often a little behind the scenes."

  After explaining, she asked her son again, "Doudou, this sister wants to watch the TV show you are broadcasting now, so why don't you change the channel again?"

"Got it, got it." The little boy was very well-behaved, not only agreed to his mother's request, but also handed the remote control in his hand to the girl who came over to apologize, "Big sister, I'll give you the remote control, and you can see what you like—brother." Bar."

   "I don't want the remote control, as long as you don't change the channel." Finding that she didn't scare the other children, and the children are so sensible and well-behaved, the girl was relieved and happy at the same time.

   Seeing that the child was fine, the diners next to him turned their attention back to themselves and their companions.

  But because of this conversation, Ning Youguang turned his head and looked at the TV behind him.

  The variety show that Xie Yizun and Xia Youqing are participating in just happened to be broadcast on TV.

   On the screen, Xie Yizun and Xia Youqing are doing yoga in a magnificent hotel in soft and close-fitting yoga clothes.

Xia Youqing was lying on the yoga mat on the ground. Xie Yizun hooked her hand and bent down after helping her. Judging from the expressions of the two of them and their sweating profusely, the yoga movements they need to complete should be extremely difficult big.

  At this moment, Xia Youqing's back was bent, and the Indian yogi wearing a white yoga suit next to him was still shaking his head.

  The movements that the two of them have just worked so hard to do are still not up to the standards required by the judges of the program group.

  Xia Youqing's tears came out instantly.

   Xie Yizun, who was standing behind her, immediately let go of her when he saw her crying.

  He quickly walked up to her and knelt down, frowned and looked at her and asked, "Is it painful? Otherwise, let's stop doing it, let's change a task."

  Xia Youqing cried and shook his head, then lay down on the yoga mat and continued to cry.

   Xie Yizun said again, "We've tried our best, but it still doesn't work. Change it. I'll do other tasks, and you rest."

  Xia Youqing raised his head, cried and said, "No."

   "Then what should we do?" Xie Yizun was anxious, "Are you going to do it again?"

  Xia Youqing cried and said, "Give me two minutes to calm down."

   Xie Yizun didn't say anything else, but turned around and went to the side to fetch a bottle of water, unscrewed it and asked her, "Do you want some water?"


   Xia Youqing on TV raised his deformed face from crying.

  Outside the TV, Ning Youguang heard someone talking in surprise——

   "Xia Youqing is in good shape."

   "Yeah, I'm also surprised."

   "They are female stars who have been popular for decades. They are different from us. Their monthly maintenance fee is more than several million. Can they maintain it well?"

"Then I still think Xia Youqing is very powerful. She is already fifty years old. Look at her yoga movements just now. Whether it is the toughness or softness of her body, they are all very good. Let's say fifty." It’s amazing to be able to maintain this state at the age of 10.”

   "Yes, yes, the overall skin is so delicate and firm, and there are no fine lines at the corners of the eyes when I smile."

   "Anti-aging can achieve this level. I can't think of other ways to praise it other than giving ten thumbs up."

   "How on earth did she manage to be with her son and look like a couple?"

   "Wow, this show is good, Xie Yizun is so hardworking, straightforward, and versatile."

   "It's great to have a son. When he grows up, he can take care of himself like a boyfriend."

   "I also think he is in this show, boyfriend Limax!"


  Hearing this, Ning Youguang smiled slowly.

  She felt that Xie Yizun and her mother were really Ziwei Xing from heaven.

   In other words, the reality show they are participating in now really gave them both fans.

  The reality show that is currently being broadcast on TV is called "Will there be me in your future".

   is a new variety show produced by the well-known domestic TV station Orange Channel. It is also a social experiment program focusing on the social reality of contemporary parents and adult children.

  The program returns to the social reality of contemporary parents and children, breaks the dilemma of parent-child social internal friction, and focuses on the emotional communication between parents and children.

   What is relatively novel is that it is not just a show where all the guests participating in the show sit down, eat, drink and chat, and patronize the exchange of emotions.

   It is also a competitive reality show.

   This is why Xie Yizun is willing to participate in this reality show with Xia Youqing.

   Although Orange TV is not the best TV station for domestic variety shows, but because of its geographical advantages, the TV station is very rich.

  Because of the money, when designing and planning this show, the TV station will follow how it is fun and how to catch people's attention.

  14 people, 7 groups of star teams and 100 staff members, from Turkey to India to Saudi Arabia, filmed around the world, played skydiving, skiing, racing and various difficult competitions.

  After the last episode aired.

  Viewers left messages on the Internet one after another, "This kind of money-burning TV program can only be produced by Chengzi, a local TV station."

  The production of the program group is willing to spend money, so naturally they are not stingy in inviting guests.

   Orange Channel is very optimistic about the new program created by the station with a lot of money, and it is also very cautious when recruiting guests.

  The selected guests not only need topics, popularity, and national favorability, but also make the audience have a sense of expectation.

   This year’s hot idol Xie Yizun and film and television actress Xia Youqing’s first variety show debut is undoubtedly a trump card worth betting on. 1314

  (end of this chapter)

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