MTL - After Rebirth, the Buddha-like Star Is a Medical Expert-Chapter 646 Never seen such a brazen person

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   Chapter 646 Never seen such a brazen person

   There are eight of them.

   That's why.

   Just now, the two of them felt that today's express delivery was particularly heavy and heavy.

   "Big Brother Yun and Assistant Jin, can they cook?" Ning Youguang decided to take these things to share with relatives and friends, not to mention that he couldn't eat them, nor could they fit in the refrigerator.

   "Zewu doesn't do it, Assistant Jin does it."

   "Bring him a chicken tomorrow when I go to the company." Ning Youguang said, "Two for Aunt Ming, two for the teacher, and one for the brother. Let's keep two, that's almost it."

   "Okay." Of course Mochizuki had no objection.

   "Old ginseng will also get him some." Ning Youguang said, "And Brother Yun, you have worked hard, so let them make tea and drink to nourish their spirits."

   Then she took two more bags of red ginseng slices, "Take these two bags to the company's pantry."

   Mochizuki nodded.

   The two of them divided the boxes and collected them. After they were sorted, they went upstairs to wash the old ginseng together.

   The bathroom upstairs is basically unused.

   After the two entered, they directly poured a basket of old ginseng onto the bathroom floor and started brushing one by one.

"Suddenly a little sad, now I can see my grandfather two or three times a year. When I think of my grandfather, I think of a sycamore tree that I used to look at the window when I was a child. When I was a child, when I was doing homework, I often looked up at it, spring and summer. Autumn and winter, every day is different, but also the same.”

   may be because of the things that Grandpa Xia sent, which brought back Ning Youguang's memories of his childhood home.

  When the two of them were squatting in the bathroom to brush old ginseng, her desire to talk was overwhelming, and she had been chatting with Shi Mochiyue about the stories of her childhood.

  Shi Mochizuki listened patiently and responded with a few sentences from time to time.

   "Childhood is a time that cannot be returned."

  Fortunately we are always together.

"Yeah." Ning Youguang said, and remembered the persimmons he ate at Yuxian's place before, "Last time I ate persimmons at Yuxian's place, I also remembered that there were two persimmon trees in my grandfather's yard. Fei Fei used to be a child. My sister and Dai Dai always eat the persimmons before they turn yellow on the tree. Grandpa will pick some green persimmons, put them in a cardboard box, and then put a layer of grass ash. You can eat persimmons that have turned soft and red."

   "I've eaten it too." Shi Mochizuki smiled.

   He remembered that when he was a child, he went home from school with his sister and Xia Dai several times. Xia Dai liked to take the two of them to secretly open the box where his grandfather was holding persimmons to see if the persimmons inside had turned red.

   Every time at this time, Ning Youguang's favorite thing is to squat beside Xia Di and secretly squeeze, looking for soft persimmons.

   The three children were very happy when they found soft persimmons.

   Then he and Xia Di would look at her together, waiting for her to find the soft persimmons and divide them equally according to the head, and then eat them together.

   Before, he only thought that the persimmons in Grandpa Xia's box were delicious.

   is sweet and soft.

   Now he found out that the persimmons he ate at Grandpa Xia's house at that time were not just persimmons, but also his expectation and yearning for happiness.

  As a child, he always felt that everything in the Xia family was the best.

   Now I understand that it's not how good the Xia family gave him, but the warmth they treated him, every point is precious.

   "When you grow up, the memories of home will eventually become memories."

   The world we are familiar with will slowly dissipate, become unfamiliar, and become the memory of others.

  After washing the old ginseng, the two went downstairs.

  Ning Youguang picked up the phone and checked the time, and found that it was almost eleven o'clock.

   "You go take a bath first." Shi Mochizuki said, "I'll put them in the wine jar."

   "Okay." Ning Youguang said, "The wine in the jar is not enough, so add some sorghum wine."

"it is good."

  Ning Youguang took off his hair and went to the bathroom to take a shower, but before he took two steps, he heard the phone ring.

   was Li Qing's call to her.

   As soon as Ning Youguang was connected, the other party said incoherently, "I broke up."


   "I know you are surprised now." Li Qing said, "I ask you not to ask anything now, just listen to me."

   "Okay, you say." Ning Youguang's face also darkened slightly.

   "I need you to drive the best car in your garage now. Can you pick me up at the door of Houhai No. 6 bar?"

   "Okay." Ning Youguang's heart sank instantly when he heard the eager and slightly trembling voice of the other party.

   She hung up the phone and said to Shi Mochizuki, "Mochizuki, give me your car keys."

   "Which car?" Mochizuki immediately asked.

   "Sports car." Ning Youguang said.

   Shi Mochizuki said in surprise, "Will your friend not take our car for a while?"

   "Li Qing and I." Ning Youguang responded after answering, "Are you going too?"

   "Otherwise?" Shi Mochizuki looked inexplicable, "It's so late."

   "But don't you still have some work to do?"

   "Make arrangements for your side first." Shi Mochizuki reached out and grabbed Ning Youguang's wrist, "Let's change clothes now, think about what else we need to get."

"Identity cards, wallets, keys, wear more, there should be nothing else." Ning Youguang's brain quickly turned, "Li Qing called me to say she broke up, and now let me drive the best in our family. Pick her up in the car at Houhai No. 6 bar."

   "My scooter." Shi Mochizuki said, "Is it alright? You will sit comfortably later."

   "Yes." Ning Youguang thought about it and thought it was fine.


   Mochizuki and Ning had a light-drive car, almost all the way to the gate of the No. 6 bar in Houhai with a green light.

   When they arrived at the scene, the two of them were stunned by the **** scene in front of them.

   Li Qing's boyfriend who had only been dating for a few months was caught by her in a bar to cheat on her.

   The three stood at the door of the wine and faced off with daggers.

The    confrontation pattern is that the scumbag and another girl are standing in front of a red Maserati. The lonely Li Qing is wearing a short skirt, a coat, and 12 cm high heels, standing in the wind angrily.

   He didn't cry, he just gritted his teeth and looked at the couple with red eyes, his eyes spitting fire.

  Ning Youguang and Shimochiyue arrived at this time.

When Mochizuki stepped on the brakes   , Ning Youguang opened the door and walked out.

   Just as she was about to care a few words, Li Qing glanced at the scumbag coldly, then turned around and got into the car without looking sideways.

   "Let's get in the car."

   "Where to?" Ning Youguang asked suspiciously.

   "Let's go first." Li Qing said coldly.

  Ning Youguang saw her hand carrying the bag, and her fingertips turned white.

   I felt that it was not appropriate to ask more questions in this situation, so I got into the car behind her, and as soon as I got in the car, I said to Shi Mochizuki, "Drive."

   Shi Mochizuki slammed on the accelerator and drove the car away from the red Maserati on the opposite side.

   Waiting for the car to drive past the red Maserati.

  Li Qing suddenly said, "Can you open the window?"

   Mochizuki also responded quickly, and immediately opened the car window on her side.

   Immediately afterwards, Ning Youguang was stunned to see that Li Qing suddenly stretched his hand out of the window and raised his **** backwards.

   Wait for the people and cars behind you to completely fade out of sight.

   She put her hand back in the car, and turned her head and asked Ning Youguang with wide eyes, "Sister, did we just win?"

   "What gesture?" Ning Youguang didn't understand at all.

   "Just that woman, having a Maserati is amazing!" Li Qing suddenly laughed with a red nose, "Our Maybach won."

  Ning Youguang only knew that she was so eager to find her to pick her up, and Shi Mochiyue couldn't help laughing and laughing.


   In the end, it was lovelorn and cheated by a scumbag.

  Li Qing was able to suppress his emotions to Ning Youguang, and it was enough restraint not to be hysterical in public.

   Now, after laughing with Ning Youguang, she became sad again.

   With red eyes, he sniffed and talked about the cause and effect of this **** plot.

   It turned out that this scumbag broke up with her only this afternoon.

   The most ridiculous thing is that it was less than an hour after he broke up with her.

   A friend and Li Qing sent a message saying that they saw this ex and a girl kissing me in the Houhai No. 6 bar.

"It's okay to break up, this person's most cowardly operation is - he clearly greens me, and he still wants to invite me to the hotel." In such a cold day, when Li Qing went there, in order to look good, how beautiful and how to dress, typical I want demeanor and not temperature, obviously my hands, legs and face are frozen, but my whole person is like a burning fire. ."


  Ning Youguang had never seen such a brazen person before, and he didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to put the warm baby in his hand to her, "warm hands."

   "Thank you dear." Li Qing took a breath, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

   "Is it warmer now?" Ning Youguang asked gently, then reached out and touched her hand again.

   "It's much warmer." Shi Mochiyue turned up the heating in the car as soon as Li Qing got in the car, so she felt a rush of warmth as soon as she got in the car.

  It was only now that she had the time to say hello to Mochizuki, who was sitting in the front and driving quietly, "It's so late, trouble our handsome guy."

   Shi Mochizuki said indifferently, "No trouble."

   turned his head, Li Qing asked Ning Youguang again, "Everything is already the best arrangement, right?"

   "All." Ning Youguang nodded.

  Li Qing leaned on the back of the chair, sighed softly and said, "I used to think that the world was too vain, but now it seems that I still don't understand the way of thinking in dealing with people and employing people."

   "We should look at human nature with a dialectical and skeptical thinking." Ning Youguang said.

   "Yes, I won't shake the fundamental me. It's just that when I get along with people, I'm thinking about whether I should make a change." Li Qing thought for a while and said.

"Many people are born with the ability to figure out people's hearts. They call themselves smart people. In the eyes of smart people, people who don't know how to figure out people's hearts, and people who don't know how to detour when they speak are fools, but I don't think so. I think more simple and straightforward people are more Wisdom." Ning Youguang looked at Li Qing gently and said slowly, "The teacher also said that straight heart is a dojo."

"I remember you told me this." Li Qing's mouth curled into a very reluctant smile, "You can deceive people when you speak your language and your brain. Many people don't know that what they say is false. It's against their will, because their brains react too fast."

  Ning nodded lightly, "That's why there are few people in this world who care."

"You're right." Li Qing sighed, "I used to be very easy to trust others, but now I realize that listening to people's words can't just be superficial. Does this mean that I can better understand the thoughts of others? In the process of getting along with others, I can better protect myself?"

   "Yes, we all need the ability to understand smart people, but we can choose not to be smart people." Ning Youguang said.

"Thank you dear." Li Qing leaned on the back of the chair, tilted his head to look at Ning Youguang, his eyes were slightly moist, "I'm distracted, I don't know if he has any, but I don't have any regrets or regrets, maybe I It is easy to get injured, but it is also easy to heal itself, this is the buff God gave me, my shield."

After a slight pause, she went on to say, "I now find that love exists, it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, there is no ambiguity, it's people who are ambiguous, and most people can't see their hearts, like the monkey who talks about traveling to the west. Same."

"It's not just love, it's all relationships. There are no unclear boundaries in this world. If you feel unclear, someone must be covering up something. The real intention and purpose are absolutely clear. It's just that many people don't say it. They didn't say it because they were afraid of being seen."

   "Why are you afraid of being seen?"

   "Because there is their 'ego' in it, it is not good for them, and it is the room they leave for themselves."

"Yes, he said that I don't leave any room for myself." Li Qing sat upright in an instant, "He said that he was very tired to get along with me, so he would break up. I was thinking about whether he was very busy before, and I kept holding him. It makes him feel tired, and now he finds out that this is not the case at all, how can there be such a wrong person? Just saying that he likes someone else will kill him? I'm not someone who can't let go!"

"There are a lot of people like this." Ning Youguang said, "This kind of people likes to hide a little bit whether they are talking or doing things, it is not good or bad, that is, their survival mode is like this, they need to be at all times. Leave a place for yourself, this model is likely to be an obstacle for true 'blessing', and of course it is also a defense for some bad fate, a double-edged sword."

   "I'm not afraid of being seen." Li Qing said calmly, "But I really hope to see that fragile self through him."

   "How can you be vulnerable?" Ning Youguang said in surprise and admiration, "My dear, you don't even know how brave you are."

   "I'm not vulnerable?" Li Qing asked in surprise.

"Of course you're not vulnerable. In love, you're open and honest, and you don't hide. That's an expression of bravery." Ning Youguang said, "Some people play in the world for a long time, and they will become someone who likes to play with their brains. People, who seem to be very smart, are actually very stupid, because in the end they play with themselves." 1314

   The computer system has been upgraded, and Xia Fei can't type the previous word. The little angels will watch it...



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion