MTL - After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega-Chapter 12

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Su Liang may never know that a stroll around in his midnight dream made the direction of the world line completely different from the world he once experienced. Lu Taipan, who should have lost control of his mental power and caused serious physical damage, successfully negotiated with Lu Zhengen in this world to hide a knife in a smile.

He wouldn't know that the "something" secretly disappeared in Xingchuan University triggered another undercurrent between the Canaan government and the Earth Alliance, but this time, the Earth Alliance station got the upper hand.

At this time, the young beta was full of thoughts and only wanted to quickly find a way to completely cut off the relationship with the two troublesome characters.

Then a few days later, an agreement from the senior management of the Lu family appeared in front of him.

Of course, it is an agreement, it is better to say that there is no order at all that may be rejected: As a Beta with a very low pheromone overflow value, Su Liang was selected by the Lu family to go to the Lu family. The courtyard, also known as the secret area where Lu Taipan, the head of the Lu family, is to recuperate his body, and conducts internal family services for half a year.

"Internal service period...I agree."

Su Liang looked at the document in front of her, and nodded after thinking for a very short time.

"We sincerely hope that you will seriously consider your choice this time. Considering that you were involved in the accident of Lu Zhizhao's mental out of control, this is an atonement - do you agree? !"

The middle-aged man in an old-fashioned robe in front of him was brewing all kinds of coercive and enticing remarks, and suddenly he heard Su Liang's incomparably crisp response, almost biting his own tongue.

He looked at Su Liang in surprise, and it took him a long time to adjust the expression on his face.

"It's very, very good that you have such a strong return to the Lu family."

He said dryly.

But there was a hint of mockery and sympathy in the eyes of Su Liang.

Even if they don't know anything about Lu Taipan's current situation, ordinary Lu family members should feel hesitation and resistance when they receive this order to serve the family. The secrecy level of the other courtyard where Lu Taipan lives is extremely high, comparable to some military facilities in the Earth Alliance. Going to the "Snake Cave" for service means that he must be isolated from his family and friends for half a year. Considering the strict rules and regulations and lifeless atmosphere in the "Snake Cave", going to work in the "Snake Cave" is basically equivalent to going to jail.

The most important thing is that as a student of Xingchuan University, Su Liang's studies will also be interrupted.

Of course, according to the so-called "manager" of the Lu family, they will inform Xingchuan University and register the six-month service period as an internal internship within the group. But even this can't change the reality that Su Liang will leave the classroom for half a year.

That is, the side staff who have no knowledge of the actual situation and are completely excluded from the core of the Lu family would so simply agree to serve in the "Snake Cave".

The manager obviously thought so.

Su Liang naturally never missed the strange look of the manager. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the agreement in front of him, without showing the slightest emotion.

In fact, of course Su Liang knew that going to the "Snake Cave" was definitely not a good thing, not only because of the problems on the surface, he also knew more than most people - for example, He knew very well that Lu Taipan, the owner of "Snake Cave", was in a very bad state. And once a double-S-level Alpha like Lu Taipan completely collapses, it will cause an extremely terrifying mental riot. At that time, all those who are shrouded in his mental power will probably be impacted and injured.

In addition, Lu Taipan has a serious pheromone disorder, even a very slight pheromone overflow may cause him to violently injure people, and may even die directly in serious cases.


Su Liang is more aware of another thing, that is, it is impossible for the Lu family to let him go.

In his last life, he was completely blinded by love, so he couldn't see the undercurrent of the Lu family's high-pressure state.

The marriage between the Lu family and the Ning family was a necessary move for Lu Zhizhao's father and the current acting head of the Lu family, Lu Zhengen. After all, only relying on marriage to get the help of the Ning family, after Lu Taipan's death in the future, can Lu Zhengen become the real head of the Lu family.

Under such circumstances, a young Beta who will make Lu Zhizhao miss and worry is simply the worst existence.

Su Liang even suspected that if he did not run away with Lu Zhizhao but stayed in the Lu family in his previous life, he would most likely die due to some "accident".

In contrast, the seemingly perilous, depressing and closed "snake cave" is a good place to go.

Even though Lu Zhizhao told Lu Taipan's terrifying deeds before, it was difficult for Su Liang to have a real bad feeling towards the man in the rumor.

When she saw the word "Snake Cave" on the agreement, the first thing that came to Su Liang's mind was the "Poisonous Snake" soldier who didn't want to leave his name, cold but extremely handsome 's face.

Everyone knows that the "serpents" under Lu Taipan have fanatical loyalty and love for him.

And the man who can make the cold-hearted but good big brother as he remembers to support his allegiance with his life cannot be a bad person no matter what.

At least, Lu Taipan won't go to the trouble of going to an obscure, weak and ordinary beta.

Compared to Lu Taipan, Lu Zhizhao and Ning Jiayi made Su Liang more troublesome.

When she thought of going to the "Snake Cave", she could have half a year to ignore the bad things between Lu Zhizhao and Ning Jiayi, and when she signed her name on the agreement, Su Liang The mood is even relaxed.

The only trouble is to persuade Su Nuan to accept this matter.

Fortunately, Su Nuan and her brother-in-law are only marginal figures in the Lu family, so naturally there is no way to know the real situation of Lu Taipan.

Su Nuan was purely worried about Su Liang's studies, and she was even more reluctant to leave her.

About the previous point, Su Liang had already told the professor that he would focus on sorting out the various knowledge and details needed to be a teacher of basic subjects in the 48th district in the past six months. After all, what he needs to study is completely different from those students who are destined to enter large group companies after graduation.

The latter point is much simpler…


Su Liang analyzed this with her sister sincerely.

Su Nuan: "You're right."

After spending some words and efforts to appease Su Nuan, Su Liang quickly agreed with the senior Lu family steward the time to go to the Lu family's other courtyard, which is the "snake cave".

The speed and the anticipation of the attitude even caught the steward who secretly received a lot of benefits, and his attitude towards Su Liang became extraordinarily strange.

In a few days—

"Actually, the service period is half a year, so you don't have to be so hasty."

The steward said to Su Liang who was carrying luggage and was about to get on the bus.

Su Liang smiled sweetly at him, but didn't say anything.

Of course, in Su Liang's heart, he barely shouted out—

[How could it not be fast! 】

Su Liang has already inquired, Lu Zhizhao's confinement time is about to expire!

For God's sake, Su Liang didn't want to meet Lu Zhizhao again before he went to the Lu Family Courtyard.

He could imagine that, with Lu Zhizhao's resistance to Lu Taipan, he would do everything possible to prevent himself from going to another courtyard in the name of protection.

In the past life, Su Liang knew that although Lu Zhizhao was the designated future heir of the Lu family in name, the relationship between him and his uncle could not be said to be close. After all, Lu Zhizhao's father, Lu Zhengen, has always had a very delicate relationship with Lu Taipan.

Of course, Su Liang is not interested in this kind of secret and **** power struggle between the heirs of the wealthy family. He just doesn't want to be involved in the same foolishness as in his previous life, and then die so embarrassed.

When she thought of Lu Zhizhao and Ning Jiayi, Su Liang couldn't help but fight a cold war.

He couldn't wait to leave quickly.

I have to say that Su Liang's plan is perfect, and she has a very full understanding of Lu Zhizhao.

However, Su Liang calculated everything, but didn't calculate it. In the end, he was stopped halfway.


Su Liang's suspension car made a harsh braking sound, and then stopped suddenly.

After the emergency braking, the driver looked forward with a pale face.

"Where did the guy come from, is this dead? How dare you stop the car like this—"

The driver of the Lu family was about to scold the other party, but after seeing the face of the culprit who was extremely reckless and lethal, he quickly shut his mouth.

"Master Lu?!"

The figure who jumped out of the other car was very familiar. It was someone Su Liang had been avoiding.

"Liang! You come down!"

Lu Zhizhao's slightly blue face appeared outside the car.


He slapped the window hard, and his hoarse growl came clearly into the car from the window.

Su Liang hesitantly looked at Lu Zhizhao, who had become somewhat unfamiliar, through the car window. When he was still hesitating, the other party had already taken a step ahead and opened the door directly. The suspension car door, which should have been extremely strong, was as fragile as paper in the face of the brute force of the S-class Alpha.

"Lu Zhizhao?"

Su Liang only had time to call out Lu Zhizhao's name, and the next second, Lu Zhizhao reached out his hand, grabbed his wrist, and dragged the thin beta down from the hover car.

"Master Lu, what are you doing?"

Maybe the driver also noticed that something was wrong with Lu Zhizhao, he mustered up his courage to come forward to dissuade him, but Lu Zhizhao didn't even turn his head back, the pressure belonging to Alpha spread out instantly, the driver His face turned blue, and in an instant, he covered his head and curled up in pain, and he no longer had the energy to step forward.

"Lu Zhizhao, you are doing something to ordinary people! What's wrong with you?!"

Seeing the scene in front of her, the hair on Su Liang's back stood up.

Perhaps Lu Zhizhao was a complete troublemaker for him, but over the years, Su Liang had to admit that the Lu Zhizhao he knew was always reliable and calm in front of others. The kind of person who can be trusted.

This man with bloodshot eyes and a gloomy face in front of him is too different from the Lu Zhizhao he knew.

"Lu Zhizhao, shouldn't you be in confinement?"

Lu Zhizhao stuck Su Liang's wrist, he seemed to use all his strength, Su Liang's wrist was in severe pain, and he almost cried out in pain.

But he held back.

Based on some kind of inexplicable self-consciousness, Su Liang instinctively did not dare to make drastic actions. He did not dare to stimulate Lu Zhizhao, so he could only calm himself and pretend to ask calmly.

"Why are you here?"

"I escaped."

Lu Zhizhao stared straight at Su Liang and said.

"I was told that you were sent to my uncle's courtyard." He added, "So I came to see you."

The voice fell, and Lu Zhizhao turned around, pulling Su Liang's hand and was about to go out.

"You're not suitable for that kind of place, it's too dangerous. Xiao Liang, don't be afraid, I'll tell my father and ask him to withdraw the order."

"It's not that bad, I actually volunteered... Lu Zhizhao, wait, are you alright?"

Even if Su Liang didn't want to irritate Lu Zhizhao any more and was almost dragged away by Lu Zhizhao, he couldn't help raising his voice.

He has noticed that Lu Zhizhao has many wounds on his body, and his hands and neck are dripping with blood: it is as if Lu Zhizhao forcibly tore off some restraint device, and then escaped.

"Lu Zhizhao, are you injured?"

Hearing Su Liang's question, Lu Zhizhao's movements suddenly paused, he turned around abruptly, and still looked at Su Liang with that dazed, hairy gaze.

After a moment, he gave a slightly distorted smile.

"I'm fine." Lu Zhizhao said in a hoarse voice, "However, I've been having nightmares these days, so I didn't rest well."

"Xiao Liang, seeing that you're fine, I'm fine too."

He murmured.

I didn't realize that I had scared Su Liang.

The author has something to say:

Lu Zhizhao: I remember a little, but not completely.

Today is also a day to try to rob the male auntie!