MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 41 figured out

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Su Zhihe agreed: "It is necessary to hurry up."

Qin Qingshun was put to bed immediately.

How much Qin Qing refused?

After all, the beauty of intimacy and body is beyond the comparison of several math problems.

Qin Qing just tasted a lot of "sweetness" in love affairs last night. It was the moment when the heart of spring was sprouting. Su Zhihe kidnapped him. Didn't leave, just followed.

What's more, Su Zhihe is too good-afraid of pleating the costume, he took it off on purpose. He was naked, but he did not require Qin Qing to be the same as him.

So hug, kiss, caress, every step is the ultimate enjoyment.

The only bad thing is that the time is limited, and it is only a little bit of time to hurry up.

After the end, Qin Qing lay on the pillow and watched Su Zhihe get dressed.

Su Zhihe turned around, Qin Qing turned his head aside.

I don't feel ashamed, love|love is nothing to be ashamed of, I just feel ashamed.

Where is he learning now? All chest muscles, abdominal muscles, Adam's apple.

Su Zhihe has been rated as the No.1 figure of Asian male stars for N consecutive years, which is all cheaper for him.

Is it because the past was too depressing?

Qin Qing sighed softly in the pillow.

This sigh, giving people a feeling of being awake just now,

The feeling of finally waking up.

What do you mean by sighing soberly?


Su Zhihe got dressed, sat by the bed, put his hand on the back of Qin Qing's head, and rubbed: "It's too late to sigh now."

Su Zhihe: "You have to recognize the reality."

Qin Qing covered his head in the pillow, secretly thinking that he would like to hear what Su Zhihe wanted him to recognize.

A breath was suddenly blown in his ear, Su Zhihe's voice was faint: "Is it easy to touch?"

Qin Qing: "…"

Of course.

The abdominal muscles alone are enough for Qin Qing to touch for a long time.

There are also smooth muscle texture lines on the body, broad shoulder blades, shoulders and back, waist and abdomen all the way down...

Qin Qing swallowed her throat unconsciously, breathing tight.

Su Zhihe sat beside him with a smirk.

On that day, Su Zhihe went to the RV a total of three times.

The first time we kissed on the bed, the second time we kissed on the sofa, and the third time we kissed directly at the table.

Qin Qing was so addicted to it that it was hard to restrain herself.

He began to understand the fallacies that Shuangfan used to indulge in 1821: "If there is a suitable person, what is it to stay in a room all day? If I am not a star, I have to guard against the paparazzi. Candid photography, I want to stuff men in the RV."

"Yu|Xian|Yu|I'm not so cool when I die, it's still me."

Qin Qingde admits that intimacy, love affairs, and even **** are wonderful experiences and feelings.

What Shuang Fan did in 1821, in addition to indulgence and mischief, also included "enjoyment".

—Enjoy the lust, the pleasure, the pleasure.

But Qin Qing also knew that she was different from Shuangfan back then. Shuangfan could ignore his heart and only use his kidneys, but Qin Qing could not.

He can lie on the same bed with Su Zhihe, not only because Su Zhihe is handsome and has a good figure.

At the same time, Qin Qing thought about it and understood very well that in the current situation, the speed of walking the kidney is much faster than the heart.

But Su Zhihe didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, he seemed to have been indulging this situation - at night, Su Zhihe wanted to stay in Qin Qing's room again.

Intellectually, Qin Qing refused, and he did.

Su Zhihe locked the door and said, "It's not wrong, so it can't be done. It's not what it should be, it's what it should be."

"It's what you want."

It's what you think.

Qin Qingxiang: I want to touch my abdominal muscles.

So that night, Su Zhihe stayed overnight, Qin Qingru tasted his abdominal muscles and enjoyed the intimate pleasures he liked recently.

While indulging in Su Zhihe's arms in the middle of the night, Qin Qing thought, he did everything he wanted to do in this life, but he still retained many habits of his previous life, especially the habitual rationality .

Why always be so sensible?

"It's what you want."

What does he want?

Qin Qing's eyes were red and her nose was sour in the joy of ups and downs.

He doesn't want anything, he just wants to be loved and loved.

I just want to live a happy, loving, rich and happy life on this new life trajectory.

This has always been his goal.

He likes Su Zhihe, he likes to kiss and be intimate with him, why did he push him away and reject him.

Because Su Zhihe is a star and an actor, this is the set, do you have to pay attention at all times?

Qin Qing's eyes were sour, and he sniffed. In the intimate caress, he suddenly felt a little wronged.

He thinks this has something to do with him?

He signed Xiang Xun's contract to be this agent, not because Su Zhiheqiang kept him, he also wanted to stay.

Why did Su Zhihe Qiang keep him? What is he staying for?

Do you have an agent with extraordinary abilities for Su Zhihe, and take your career a step further?

Shit! That's Xiang Xun's job!

He and Su Zhihe, one stayed and the other didn't leave, didn't they just roll with each other today?

Why does he always worry so much, and always have to be habitual and rational?

Since he wants to live again and live a life completely different from before, why should he worry so much? Can't be chic?

What about Su Zhihe, what about the great actor, and what about the filming crew?

It's good to be happy, and it's good to hold Su Zhihe firmly in his hand.

What's with him?

Qin Qing used both arms and legs to hug the man on him tightly.

Su Zhihe was stunned for a moment, and wanted to stand up with his arms to see what was wrong, but couldn't move, so he kissed Qin Qing's face and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Qin Qing said, "I'm just thinking, if I miss work tomorrow..."

Su Zhihe was a little out of breath and breathed evenly: "Well, I'll set an alarm later."

Qin Qing hugged the person even tighter, and said in a nonchalant tone: "whatever, make a mistake, let them wait if it's too late. You are such a big coffee, wait for you for a while. How about it."

Su Zhihe hummed when he heard the words: "Have you figured it out?"

It was Qin Qing's turn to be stunned and let go of her tight embrace.

Su Zhihe put his arms up, and Qin Qing's nose tip to nose tip, explained: "I think you've been too tense."

Sign a contract and become this broker, and you have to do it the most neatly.

There is Cui Huohuo on the set. You can go to the RV to read, but you must stay on the set.

Wang Yang was so annoying, he finally turned his face after being annoyed a lot.

Wang Shen solemnly apologized for his younger brother with three cups of white, and he also returned three cups, as if he was afraid that the etiquette would not be thorough enough.

They were smashed by Cui Huohuo and Wang Jin in the morning, which is not a shameful thing.

Su Zhihe saw it in his eyes, and knew that there was a shadow of Qin Qing's past life, and also knew that these were habits that had been prudent and restrained all the year round.

It's not that Su Zhihe doesn't like this, he can only say that he thinks Qin Qing's life is too tight.

Su Zhihe adjusted his posture, changed the pressure to hug, and persuaded: "You have two things right now."

"Reading." This is the first item.

Second, Su Zhihe turned his head to kiss Qin Qing and lowered his voice, "Mr. Qin, you usually take time to hurt me more."

Qin Qing sincerely admires that some men are really shameless when they are arrogant.

But Su Zhihe's words just made Qin Qing extremely moved.

This is what he wants.

The happy atmosphere gradually dissipated during the conversation. Su Zhihe hugged Qin Qing and began to "plan life" and "envision the future".

"You still read books in the RV. After a few days, you will switch to shooting outdoors."

"Don't pay attention to Wang Shen, he has been short of people recently, and has been poaching people everywhere."

"It's a holiday after filming this movie. You can't always follow me around if you want to read books."

Qin Qing has never been a person who likes to dig into the horns. When he says change, he changes, and when he relaxes, he relaxes: "I can go back to Shang Linglong by myself and not follow you here."

Su Zhihe quits: "Mr. Qin, please, I just fell in love, and it's not even 48 hours. Don't let me have a long-distance relationship so soon, okay?"

Qin Qing said: Oh, I just fell in love.


Qin Qingwu smiled to herself.

Su Zhihe didn't often see Qin Qing smiling so happily, so he still snickered and immediately posted it to kiss him.

Qin Qing suddenly asked: "When did you stare at me?"

Su Zhihe felt that this issue was no longer important now.

Qin Qing: "Xiang Xun chose me to be his assistant and took me to see you. Isn't that the time?"

This question is no longer important.

Qin Qing said: "You haven't seen Kou Jiang at that time, and you don't know my situation." Surprised, "You can be eighteen?! You!?"


Su Zhihe was speechless, thinking that this "18-year-old you can be a beast" stalk is not over or something.

One, two, three, four, now Qin Qing also has this expression.

But in fact, at the earliest time, I thought Qin Qing was really eighteen years old, even if Su Zhihe kept people by his side, he deliberately kept a distance.

Therefore, if Su Zhihe had to answer the question of being eighteen, it would also be: Eighteen is not very good, and you need to overcome it yourself.

But who would have thought that Qin Qing was not really eighteen, and he didn't even need to overcome it.

Su Zhihe felt that since he mentioned this issue, he simply explained it, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Qin Qing mutter: "Forget it, eighteen is fine, it's me anyway."

Su Zhihe couldn't help but admire: "As expected of Mr. Qin."

But Qin Qing muttered again: "I won't lose if I get the best actor."

Su Zhihe: "…"

Peer, you are very arrogant.

Qin Qing is not arrogant, but completely relaxed in her mentality.

Even seeing Shuang Fan who was called by Wang Jin on the set, and seeing this "old acquaintance" who had been entangled for many years in the previous life, Qin Qing had no idea.

I just feel that Shuangfan is very young, very cheerful, and as Wang Shi said, very obedient.

Let's come to the set, and after he came, he has been by Wang Jin's side, he didn't dare to say hello to people, and he didn't run around.

Wang Shi introduced them to each other, Shuangfan's eyes were bright, with a bit of curiosity, more friendly, and then smiled shyly and said: "Hello, My name is Shuangfan."

The past in Qin Qing's heart with Shuangfan suddenly disappeared.

The bridge returns to the bridge, the road returns to the road, and the intersection between him and Shuangfan is limited to this.

Just like when I stood outside Linglong Square and looked at Su Zhihe on the huge poster, I felt that the previous life was a previous life, this life is this life, everything is different, and I feel happy.

At this time, Qin Qing was in the same mood.

Especially witnessed how Wang Shi scolded Shuangfan in person.

Wang Shi: "Not filming, fall in love? Do you want to go back to your hometown and play cotton sooner?"

Shuang Fan: "Mr. Wang, I am from S city, from the urban area, and there is no cotton bomb at home."

Wang Shi: "I just scold you for an analogy!"

Shuang Fan: "Oh."

Wang Shi: "Oh what, who told you to talk back!"

Shuang Fan: "I didn't talk back, I just corrected."

Wang Shi: "Who asked you to correct it!"

Shuang Fan: "Isn't it enough to correct it?"

Wang Shi: "Don't cry!"

Shuang Fan blushed.

Wang Jin couldn't see the little boy crying in front of him, so he took out a tissue and handed it over with a headache.

Shuang Fan cried even more fiercely. He wiped his tears while crying, and apologized while wiping his tears: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I just broke up, I'm really sorry."

Wang Shen frowned: "Why are you apologizing to me?" Continue to hand over the tissue.

Shuang Fan cried with swollen eyes, looked at Wang Shen: "Thank you, Mr. Wang," wiped his nose, "Mr. Wang, you are so nice."


Su Zhihe was watching not far away, shaking his head again and again, his eyes were too bad at such a young age.

Qin Qing smiled and couldn't help laughing.

Su Zhihe look at him.

Qin Qing said, "I took Shuangfan with me before."

Su Zhihe was a little surprised, but not too surprised, asked: "Then?"

Qin shrugged lightly, then? Then no.

He just thinks it's fine now.

Su Zhihe didn't ask, but from an angle no one could see, he held Qin Qing's hand and squeezed quietly.

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