MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 37 Earnest

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Mr. Wang also sincerely sighed in his heart, Boss Su is really a beast, even eighteen years old.

In the end, I raised my glass, punished myself, and apologized to Qin Qing for Wang Yang.

"I didn't take care of Wang Yang on the set."

"Having such a bad brother."

"The problem is my fault."

Wang Shi punished himself with three cups, white.

After punishing the last cup, Wang Jin thought, is this posture too good, Qin Qing is too young, he can't stand this scene, and he doesn't know how to respond.

He was wrong.

Wang Jin punished himself three glasses of liquor, Qin Qing took Su Zhihe's glass and drank three glasses too.

Every cup has a story.

"I also have something wrong, Mr. Wang bear with me."

"I didn't intend to conflict with your brother."

"I hope I didn't leave a bad impression on Mr. Wang."

Wang was shocked.

Such a skilled entertainment, is also taught by Xiang Xun?

Can he drink?

This is white!

Wang Jin hurriedly put away the liquor bureau, got up and asked, "This alcohol is not low, can you drink it? Would you like to go to the bathroom and spit it out?"

At the same time, she blamed herself: "I blame me, I'm afraid I'm not sincere enough, I deliberately tried to make it more formal, and I asked you to drink three glasses with me..."

But Qin Qing said calmly, "It's alright."

It's really okay.

His body, as he discovered earlier, is very similar to the shell of the previous life.

He was very good at drinking in the past life, and he can drink it in this life too.

Three small cups of white only.

Before Qin Qing raised his glass, he gestured to Su Zhihe who was stopping him.

It's okay, he can drink.

In fact, he knew that it didn't matter if he didn't drink, Wang Shi specially apologized to him, and it was just a little more solemn in form.

But Qin Qing felt it was necessary.

On the one hand, because he is responsible enough, he doesn't have to hide behind Su Zhihe like a chick, on the other hand, because Wang Shi is Su Zhihe's friend, to Su Zhihe's friend, Qin Light had a somewhat different instinctive response.

This response surprised Wang Shen, let alone Qin Qing, the eyes of Su Zhihe changed.

He said to Xiang Xun before that this apprentice was really good, and now he wants to say the same to Su Zhihe.

Where did you find the boy?

The skill and momentum of Huijiu is too unusual.

Wang Jin decided to ask Su Zhihe in private after dinner.

With those few glasses of wine, Wang Jin's impression of Qin Qing changed a lot. He took Qin Qing as his own when eating and chatting.

Since they are my own people, there is nothing to talk about.

Wang Shi chatted with Su Zhihe at the dinner table about a troublesome matter in his hand recently.

"Isn't there a drama on my side? It's not big or small, and I have a lot of book fans."

"It's all about to be filmed, okay, the male lead is still **** undecided."

"It's so annoying."

It was not the first day that Su Zhihe heard Wang Shen complain about this problem: "Not yet decided?"

Wang Shen: "Yeah, on the one hand, the traffic coffee, on the other hand, the new actor who is very close to the role."

"You know, I tend to use new people, new faces, actors are more close to the characters, and they are better for the drama."

"Investors don't think so. They think that Xiaoxianrou has a lot of traffic fans, TV stations and platforms also recognize it, and advertisers also buy it."

Wang Shen said, Su Zhihe turned his head silently, and looked at Qin Qing.

Coincidentally, the issue of traffic coffee, they just discussed it before.

Wang Shen wondered what the two looked at each other: "What's wrong?"

Su Zhihe turned around and said slowly, "You don't know how to choose, I'll ask someone for you."

Wang Jin raised his eyebrows: "Okay."

Su Zhihe turned his head again, facing Qin Qing: "President Qin?"

Having called President Qin, Qin Qing stopped "pretending".

Su Zhihe took Qin Qing's juice, leaned back, and gave the two around him his vision: "Just chat."

Qin Qing just chatted casually: "If you use the traffic coffee well, everyone will benefit. If you use it badly, the side effects can directly kill you."

Wang Shen secretly said "Boss Qin" is Boss Su's unique way of addressing his family?

President Qin?

Boss Su is so shameless, in order to show his love, he even created a "wife management strict" character for himself.

But after listening to Qin Qing's words, Wang Shen agreed very much.

The side effects of traffic coffee are too obvious, and some previous dramas have already had clues.

Qin Qing: "Although it is said that audience relationship is a metaphysics, but looking at the actors who have always been popular with audiences, basically no one is a traffic coffee. In this question, actresses are slightly better, and male actors are better. Seriously, it's especially difficult to take off the status of an idol."

The words came to the heart, Wang Shen: "Yes!"

Right what.

Qin Qing said: Many people in the circle understand what he said.

But just understanding the truth is useless, it's all empty talk.

Su Zhihe asked him to talk, Qin Qing could only talk so much, what to do in the end depends on his own choice.

What's more, Qin Qing knew in his heart that since Wang Jin tends to use new people, he has not made up his mind, which means he can't resist the traffic brought by fresh meat and fresh meat.

Qin Qing doesn't need to gamble, she is sure that Wang Shen will eventually abandon the new candidate's traffic coffee.

So chat, it's really just casual chat, click until it's finished.

Wang Jinque Cui: "Is there any more?"

Qin Qing and Su Zhihe looked at each other.

Su Zhihe squinted at Wang Shi: "Just chat, are you still serious?"

I don't know, the Qin Qing in Wang Shi's eyes brought Wang Shi too many novelties and surprises.

Especially from the beginning of Qin Qing raising a glass and drinking, to the time when he made the remarks just now, the spirit and aura he showed were all amazing.

Boss Wang stared at Qin Qing and secretly said: Why is such a boy who is also Xiang Xun's apprentice and Su Zhihe's manager, and also the family member of his Boss Su?

Which company has no shortage of talent?

Is it missing? ?

Boss Wang took out a business card with bright eyes, passed his arm in front of Su Zhihe, handed it to Qin Qing in front of Su Zhihe, and was not afraid to dig on the spot The corner said: "Jumping? I'll dig you three times my salary."

Su Zhihe: "…"

Qin Qing took the business card, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Mr. Wang began to draw cakes: "The development opportunities that Xiang Xun can give you, so can I."

Su Zhihe scolded him: "I give it, you can too?"

Wang Shi: "Hey, isn't it just picking fishbone?"

Su Zhihe made a gesture to slap him, Wang Shen laughed, and winked at Qin Qing half-truth: "Really, you can find me at any time when you change jobs."

Laughing and talking, having a very happy meal.

After dinner, Qin Qing left first, and used to review and read books in the evening.

When leaving, Wang Shen reminded him with a smile: "Take your business card, don't forget it."

After Qin Qing left, Wang Jin immediately asked Su Zhihe: "Where is the child? It's a bit of a cow."

Su Zhihe asked back, "Let me tell you, wait for you to dig my corner in a fair and honest way?"

Wang Shi is ashamed: "Everyone has the love of talent."

He said, "It's not like you don't know, I have been short of people for a long time, and there is a better one, who either quit and went out to work alone, or was poached by a high salary."

Su Zhihe hummed: "Qin Qing, don't think about it."

Wang Shichong winked at Su Zhihe: "Is it my buddy? I'm not a boy who poached your family and poached you, and I can't poach someone to go to work at my place?"

Using their brains to find ways to make people for themselves: "Besides, I have been following you, you are used to it, it is not a problem for a long time. Go to my side, it is a serious job after all , I can still develop my career, which is not much better than it is now.”

Su Zhihe asked: "I'm used to having problems?"

Wang Shi: "No problem, no problem, am I not analyzing you from a long-term perspective?"

Su Zhihe asked again: "You don't have eyes, didn't you see that Qin Qing has been reading books to prepare for the exam?"

Wang Shi took a meal, forgot about it, thought about it, and was surprised: "Is he really preparing for the college entrance examination?"

I think it's incredible: "The purpose of getting a college degree is to find a good job. Now he has a springboard as high as yours, and he wants to go back to school?"

Su Zhihe raised his eyebrows: "Springboard?"

Wang Shi laughed, he was so familiar, and he was not polite in private: "How about you? Mom is almost forty. The confidence you got there doesn't feel like you're a springboard."

Su Zhihe stared at Wang Shen speechlessly.

Wang Jin looked sympathetic: "Don't be sad, Baner."

After laughing, Wang Jin recovered his seriousness: "Oh, that drama, I'll think about it again."

You are welcome to change Su Zhihe, and pierce: "What else do you think, don't you decide to use the flow coffee?"

Wang Jin: "Do I have it?"


Su Zhihe satirized him: "Mr. Wang even lied to himself?"

Wang Jin is serious: "I'm really still thinking about it."

Su Zhihe made the decision for him: "Then use a new person."

Wang Jin hesitated.

Su Zhihe said: "You still want to use traffic coffee."

Wang Jin couldn't deny it anymore, he pondered several times, and said slowly: "Shuangfan looks good, and the momentum has been very good in the past six months..."

Su Zhihe took a look at Wang Shen, and thought Qin Qing must have seen that Wang Shen wanted to use the flow coffee, so he specifically mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of using the flow coffee.

"Hey! You? Are you gone?" Wang Jin looked at Su Zhihe who stood up.

Su Zhihe: "Let's go." Go back to read a book with his family.

The family just sat down at the desk with the business card in their hands.

Although she has no intention of going back to her old job, after eating this meal today, Qin Qing has the illusion that he has regained his skills and is only one step away from his old job.

Especially when Wang Jin handed him a business card—

In the last life, Qin Qinggang was in the circle and met Wang Shi several times. Wang Shi also seemed to appreciate him quite a bit. He handed him a business card and asked him to change jobs.

Much like today.

As if somewhere, fate will have its predetermined trajectory.

But in the past life and this life, when he took the business card from Wang Shen, Qin Qing felt completely different.

In the last life, Qin Qing was very surprised to be appreciated by people like Wang Shi.

In this life, even though they have already eaten at the same table, Qin Qing's heart is very calm.

He slipped the business card into the book.

After reading the book for a while, the doorbell rang.

Qin Qing thought it was Cui Huohuo, or someone from the crew, but when the door opened, it was Su Zhihe who was supposed to be eating and chatting with Wang Shi.

Qin Qing was stunned. This stunned expression was his own expression, not the little white lotus who was wronged by Bala and who would be scolded for eating fish.

Su Zhihe stood at the door and tilted his head to look at him: "Won't you invite me in?"

This expression is not that of the Boss Su who is so caring and "tight at home".

The real face is the real face, in some cases, we have to figure it out.

However, Qin Qing's subconscious reaction was to reach out and close the door, and Su Zhihe lifted his foot against the door, as if he had expected it, looked at Qin Qing inside the door: "I said Qin Qing total…"

Qin Qing said in a heart that it was too late. He should have put on Xiao Bailian's face before he opened the door. Now it is his own face, and some men can't wait to make it clear to him.

But Qin Qing was actually a little dazed.

He probably knows why he wants to go through this "wronged" plot, but he really hasn't figured out what his true heart is.


He wasn't so sure if he liked it or not.

Because he really doesn't know what it's like to like someone.

Is your palms hot? Blushing and heartbeat? Or did he subconsciously set up a radar scan when he found another person calling for Brother He?

This is like?

Qin Qing also pressed against the door, the sound of Qin made him instinctively stand up: "Boss."

Su Zhihe was angry again.

However, he never thought that he would end up going upstairs early, but he would be stopped at the door.

The fishbone is shaved, right?

The dog food for Mr. Wang is fake and shoddy?

Su Zhihe smiled and asked, "What? Do you want to study hard as an excuse?"

A door was in front of the two of them, Qin Qing said righteously: "Study hard is what it should be, not an excuse."

Su Zhihe said faintly, "Qin never used to flirt like this and run away, and then someone blocked the door."

Qin Qing: "No."

Su Zhihe deliberately asked, "First time?"

Qin Qing supported her expression and said calmly, "This is the first time."

Su Zhihe: "That's good."

Qin Qing: "?"

I saw Su Zhihe suddenly raise his hand, seeing the person who was about to reach out and drag it to the door, Qin Qing subconsciously hid back, and at the same time closed the door harder, but Su Zhihe didn't know When he removed his foot that was holding the door, Qin Qing hurriedly pulled the door back when he saw that the door was about to catch the arm that was stretched in.

At this moment, Su Zhihe stretched out his hand and pushed the door. At the same time, the door was "broken" so easily.

Qin Qing finally understood what "that's fine" means—

The first time someone blocked the door?

If you have no experience in anti-blocking, that's fine.

Qin Qing who let the wolf in the door: "…"

And when the wolf entered the door, it would not sway slowly, and the natural goal was clear.

As soon as Su Zhihe came in, he locked the door with his backhand, and at the same time approached face to face, pushing Qin Qing against the wall.

The distance was too close, Qin Qing frowned a little, instinctively afraid that Su Zhihe would do something further, and subconsciously said: "Wait a minute!"

Su Zhihe approached, and his breath was in front of Qin Qing: "What are you waiting for?"

Speaking, he quickly kissed Qin Qing's forehead.

Qin Qing: "!!"

Su Zhihe's voice became low after the kiss, his eyes became a little dangerous, and he curled his lips: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly."

Qin Qing was completely blown up, her eyes widened, and her heart trembled.

So direct? Is it too fast? ! !