MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 35 sugar daddy

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Qin Qing can justifiably feel ashamed for not studying hard—

He's really deserting.

A deserter, always thinking about something.

Qin Qing was thinking of Su Zhihe.

I think of Su Zhihe's goodness to him, the phrase "to make you happy" that Su Zhihe said to him, and Su Zhihe's saying to him "I can do it too".

And Su Zhihe came close to him, and when he was talking to him, his heartbeat was missed and the tip of his blood dripping.

Qin Qing thought, because Su Zhihe was too close? Or because of this behavior, there is a suspicion of teasing |

And whether it is too close or suspected of provocation, in Qin Qing's side, generally before the budding stage, they can rely on instinct to directly strangle and stay away, but on Su Zhihe , All these instinctive reactions have failed?

Qin Qing was still thinking.

Thinking about it, she looked at Su Zhihe's figure on the set.

This man is more serious and attentive than he expected, and the other actors are exhausted from filming for a long time, he can shoot from day to night, very professional Very hard work again.

Qin Qing has seen many serious actors and veteran actors, and Su Zhihe is definitely the most serious one.

I am not only serious, but also willing to spend time with the director, screenwriter, and other actors on the set to polish the content and shoot.

When encountering newcomers with little experience, they will guide them seriously and without reservation.

Qin Qing knows that this is the best actor - not only with acting skills, achievements, awards, but also with the awareness of cultivating newcomers with experience and learning.

It's just this newcomer, the more Qin Qing sees it, the more unpleasant he looks.

Wang Yang was lively and active.

Wang Shi has a lot of face, the director didn't say anything to Wang Yang, probably because of Su Zhihe's relationship, other actors are also very polite to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang is very good at things. He invited him to eat and drink in the crew. The teachers and teachers shouted very diligently, and his mouth was sweet. He could talk about everything, which attracted laughter on the set.

Cui Huohuo marveled at Wang Shao's sociable ability, and said, "I've been here for so long, and I haven't gotten to know anyone else. "

Qin Qing was not surprised: he lived a prosperous life since he was a child, and his parents were surrounded by ears and eyes.

What's more, there is a big brother like Wang Shi. Before joining the group, he must have taken care of it long ago. Wang Yang's own personality is very public, and he is not afraid of anyone. Naturally, he can mix well. .

Not only can I have a good time, but my mind is still alive.

After the three chapters of the contract, Wang Yang never again brushed his presence in front of Qin Qing in front of Su Zhihe.

It's all small gestures to avoid people's ears.

Qin Qing sat outside the studio reading a book, Wang Yang came to look for Su Zhihe, the two stood a few meters away and talked, all about acting, Su Zhihe answered any questions, Wang Yang Will deliberately raise the voice higher, Mr. Su is long and Mr. Su is short.

Wang Yang's character in the play is a basketball student, and one of the props on the set is basketball.

The basketball is probably the same as Su Zhihe, and it is very compatible with Qin Qing.

Wang Yang ran over every time with a smile, picked up the ball and said with a bright face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

If you run back to the set with a smile, no one will think it was intentional.

Sometimes, Qin Qing took Su Zhihe to the RV to get something, and when he was walking on the road, Wang Yang ran over from behind and hit him hard shoulder to shoulder.

After the collision, Wang Yang turned around, faced Qin Qing, walked back and said with a smile, "Oh, I bumped into you, I didn't pay attention."

Once again, after finishing work, I met him in the hotel, Wang Yang came towards him and called Qin Qing: "High school student."

Ask like a small talk: "Have you finished reading today's book?"

Qin Qing said in a heart, this kid is not pumping.

Wang Shao, who was not pumping, quickly waited for his brother who came to support him.

As soon as Wang Jin came, it was a dinner party, a few tables were opened, and many people from the crew were invited.

Su Zhihe went, but Qin Qing did not go and stayed in the room to read.

Cui Huohuo didn't like this kind of occasion, and didn't want to go, so he was pulled over by Wang Yang.

At the dinner, Wang Yang became a fish in the water, very free, and even changed his seat to be next to Su Zhihe.

Wang Jin said that Wang Yang has no rules.

Su Zhihe said: It is indeed neither big nor small.

Wang Yang shook his head.

Wang Jin laughed, saying that Wang Yang liked to follow Su Zhihe's buttocks when he was a child, and even pulled all the cherries in the yard of Su Zhihe's house, and was picked up by Su Zhihe and beaten up meal.

Everyone laughed.

Su Zhihe, the bitter master who was picked cherries, didn't smile, looked lazy, and thought it was nothing funny, just thinking that a certain dish he just ate was good, and later called for dinner to go upstairs, Give Qin Qing a taste.

Cui Huohuo and his boss have a good heart, and while eating, they sent Su Zhihe a message: "This fish seems to be good too!"

"The bullfrog is also delicious." "There are also celery and tofu that Qin Qing likes."

Su Zhihe wanted to hurry up and bring the dishes back to the room.

So in the middle of the meal, Su Zhihe went to the bathroom on the pretext and got up and left.

Wang Shen knew he was leaving, wiped his hands with the tablecloth, got up and chased out.

The two sat on a set of Chinese carved wooden chairs in the atrium lobby and talked.

Wang Shi, with a cigarette in his hand, was really curious: "Why did you bring a child with you?"

Wang Jin had never even seen Qin Qingren, so he knew of course he heard from Wang Yang.

Su Zhihe gave Wang Shi a sideways look with a "don't meddle" look.

Wang Shi smiled and said: "I knew it from the first day Wang Yang came, and called me in a huff, saying that he had a high school student beside him, what's the matter, and he also said you Don't let him live in the room next to you, the room the crew gave him is just as intentional, and they got him another building, which is very far away from you."

Su Zhihe said in a cool tone: "Oh, I see, you are asking me to ask for a teacher for your brother's sake?"

Wang Jin Erlang raised his legs, swayed and said with a smile, "How dare I? I'm just curious, ask."

Wang Shi is not Wang Yang, Wang Yang is just wondering why there is a high school student next to his brother He, Wang Jin thinks that this is definitely not just a high school student.

Wang Shen smiled vaguely: "Really a high school student?"

Su Zhihe looked at Wang Shen.

Wang Shen Xin said that this is not refuted, it seems to be true.

So she stopped smoking the cigarette, twisted it out, suppressed her voice, and exclaimed: "I can understand that the iron tree is blooming, is it a little too much for you? You are a high school student?"

Another face of gossip: "Where did the child come from? Just follow you like this? Did your parents peel you off?"

Su Zhihe asked him, "You don't want your skin anymore?"

Wang Jin, as Su Zhihe's friend, obviously belongs to the brazen one: "I don't care, my skin is not important."

asked: "When did it happen? How did I know? How long have you been?"

He said again: "Boss Su, you can do it! I can't see it, even high school students!"

Su Zhihe got up.

Wang Jin raised his voice: "I knew I would call someone down for dinner at night."

Su Zhihe left without looking back.

Wang Shi also got up and met his younger brother waiting outside the box in the corridor.

Wang Yang stretched his neck and looked behind Wang Shi, without adding Su Zhihe, he pouted: "Brother He is gone."

Wang Shi: "Let's go." He said and stepped up.

Wang Yang grabbed him: "Hey! Brother!"

Wang Shi: "?"

Wang Yang: "That Qin Qing, have you asked, who is he?"

"Who?" Wang Shen smiled and asked: "Who do you think it will be? Who can it be?"

And said: "You brother He doesn't even want an assistant, there are many people around, what else can it be?"

Wang Yang reacted after realizing it, and opened his mouth in astonishment.

The next day, on the set, Wang Shen met Qin Qing.

Growing up handsome.

Wang Yang retorted: "Don't you think he looks like a little white face."

Wang Shi: "It's just white skin."

Wang Yang sneered.

Wang Jin looked over again and said, "It's really a high school student." He has been reading.

Wang Yang: "Who knows if it is." Now who is preparing for the college entrance examination and not studying in school? Why is he not at school as a student?

Wang Jin stretched his eyes and saw Su Zhihe returning to Qin Qing from the set, the two sat side by side and raised their eyebrows: "Yo!"

Wang Yang was irritable.

Wang Shen stretched out his hand and snorted at him: "What are you irritating? Brother He likes it, do you have any opinions?"

Wang Yang has an opinion. As Wang Shi said, he has been a follower around Su Zhihe since he was a child. As Su Zhihe, the follower should be like.

The follower thinks that he has known him since he was a child, and has been in friendship for more than ten years, but he is not partial to him. Three chapters of the covenant.

Wang Yang was very angry the first day he arrived.

Well now, it turns out that agents are not just brokers, and high school students are not just high school students.

Wang Yang asked: "Why is he?"

Wang Shen is funny: "Why? It depends on what you like, Brother He."

Wang Yang: "Isn't he a high school student?"

Wang Shi gave Wang Yang a warning look.

The more Wang Yang thought about it, the more angry he became.

Wang Shen knew in his heart that this was probably the child's desire for monopoly, similar to a toy that he had since he was a child and suddenly found out that the toy was only borrowed and did not really belong to him.

Wang Yang's desire for exclusiveness projected on Su Zhihe is not just as simple as wanting to own a toy.

Su Zhihe is still the idol of Wang Yang since childhood.

The elder brother can only guide patiently: "If you like Brother He, the person must be very good."

Wang Yang said, "But I don't like him."

Wang Shi is very direct: "You don't like it, your brother He likes it."

Wang Yang: "He doesn't like me either!"

Wang Shi felt that this younger brother was too difficult to manage.

The result is that Wang Yang has more small actions, the blatant kind—

Wang Yang began to pester Su Zhihe from morning to night, discussing roles, plots, and filming.

Follow me during breaks and meals.

Su Zhihe was busy filming, so Wang Yang went to bother Qin Qing.

If Wang Jin takes people away, not long after, Wang Yang, who has long legs and feet, will run back.

Su Zhihe thought at first that Wang Yang was just guilty of an old problem, plus Wang Shi, a brother, came and had someone to support him, and he became more and more unscrupulous.

I realized later that Wang Yang was messing around with a mentality similar to "destruction".

Su Zhihe warned Wang Yang for the second time.

Wang Yang promised in his mouth, but he still acts.

He was smart in front of Su Zhihe and Wang Jin, but behind his back.

—He didn't let Qin Qing read the book, he asked Qin Qing to talk, and interrupted what Qin Qing was doing.

Ask Qin Qing: "Are you really a high school student? It's not pretending, right? Just like those stars concave their characters, they also embody a simple and simple high school student character."

"You've all mixed up with Brother He, you must be very scheming."

Wang Yang continued: "Look, I said so many ugly things to you, and you didn't even react at all, what is it that you have a scheming and shrewdness?"

Wang Yang: "As a normal high school student, at this age, anyone, even a girl, will raise their hands and beat me."

Wang Yang: "What about your family? Don't your parents care about you?"

Wang Yang: "Are you one of those who specialize in short | big | money?"

Qin Qing was always calm.

He looks at Wang Yang like an adult looking at a child, but it's just some kind of nonsense.

But Wang Yang is not a real child, the child only has innocent and innocent childish words, but Wang Yang's lips and tongues are poisonous knives.

"You don't film?" Qin Qing asked.

Wang Yang asked: "I didn't shoot? Didn't I shoot all the time?"

Qin Qing: "So you've been shooting for so many days, you can't even figure out the camera position, and you haven't learned how to look at the camera?"

Wang Yang was taken aback: "What nonsense are you talking about! When will I stop looking at the camera and the camera?"

Qin Qing motioned to the studio: "You just took more than 20 shots in one shot, at least half of them went wrong when you were walking, and a few times you ran too fast and ran out of the camera. ."

Wang Yang said again: "You are talking nonsense!"

Qin Qing: "Whether I'm talking nonsense, you know it yourself."

Wang Yang: "Shit! You don't understand anything!"

Qin Qing shrugged indifferently: "It doesn't matter if I understand or not, anyway, I'm not an actor or filming, you are."

Qin Qing didn't wait for Wang Yang to retort, and continued: "By the way, you don't need to shoot so seriously."

Qin Qing: "These scenes of yours are optional in the plot."

Qin Qing: "It will be cut in the end anyway."

Qin Qing: "I'll leave you with at most two shots that add up to a few seconds."

Saying this to the filmmakers is like telling the cooks that all the dishes you cook will end up in the trash, and it’s weird if you don’t fry them.

Wang Yang exploded so thoroughly, he stood up and glared at Qin Qing: "Fuck you!"

Suddenly, the studio was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at him.

Wang Jin saw that it was his own stinky brother who was frying his hair, and the secret was not good, so he quickly walked in the direction of Qin Qing and Wang Yang.

Su Zhihe was one step faster than Wang Shen.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast you go, Qin Qing's mouth is not as fast.

"Master Wang, don't you really think that you can become an actor and make a movie if you come over and stay on the set for a few days?"

"The filmmaker is just selling favors to Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang is just giving you an unimportant little role in the movie to coax you to play."

"What everyone understands, only you think that you are filming."

Wang Yang was agitated and became angry, and he was about to make a move, Qin Qing preemptively said: "You can come, I promise not to fight back. You all said that I have a scheming, a shrewdness, and an impure purpose. I just happened to take this opportunity to use bitterness to hold you brother He firmly."

Footsteps and Wang Shi's low drink sounded behind him, Wang Yang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, holding back: "You dare!"

Qin lightly hooked her lips.

Dare? Of course he dares.

After all, he is indeed very shrewd, and it is a scheming thing that can be easily used.

So when Su Zhihe and Wang Jin were about to arrive, Qin Qing, in front of Wang Yang, took back all the expressions he had not long ago, and instantly transformed into an innocent frowning face With a blank face, he lowered his eyebrows and said to Wang Yang, "Young Master Wang, don't do this, I just want to read a book for a while. If you think I'm an eyesore, I'll take a look at the RV."

"Wang Yang! What are you doing!" Wang Jin just heard it, and his first reaction was that the stinky brother was causing trouble again, and he was just mad.

Su Zhihe glanced at Wang Yang coldly.

Wang Yang fried his hair, regardless of whether it was on the set, raised his finger to Qin Qing: "He pretended! It's all fake!"

Wang Jin: "Be honest with me!"

Wang Yang was not honest, he pointed at Qin Qing and wanted to complain, but was blocked by Su Zhihe's words: "If you don't want to film, get out."

Wang Yang didn't expect Qin Qing to say that he was yin, and he could really be yin, and when he heard the word "roll" from his brother He's mouth, the sky collapsed.

The treatment on Qin Qing's side was completely different. Not only did he not get the slightest scolding from Su Zhihe, but he was comforted with concern: "Don't be angry, don't care about children."

Wang Yang: "???" Who is the child? Qin Qing is a child! He is obviously two years older than Qin Qing!

Qin Qing really walked away from Wang Yang's script—

Su Zhihe took Qin Qing's book and sent Qin Qing to the RV.

On the way, Qin Qing suddenly whispered, "I am also a child."

Su Zhihe heard this, paused, looked at Qin Qing, and tasted it secretly.

When they were about to reach the RV, Su Zhihe approached his head and said in Qin Qing's ear, "Are you angry?"

At this moment, Qin Qing thought to himself, he didn't expect that one day his shrewdness and scheming would have such a purpose.

What I didn't expect was that it was very handy when I used it for the first time, as if I was born with it.

—I saw Qin Qing lowered his eyes sullenly and pursed his lips, like a high school student who was really bullied, and said in a low voice, "He bullied me."

Su Zhihe saw all this, and the corners of his lips slowly raised: "Don't be afraid, my brother will support you."

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