MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 29 sharp edge

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That night, Xiang Xun really brought a contract over.

Place it on the dining room table, tap on the cover of the contract with her finger, motion to Qin Qing, then turn to the last page of the contract, remove the cap, put it in place, flip the contract over, and push it to the side of the table, Make another "please" gesture.

When it was, Qin Qing was reading a book, Su Zhihe and Cui Huohuo were sitting on the sofa with their mobile phones, Xiang Xun's behavior of not saying a word or saying a word after entering the door attracted the three of them together look.

Seeing "Please", Qin Qing got up and walked over.

Xiang Xun leaned on the table, raised his hand to look at the watch, obviously there were other things to do, he had to leave after signing, saying: "Sign first, after signing, read the terms, if there is anything inappropriate or If you have any questions, the boss is there anyway, so you can ask him."

It's so neat and tidy, it doesn't take the contract seriously.

Qin Qing didn't talk nonsense, and signed his signature.

After signing, Xiang Xun applauded with a sense of ceremony: "Congratulations, congratulations."

Congratulations after talking about other things efficiently: "I will join the group tomorrow. With President Qin here, I will not be with you. I have other things."

When Cui Huohuo heard this sentence, President Qin was inexplicable, and he began to feel that he must have missed something in the past few days.

Xiang Xun has already taken back his pen, pulled open the suit and put it into the inner pocket|insert, while |insert| gave Qin a light glance.

Qin Qing followed Xiang Xun to the gate and stood outside.

Xiang Xun put his hands in his pockets, pondered for a moment, and said, "Ask you something."

"That Kou Jiang," Xiang Xun looked thoughtful, "How is this person? Do you know more?"

Since Qin Qing has revealed his identity, he does not continue to pretend to be ignorant, and directly asks: "Did something happen?"

Xiang Xun raised his arm, crossed it in front of him, bit his thumb, still with a thoughtful look on his face, looked up at Qin Qing, and said, "The guy is now starting to turn to us again. surrendered."

Xiang Xun took Qin Qing as his own person, and did not hide this issue: "I have been thinking for the past two days whether I can use this person."

It can be used, the best, who would think that there are many "prophet"-like characters around.

If you can't use it, you have to think about how to "handle" it.

Unfortunately, people are not objects. Objects can be directly "disposed" into the trash can, and people can't throw them away in bags.

So in recent days, Xiang Xun has been thinking about Kou Jiang's problem.

Qin Qing thought about it for a while, but didn't give any opinion, only said what he knew.

"Kou Jiang first worked in a TV station. After accumulating experience and contacts, he moved to the platform. After staying on the platform for a few years, he came out as an independent producer."

Only talk about ability and not talk about the grudges between them...

Qin Qing: "It's okay."

This evaluation is okay, dispelling a small part of Xiang Xun's heart.

Xiang Xun nodded: "Okay, I'll figure it out myself." Then he muttered: "Anyway, recently, he doesn't want to leave."

Boss Su wants him to write A4 paper.

Qin Qing didn't know why: "?"

"It's nothing." Xiang Xun smiled and teased: "It will be hard for you to join the group later, President Qin."

Qin Qing took out the habit of chatting with people in the circle before: "It's not hard, serve the boss."

Xiang Xun waved and walked towards the elevator: "The boss will appreciate you."

Qin Qing: "Don't be grateful, it's my job, what I should do, just raise my salary."

Xiang Xun walked into the elevator, waved his hand, and stepped out again: "By the way, I'll turn around and ask someone to send you some clothes, we're an agent, so you still have to have the proper style. Yes, you can't lose your share."

The agent was only surprised.

My wife is too young!

So handsome?

Are you sure it's not an assistant?

If you are not an assistant, how can you be so skilled?

—On the first day of joining the group, Qin Qing contacted all departments and added the contact information to ensure that there are corresponding people to communicate and solve any problems.

I went to the studio ahead of time to see the scenery and the scene, and asked the on-site teacher, what scenes did Weiya use, and which model Weiya used, and then went to the teacher in charge of Weiya in advance Meet and greet.

In addition, the problem of squatting on behalf of filming is rampant due to the fact that actors are stationed around the studio and hotels all year round.

Qin Qing contacted Su Zhihe's usual security team, discussed the issue of anti-photography, and purchased enough white and black umbrellas to prevent candid and squatting.

Including problems such as meals, lounge chairs, RVs, etc., no matter how small or small, Qin Qing will arrange and solve them as soon as he joins the group.

In the dressing room, Qin Qing reported the time when Su Zhihe arrived for her makeup according to the notices from the first few days.

The dressing room may see that Qin Qing is young and think he does not understand, so he tries to fool: "Manager Qin, the dressing room has working hours every day, you can also read the itinerary, Su The teacher starts work at 10 o'clock and goes to the group to shoot, and before 7 o'clock, people must sit in the dressing room and do their makeup."

Qin Qing did not argue, but instead asked: "Do you want to reverse the mold?"

Powder Room: "Uh, no."

Qin Qing: "You don't need to pour the mold, you don't need to do any styling, and the makeup of this show is also simple. I've given you enough time."

Not waiting for the dressing room to find other reasons, Qin Qing directly emphasized: "It's not enough, you can adjust it, I can discuss it here."

If it cannot be adjusted, it will be difficult to negotiate and not humane.

Powder Room: "…"

Not only did she adjust the reasonable makeup time, she also directly rejected the pre-shooting interview arranged by the filmmaker.

Qin Qing: "Mr. Su has no time."

The other party: "We have already made arrangements, just two hours! Other actors and teachers will also be there!"

Qin Qing: "Since there is such a process, it should be said in advance."

The other party asked: "If you don't tell me in advance, won't you do it?"

Qin Qing asked in return, "If you want to let Teacher Su cooperate without saying it in advance, what about his own schedule?"

Not to mention that there are no other actors and teachers who would say this.

This kind of ad hoc interviews without a good hello in advance is usually done by asking someone big and easy to talk to. When I heard that someone went and was called, I would think it would be bad if I didn't go, so I would naturally follow.

It's all routines, designed to fool people who don't understand.

Qin Qing understands it all, so it's clear from top to bottom.

And it doesn't take much, two or three times, the reputation will spread quietly in the crew.

The magic is that it is obviously different from the time of "Life in Despair".

At that time, people often looked at Qin Qing with tinted glasses, and felt that he stayed by Su Zhihe's side as an assistant. There must be a close relationship between the two and something.

So flickering and strong, with a bit of Xiang Xun's style when he was young, is it the apprentice brought by the big agent?


So Qin Qing got more attention and respect than when recording variety shows.

As an executive broker, it is much more convenient to contact and communicate with people and deal with any problems.

In this way, Qin Qingqian had completely different feelings before and after.

These feelings touched Qin Qing's heart.

These touches are probably that, although I planned to take a different path and lead a completely different life, and I did not officially return to the original old path, but relying on past experience to become familiar with When it comes to things, I just feel handy, there is no expected... disgust.

But Qin Qingyuan really thought that when he wanted to abandon his former self and make a clean break with the past, to regain those familiar things would make him deeply uncomfortable.

But there is none at all?

Qin Qing couldn't help but think, why not?

Because the environment has changed.

Because he is no longer alone and alone.

He is an agent, no longer because he wants to climb up, but because he stays by one person.

After he has done one thing, what will be the result of the drilling camp, whether this result is beneficial or beneficial to him, and he will no longer fall into the unease of nowhere.

Now he is doing things like solving a problem and reciting a text. There is a beginning and an end, and a ending.

He had a clear sense of stability in his heart.

And all this is deduced from causes, all because—

Congratulations to Su Zhi.

On the set, in the chaos, Su Zhihe and his partner's actors and directors were discussing a shooting content.

Qin Qing and Cui Huohuo were in the corner outside the scene.

Unconsciously, he was busy after joining the group, which made his original temperament stretch, and gradually became the same as before.

That is no longer the quietness of his low-key reading when he was an assistant, but a bit more sophisticated and steady and undisguised sharpness, his temperament and aura quietly appeared, and his own image was beautiful, suddenly Can't take your eyes off.

If Kou Jiang is present now, he will definitely tremble twice, secretly thinking that this is not Qin Qing from the previous life! ?

The Qin Qing in the previous life, or should be said, Qin Qing at the moment, is obviously a dazzling existence.

Cui Huohuo raised his head inadvertently between games, and was stunned when he saw Qin Qing standing still with his aura in his pocket.

Qin, Qin Qing?

Cui Huohuo opened his mouth, originally doubtful in his heart, and made a sound unconsciously.

Qin Qing heard the sound and lowered her head: "Well."

Cui Huohuo was stunned and blinked: "Uh, what..." No words to ask, "Aren't you going to sit?"

"No." Qin Qing retracted his gaze, took out his hand from his trouser pocket, and folded his arms in front of his chest, standing firmly in place.

Cui Huohuo scratched his neck: what's wrong with this brother, how is it like taking a ripening agent, he changed from a child to an adult overnight?

In the shooting venue, Su Zhihe tilted his head and happened to see it.

Seeing Qin Qing's sophistication and hugging his chest, as well as the quiet change of his aura.

Su Zhihe hummed softly and smiled calmly.

People's experience is integrated into the bone and blood, it is too difficult to conceal, but it is easy to inspire and reveal.

This kind of Qin Qing is right.

Su Zhihe finished chatting with others and walked back.

Going closer, his mind moved a little, he raised his hand, and the script rolled up in his hand tapped Qin Qing's chin lightly, hummed: "What a daze."

After avoiding, he raised his hand neatly, and stroked the chin with the back of his fingers.

At the same time, she raised her eyes and projected straight, looking back at Su Zhihe.

Su Zhihe was stunned for a moment, then put down his hands angrily, and looked at Qin Qing silently.

The eyes are facing each other, and there is some tension between the two of them, which is not obvious, but it is enough to make people see that Qin Qing's aura is not weaker than that of Su Zhihe, and even in a certain For a moment, it gives a feeling of being evenly matched.

The corner was silent for a while.

For a moment, Su Zhihe raised his eyebrows and asked, "Mr. Qin, is the reaction too much?"

Qin Qing put her hands in her pockets and said firmly, "Sorry, instinct."

Cui Huohuo, sitting at the feet of the two with his neck raised: wow~ Qin Qing looks so strong! cool!

Cool Qiang's manager Qin motioned Assistant Cui to bring water to Su Yiren.

Cui Huohuo took it, Su Zhihe didn't take the water, looked at Qin Qing: "I don't even have water for me now?"

Qin Qing put one hand in her trouser pocket, looked down at her phone, turned her feet in one direction, and said without raising her head, "Well, I have something to do, I'll go out for a while."

Speak and go.

Leave a Su Zhihe with a script in his hand, and Cui Huohuo with a water.

Two: "…"

Cui Huohuo stood up, his face full of surprise, and said to Su Zhihe, "Boss, do you think Qin Qing has been...

Su Zhihe drew water from his hand, threw the script over, and glanced at the direction Qin Qing left.

Cui Huohuo paused: "What's wrong?"

Su Zhihe took a large sip of water, sipped it in his mouth, and swallowed it slowly, his eyes narrowed and his expression bad, like a wolf thinking about conspiracies.

The wolf is thinking: Qin Qing is like this, he really doesn't need to worry too much like before, he can use some extraordinary means.

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